Challenges In Implementing An E-Voting System In Bangladesh: A Management Perspective
Problems Faced in Implementing E-Voting System in Bangladesh
Describe about the Problems Faced By E-Voting System In Bangladesh Due To Lack Of Proper Management?
Electronic Voting System is one of the emerging technological developments that can be viewed in most part of the world. It has been seen that E-voting system is adopted by the western country that removes the problem of corruption and fraud in voting. In recent years Bangladesh has also implemented the E-voting system to reduce the problems faced in the last elections. But the system itself is not the only solution to the problems faced by the government and the voting system of the country. The management team also needs to execute the plans for implementing the e-voting system in the country. This report is based on analyzing the problems faced by the management teams for implementing a proper E-Voting system in Bangladesh.
IT projects highly depends on management team for implementing the entire system. Management and administrative department is the main people on whom the entire project depends on. The entire project depends on the capabilities of the management people. It is important to see how the management team takes care of the project for proper execution of the plans. As Bangladesh government wants a fare voting system, it is important for the government to check the registration system for voters. In a democratic country it is important to consider the public voting for determining the government of the country (Bangladesh voting project nears completion, 2008). But the government fails to meet the criteria of fare voting because the voting system in Bangladesh is earlier days were based totally on paper works and no electronic evidence were kept on who is voting and from were. To execute the problems the EVM system implemented by Bangladesh government but still there are some issues that needs to be considered while implementing the E-Voting system by the management team. This project talks about the problems that the E-voting system faces due to lack of proper administration and management techniques (Sarker and Uddin, 2014).
The most important problem that needs to be considered is that each person votes single time to exclude the problem of corruption and fraud through the E-voting system. This is the problem of communication that occurs among the members of the Voting committee that uses the system. It is the major issue that the government faces to stop fraudulent in e-voting system (Faisal, Hossain and Bhuiyen, 2014). The major problem that the management team faces or the technique that the government lacks in implementing a proper E-voting system is the communication technique. It is the main failure of the government. It is the most important problem issue that needs to be considered while implementing proper IT technique of voting. The government needs to develop a system that will help to know whether a person has voted or not, whether the citizen is voting on his behalf or whether or not the person has casted his or her own vote. A proper communication plan is the most important aspect that must be looked after while implementing an IT project plan. Without a proper communicational strategy a project cannot be developed and implemented to meet the requirement of the users.
Research Methodology
The major research question around which the entire hypothesis revolves is how communicational problems affect the E-voting System in Bangladesh? Some other questions that also needed to be answered in this research are:
- Is the communication strategy major failure for poor voting system in Bangladesh?
- What problems the system actually faces?
- How can these problems overcome?
The hypothesis is done on the problems faced by the voting committee in properly using the EVM technology to remove the fraud in vote casting in Bangladesh. The main objective of the research is to know the loop holes of the voting committee in their communicational strategy and find proper solution for excluding the problems (Nasreen, 2003). It is important for the management to know the exact problems that can occur with the system and find out proper solution for the problems. Here, the proposal deals with the issue that the report is going to discuss as a whole. As it is known that the voting committee is not able to properly register the voters and check their identity while conducting the votes because all this procedures are done manually there occurs the problem of communication among the voting committee members. Though the records are kept electronically but the inputs are done manually while conducting votes (Schuessler, 1969). The research studies the problems faced in the E-Voting system in Bangladesh due to the lack of proper communication among the members of the voting committee, and how can this problems be solved.
For conducting a research it is important to make plans and develop strategy to collect data and information on the given topic (Davenport, 1967). In this research two different methods will be used to collect data and information. The first and foremost strategy that is followed in this research is survey that is conducted with the help of studying internet sources (Sarker and Islam, 2013). To complete the research work a survey will be conducted with the help of questionnaires that will be asked to common people through social networking sites. The questions will contains the detail of the situations faced in the e-voting system of Bangladesh and people will be asked that what they think about the communication problem faced by the voting committee for implementing the e-voting system in the country. The second method used in this report is the observation method through which the data collected is observed to understand the problems faced in the E-voting system in Bangladesh. By using the observation strategy the data collected from the internet sources are analyzed to provide an outcome of the research in the forms of results and findings of the research.
