Challenges And Recommendations For Communication In Samsung: An Organizational Analysis
Samsung is also known by name three stars in Korea, it was founded in the year 1938 by Byung-Chull Lee (Rani et al., 2016). The organization divides its history in seven eras of accomplishment. The main goal of the organization was to export a large number of products which ranges from dried fish to vegetable to various zone of Asia. In the last few years, the organization has expanded for the production of both flour and confectionary and also found its manufacturing and operation of sales (Choong et al., 2014). During the period of 1970s, the organization developed a number of growth strategies for the upcoming future. The organization made huge amount of investment in both manufacturing process and raw materials. Samsung has made certain number of advantages for this particular strategy which is required for increasing the share.
In the coming pages of the report, an evaluation has been done with respect to information for this case study that is Samsung. All the given information is mainly related to various kind of knowledge management practices. Various model of knowledge management frameworks has been applied to the given organization. The last section of the report mainly deals with list of recommendation for Samsung.
Samsung Electronics Corporation Ltd is considered to be a multinational organization with its headquarters in Suwon (Bakator & Petrovi?, 2016). It is considered to be a flagship organization of Samsung group. It is considered to be as one of the world largest information technology organization in terms of revenue of 2011. It manufactures a range of products which is inclusive of system, television and lastly computers. The ultimate aim of knowledge management is all about building knowledge management system but it all about improving competitiveness in the organization (Julia & Rodrigues, 2016). It is mainly done by capitalization of potential values of the given knowledge. There are large number studies which are based in developing KMS instead of developing competitiveness. Process innovation based KM strategy aims in providing proper chain of innovation.
Since the year 1990s, there are large number of Korea based organization which has focused on different kind of management innovation practices. It is considered to be as one of the main reason behind the failure of various innovation trails (Zhao et al., 2016). It is mainly considered to be as one of proper search which is needed for establishing connection between KM and practices of management innovative. There many criticize in the present trend of KM research as a result of theme of knowledge management and PI which are not linked in a proper way. BPR stands for business process re-engineering focus on providing good kind of human resources for the knowledge management (Jung, 2014). BPR can be considered to be a well-known methodology which can be used for improving the overall process efficiency. The study mainly highlights the PI value from the viewpoint of KM. KM strategy is considered to be a part of process knowledge which is mainly produced by the help of PI and its implementation method. KM strategy is considered to be a socio-culture feature of this process knowledge.
SECI Model
Process knowledge is considered as a type of knowledge and information which is mainly produced like an outcome of various innovative process (Manorek, Pangemanan & Rumokoy, 2016). The given values of process knowledge easily help in reducing the lead time, improving the efficiency of management. Apart from this, it also helps in reducing lead time, reduction of information, improving management efficiency. It is mainly done for looking into cost which is needed for improving the competitiveness of the organization. Samsung is a well-known organization which has developed Process Innovation that is needed for building core competency along with competitiveness.
As a global organization, Samsung is mainly looking for PI (Performance Improvement) which is needed for creating core competency and competitiveness (Choi & Lee, 2016). In the beginning days, the organization has been introducing and adopting new kind of solution by making use of SAP (ERP package). It is considered to be innovative rather than own established process and system.
People: People are ultimately considered to be holder of knowledge. The main goal is all about encouraging them which is not only about proper kind of search for it. It is mainly inclusive of large number of methods of improving it (Zhang et al., 2015). It is also used for understanding the benefits of the sharing in the given organization like Samsung.
Technology: There is no kind of talk of shared knowledge which is mainly about having proper kind of thinking with respect to use of given technology.
Processes: Various process should not be incorporated for some of the given tasks which are broadly inclusive of certain number of procedure. It often does get enough amount of importance.
It is considered to be as a knowledge management method which is needed for creating certain processes. It is needed for having an understanding the dynamic nature of knowledge-based creation (Djatmiko & Pradana, 2016). It is mainly required for having a proper kind of understanding which is needed for effectively managing a process. The SECI model comes up with three basic model that are SECI, Ba and lastly knowledge assets. There three elements which tend to interact with each other in dynamic way. Knowledge is considered to be as one of the biggest assets of the organization which are mobilized. It is mainly shared in both ‘Ba’ and tacit knowledge which are held by individual. It is mainly converted and amplified by the help of spiral knowledge by SECI (Manorek, 2016). This particular model emphasizes on the fact that knowledge is mainly created by a spiral method of explicit between the explicit and given tactic knowledge.
