Challenges And Recommendations For Implementing E-Procurement In Hospitals: A Case Study Of Masbate Provincial Hospital


Research Proposal on “feasibility study on e-procurement system at Masbate provincial Hospital”.

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It is necessary to mention that, procurement is a need for all of the hospital organization because procurement is able to provide facilities related to the supply as well as purchase of the raw materials for the organizations. On the other hand, procurement also highly helpful in selecting, management as well as buying related to the supplies in daily life of the organizations. In this digital era, the business organizations as well as the hospital organizations are able to purchasing as well as ordering various significant items through internet; as the digital technology is rising day by day. This procedure s called as E-Procurement. On the other hand, the organizations also can purchase as well buying the items through not only internet but also through informative network systems. Apart from that, the hospital organizations are also engaging their business with the e-procurement process because the entire orders related to the medicines are hospital equipments are ordered through online purchasing or buying processes.Thus, it is necessary to mention that, the significant values that are related to cultural aspects also creating barriers that are able to hinder the establishment procedures that are related to the implementation of e-procurement within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital. Therefore, a solution, it can be said that, changing the organizational culture as well as providing appropriate guidance to the employees and workers for understanding the major necessity of the implementation related to e-procurement system.

The research study aims at reducing the resistance for implementing the e-procurement system within the hospital if the top most management of the Masbate provincial Hospital is able to create awareness among their employees as well as the staffs for understanding the core reason values of e-procurement as well as the importance of the e-procurement within the hospital for increasing the organizational growth. The research proposal would be helping in providing significant guidance for taking decisions in project management for implementing e-procurement for facilitating the Masbate provincial Hospital as well. The research study also deals in increasing the awareness among the employees and the workers as well as productivity and profitability of the Masbate provincial Hospital. The study also incorporates the provision of the  suitable guidance that are related to the e-procurement as well as implementation for both the long term development plans related to the information technology communication. It also aims at evaluating the effective working of the board related to the management of this organization

It is identified that, most of the business organizations are wish to implement the digitally advanced technologies that are linked with the e-procurement as well as the top level management also trying to integrate the technological aspects as well as system to system integration for increase the internal development of the hospital workplaces. On the other hand, the information communication technology gives a significant role to the e-procurement for increasing the organizational development in a cohesive manner. Therefore, for implementing the above mentioned digitally advanced equipments as well as components there is a huge need of capital, therefore, the hospital organizations often not prepared for bearing a huge amount of liquid cash as an investment. It is necessary to mention that, the finance department is able to maintain the proper cash flows as well as can identify the additional expenses that can be avoided for developing such kind of significant implementation within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital. Nevertheless, various serious challenges are there within the hospital organizations that are creating barrier at the time of implementing the e-procurement in the hospital organizations. It is necessary to mention that, this particular proposal is investigating the significant challenges that are laid in the processes related to implementing the e-procurement system in the hospital organizations. Therefore, Masbate provincial Hospital is taken in this research proposal as the case study for enhancing the challenges that are seems the major issue in implementing e-procurement within the workplace. In addition, the recommendations that are highly need for implementing e-procurement within the hospitals are also briefly described for emphasizing the view for mitigating organizational issues. 

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Method Outline: Method outline is treating as a significant frame of the entire methodology for providing a primary as well as systematic procedural structure for driving the entire research towards the positive direction. The entire research has been taken for implementing e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Henceforth, the researcher took positivism philosophy, descriptive design, deductive approach as well as primary data collection process as the choice for meet the exact research topic. On the other hand, both quantitative as well as qualitative analysis methods are adapted by the researcher due to the non-probability sampling have been followed by the researcher for selecting the participant for the designated survey.

Research Philosophy: At the first layer of the research onion the research philosophy took place rather than the others that are dependent on the research philosophy. It is necessary to mention that, the researcher choose the proper philosophy for assessing the significant parameters that are affecting the implementation process of e-procurement in the Masbate provincial Hospital. On the other hand, the present research initiative for describing the insight analysis is taken by the researcher for conducting the entire research study in a cohesive manner. The implementation of the e-procurement of the Masbate provincial Hospital is described appropriately in the positivism philosophy. Henceforth, the researcher is able to identify the significant real facts by identifying the relevant parameters that are mainly responsible for maintaining the implementation related to the e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Therefore, positivism is the best option for making detailed structural view for this particular research study in a cohesive manner.

Research Approach: In the second layer of the research onion, the research approach is laid for providing an enhanced view of the entire research study. There are two significant approaches used in most of the research studies. The significant research approaches are: Inductive Approach and Deductive Approach. It is necessary to mention that, the inductive approach is able to provide an emphasized approach to the researcher for observing, collecting data as well as analyzing them in a cohesive manner and using the effective as well as essential tools for developing the potential theories that are related to the research study topic.

