Causes And Intervention Strategies For Youth Unemployment In Developing Countries

Causes of Youth Unemployment

Discuss about the Social Research on Unemployment.

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Unemployment among youth is one of the major social issues of the modern global economy. Any individual within the age group of 15 to 30 years, who have the educational and physical capability to work, but still not involved any job activities that are paid is termed unemployed. The youths account for nearly 70% of the total world’s population and nearly 90% of them are living in developing countries ( 2018). The multiple complex causes  are responsible for youth unemployment includes irregular system of education, in flexibility in the labour market. Lack of technical skills among the youth is also one of the major issues that is directly responsible for causing higher rate of unemployment.

Currently nearly 73 million youths are registered unemployed, most of them belonging to the developing nations in the Asian and Africa. It is estimated that within the next ticket 600 million youths are expected to enter the job market. However, only 200 million seems to have the technical capability to enter the awaiting job market ( 2018).  Hence, there will be a huge gap in the total number of youth who will be directly employed in the service sector.

O’Reilly et al., (2015), have mentioned about the financial and economic crisis being one of the major single cause of rising number of unemployment among youths in the developing Nation. The recession during the period of 2009 enhance the existing problem of labour market along with that of the education system. The qualities of the job sector including the security of jobs among the young people are also subjects to risk due to the effect of unemployment. There is also the issue of lack of capital, where youths, who want to start their own business are not getting proper loan from the assistance of local banks.

With the rise in global population, youths of the modern day are at risk of facing higher level of unemployment. This is considered to be one of the major social issues of modern days.

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The current research proposal aims to investigate the cause unemployment among youths mostly within the developing nations and also suggest proper intervention strategies the can be implemented for the future.

  • What are the major causes for rise in unemployment among youth mostly in the developing nations?
  • How is the problem of unemployment amongst youth directly linked with other social and economic issues of the nation?
  • What are the possible economic and financial strategies that are implemented to deal with the issue of youth unemployment?

Causes of youth unemployment

According to Dietrich and Möller (2016), from the theoretical perspective the growing population in a global society intensifies the competition within the youths, in getting access to proper educational resources. Hence, there is a direct relationship between population growth and unemployment among youths. Indian population can be considered in order to understand the exact cause of us within the society.

Challenges Faced by Young People

India is considered to be the generator of largest group of youths within the world. With nearly two third of the population below the age of 35 year, the Indian population will have the greatest potential in the world to contribute in the service sector. Nevertheless, the country is suffering the consequences of lack of educational and skill making resources that are required to generate the potential into economic growth. It is estimated that nearly 80% of the India youths are currently working in self-employed or casual labour sector (Chigunta, 2017). The rapid rise of Indian economy is also highly dependent upon the ability to generate potential of the youth in service and manufacturing sector. The government in India has developed skill development programme, which is aims to provide technical skills within the youth along with educational qualification, which is highly required in the context of the modern day service sector.

According to the report of the International Labour Organisation in 2016, unequal opportunities among different parts of the population are one of the major causes of rising youth unemployment. In most part of the global society there is white discrimination among Young women and men in the process of recruitment. In the year 2016 it has been reported that 53.9% of the men opted for recruitment compact to 37.3% of young woman. This challenge is more evident in Middle East Nations where female participation in the service and manufacturing sector is quite low compared to any other country (Caliendo & Schmidl, 2016). The poor quality of employment continues to be a major concern for all economists around the globe. This is mainly due to the lack of job security that is more evident among the youth. The rapid changes in the business and corporate sector, requires new type of skills within the workplace. As the change process is taking place, youth are not able to cope up with the change in the skills and workplace protocol that are being implemented. As mentioned by Junankar (2016), mitigation is another important issue that are faced by the youth. Increased unemployment rate elevate the susceptibility to working property and lack of sufficient opportunity with in the workplace and career growth. The quality of the job is also compromise as they are forced to mitigate to other parts of the globe.

Geographical factor also plays a major role as most of the young people residing in the rural areas are not exposed to proper opportunity of skill development work. The lack of proper educational infrastructure is also a geographical issue that is faced by the young people of the rural areas. This issue is also linked with discrimination in the wages that are paid to the unskilled workers. In most of the organisations, the wage depends on the educational background and soft skills that are inherited. Weil et al.,(2017), have added about the issue of cultural and social difference that is evident across several workplace of modern days. Due to the ethnic difference of socially backward classes, the young people belonging to social minorities face high level of discrimination at corporate workplace. In spite of strict measurement and issues taken to minimise the discrimination, the modern young people of the minority section of the society, face high levels of moral discrimination, which is regarded as a major de-motivating factor for their career growth.

