Challenges And Solutions For Organizations In Fully Utilizing Their IT Infrastructures – A Literature Review
Importance of Utilizing IT Infrastructures for Business Organizations
Any business organization tries to fully utilize the entire infrastructure it is provided with right from the time of its inception. However, in the long run, it can be seen that many organization fails to acknowledge the entire infrastructure it is provided with and that creates issues in the downtime. This can also lead to huge loss in the business as well as loss of productivity. Although the shortcomings regarding the full utilization of the infrastructures needs to be identified right from the start, many organizations fail to acknowledge them and further this leads to their downfall (Ferrús et al. 2016). It has been found through extensive researches that the organizations find it really difficult to cope up after there has been a huge loss in productivity. As a result, they lose time most important factors, like time and currency. The incompetent management of the IT substructure needs to be acknowledged and this should be done from time to time. The growing technological era is influencing these factors more and thus the infrastructure needs to be adapted to these as well or the business could experience more losses (Kirubakaran and Kathirvel 2017). These shortcomings about any company utilizing their infrastructure to the full potential would be identified with a literature review in the following report. This would be done with the identification of the peer reviewed journals as well as the justification for selecting them. Further it would have the identified issues and challenges regarding this topic as expressed in the journals, followed with the alignment of them with business requirements. The solutions as per the papers would then be listed and this would help in identifying the shortcomings of the journals as well. Thus, a clear review about the subject as expressed in peer reviewed journals would be achieved.
All the papers that have been selected for the literature review have been peer reviewed journals. These are the journals that have been published in different magazines or different IEEE conferences and these have further been reviewed by the experts in the educational as well as the business industry. All of these journals under review pose a collective informative about the infrastructure that an organization possesses in the ICT environment and also the ones that these organizations fail to acknowledge utilizing them fully. The reasons why the organizations fail to do so have been clearly justified in these papers including the ways by which these have been causing several challenges and issues in the ICT industry or ICT based business organizations (Venkatachary, Prasad and Samikannu 2017). IT infrastructure has been reviewed as a whole to be a broad field containing the different components of supporting a fully structured business organization including the network structure, security structure storage, servers, operating systems, business applications and also the databases. Thus it is justified that all these papers be reviewed for the subject under discussion to present a structured and fully fledged review.
The identified issues in the infrastructure of an organization as per the journals can be listed as below:
- Issues in the mission and vision understanding: This is an issue that mostly occurs in an organization due to the poor coordination of knowledge transfer in the entire organization (Venkatachary, Prasad and Samikannu 2017). It is the responsibility of the executives of the organization to see that the vision and mission including the target of the organization be rendered clearly to every member of the organization including the clients and all the stakeholders. The failure in doing so makes the people in the organization attain a certain level of misconception regarding the entire organization plan, thus they fail achieve their targets as well as to acknowledge the reason behind their failure.
- Decreased use of the networked infrastructure:It is often found in an organization that the sole point of reducing time and enabling remote operation with the help of a networked infrastructure is often not utilized in the organizations (Yong et al. 2018). For this, the time and money wastage becomes much more than usual, making it difficult for the people in a particular organization to cope up with the targets to be achieved, individually and as a whole.
- Manufacturing information:This is identified as one of the major problems in any organization since information is considered as one of the most important assets of the organization (Xiao et al. 2016). The failure of the employees to utilize the storage, processing and manufacturing of information makes it clear that the projects that the business organizations handle a faulty process that cannot acknowledge the provisions of the infrastructure fully.
The Identified Challenges in Utilizing IT Infrastructures Fully
The analyst of the global tech recognize the matter that there are several challenges related to IT infrastructure that most of the organizations have been facing over the days. These can be identified as the lack of powerful computing platforms, the problems in the acquisition of data, the lack of proper storage of the data, the faulty management of provisioning and the faulty connectivity and networking (Peng, Dhaini and Ho 2018). The challenges that these organizations face related to the issues can be listed as follows:
- Lack of powerful computing platforms: The foremost challenge in growing processing power of computers has been the lack of space and energy to power supercomputers. Although, the cloud implementation infrastructure is noted to be one of the latest features of the advanced technological era which is absolutely cost-effective, it is also found that these computers are not versatile enough to house a varied form of applications for required data storage architectures (Fantacci et al. 2014). IT managers are looking for a better and faster system, which may provide faster processing of the large amounts of data that are generated at a huge rate in today’s time.
- Problems in the acquisition of data: It has been often found that the firewalls utilized in the organizations like the applications, the emails, the web browsers can cause TCP/IP network losses. It is often seen that the huge amount of data losses are due to this factor only (Mehmood et al. 2017). This also reduces the network speeds drastically, following the further collaboration impossible to be carried out online. The switching of the routers which fail to acquire the required high speed memory can cause the similar problems like this which reduces the ability of an organization to utilize their provisions of the infrastructure fully.