On the contrary, deductive approach is helpful in selecting as well as going through the theories that are highly important need for completing the entire research study along with the hypothesis, data analysis, testing as well as the implementation of the highly significant theories that are highly helpful for analyzing the data as well as evaluate the theoretical evidences for the researchers. On the other hand, the researcher has already discussed the relevant theories in the above segmentation of the research study. In addition, the data collection is also done in this research study for generating the evidences as well as proving the truthiness that are related with the implementation of e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Apart from that, the existing research is based on the confirmed theories that are selected for pointing out as well as evaluating the responsible factors related to the highly important deviation of the implementation of e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital.

Research Philosophy

Research Design: The third layer of the research onion is the allocated for research design. In the research design the researcher is able to interpret the most significant data along with the biased analysis based upon the objectives as well as the purposes of the entire research study. The light is shed on the research design is based upon the research topic that is chosen by the researcher. There are three basic research designs that are: exploratory research designs, explanatory research designs as well as descriptive research designs.

It is necessary to mention that, exploratory design is able to shed light on the research background information related to the problem statement that are identified by the researcher in this research study. On the contrary, the explanatory design is highly helpful for assisting the findings that are related to the reasons that are arrived during this research study. On the other hand, the descriptive design is able to help the researcher by linking with the designated research objectives of the research study based on the findings.

Data Collection Process: It is necessary to mention that, the data collection process is highly important need for a research study; as it includes both the primary as well as secondary data collection for emphasizing the entire research study by the primary data collection process. The research topic is based upon the implementing e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Therefore, it is necessary to fetch the data that are comes from the employees as well as the workers of that particular hospital organization. The awareness related to the implementation of the e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital is highly essential for increasing the quality of services that are provided by the Masbate provincial Hospital. Henceforth, the primary data is highly important for conducting this particular research study.

Sampling Method: Sampling method is highly essential for gathering the significant data that are comes from the end of the employees and the workers of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Sampling method refers to conduct an enhanced survey with the significant respondents for collecting data along with the data collection process. Henceforth, the researcher has undertaken the sampling based upon the non-probability for conducting the convenient sampling process. The sampling is actually using for reducing the deviation of the responses of the respondents in the primary data collection.

Sample Size: The researcher took 150 respondents for conducting the survey for this particular research study. However, respondents are seemed agreed to participate in the survey. Among these 100 participants the researcher is going to conduct both the qualitative as well as quantitative questionnaires for fetching the valuable data for reaching the research objectives.

Research Method: Research methods are generally categorized into two significant methods. Those are: Qualitative and Quantitative Questionnaires. Quantitative questionnaires are conducted with the employees, workers, services users and those persons who are related to the hospital. On the contrary, Qualitative questionnaires are conducted with the managers of the Masbate provincial Hospital. The both questionnaires are asked to those persons who are related to the hospital because those persons only can reveal the appropriate information that are highly need for satisfy this research.

Research Approach

Ethical Consideration: Ethical issues must have to be followed by the researcher for conducting the research study as well as the survey that are highly necessity for this particular research study. It is necessary to mention that, the researcher must have to maintain the Data Protection Act, 1998 because the  information that are fetched from the participant have to be isolate for ignoring the breach of information as well as maintain the core ethics of conducting research.

Limitations of the Study: The major limitation of this particular research study is time. Due to the lack of time the researcher is unable to put more concentration for reaching the objectives of the entire research study. On the other hand, few respondents were unwilling to participate in the survey questionnaires; as a result, the variation of the fetched data and information are bounded in a scale. In addition, the researcher also faced various serious difficulties that are able to create an impact on the entire research study; as the result may deviate from the exact expectations. Lastly, the researcher also faced difficulties for collecting the authenticated data from the Masbate provincial Hospital for conducting this research study properly.

Outline Number

Task Name


Implementation of e-Procurement in Masbate Provincial Hospital


Planning budget


Planning the strategies


Defining the objectives of the new services


Implementing the strategies


Buying the required equipments


 Up grading of the existing system


 Training of the staff


 Practical training


 Theoretical training

Table 1: Delievrables for e-procuremnt project in the hospital

Outline Number

Task Name


Implementation of e-Procurement in Masbate Provincial Hospital


Planning budget


Identifying the financial issues


Establishing a plan based on the costs


Planning the strategies


Determining the issues relating to the up gradation


Conducting the research on the latest technologies


Strengthening the initial proposal


Defining the objectives of the new services


Determining the techniques for implementinmg the new procurement services


Determining the effectiveness of the proposed strategy


Implementing the strategies


Buying the required equipments

Identifying the equipments which are required for enhancing the information management system

Purchasing the equipments from the suppliers

Installing the equipments in the hospital


Up grading of the existing system

Implementing the upgradation of the software and hardware equipments

Implementing the latest technologies for the successful operations


Training of the staff


Practical training

Providing basic training on the handling of the equipments

Providing extra information on the utilization of the equipments in case of emergency situations