As per the SECI model, there is mainly kind of model which are based on knowledge creation method.
Socialization: This particular method focuses on two things that are TACIT and its knowledge linking in Samsung (Manorek, Pangemanan & Rumokoy, 2016). Tacit knowledge can easily go beyond the given boundary and for this, some new knowledge is created by making of method of interaction (Kim et al., 2016). It can be used for carrying out large number of processes like analyzing, spending time which is there in the same given environment of Samsung.
Externalization: A large number of concept is properly developed which has been developed for tacit knowledge of Samsung (Zhao et al., 2016). The whole method focusses on tacit of explicit linking of knowledge and the fact should be taken into account that knowledge can be easily crystalized at the given point.
Combination: It is the combination of various elements of the given explicit knowledge which is needed for building a prototype.
Internalization: In this stage, the explicit can be easily created by making use of knowledge which is mainly shared across the given organization that is Samsung. At the instance of knowledge sharing, the organization that is Samsung can easily innovate and learn from it.
BA is a well-known concept which can be easily utilized and created by the method of interaction (Jung, 2014). Knowledge asset can be stated as some of the specific resources which are indispensable in nature. It is mainly used in various phases like inputs and various kind of moderating factors which is needed for knowledge creating process or method.
An organization model of Samsung is mainly used for describing 5 evolution stages in which there is certain number of process that is required for proper management. There is mainly five model which are developed for software development in CMM. It is all about predictability, effectiveness and lastly proper control over it.
Level 1 – Initial / Ad-hoc (Chaotic): Process in stage are considered to be repeatable which comes up with undocumented stage and lastly dynamic nature (Zhang et al., 2015). It can easily correspond to the given information of Samsung in the given tacit form.
Level 2- Repeatable: Various process in this particular state is considered to be repeatable with consistent result (Djatmiko & Pradana, 2016). There is large number of process for understanding the level of discipline which can easily stick to.
Level 3 – Defined: All the given process in this particular level are properly defined, documented with each other (Kim et al., 2016). At this given process there is consistency of performance which is mainly established in the given network of Samsung.
Level 4 – Managed: Various process in this given level are properly managed by collection of data in the given quantity along with its quantity (Manorek, 2016). More specifically, management can easily identify certain number of ways. Process capability is mainly established by this particular method and at the given level.
Level 5 – Optimizing: It is considered to be a continuous method of improvement which is mainly made by quantitative feedback along with piloting of new technologies and ideas.
From the above pages of the report, it can be easily stated that this report is all about Korean organization that is Samsung. It can easily provide certain number of advantages which are inimitable in nature from another kind of core organization. There is PI-based KM which can easily become organization specific competency. It is mainly due to process knowledge which comes up with proprietary knowledge of this organization. In the above pages of the report, three important component of knowledge management that are process, people and lastly technology. The last section of the report mainly deals with SECI model and knowledge pyramid for analysis.
Korean organization that is Samsung is considered to be a global leader in both electronic and organization. The organization is retaining its presence all over the world like a product or service. In the mobile industry, it aims to grab the whole industry with smart phones and in this sector is it very much close to Apple. The supply management system of this organization is considered to be one of the major factor for its competitive advantage. There is list of recommendation for Samsung like:
- Gaining Competitive advantage through the help of vendor Specification.
- Opting for Tax Sanctuary like a Global Location.
- Making innovation for Tablet.
- Development of strategic communication.
- Loyalty by the help of Emotional Bonding.
- Improving Exclusiveness.
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Choi, D., & Lee, Y. (2016, August). Eavesdropping One-Time Tokens Over Magnetic Secure Transmission in Samsung Pay. In WOOT.