- Lack of the efficient storage of data: It is often found in an organization that due to the latest implementation of cloud storage systems in the organization have created further problems to make them utilized their potentials fully. Although the cloud implementation infrastructure is noted to be one of the latest features of the advanced technological era which is absolutely cost-effective, it is also found that it is not versatile enough to house a varied form of applications for required data storage architectures (Granelli et al. 2015). It is needed that the ICT organizations use some technology much more versatile in nature than this. The author of the journal suggests that this might include some storage space way beyond the cloud storage options, or something even beyond the space.
- Provisioning and management:This forms one of the biggest IT challenges in the world today that does not provide the IT managers to manage the huge amount of data that a business process generates every day.
- Faulty connectivity and networking:To make and organization function fully, the infrastructure needs to have a smooth connectivity and network servers in place. Even if these organizations have reliable network connection, the failure of applying proper security options forms a huge barrier in utilizing networks and connectivity features fully (Yaqoob et al. 2017). Presently it is significant to identify patterns in data for analyzing it correctly for using it to take further decisions in business for infrastructure management. This handling of data is also done via a secured environment which these organizations fail to acknowledge in most cases.
The solutions that these papers suggest according to the problems faced by the organizations in fully utilizing the potential of its infrastructures can be listed as below:
- Lack of powerful computing platforms: The simple solution suggested by the papers in this regard is to employ a new general purpose graphical processor that supports multi core platforms (Ghassemlooyet al. 2015). The existing software needs adjustment and optimization for providing best results. Faster computers are now available at a much low cost and energy needs.
- Problems in the acquisition of data: It needs to be understood by the IT managers that huge data sets need high performing computing resources as a whole to collaborate between the dispersed scientific zones in the organization (Schulte et al. 2015). To utilize the power of the data acquisition platforms, sophisticated means needs to be employed to collect, filter and store using high-speed networks.
- Lack of the efficient storage of data: Cloud storage primarily needs to be made flexible in order to make IT infrastructure much more improved. It needs to be more dependable, well-organized and varied applications should be handled by the cloud improving connectivity between the different aspects of an organization (Schulte et al. 2015). This needs to be implemented as a long term solutions for the IT infrastructures.
- Provisioning and management:Distributive systems have the ability to solve these kinds of problems. The complex tasks can be further subdivided into tiny bits of independent activities that other individual computers can process. Then they can be further be connected via networks.
- Faulty connectivity and networking:Migration of the IP addressed to any other hardware will suffice to meet the problems that has been there to help the applications. It can also be mitigated with the help of adding intelligence to wire as well as the connections over Wi-Fi connectivity (Qadir et al. 2017). Network would thus be able to optimize the traffic delivery that will make it improve the services offered.
The journal articles selected for this review have effectively stated the reasons why the organizations fail to utilize their potential of the IT infrastructures including the ways by which these have been causing several challenges and issues in the ICT industry or ICT based business organizations (Lin 2017). The shortcomings that these journals possess can be identified with the lack of addressing ways by which the organization can utilize their infrastructure to the full potential. The papers only suggest financially heightened measures which may need a lot of assistance from the economical aspect of the organization. Having a very high economical mitigation technique may result in the downfall of the organization further.
Thus, it can be concluded by saying that that the organizations nowadays have really been falling short of utilizing their infrastructure to the full potentials. As the journals are suggesting, these organizations are having a hard time identifying the reasons behind the downfall of the business, since not much focus is given over the utilization of the infrastructure to their full potential. The inefficient management of the IT infrastructure needs to be acknowledged and this should be done from time to time. The growing technological era is influencing these factors more and thus the infrastructure needs to be adapted to these as well or the business could experience more losses. These shortcomings about any company utilizing their infrastructure to the full potential have been identified with a literature review in the above report. The literature review has been conducted with the identification of the peer reviewed journals as well as the justification for selecting them. Further it has been progressed with the identified issues and challenges regarding this topic as expressed in the journals, followed with the alignment of them with business requirements. The solution as per the papers has then been listed and this would help in identifying the shortcomings of the journals as well. Thus, a clear review about the subject as expressed in peer reviewed journals is achieved, which makes it clear that the organizations are falling short of achieving their target as per the potential of the company’s architecture.
Fantacci, R., Pecorella, T., Viti, R. and Carlini, C., 2014. A network architecture solution for efficient IoT WSN backhauling: challenges and opportunities. IEEE Wireless Communications, 21(4), pp.113-119.
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