Providing basic knowledge of the maintenance of the equipments


Theoretical training

Providing knowledge about the working principle

Providing basic knowledge of the working principle



Inauguration for the genral use


Budget for e procurement planned


Objectives of the new service defined


Strategies being implemented


System upgraded


Training session of staff implemented

Table 2: Tasks and milestones for e-procuremnt project in the hospital

It is identified that, Masbate provincial Hospital faced highly serious challenges while the management of this particular hospital organization started implementation elated to the e-procurement within the workplace. Few of the employees, as well as workers of Masbate provincial Hospital felt hesitate with the new procedures at the time while the management started implementing e-procurement within the workplace of the hospital. The issues were raised due to the lack of accepted proposals of the employees as well as the workers. On the other hand, the impact of leadership also affected the initial movement for implementing e-procurement in the Masbate provincial Hospital. It is necessary to mention that, the significant values that are related to cultural aspects also creating barriers that are able to hinder the establishment procedures that are related to the implementation of e-procurement within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital. Therefore, a solution, it can be said that, changing the organizational culture as well as providing appropriate guidance to the employees and workers for understanding the major necessity of the implementation related to e-procurement system . Therefore, the reduction of the resistance for implementing the e-procurement system within the hospital if the top most management of the Masbate provincial Hospital is able to create awareness among their employees as well as the staffs for understanding the core reason values of e-procurement as well as the importance of the e-procurement within the hospital for increasing the organizational growth.

On the other hand, the main issues that are hindering the implementation of the e-procurement within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital is the legal aspects; as e-procurement has few significant uncertainty in the context of legislative affairs. It is necessary to include that, the products that are related to the hospitals such as, medicines as well as the crucial drugs should have to be followed every time along with authorized signatures of the authorized personnel. Therefore, silly mistakes regarding the above mentioned aspects are able to create errors regarding implementation of the e-procurement within the hospital organization. Apart from that, there are always remaining high risks as the confidential documents are sent through the electronic procedures. If the confidential documents are reached to the third parties the organization can felt within some serious legal issues. It is necessary to mention that, the chances of this type of hindrances can be overcome with the significant information technology department; as information technology department is able to bound the restrictions for transferring the confidential document transmission of any type of payment related transmissions. Therefore, signature documents are highly needed for satisfying the transmission processes through internet. In addition, the scanned copy of the authorized documents should have to be kept as a backup to the hospital organization.

Moreover, another serious risk issue is infrastructure because the requirement of the e-procurement is actually based on the digitally advanced equipments as well as components that are related to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It is identified that, most of the business organizations are wish to implement the digitally advanced technologies that are linked with the e-procurement as well as the top level management also trying to integrate the technological aspects as well as system to system integration for increase the internal development of the hospital workplaces. On the other hand, the information communication technology gives a significant role to the e-procurement for increasing the organizational development in a cohesive manner. Therefore, for implementing the above mentioned digitally advanced equipments as well as components there is a huge need of capital, therefore, the hospital organizations often not prepared for bearing a huge amount of liquid cash as an investment. It is necessary to mention that, the finance department is able to maintain the proper cash flows as well as can identify the additional expenses that can be avoided for developing such kind of significant implementation within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital.

The stakeholders of the Masbate provincial Hospital are those personnel who are releted to the implementation process related to the e-procurement within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital. On the other hand, the stakeholders of Masbate provincial Hospital are majorly responsible for completing the entire implementation procedure that are related to the e-procurement. The types of the stakeholders of this wine organization are mentioned below.

Internal Stakeholders: The internal stakeholders of Masbate provincial Hospital are:

  • Investors
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Workers including doctors, physicians, receptionists and other staff
  • Managers
  • Management board

External Stakeholders: It is found that, the external stakeholders of Masbate provincial Hospital are:

