Challenges Faced By English Language Teachers In Nepal
Purpose of the Study
English has been recognized and considered as an essential language gauging the connection among the international platform. Majority of the people who are educated using the language for their communication and in their field of the profession (Hall,2017). This context has induced the national and the international platform to introduce the contemporary literature of the English language in the curriculum of the primary schools in Nepal. The objective of the English language induced syllabus is to help the pupil and the students of the school in Nepal to inculcate and instill the reading and the learning habit of English among people. The teachers appointed for the government-affiliated primary schools in Nepal thus aims to enrich the language content and the vocabulary of the pupil. Teaching at the primary school is much different than that of the teaching the other languages in the curriculum and due to the differences from the other educational levels,teaching English to the pupil or the young learners comes up with various problems and constraints that are encountered by the English language teachers (Mann& Walsh, 2017). The three of the most crucial problems faced by the teachers in the primary school of Nepal includes the absence or the lack of the motivation and interest of the learners, the insufficient amount of time, materials and resources and the reluctance of the senior teachers towards the propagation and the teaching of the English language in the class.
The purpose of the study is to identify the issues and the challenges that are being faced by the English language teacher of the primary school towards the teaching of the literature component and practice of the age-old norms among the educational system in Nepal. The assignment furthermore aims to identify the differences in the challenges and the problems faced by the teachers with more experience who are seniors a the primary school as compared to the newly employed English language teachers of the primary school while teaching the language to the pupils of the school. The significance of the study lies in the fact that the study aims to identify the age-old traditional rooted norms and the practices of the translation used by the senior teachers to address the understanding of the pupils, which creates an environment of frustration and depression for the newly employed novice English teachers in their initial days of teaching.
According to the study conducted by Richards and Rodgers(2014) in his research paper, motivation is basically considered as the attribute that moves to perform something. In the context of the classroom in the primary school, the willingness of the students towards the understanding and the participation of the classroom activities that furthermore includes co-operation to understand and obey the instructions of the teachers is an essential factor (Hettiarachchi, 2015). When the pupils of the classroom do not have any sort of willingness to get involved in the activities of the English language learning in a comfortable basis, it is a clear indication of the lack of motivation. This is one of the major problem faced by the English language teacher in the primary school. In the study by Valdés (2014), the author illustrated the challenges faced by the instructors in the government primary schools at the rural areas due to the practice of the traditional rooted norms and the practices in many of the countries. The author of the study specifically focused on the pupil studying in the rural school who lacks the understanding capability towards the learning of the English language.
Content (Problem and Challenges)
The article highlighted some of the instances where the students of the school felt bored due to their habit of understanding the English language or the texts in the textbook by the translation techniques applied by the teachers of the primary school. The newly appointed teachers who serve as their initial days of the employment tends to face frustrations due to their inability to apply the methodologies, the techniques, and the strategies that they have learned in their teachers’ training while teaching the students. Riazi and Candlin(2014) in his research furthermore highlighted the instances of the bullies and the insults faced by the newly joined teachers of the English language regarding their teaching habits and techniques. The author explained the scenario where students of one of the primary school in Nepal were constantly rejecting the teaching of an English language teacher when he tried to teach them a poem focusing on the literature and the rhyming patterns of the poem (Shim, 2014). The students of the primary school started to avoid and bunk the classes and finally raised a protest targeting the non-understandable way of teaching by the English language teacher to the principal of the school. The teacher was then instructed to teach the language via the method of translating. The study highlighted how the situation got frustrating to the teacher and the new ELT teacher went into the dilemma whether to address the demand of the pupils of the school by teaching via translating or e application of the new English language teaching strategies.
Mentoring, the technique is utterly helpful towards the occurrence while someone seeks towards learning from someone else who had experience in the topic of the learning. The significance of mentoring for the initially recruited teachers is currently gaining a wider recognition throughout the Pacific region (Ibrahim & Ibrahim, 2017). The mentoring programs tend to pair novice teachers and the instructors with some of the more experienced teachers of the school who understands and have relevant knowledge regarding the policies, the regulations and the procedures to tackle the pupil of the locality.
