Teaching Assignment

Introduction There has been a reasonable gradual shift in the approach of teaching writing in the classroom from product approach – comprising grammar-translation, controlled-to-free, paragraph pattern, grammar syntax organization approaches (mostly prevalent till early 1970’s) to communicative approach (mid 1970’s), process (late 1970’s – Early 1980’s), English for Academic Purposes (Mid 1980’s) and Genre Approach […]

Smoking And Lung Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, And Nursing Assessment

The Link between Smoking and Lung Cancer It takes long to develop the dreadful disease, Lung Carcinoma. Where as the changes start taking place immediately after the beginning of consumption of carcinogenic components. The lining of the bronchi immediately start reacting to these components and abnormalgrowth starts taking place. With the increase in the exposure […]

Montara Oil Spill: Case Study On Environmental Disaster In Australia

Background of The Montara Oil Spill Incident The news of BP deep water spill is still fresh in the memories of the people. The deep water oil spill happened in the Gulf of Mexico. However, a more serious incident also happened in Australia, where the leakage happened for 74 days before the same was controlled. […]

Leadership Journey Of (Name) – Principal Of (School Name)

Background of (Name) “(Name)” is the current principal of my school (School name) with a leadership term of above 30 years. The journey of *— as a leader was full of tribulations, challenges but also adorned with achievements and success awards. Journey of *— to enter into the aura of leadership was shaped when he […]

Research On Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) And Academic Performance

Predicting academic performance and behavior of children with attention deficit disorder A data set of 216 children were taken from the study of 369 children who were examined for behaviors associated with attention deficit disorder. The data were collected on the children in second, fourth and fifth grades and subsequent academic performance was measured in […]

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Essay: An Supreme Quality Sample to Write on Honor

Honor is defined as esteem paid to worth and is associated with reverence, dignity, distinction, reputation, good name, and a good sense of what is right, just, and true. The key part to honor is having respect for others, and for yourself, the two must act together because, without both of you, nothing is going […]

Essay on Respect

Nearly anything will earn you respect in the eyes of someone. But only certain things will earn you respect in the eyes of those who are respected. It’s that simple. So, true respect is not earned through injuring oneself or breaking the law. The respect earned by that is not true and lasting because it […]

‘Tragedy of the Commons’ Essay Sample

When it comes to the tragedy of the commons, the term covers a situation in which a few individuals try to reap the greatest benefit from a given situation, neglecting the wellbeing of the society. According to the historical facts, the concept of the tragedy of the commons dates back to the era of Aristotle. […]

Essay Sample on Stereotypes: Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgement

  In the essay “Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp your Judgement” by Robert C. Heilbroner, the author discusses how stereotypes cause us to prejudge the different types of people in the world before actually getting to know them. He writes about the types of stereotyping, and how we do it without recognizing it, when we begin, […]

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