Causes, Effects, And Prevention Of Air Pollution

Issue of Air Pollution

Issue of Air Pollution

Sources of Air Pollution

Discuss about the issue of air pollution which is pervading our society.

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Air pollution is basically defined as the state  where the presence of toxic substances in surroundings generated by several human activities and normal phenomenon result in the detrimental impacts on the wellbeing of the human beings and also in case of the living environment. World Health Organisation states that air pollution outside is caused by that of “particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide” and sulphur dioxide. Air pollution is also caused pollutants of different kinds. There needs to be a sense of responsibility among all the members of the society to look into the matter so that the air pollution can be reduced and people can breathe fresh air. Sources of air pollution can include several factors but are not limited to the industrial factories, automobile exhaust, construction and natural disasters like that of forest fires and volcanic eruptions. The particulate air pollution has an unlimited number of sources.  The particulate air pollution has an unlimited number of sources.  Several health problems are caused due to the outdoor air pollution including that of respiratory, cardio-vascular, immunological, haematological, reproductive as well as neurological problems (Kennes and Veiga 2013).

The materials which cause air pollution are known as pollutants. Several categories of pollutants are responsible for the problem of air pollution. There are several pollutants the most important of which is that of carbon dioxide (Zlatev 2012). The environmental statistics reveal for the last several years, the percentage of carbon dioxide has increased considerably in the present times compared to the situation in the last ten years or so. Another highly dangerous source of pollution is that of methane. This green house gas is harmful. Several sources like animal waste, swamps and chlorofluorocarbons also emit methane (Anderson, Thundiyil and Stolbach 2012).  Aerosol propellants and refrigerants have been stopped due to their negative impacts on the surroundings. Another major pollutant is that of sulfur dioxide. It is a cause of smog and consists of sulfur dioxide (Boubel et al. 2013). It causes the weakening and lining of the nerves and stimulation of the throat. Thus it can be said that the major causes of air pollution are summarized as follows:

Sulfur dioxide is one of the most significant causes of pollution. It is emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and other combustibles in relation to the factories. The tremendous amount of pollution  is due to harmful and polluted air that is emitted by the vehicles like trucks, jeeps, cars, trains, airplanes cause (Royston 2013). These vehicles have been useful in fulfilling the needs of the people in terms of transportation. The overuse of these vehicles however is polluting the environment. Carbon Mono-oxide is increased due to the improper or incomplete amount of combustion and vehicles concerned, which is one of the major pollutants of the atmosphere (Kennes and Veiga 2013).

Common Pollutants in the Atmosphere

Ammonia is a very common byproduct of the activities that are related to agriculture. It is one of the most harfukl atmospheric gases. The utilities of insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers in the activities have grown in a considerable manner. Pollution is caused due to the emission of these harmful substaces (Dalsoren et al. 2013).

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The industries  of manufacturing nature can be seen in different corners of the world. Hydrocarbons, CO, organic compounds are emitted from the manufacturing industries.  Hydrocarbons are also released by petroleum refineries and other chemicals which cause harm to the surrounding air and cause massive air pollution (Seinfeld and Pandis 2016).

The extraction process and mining process utilizing large equipments and the dust and air is polluted by chemicals. These chemicals also cause deteriorating health conditions (Smith 2012).

Household products for cleaning, painting supplies and others emit toxic chemical in the air thus polluting the surroundings. The utilities in the houses also cause pollution.

The impact of the pollution of the surroundings and environment has been severely high and in certain cases even life taking. Several people suffer from problem and diseases due to the polluted air. The complete exposure to the pollutants is responsible for diseases of respiratory and cardiac nature. The environment is also significantly impacted due increasing pollution rate (Flagan and Seinfeld 2012).

Acid rain is another phenomenon which is caused due to the mixing of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. This leads to the formation of several acids. In polluted countries during monsoon the rain impacts negatively.  Microorganisms as well as plants die due to this acid rain (Loomis et al. 2013).

The possible effects are discussed as follows:

There are alarming effects of air pollution and  is known to cause several respiratory and heart conditions and also cancer. Children in the areas also suffer from asthma and other respiratory diseases.  Millions are affected and have lost their lives due to the effects of pollution.

The increasing temperatures worldwide and the increase in the sea levels and the melting of ice in regions which are severely cold and also the loss of habitats cause the impending disaster in case the preservation and normalization are not looked into as early as possible (Seinfeld and Pandis 2016).

The gases which are harmful like the oxides of nitrogen and sulfur are released into the atmosphere at the time of burning of fossil fuels. At the time of rain the combination of water droplets and air pollutants and after becoming acidic cause damage to humans and crops.

Effects of Air Pollutants on the Environment

It is the condition at the time where high nitrogen levels is present in case of some pollutants formed on the surface of the sea affects the fish plants and animals. The green algae occurs due to these particular chemicals.

The severe and devastating effects are also faced due to the air pollution and its effects. The dangerous chemicals of the air cause different types of wild animals to change their habitat.

Humans are protected from the ultra violet rays by the ozone layer. The ozone layer on the earth is depleting due to chlorofluorocarbons. The ozone layer can emit harmful rays back on the earth and is responsible for the skin and eye related issues.

The increased air pollution all around the world need to be reduced at all costs. The possible solutions are discussed as below:

The people should utilize increased public modes of transport. The concept of car pool can also be applied. The same locality people can go in the same car.

The fans and lights need to be switched off at the time of going out. Electricity is produced by the fossil fuels and this needs to be reduced.

The items which are not usable should not be thrown away and need to be reused. These should be utilized for a different purpose if possible.

Clear energy technologies are considerably high. The governments give grants to the consumers who are eager for the installation of solar panels. This might curb air pollution to a large extent.

The devices which absorb less electricity in comparison to others need to be used, like CFL lights. These lower the electricity bills and help in the reduction of pollution by the consumption of lesser amount of energy.


Several efforts have been made to reduce the amount of air pollution. Despite this, Air pollution and global warming are still an existent challenge in the present world scenario. The green house gases like methane and carbon are still being emitted as a result of the burning of fossil fuels. The resultant global warming is responsible for the rise of water levels and the melting of polar ice caps. The main cause of this is the usage of non-renewable fossil fuel. Proper amount of research needs to be made on the ways in which air pollution can be prevented as much as possible. The effects of pollution are extremely severe therefore it is necessary for the individuals inhabiting the earth to implement preventive measures as soon as possible. In case the pollution is prevented as much as possible the people can have a much more sustainable and efficient environment. It is the duty of the people to ensure the safe and suitable air quality to maintain the health and safety. The proper preventive measures need to be implemented and the individuals should follow the rules at all times.


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