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Addax Petroleum Nigeria Limited started its operation in the year 1988. It is done by signing of two production sharing of contracts (PSCs) and Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation. In Nigeria, Addax Petroleum aims to produce assets which are inclusive of 11 field complexes along with 80 production wells (Segun-Oki, Lawal & Filani, 2018). It is considered as the leading international exploration of oil and gas organization. It mainly creates strategic focus on various countries like Africa, Middle East and lastly Europe. It is true organization which come up with assets and spanning team of four continents. Addax Petroleum focuses on people and environment and list of business which is given in full compliance. It mainly comes with proper regulation and proper kind of industry standard. It mainly tends to work in line with goal of the given shareholder that is Sinopec Group (Bayowa et al., 2015). The organization comes with internal and external strategy that focuses on increasing production. It can easily optimize the oil recovery from the development fields. It focuses on new venture along with proper opportunities which are done through strategic acquisition.
In the coming pages of the report, an idea has been provided regarding the background of the organization. After that, both the aspect that is organizational communication and organizational structure has been discussed in details. Two model that are Shannon and Weaver model and arrow communication model has been discussed.
Addax Petroleum was established in the year 1994 and since the year 2009, it is considered as the subsidiary of Sinopec Group (Nton & Rotimi, 2016). It is considered to be one of the largest producers in China. It has its biggest oil refiner in Asia and third in the world platform. It is considered as the international gas and oil production along with organization which focuses on various region of the world like Middle East, Africa and lastly North Sea. Since the year 1994, the organization has become like the one of the largest producers in West Africa. In the year 1987, Addax Petroleum was mainly founded which is considered to be a portion of Addax and Oxy group of the organization (Nrior & Odokuma,2017). In 1989, AOG has been marked as an ambitious programme which comes up with the aim of becoming a vertically marked organization. It has ultimately led to the creation of Addax Petroleum in the year 1994 with an organization known as Mac Lorenceau, which is considered to be a part of AOG trading group. Addax Petroleum assets are mainly located in Nigeria, Gabon, and region of Iraq. This particular organization is considered to be a combination of both oil and reserves for gas. It mainly comes with 25 licensed block. There are mainly 15 explorations out of which 10 are undeveloped. Out of its total given blocks, 17 are considered to be offshore and 8 offshore in nature (Jimoh, 2015). At present, the organization comes up with 326 employees. In the year 2008, the organization has reached a total asset of 3.762 billion dollars.
Organization communication can be easily stated as certain methods or channel which is used for communication. This type of communication is mainly used for communication among the members of organization like corporation, small business or even nonprofit. Various studies have found the fact that with the help of proper communication a strong relationship can be established between the various level of organization like Addax. Organization communication in Addax can be used for both formal and informal.
Face to face: Technology cannot replace the various benefits of face to face communication (Nrior & Odokuma, 2015). In Addax, communication mainly takes place through Face to Face mode among the employees. At the time of doubt, a communication is considered to be critical in nature and it is possible for face to face communication.
Email: Email has totally changed the way in which the organizational communication tends to work. In addax, this mode of communication is used by both managers, executives and other high level authorities. It is considered to be very much significant with any other kind of technology induction over the last few years (Udok & Akpan, 2017). Email is taken to fast and efficient which allows proper recording of the given interaction.
Organization Structure is considered to a system which is needed for properly defining the hierarchy within the given organization. The organization structure of ADDAX Petroleum Nigeria Limited helps in identifying each job, function and the place where it responds to establish within the given organization (Ijaiya, 2015). This particular kind of structure has been mainly developed so that the organization can easily achieve its goal for future growth.
Centralization: Although there is large number of structure developed for meeting the requirement in Addax. It can easily provide proper kind of hierarchy which can easily report to the given central location and executive groups (Okereke, 2016). The highest ranking members of the organization chart of Addax is considered to be one for several executives. It is mainly referred to as the president, CEO and lastly operating officer.
Expansion: If an organization like Addax expands, then its organization structure creates a room for growth (Ugbudian, 2018). It is mainly inclusive of various additional layers for various aspect like management, division. It also focuses on expansion of one or several areas of function. Apart from this, when this organization looks up for expansion, it can easily provide proper kind of foundation for editing salaries for job description which is considered to be quick and minimal disruption (Asikhia & Awolusi, 2015). It is mainly used for various kind of operations.
