Challenges Faced By University Of Australia In Brini Island – Analysis
Administrative Strategy of Australian Universities
Administrative Strategy of Australian Universities
Identification of problems and analyzing
State and evaluate the reasons why University of Australia is facing problems in the Brini Island of Pacific in regards to its administration.
The University of Australia has opened successfully a new campus in Brini which is a Pacific Island Nation. However, it met with a few challenges in the beginning in terms of establishing connections with the local culture and an interpersonal relation is also a matter of big trust. However this problem also being retained further while managing the top management by the Director Manager Jack Solan. The administrative team of University of Australia was also not disciplined and also there are many other problems which are listed below.
Building Trust and cultural connections
The Uncertainty and Reduction Theory is one of the major theories which describe about the process through which one gains knowledge about a stranger by going through the steps of uncertainty. This level of uncertainty enhances the distance between the people (Hogg, 2016). This can be reduced through waging interactive strategies of asking questions and self disclosure. This theory can be related to the problem when Jack Solan, who was an outsider, the managing director of University of Australia noticed some of the major business practices compared to the country Australia. He faced uncertainty behavior from the local organizations while he attended meeting with the Government. He was completely ignored and the discussion was carried on in the local language. Later Kevin Balna, the Director from Brini said that the outsiders are not trusted normally (Smith, 2013).
Administrative Management Theory by Henry Fayol
According to this theory, while running a business, the division of the work is needed to be proper and accordingly there must be a discipline which is the true identity of the business. It means the business must have specific goals and objectives (Murugesan, 2014). The justice needs to be done with the work and the unity of the command has to be strict to ensure the running of the business properly. This can be evaluated with the problems that are being happening inside the University of Australia. Inside the University, Jack Solan noticed that the administrative staffs have chosen different timings of their arrival. Even the other rooms were left completely which gives idea that the low enrollments in the work place are taking place. While Solan asked the problems to the staff of administration, the managers never gave any proper guidance to the administrative staffs and also on the other hand, the school students are not receiving any proper quality of education which the university completely overlooked the matter. The administrative departments of the University also did not have any specific goals and objectives to run the management properly (Sapru, 2013). Therefore, it needs to be taken into account about linking the theory with this problem. The need of the implementation of the theory is a must process and accordingly the causes of the problem will be solved.
Building Trust and cultural connections
Behavioral Theory of Leadership
The main focus of this theory is to study the different behaviors of the Leaders who exercise tremendous influence on the working s of the group (Northhouse, 2015). However, linking to the case study, Jack Solan noticed that it could be said that the certain objectives of the University were being hideen from the Staff as Kevin who is the Director implemented it without consulting Jack Solan as the latter does not carry any past experience about the country and their local behaviors (Northhouse, 2015). Therefore, behind Solan, the teams were given certain impartial objectives which are implemented and resulting to the improper management of the teams. Therefore, the behavior of the leader is must to look down the administration of his team and manage them accordingly.
The main causes of these problems can be summarized in two causes. Firstly, if it is taken the immediate cause, there is no availability of the written documents which could set out the objectives of the Business procedures. Secondly, the most important is Jack Solan who is an Australian who is regarded as a Manager Director was not trusted completely by other local senior managers. It might happen they do not want Jack to interfere in the business strategy and as a result the local managers must take care of the administration. The role of ethnicity and motivation play a significant role in this particular case study.
The major problems that could be identified in this case study are
Inter cultural and trust issues
The intercultural and Trust issues are considered one of the basic problems in this case study. Firstly Jack Solan who is an Australian was appointed as a Director Manager of this University of Australia in Brini Campus which is a Pacific Island Nation. However Jack Solan being an Australian faced some of the cultural or ethnic issues while a meeting was waged with the local organizations and the Government where Solan was completely ignored in the meeting as ‘Outsiders’ are not trusted completely. Next, without Jack Nolan’s permission, the objectives of the University are not being cleared to the various administrative departments of the University Of Australia by the Director Kevin who is a local senior manager. Thus, the ethnic division and treating an outsider differently is a question of cultural issue and this needs to be addressed immediately with certain steps and properly (Beirne & Hunter, 2013).
Administrative Management Theory by Henry Fayol
Lack of Administrative objectives
There is a lack which has been noticed by Jack Solan in the sphere of administrative work. At 9:30 am regularly, there would be no one at their desks, phones ring and there is no one to answer. The staff members were not directed properly by the managers to handle the administration well. The most important problem is that the students are not being getting quality education and via nice teaching. Therefore, there are several lacks in the workings of the administrative procedures which are needed to be taken into account properly. If these problems are being let continued without proper supervision, it in the end might hamper the prosperity of the University campus.
Before opening a campus of the University of Australia in the Brinie island, the challenges were that the children over there prefer to achieve degree in Oxford and Harvard University which are considered as the important and prosperous University. The Vice Chancellor of University of Australia told Jack Solan that both Oxford and Harvard Universities are planning to open their branches in the Brinie campus and it might attract more students for their quality education and teaching. Therefore, this needs to be taken care of by the management of the University.
