The Business Model Of Volvo Group: Analysis And SWOT

Overview of Volvo Group Discuss about the Business Model Of The Volvo Group In Sweden. A business model is a method that the company uses in order to generate more income and also yield profits so as to achieve its goals and objectives (Zott, Amit, & Massa,  2011). The business model provides guidance to the management of […]

Business Model And Business Model Innovation: A Case Study On Fonterra

Understanding Business Model and Business Model Innovation Discuss about the Configurational Approach in Business Model. A business model of an organisation is a plan to generate the profit and to make revenue out of it. The business model can explain the services or products of the organisations that they manufacture or provide in the market. […]

Hyperloop One: A Disruptive Technology Changing The Future Of Transportation

What is a Disruptive Technology? Discuss about the Information Technology for Disruptive Technology and Securities Regulation. A technology is generally termed as disruptive when it completely replaces another similar technology by consuming off its entire market. Generally, this type of technology comes with a wide range of benefits that is also deemed as a massive upgrade […]

Impact Of Education On Return On Investment In Human Capital Theory

Human Capital Theory and Education Discuss about the Cultural capital in business higher education. The growth and economic development is determined by resource availability. In understanding the relationship between the level of education and return on earnings, human capital theory will be implemented (Apple, 2017). The objective of the paper is to implement the concepts […]

Cultural Market Analysis Of Japan And Vietnam For Entrepreneurship

Japan’s Cultural Components Discuss About The Confucian Values School Leadership Vietnam. This paper is dealing with the cultural market analysis of Japan and all the cultural components are prescribed in a chronological way. A cross cultural market analysis has been made in this report where Vietnam has been chosen as home country and Japan is […]

Nursing Interventions For Postpartum Depression

Discuss about the Recovery Focused Nursing Care Plan Mental Health. DOMAIN Result 1. Overactive, aggressive, disruptive behaviour. 0 1 2 3 4 2. Non – accidental self- injury. 0 1 2 3 4 3. Substance use and misuse. 0 1 2 3 4 4. Cognitive problems 0 1 2 3 4 5. Physical illness or […]

Strategic Goals Of Edith Cowan University – Program Management Approach

Four Strategic Goals of Edith Cowan University Discusss about the Program management. Edith Cowan university (ECU) is considered to be a young and progressive university which has a strong reputation for excellence in the field of teaching and facilities related to state of art. The university has some dedicated teachers and researchers which can develop […]

Woodside Petroleum’s Compliance With GPFR Requirements And Conceptual Framework

Adherence to GPFR and Conceptual Framework Discuss about the Woodside Petroleum Objectives of GPFR. Based on the current corporate scenario, adherence to the objectives of GPFR and compliance with conceptual framework of accounting is vital to thrive in the market. This is because it facilitates effective decision-making on the part of users, thereby enhancing the reputation […]

Understanding Virtual Private Networks (VPN) And Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)

What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) Discuss about the various difficulties and drawbacks of using a legacy VPN and why such VPN is becoming obsolete in this age. A virtual private network or VPN is needed when a user wishes to create a highly secure connection between the user’s client machine and a private […]

Tongariro National Park – The Impact Of Climate Change On Tourism

Location, attractions, and tourism Discuss about the Overview of theTongariro National Park. Tongariro National Park is the one of oldest national park in New Zealand and the fourth national park in the world. It is situated in the midst of Northern Island and has been declared as one of the 28 cultural and natural World […]

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