In the year 1948, Shannon who is an American mathematician and Weaver is an American scientist has developed this model of communication. This particular model has been designed and developed so that effective communication can be maintained between sender and receiver in this organization that is Addax (McQuail & Windahl, 2015). Apart from this, various kind of factors has been analyzed which can affect the whole method of communication that is Noise. In the beginning, the model was mainly developed for improving the technical communication but later on, it was applied to the field of communication. This particular mode of communication can be used for improving the mode of communication in Addax. This particular organization can easily make use of this five important section that is noise, sender, encoder, decoder and receiver of this model.
Sender: It is considered to be message originator or information source selection of desired message.
Encoder: It is the transmitter which converts or changes message into signal.
Decoder: This is the receiving place of the signal where the given signal is converted into proper message so a reverse method of encoding comes into action.
Receiver: It is taken to be ultimate destination of the message from the sender.
Noise: The message is transferred from encoder to the coder by the channel (Best, Manktelow & Taylor, 2014). During the time of working of the process, the given message can easily change or attract by various kind of physical noise like thunder and lastly crowd noise.
Arrow communication in Addax organization focuses on achieving the point that managers can easily communicate similarly to an arrow which is shot from the bow. If the aim of the manager is right, then it will target and proper message will be communicated or transferred (Cooren, 2015). The best and positive side of this narrow approach is that various managers can easily work on the given tuning. It is all about making of use of message and make it easily more comprehensible in nature (Nrior & Odokuma,2017). But there are some instances of negative action also. One of the most suitable methods is to construct a message which does not come up with any kind of cope for ambiguity. The second thing which should be taken consideration is that the positive listener is mainly considered for this particular kind of approach which is impractical in nature.
Mode of Communication |
Video |
It can be considered to be one of the suitable modes of communication with various employees (Jimoh, 2015). It is mainly separated by the given distance. |
Emails |
Email has totally changed the way organization communication environment (Okoroma et al., 2015). It is mainly considered to be more significant than any other type of technology. It has been introduced in the last few years. Email is considered to be fast and efficient in nature which allows a proper kind of record for interaction. |
Face to face |
It is considered to be impossible for technology to replace the existing benefit of face to face communication. |
Telephone |
Telephone till now is an important mode of communication. With the passage of time, the telephones are becoming a mobile variety (Nrior & Odokuma, 2015). |
Town Hall Meetings |
There are large number of opportunity for the employee of Addax to come up for a meeting. It can be considered to be an effective mode of organizational communication. |
SWOT analysis in communication is a well-known framework which is needed for evaluation of the competitive position of Addax (Udok & Akpan, 2017). It is mainly processed by analyzing four major parts that are strength, weakness, opportunities and lastly threat. SWOT analysis in communication is a proper kind of model which is needed for analyzing the list of things which can be done or cannot done by it. It helps in analyzing both the potential threats and its opportunities.
Strength: Addax organization should measure the key strengths by analyzing the internal asset of the organization. The key strength of communication in Addax are flexibility, clarity, proper handling of scenario and lastly performing at Peak time.
Weakness: Internal weak communication point in Addax mainly highlights the major area in the business. Addax petroleum comes up with limited knowledge regarding the upcoming communication style.
Opportunities: The opportunities of Addax are considered to be a part of external part of strength and can easily represent a large number of things. There are mainly ongoing innovation and communication in this organization that is Addax.
Threats: It mainly highlights the various external issues or challenges which is encountered by the organization that is Addax. The organization comes up with lack of awareness regarding the regulation. The are many technology issues for proper communication among the employees in Addax.
Communication issues in ADDAX can easily have negative impact on the productivity and working relationship (Ijaiya, 2015). If it is left unchecked, then the ongoing communication can easily result in proper kind of profits. It can easily result in increase of the overall turnover and various kind of mistake.