Various interpretations of the process of mentoring contain in the literature. It is basically and commonly agreed that the mentoring process tends to include the various phases of development regarding the mentoring leadership and the successful application of the theory of the cognitive development to the process of mentoring (Hall, 2015). The process of mentoring is a complex and multidimensional process regarding the teaching, guiding and support towards the initial phase of a new teacher (Lee & Hawkins, 2015).
In the context of the above illustrated issue regarding the traditional rooted norms and the practices as faced by the teachers while teaching English to the pupils of the primary school, the factor of mentoring plays a very essential role towards leading, guiding and advising the newly employes teacher to adjust in the work situation by the means of mutual trust and belief (Early, Kendrick & Potts, 2015). The newly employed teachers should be helped and instructed by the elder or senior mentors to understand and adopt the techniques to handle the students while teaching the English language. The effective senior mentorship role should furthermore include the demonstration of a range of cognitive competencies of the coaching for a caregiving teaching technique so that the students of the primary standards are interested to learn the language which in turn will result in the development of their knowledge and growth.
Traditional Rooted Norms and Practices
Social Capital – Social capital generally refers to the intangible resources that are embedded within the interpersonal connections or the social institutions. The theory includes the context of the social capital in three of the major forms like the obligations and expectations, the information channels and as social norms. In the context of the education and the propagation of the language teaching, the social capital in the forms of the parental expectations, social networks, and the obligations exist among the community and the school forming an important basis for the success of the students (Barr, 2018).
The concept of the social capital is an essential or important tool for the effective understanding of the differences among the learning outcomes of the students. The nations or the school including the English language teaching and successfully implementing the English in the curriculum of the students of the primary school are more likely to have students with better performances in their academics.
Net Work Theory – The educational changes and the net work theory of the society generally offer a fascinating and a provocative explorations regarding the growing social networks in the school that can impede and facilitate the work regarding the education reforms. The theory explains the basic tools and the concepts regarding the propagation of the English language learning (Solak & Bayar, 2015). The tool furthermore explains how success and the failure of the education and teaching is not solely the result of the technical plans. It represents the age-old customs and the practices that have been encircling the basic notion of the society as a whole.
The tool helps the teachers to understand the root cause of the persistent problems and how to handle the students by translating the language in the local language for the easy understanding of the students.
Learning Organization Theory – The need towards the achievement of the organizational innovation and the sustainability tends to require a fundamentally varied approach towards the management of the employees (Copland, Garton & Burns, 2014). The theory of the learning organization can be defined as the organization facilitating the learning and the growth of all its members together with the inclusion of its continuous transformation.
In the context of the above issue related to the challenges faced by the newly employes teachers in propagating the English language study to the pupil of the primary school, this particular learning organizational theory is essential for the development of the knowledge of all the teachers both the senior and the junior and the Maintainance of harmony among the relation among them towards helping each other to cope up and understand the demand and the needs of the students rather than questioning ion their abilities to teach (Pinter,2017). This tool will help in the development of a friendly and a respectful position among the teachers in the school which will help the young teachers to cope up with the techniques to adopt while teaching English to the rural pupils.
The current assignment includes a research study that is a descriptive research. For the achievement of the goals and the objectives of the study, the method of the survey will be used or adopted (Creswell, 2014). The study will further include the gathering of the data for the identification of the challenges and the issues faced by the teachers who are newly employed in the primary school in some of the government school in Nepal. The study will primarily focus on the rural areas of Nepal and the primary schools.
The questionnaire thus conducted for the aim or the purpose of the collection of the data for the current study will have two parts. Part A will consist of the demographics or the general information of the teachers while Part B will consist of the challenges and the problems faced by the teachers. The population and the sample size that will be targeted for the survey analysis will consist of the group of teachers who are employed to the teaching of the English language in the primary schools of the rural areas of Nepal. The sample size for the study consist of 15 teachers both including male and female genders in a different age and qualifications. The sample size includes variation among the teaching experiences of the teachers. The research study and the methodology of the collection of the data will include certain ethical measures. Apart from taking permission for the survey data analysis, protection of the personal data will be considered while initiating the interpretation and analysis of the data collected.
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