Ethnic Problems are the major concerns in the different spheres of the institutions of the state, it can take place in the job sphere, educational policy and also incorporates the lingual rights and development. Jack Solan was ignored in the meeting and the conversation among the groups was carried out in the different language and his concerns are not being properly addressed by the other people who are local and working in the University. To solve this problem in the university management, in order to implement the objectives
- People are needed to take part in the decision making process in order to understand the important problems that an organization is facing.
- Proper communication is necessary in order to cooperate with the other groups of people of the management team (Kornblum, Seccombe & Julian, 2017).
- It is the responsibility of the Vice Chancellor of the University to recruit more Australians so that they can address the problems of decision making procedures (Kornblum, Seccombe & Julian, 2017; Holshinger, 2013; Mooney, Knowx & Schacht, 2014).
- Jack Solan should have been strict enough to address the problems properly . He lacked the quality of leadership and with a sound mind, being a manager director it is his prior responsibility to wage cooperation with the other staffs and approach their basic problems by learning some of their local languages.
The advantages of these solutions are that these can be the major incentives to the one that if it is implemented properly without hesitation, the much of the problems can be solved. The Vice Chancellor is needed to stay updated about the problems so that he can take steps through the registrar of the University. Jack Solan on the other hand must develop the strict leadership to handle the problems and inform into the Vice Chancellor to take further steps and also at the same time, he needs to state the reasons that why he is kept debarred from important conversations and notices. Updates to the VC and waging communication to the staffs, accordingly taking steps are the advantages that can happen. However, the disadvantages can happen is that, other than the ethnic problems, a conspiracy can be waged behind the managing director tom spoil his career if he tries to take steps properly against the management of the University. The local seniors can take step against him for being boasting of himself and trying to bring changes in the administrative workings.
Lack of Administrative objectives is another form of disadvantages in the efficient workings of the administration
- To render good quality of education, enrollment of the proper faculty teacher needs to be done so that they can teach their own genre subjects to the students properly. For this the enrollment needs to happen very effectively and the teacher must be judged on the ground of knowledge of their subject (Ramirez & Christensen, 2013). The advantage of this solution is that the management would do a favor to the university by making it prosperous by recruiting efficient teachers to give good quality education. The disadvantage of this problem is that the University of Australia that they do not have any specific goals to recruit teachers. Therefore, to address this disadvantage, proper solution needs to be addressed properly.
- The enrollment of the proper managers is needed to take place who can take of the team members of various departments. The staffs are needed to come in time strictly and the rule needs to be making mandatory. The employer can only grant leave to the employee on the serious conditions relating to family or health. If a long absence happens, the team member must be warned about it (Musselin, 2013; Kornblum, Seccombe & Julian, 2017; Shaw, 2015).
- The University must promise the staff to give benefits to the employees so that they are being encouraged to turn up in the office and show their workforce in the university sphere (Musselin, 2013). They must be engaged into huge workloads. The advantage of this policy is that the workers can indulge themselves into more work and they would be enthusiastic to come and visit offices. However the disadvantage can happen is that too much work pressure can make the office workers irritated and this might result to leaving offices. Therefore nothing too much and too less is good for the health of the business objectives. A strategy needs to be developed in order to make the working of the various departments of the University efficient.
- The enrollment of the good managers must also happen on the basis of their way of administrating and skills they gathered from the previous experiences so accordingly they needs to be recruited having various ethnic backgrounds (Musselin, 2013). The advantage about this is that the people met the requirements of the managerial skills would be recruited to serve the terms of office. The disadvantage can happen in terms of recruiting proper people for the proper post is that the recruitment strategies are needed to be updated, if following the old recruitment strategy later on it would result to the high turnover of the employees (Musselin, 2013).
Facing tough competition from the other universities such as Oxford and Harvard is a matter of concern. As The University of Australia in the Brine Campus is the new University, the working needs to be effective
- In terms of recruiting teachers
- Proper disciplines among the members of the University
- Reducing differences among the workers
- Directing perfect group. The disadvantages of each of the solution is the motivation of the self interested people who is running the business for their own self, if they are being not checked properly, the University might face lost of troubles. The advantages, is the proper implementation of the solutions and making it more competitive.
The recommendation offered as a whole to these problems is to have a specific business strategy to solve the problems of the ongoing problems. A perfect business strategy based on quality needs to be proposed so that in terms of administrative reforms and equity done to both workers and Children to take part in the discussion. The proper consultation with the University head and the management team needs to done properly and question them why these problems are happenings and accordingly the major steps are needed to be discussed.
Who |
What |
When and Where |
How |
Cost |
University of Vice Chancellor Called the meeting |
-To discuss the important issues facing by the manager directors in terms of handling the administration. -Important points are needed to be discussed in terms of staff satisfaction by providing benefits or bonus and give them work so that they can come regularly to office. -To achieve business goals and objectives. |
28th August, 2017 Office of Melbourne |
-Vice Chancellor to arrange a meeting in order to explain the reason of the reviews put forwarded by the Managing Director of the University. |
– The expense cost needs to be set up for enrolling teachers in schools |
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