  • Creditors
  • Patients
  • Government
  • Suppliers

Resource planning and allocation

Budget allocation for each department



Budgeted salary

Offered salary




 $                      25,000.00

 $                                      24,600.00



Therapeutic  department

 $                      74,000.00

 $                                      74,800.00




 $                      35,000.00

 $                                      36,000.00




 $                      30,500.00

 $                                      31,000.00




 $                      35,600.00

 $                                      34,200.00



Supply chain

 $                      24,000.00

 $                                      25,000.00




 $                   231,900.00

 $                                    228,600.00



Table 3: Resource allocation cost for the hospital

Control plan and Timeline

Outline Number

Task Name






Implementation of e-Procurement in Masbate Provincial Hospital

80 days

Fri 6/3/16

Thu 9/22/16



Planning budget

10 days

Fri 6/3/16

Thu 6/16/16



Identifying the financial issues

1 wk

Fri 6/3/16

Thu 6/9/16



Establishing a plan based on the costs

1 wk

Fri 6/10/16

Thu 6/16/16



Planning the strategies

25 days

Fri 6/17/16

Thu 7/21/16



Determining the issues relating to the up gradation

2 wks

Fri 6/17/16

Thu 6/30/16



Conducting the research on the latest technologies

2 wks

Fri 7/1/16

Thu 7/14/16



Strengthening the initial proposal

1 wk

Fri 7/15/16

Thu 7/21/16



Defining the objectives of the new services

15 days

Fri 7/22/16

Thu 8/11/16



Determining the techniques for implementinmg the new procurement services

2 wks

Fri 7/22/16

Thu 8/4/16



Determining the effectiveness of the proposed strategy

1 wk

Fri 8/5/16

Thu 8/11/16



Implementing the strategies

80 days

Fri 6/3/16

Thu 9/22/16



Buying the required equipments

20 days

Fri 8/12/16

Thu 9/8/16

Identifying the equipments which are required for enhancing the information management system

1 wk

Fri 8/12/16

Thu 8/18/16


Purchasing the equipments from the suppliers

2 wks

Fri 8/19/16

Thu 9/1/16


Installing the equipments in the hospital

1 wk

Fri 9/2/16

Thu 9/8/16



Up grading of the existing system

80 days

Fri 6/3/16

Thu 9/22/16

Implementing the upgradation of the software and hardware equipments

2 wks

Fri 9/9/16

Thu 9/22/16


Implementing the latest technologies for the successful operations

1 wk

Fri 6/3/16

Thu 6/9/16



Training of the staff

35 days

Fri 6/3/16

Thu 7/21/16



Practical training

25 days

Fri 6/3/16

Thu 7/7/16

Providing basic training on the handling of the equipments

2 wks

Fri 6/10/16

Thu 6/23/16


Providing extra information on the utilization of the equipments in case of emergency situations

2 wks

Fri 6/24/16

Thu 7/7/16


Providing basic knowledge of the maintenance of the equipments

1 wk

Fri 6/3/16

Thu 6/9/16



Theoretical training

10 days

Fri 7/8/16

Thu 7/21/16


Providing knowledge about the working principle

1 wk

Fri 7/8/16

Thu 7/14/16

Providing basic knowledge of the working principle

1 wk

Fri 7/15/16

Thu 7/21/16



Inauguration for the genral use

0 days

Thu 7/21/16

Thu 7/21/16



Budget for e procurement planned

0 days

Thu 6/16/16

Thu 6/16/16



Objectives of the new service defined

0 days

Thu 8/11/16

Thu 8/11/16



Strategies being implemented

0 days

Thu 6/9/16

Thu 6/9/16



System upgraded

0 days

Thu 6/9/16

Thu 6/9/16



Training session of staff implemented

0 days

Thu 7/21/16

Thu 7/21/16


Table 4: Project schedule for the e-procurement project in hospita 




Internal stakeholders

Chief  Executive Officer (CEO)

Providing suitable guidance that are related to the e-procurement as well as implementation for both the long term development plans related to the information technology communication.

Evaluating the effective working of the board related to the management of this organization

Increasing the awareness among the employees and the workers as well as productivity and profitability of the Masbate provincial Hospital.


Evaluates the cost that is related to the implementation of the e-procurement as well as order management procedures and the time estimation schedule for completing the implementation of the designated project

Update the status regarding the e-procurement on daily basis as well as check the scheduled timeline that is necessary for maintaining the implementing project.

Enhancing the productivity and profitability of the organization by implementing the e-procurement as well as increase the way of purchasing as well as ordering.

Management Board

Supervising the appropriate implementation procedure for provide suitable ways for managing e-procurement within the hospital workplace.

Providing significant guidance for taking decisions in project management for implementing e-procurement for facilitating the Masbate provincial Hospital.


Keep investing on the orders as well as investing on thee-procurement related project that is need to be implemented within the business workplace.

Emphasize the view of the employees by enhancing the understandings of the implementation of e-procurement


Implements the target of orders as well as organizational management related process by satisfying the designated schedule of the e-procurement project

Increasing the organizational influencing factors.

External Stakeholders


Sourcing as well as increase the revenue of the Masbate provincial Hospital

Always seek for a better quality of health care services from the organization


Supplying as well as distributing the medical products and equipments to the different channels related to the distribution channel

Increasing the quality of the services of the business


Keep investing on the orders as well as investing on the e-procurement related project that is need to be implemented within the Masbate provincial Hospital workplace.

Emphasize the profitability by enhancing the quality of healthcare services of the business procedure.


Implementing the regulations, rules, legislations and policies within the business culture of the organization.

Increasing the implementation of the comprehensive and integrated policies along with appropriate legislations.

Table 5: Roles and Responsibilities of the Stakeholders of the Masbate Provincial Hospital.

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