Data collection is one of the major and the most difficult task for any researcher. Data is collected in two different ways. In the first way the data is collected from the primary sources through direct interviews and questionnaires. In the second method the data is collected from the secondary sources like, internets, books, journals etc. In this research the primary as well as secondary method of data collection is used. People have been as questions about the communication problem of the management in implementing the e-voting system and some data is being collected by studying several articles and journals that provides information about the e-voting system in Bangladesh and what problems are generally faced by the voting committee of Bangladesh in conducting a fare voting in the country that is fraud and corruption free (Haque, Azad and Rahman, 2010). Several journals have been studied and data collected are sampled out to provide proper analysis on the provided topic.
Data Collection
Here in this research several types of statistical analysis have been made to find out the results of the analysis. Descriptive statistics method is a way of statistical analysis in which proper information is provided about the conditions discussed in the research. The descriptive method helps to provide statistical analysis of the group of data in the form of standard deviation and measures of central tendency. It helps to analyze the dependency and independency of the data and variables collected in conducting the research study (Denham, 1979). It helps to provide proper information on the given data and variables that helps the researcher to provide ample information on the given study. It does not provide any boundation on the data and variable populations that has been used in the research to provide the analysis. The population can be large or small depending on the research topic that has been used. But in this research the data collected is sampled with the help of probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling method depending on the importance of the data to analyze the situation on the given topic (International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory & Practice, 2012). Therefore in this research the inferential statistical method of analysis has been used to conduct the research analysis.
Research study or hypothesis depends on proper collection of data and analysis of data. It is the most important part of hypothesis. This is because the entire outcome of the research depends on the data collected and how the researcher analysis the collected data. This section is divided into three sub-sections that will make the procedure easier to understand.
In this research the data is collected by secondary method by using the internet sources and social networking sites. People have been asked questions about the major issue faced by the e-voting system in Bangladesh that is the communication problem among the members of the voting committee for proper to know what people think about the system and the communicational strategy of the committee about implementing the e-voting system. Data collected are arranged with the help of spreadsheet and converted into variables for proper analysis (Goel and Blair, 1979).The data are converted into variables by proper sampling method. As it is know that the data collection involves a huge population therefore a proper data sampling technique has been used to arrange the variables for analysis. It is important for the researcher to identify proper data and describe it and summarize the data appropriately for representing the research report properly.
After the collection of the data comes the analysis. It is important for the researcher to understand the relationship between the variables and make a comparative study with the different variables collected for analysis (Richter and Blair, 1980). Through a proper comparative study the researcher can identify the differences between the variables and forecast the outcome of the studies. For doing this statistical analysis have been made with the collected data to know the measures of the central tendencies, standard deviation and correlation among the variables. For doing the statistical analysis the SPSS analytical tool can be used that helps to find the dependency and independency of the variables. Hence, for completing the hypothesis and forecasting the outcomes, descriptive analysis has been done in this report.
As it is know that interpretation is the process of adding meaning to the variables and data presented in the report. Numbers don’t speak and provides the outcome of the report. It is important to interpret the data and variables represented in the research report with the help of words, graphs and tables. In the research study the data and variables will be represented with the help of descriptive analysis and proper graphs and tables will be presented to support the data and variables (Goel and Blair, 1979).This graphs and explanations help to interpret the findings of the research study. The interpretation of the data helps to provide outcomes and provides the learning of the research. The interpreted data is used to provide proper recommendation to the management team or the voting committee to solve the problems of communication for proper implementation of the e-voting system in Bangladesh to remove the fraudulent in the voting system.