– Communication challenge |
– Its impact |
– Communication Failure |
In the workplace of Addax, various kind of quick replies through text and emails can be easily lost (Okereke, 2016). In many cases, it can be overlooked or even misunderstood. – |
– Failure of Self- Edit |
Self-editing in Addax organization can be taken to be a suitable way for both verbal and written form (Ugbudian, 2018). Failure for any kind of consideration as a method of breakdown in communication. – |
link |
Theory and addax |
recommendation |
strategy |
Addax Petroleum aims to create value by proper exploration, development and lastly production of oil and natural gas. |
Addax should focus to improve its business by re-investment and strategic acquisition in various countries of middle east. |
leadership |
Quirks Model mainly highlighted the importance of power, performance and profitability for any organization. |
Addax should build team which come up with highly experienced and multi-award winning team members. The organization should appoint consultant who have partnership with bigger organization. |
Planning & prioritization |
As per QUIRKS, model Planning and prioritization are considered to be an important factor. |
Addax should take steps so that it can easily obtain daily report of their production and progress. |
Channel and content management |
Customer experience is considered to be an important factor for any organization. As per this model, product design and its quality is considered to be an important factor. |
Overall the management of the organization is mainly vested with board of directors. |
Communication role |
Organization communication can be defined as certain number of forms and channel for proper communication among the members of this Addax corporation. |
Conflict among the employees of Addax can easily lead to loss of talented employees. Proper management of conflict can easily bring all the given parties together for understanding the differences. |
Face to Face |
Technology cannot replace the advantage and power of this face to face communication. |
Addax should focus on managing conflict which is needed for understanding the difference between the employees in current environment. |
Impact measurement |
Internal communication can easily reinforce the mission of an organization. Employees can become more aware of role which is needed for achieving the success. |
Addax should focus on different way by which internal communicate can improve. By the help of proper internal communication, the overall output of the organization can easily increase. |
Factor |
Theory |
Addax |
language concept of authority of Addax |
Lewis Model is considered to as one of the latest gains in the worldwide organization. Lewis has taken the example of previous cross-culture in the accumulation of multiplicity of dimension (Asikhia & Awolusi, 2015). The linear active group has been identified easily. It mainly comes up English people world. While the reactive group is located in the four major areas of Asia. Multi-actives are mainly scattered in the various region like Southern Europe, Arab and other regions of the countries. |
Addax petroleum organization can easily make use of this model for improving the communication in their organization. |
A large number of step can be easily taken for dealing issues with communication in Addax Petroleum Nigeria Limited.
Communication |
Stakeholders |
Communication channel |
Time frame |
Strategic application to Addax |
Communication failure |
Employees, managers. |
Email, telephone |
1 – 2 days |
A request should be made clear along with details and quick response should be made which is complete and comprehensive in nature. |
Self-edit failure |
Employees and other senior executive |
Telephone |
1- 3 days |
Before passing or sending the content, it needs to be checked for spelling, validity and lastly grammar. After that tone of speech should be checked so that it is not misunderstood. |
Being unprepared |
Employees and shateholders |
Face to face |
1-5 days |
One should be properly organized and prepared. If it is not, then the individual need to admit for more than one time. It is mainly done so that a proper idea should be thrown to it. |
From the above pages of the report, it can be easily stated Addax organization is an international oil and gas exploration organization. The organization is mainly focused on some of the regions of Africa and Middle East. In the above pages, two important model of communication that is Shannon and Weaver model and arrow model of communication has been discussed in details. After that a SWOT analysis of communication skill in Addax has been discussed in brief. The last section of the report mainly deals with LEWIS and QUIRKES model in cross-culture has been discussed in details.
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Nton, M. E., & Rotimi, S. (2016). Reservoir characteristics and palaeo depositional environment of Duski Field, onshore, Niger-Delta, Nigeria. Global Journal of Geological Sciences, 14(1), 49-68.
Okereke, O. C. (2016). Exploring utilisation options of local energy resources in Nigeria in compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement.
Okoroma, J. U., Kumar, M., Rad, A., Al-Salman, M. S. S., Shields, D., & Andrea, B. G. (2015). Technical and Economic Overview on a Hydrocarbon (Oil/Gas) Producing Country.
Petersons, A., & Khalimzoda, I. (2016, May). COMMUNICATION MODELS AND COMMON BASIS FOR MULTICULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN LATVIA. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume IV (Vol. 423, p. 433).
Segun-Oki, H., Lawal, H., & Filani, O. (2018, August). Nigerian National Petroleum Fiscal Policy–Fiscal Levers & Attendant Impact on Value of Oil Projects. In SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Udok, U., & Akpan, E. (2017). Gas Flaring In Nigeria: Problems and Prospects. Global Journal of Politics and Law Research, 5(1), 16-28.
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