Intervention Strategies for the Future

Hysteresis is a major issue that is encountered by most of the young people as they remain unemployed for longer period. This demotivate them take up the extra initiative to inherit new skills that are needed in the employment sector. Remaining unemployed for longer period can also take away the willingness of the young people to deal with the stress of the workplace and therefore they are not able to sustain in any job for longer period (Gregg, 2015).

The success rate of youth in the employment sector is highly dependent upon the sustainability of education and soft skill development programme. Education is considered to be the long term solution that can be implemented in the developing countries in order to deal with future social issue of youth unemployment. In countries like India and Bangladesh, government are aiming to reduce the cost of Higher Education and other soft skill development programme, which can help to generate the potential within the youth in the manufacturing and service sector. The type of education also needs to undergo significant change in order to deal with the rising challenge of the future economy (Boot et al., 2016). In order to close the gap between the employment and government sector, it is essential to change the protocol of modern education system, which needs to have the nature of flexibility according to the changes in the society and economic growth. Sutcliffe and Dhakal(2018), have added that one of the possible  initiative measures that can be taken include encouraging the young people to take up internship program,  which will help them to directly expose incorporate work life experience. High quality training can also be given directly to the young people to stimulate their potential for future career growth. It will also be possible for the young people to understand their job working potential which will help them to build up upon their future career.

Hällsten et al., (2017), have suggested about the method of increasing entrepreneurship among the youth of the modern society, which will help them to generate innovative ideas in the form of opening business and start-ups. Government in the developing nation need to provide proper ending in the form of bank loan to young people, which will encourage them to take up the role of innovative entrepreneurs for making full use of their social skills. Ideas of business operations also need to be incorporated among the young people that will drive them to take up the initiative to contribute within the society in the form of creating job opportunities for the future (Gregg, 2015). It is also essential to take proper care of the social Wellness program, which aims to promote the young talent. This can also help to ensure proper valuation is given to the young people depending upon their working potential and skills, which are ultimately needed for the benefit of social economy. Proper educational model can be a part of the social Wellness program that is initiated by the government to improve upon the education and soft skill development background. The education centre can work in collaboration with corporate industry in order to modernise their teaching process. Proper information also need to be provided to the young students, which will help to shape the awareness level and general knowledge in their working capability (Boot et al., 2016).

The growth of the small scale industry plays a significant role in employment of the young people. In the developing countries, the small scale sector industry can also be a major contributor in the economic growth, as the aim to incorporate higher level of talent and skills within the young people. Small scale industry, with its high level of potential can be a perfect learning experience for all young workers who have been an amount of job experience. There can be also a tremendous potential in the employment within the NGOs, which can help the young workers to prepare themselves for higher levels of challenge within the corporate sector. Rising number of start-ups, in the developing Nation also provide equal growth opportunity for nourishing the young talent.

In order to provide a proper research methodology for given subject of unemployment in youths, it is important for the investigators to focus on social issues that are directly linked with the given research problem. Research methodology section will provide the blueprint for the strategies and methods that will be followed for data collection and analysis.

Strategy of the research is chosen depending upon the research problem and objectives. The major research strategy focuses upon data Collection process through survey and interview (Bryman, 2015). The data is collected directly from the population among the young people mostly in the developing nations in the form of case study analysis and surveys. There is also use of extensive economic theories which will help to understand the underlying cause of unemployment generation among the young people. Proper survey questionnaires are to be incorporated within the research strategy, which will allow the investigators to directly interact with young people.

The given research work the investigators will primarily focus upon primary data,  which will be collected from the survey work of young people who are facing unemployment issues in the developing Nations. The survey questionnaires are framed accordingly to understand the exact cause of unemployment issues and problem faced by the young people once they got recruited in the corporate sector. Researchers will also focus of secondary data which will be collected from case study analysis from economic and financial reports that are published by the government. At least 100 youths will be selected as the sample size from the Asian and African regions mostly in random basis to determine the level of unemployment.

As the given research work will deal with human subjects, it is important to follow certain ethical standard. This includes taking proper consent from the survey participants before collecting information in the form of survey (Denscombe, 2014). They also have to take proper consent from the government bodies as they are aiming to seek information from the published government resources and financial report.


Boot, N., Wilson, K. E., & Wolff, G. B. (2016). Youth unemployment in the Mediterranean region and its long-term implications. Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives, 15.

Bryman, A. (2015). Social research methods. Oxford university press.

Caliendo, M., &Schmidl, R. (2016). Youth unemployment and active labor market policies in Europe. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 5(1), 1.

Chigunta, F. (2017). Entrepreneurship as a Possible Solution to Youth Unemployment in Africa. Laboring and Learning, 433-451.

Denscombe, M. (2014). The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

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Gregg, P. (2015). Youth unemployment in the UK: Cyclical fluctuations and the struggle for structural reform. No Country for Young People, 65-76.

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