Communicational Problems Affect the E-voting System
For successful completion of a specific project it is always needed to analyze the problem related to the project and try to find the relative answers according to solve the problems. In this project it has been seen that the communication among the people in Bangladesh proves to be a vital issue for E-voting system (Sarker and Uddin, 2014). As voting was done in the traditional way in the said country therefore to try a new voting system will be very tough at first. To start the E-voting system first of all people have been needed to make understand about the whole procedure. Also, a large number of manpower is also needed to complete the work (Richter, 1980). However here comes the main issue of communication. In Bangladesh most of the people are living in village areas and therefore to reach them in any situations proves very much demanding at times. Also, the literacy rate here in Bangladesh is very low (Voting Agreement or Voting Trust? A Quandary for Corporate Shareholders: Corporations. Voting Trusts. Intercorporate Voting Agreement, 1958). The application of global internet is limited in urban sectors of Bangladesh while the rural people are very much below poverty level. So, the issue of communication becomes one of the hardest problems to face to apply E-voting in the country. Additionally, people are not so much interested here to the political issue as they are mostly unaware of the politics due to rural systems (Green-Armytage, 2014). The countryside people earns their living mainly by farming and fishing. Therefore it will be very hard to start the process. Also the national language of the country being Bengali the people here are mostly known this language only (Sarker and Islam, 2013). So, for the purpose of the cause one have to employ more and more Bengali knowing people by providing them enough training and support. In the past years here in Bangladesh the voting percentage is very low and due to the ignorance and mostly for the communication gaps people here are not able to vote for the cause of the country. The area of voting always becomes a critical part for the country as no possible measures can help to improve the percentage of voting (Leech and Leech, n.d.). Not only the communicational problem is affecting the issues but also there are several more problems yet to be analyzed and to be solved. Since the independence of the country Bangladesh is a very poor country. The country has to face floods like natural calamities and that also does not help the cause. No specific industrial model is set up in the country (Goel and Blair, 1979). The civilians are therefore have to get the living mainly by farming and fishing in the rural areas. Therefore the poverty of the country does not help the people to adopt new functions. Besides, the illiteracy count since the independence is a lot higher. That also hinders to implement new computerized system in this country (Richter and Blair, 1980). From the history one can know that Bangladesh has been indulged in many civil wars and that is also one of the reasons why the country is so much backward in economic as well as educational sectors.
After all the analysis the first important thing is to help the civilians to be educated and show them the importance of education. Additionally, the improvement of science and technology is needed to be understood by the country people. Internet literacy as well as internet facility has to be arranged to promote E-voting system in the country (Voting Agreement or Voting Trust? A Quandary for Corporate Shareholders: Corporations. Voting Trusts Interoperate Voting Agreement, 1958). Through several campaigns and workshops the importance of the E-voting has to be told to the general people. The duty of voting and the importance of it have to be discussed in front of the crowd. The people must have been encouraged to participate in the political issues and also teach them to understand the E-voting system (Bangladesh voting project nears completion, 2008). The process is hard though but not impossible. It will take time to initiate the E-voting in the country. However if the group can meet the common people and encourage them day to day basis the future can be changed and the system of new voting techniques can be implemented in the country. Of course the time will prove to be a vital factor to implore the total project (Faisal, Hossain and Bhuiyen, 2014). The management has to observe each of these stated factors to make E-voting possible in Bangladesh.
After conducting the research some new questions have been developed that will increase the interest of the readers. The new research questions are as follows (Imam, 2012):
- How can communication strategy be developed to meet up the problems of the E-voting system?
- Will the new communication strategy be effective in solving the problem?
- What more technical development can be implemented in the system?
- How to develop the system in a better way to exclude the communicational problems?
- Will Bangladesh be able to stop the fraudulent in the voting system of the country by implementing the new system and strategy?
The research studies about the problems faced by the E-voting system due to the lack of proper communication among the management team of the voting committee and the technical fault of the committee. It has been found that though the committee uses the advance technology of EVM, but still yet it faces some causes of fraud due to corruption and communicational problem in the manual system of the voting committee. The entire report is presented on knowing the actual problem of communication and how can this problem be solved to implement the e-voting system to reduce the occurrence of fraud in the voting system of Bangladesh. The committee must take proper technical steps to exclude the lack of communication in the E-voting system of Bangladesh.
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