Challenges And Implications For Management In New Zealand
Discuss about the Marketing and Management for Managing Ambiguity and Rejuvenation.
The aim of the assignment is to critically analyze the article titled “The critical challenges facing New Zealand’s chief executives: implications for management skills” presented by Ann Hutchison and Peter Boxall. The author analyzes the articles and mentions its strengths and weaknesses. The articles surveys and mentions the challenges that the chief executive body faces at New Zealand and the management skill used in the country for its development. According to the article, executives should incorporate three management skills in order for the efficient functioning of the nation. The three management skills are managing business partners and stakeholders, managing ambiguity and rejuvenation and managing humans and the scarce resources. There are various challenges that the executive of New Zealand faces due to the environment that it works in. The main aim of the article is to specify the managerial skills that is required for efficient running of business and country and explain the challenges that the executives face in New Zealand (Hutchison and Boxall 2014).
Thesis statement or questions from statement
Thesis statement: The challenges chief executives of New Zealand face and its implication on management skills.
The aim of the article is to specify the challenges that the executives face in New Zealand and the managerial skills that are required for efficient running of a country or business. Chief executive is body that holds a position of authority and above the post of managers and employees. The situation of the environment greatly affects the working of the government and managers. The question in the article is that what are the challenges that the chief executives in New Zealand face and what methods of managerial skills can be applied to overcome the challenges. The reason for low efficiency of the functioning of the chief executives in New Zealand is due to the poor financial condition of the country. The country is at risk because of the global financial crisis in 2008-2009 that was followed by earthquake in 2010 (Kelsey 2015).
New Zealand has many opportunities to grow by expanding the service and manufacturing sector. It is the duty of the management team in the country to help in expanding the skills of the nation. The aim of the article is to specify and report the challenges that New Zealand’s chief executive face and their implication on the management skills. The environment and the economy of New Zealand showed a drastic change due to the change in market and technologies. This led the managers and executives to face many challenges to efficiently run the country. In different sectors, the management has different roles to play (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). As mentioned in the case study the role of the manager is in the private sector is to reframe the business, cope up with the strategies, and change that is applied by them. In case of public and not for profit organization the role of the management is to improve the financial base and manage the operations of the organization. The role of the management is to meet the demands of people and reduce the costs of organization to help the achieve efficiency.
Strengths and weaknesses of the article
The article is in accordance with the topic of the articles. As the titles suggests the article reports and specifies the challenges that the chief executives of New Zealand face and its implication on the management skills. The article is very well written that specifies all the points necessary to write an article. The first part of the article specifies the topic of discussion. The article mentions and specifies the challenges that the chief executives in New Zealand face and their implication in management skills (Scott 2016). The strength of the article is that it contains all the information that is required to explain the article. The article explains the economic condition and challenges of New Zealand that affects the functioning of the management. In first paragraph, the article specifies the economy of New Zealand and its condition. This is essential to specify and analyze the impact of the environment and economy challenges on the working of the chief executives. The article not only specifies the challenges that the executives in economy face and but also its implication in management.
The article also clearly specifies the managerial skills and development that is required to manage the business and country effectively and efficiently. It specifies the reasons for the executives in New Zealand to face difficulties for managing the country. The article not only specifies the problems and challenges of executives in New Zealand but also the managerial skills that will help the executives in improving the condition of the economy. The article specifies the roles of manager in different sectors and how best it can be utilized to improve the efficiency (Sterling and Boxall 2013). The article is well arranged with an introduction, body and conclusion. The article is properly cited and referenced. The strength of the article is that it is easy and written in simple language that is readable and understandable to everyone. It is written in simple language with all the points clearly mentioned so that the reader does not face any difficulty in relating the points.
The weakness of the article is that it contains few information that is not required that makes the article unnecessarily long. The information that is provided about the country New Zealand can be shortened. In addition, the article should elaborate information on the roles and responsibilities of a manger in a country or business so that the readers will be able to understand what a manger actually does in the country. This is necessary to help them relate the topic easily. More of diagrams and charts should be incorporated to make the readings easy. It is necessary to divide the paragraphs giving bullet points to make the reading easy. It is very boring to read long paragraphs and it is time consuming as well. Dividing the paragraphs with a bullet points helps the readers know which points are important and which are not. This will save the time of reader (Tedeschi 2013).
Personal viewpoint
Hence, the article has both strengths and weaknesses. However, the article is well written that contains all the information that is required to clarify the topic.
The surroundings greatly affect the functioning of management. This can be seen from the case study of New Zealand where the chief executives have to face many challenges and problems due to the environment that it functions at. The roles and responsibilities of managers are to support the business stakeholders and help the country and business to grow. The post and duty of managers is full of complexities. The managers should have proper managerial skills in order to operate the organization and the country efficiently. The chief executives have an extensive role and responsibility in case of public sector while they have very less role to play in case of private sector (Arundel et al. 2016). The management has many roles to play apart from managing people and business. Its role is to efficiently expand the business and try solving the problems that the country or the organization faces. The management and executives should not be greatly affected by the environment and surroundings that it works in. The role of the manager is to efficiently do all the work using its managerial skills (Mujtaba 2013).
The author agrees to the thesis statement of the article. As mentioned in the topic the article clearly specifies and reports the challenges that the chief executives of New Zealand face and its implication on the management. The entire article revolves around this topic and the thesis statement.
Key point of the article
The main aim of the article is to specify and report the challenges that executive of New Zealand face and its implication on the management skill. The executives of New Zealand face challenges due to the ambiguous environment of the country. It is essential for the managers to have enhanced skills in order to solve the complexities of businesses. The three responsibilities of managers are to manage people and scarce resources, complexities and uncertainties and stakeholders and business partners. New Zealand as a country has many opportunities to grow and develop. Proper management of operation by the manager can help the businesses and countries to achieve efficiency (Yukl 2012).
Hence, the main aim of the paper as to critically analyze, article, and present a viewpoint by the author. The article was concerning the challenges that management in New Zealand face and its implication on management skills. It also analyzes the managerial skills that are required to efficiently run the organization and country. The article is well written that consists of all the information that is required to explain the article.
Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Arundel, A., Butchart, D.B., Gatenby-Clark, S. and Goedegebuure, L., 2016. Management and Service Innovations in Australian and New Zealand Universities.
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Hutchison, A. and Boxall, P., 2014. The critical challenges facing New Zealand’s chief executives: implications for management skills. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 52(1), pp.23-41.
Kelsey, J., 2015. The New Zealand experiment: A world model for structural adjustment?. Bridget Williams Books.
Mujtaba, B.G., 2013. Managerial skills and practices for global leadership. ILEAD Academy. (2016). NZBWW – The New Zealand Business Who’s Who Ltd an Online business directory listing b2b for finding Corporations – Industrials – Agriculturals. Search for who’s who in NZ. Contact Business address. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Sep. 2016].
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Sterling, A. and Boxall, P., 2013. Lean production, employee learning and workplace outcomes: a case analysis through the abilityâ€Âmotivationâ€Âopportunity framework. Human Resource Management Journal, 23(3), pp.227-240.
Tedeschi, J.T. ed., 2013. Impression management theory and social psychological research. Academic Press.
Yukl, G., 2012. Effective leadership behavior: What we know and what questions need more attention. The Academy of Management Perspectives,26(4), pp.66-85.