Leadership Journey Of (Name) – Principal Of (School Name)

Background of (Name) “(Name)” is the current principal of my school (School name) with a leadership term of above 30 years. The journey of *— as a leader was full of tribulations, challenges but also adorned with achievements and success awards. Journey of *— to enter into the aura of leadership was shaped when he […]

Research On Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) And Academic Performance

Predicting academic performance and behavior of children with attention deficit disorder A data set of 216 children were taken from the study of 369 children who were examined for behaviors associated with attention deficit disorder. The data were collected on the children in second, fourth and fifth grades and subsequent academic performance was measured in […]

Organizational Structure Of Samsung Electronics: An In-depth Analysis

Introduction to Samsung Electronics The goal of the study is to have an in-depth analysis into the organizational structure, its relevance, importance, and its impact over the culture, brand value, sales, and success of the organization. This report will take into consideration various arenas of organizational structure of Samsung Electronics. It will cover the type […]

Calculation Of Project IRR, NPV, And Sensitivity Analysis

Calculation of Project IRR Calculation of project IRR: Initial Cash Flow: $3,000,000.00 Discounted Net Cash Flows at 19%   Year   Cash Flows   PVF(@19 %   PV   1   $1,100,000.00   0.840336134   $924,369.75   2   $1,450,000.00   0.706164819   $1,023,938.99   3   $1,300,000.00   0.593415814   $771,440.56   4   $950,000.00   0.498668751   $473,735.31   $3,193,484.61 Discounted Net Cash Flows at 24 %   Year   Cash Flows   PVF(@24%   PV   1   $1,100,000.00 […]

International And Islamic Business Law

Differences between International and Domestic Business Law The International business law is concerned with the rights of business with each other and with international organizations. Domestic law is within the state and it concern with the rights of business within the state(Bartone, 2010). The domestic and international business law is very differing in mainly two […]

Organizational Leadership And Transformation: A Study Of MAS Holdings

Introduction and Importance of Change Changes can lead to transformation. For any organization to constantly innovate and grow it is critical that the policies should be driven towards that. This is only possible with the help of effective organizational leadership. The approach of leader and vision should be communicated to the employees. The study initiates […]

Race For Life: Raising Funds For Cancer Patients

History of Race for Life event Race for life is known to be a series of events that are conducted to raise funds for women only. Organization of this event is done is done by the Cancer Research UK which is a British charity. These events conduct several activities such as walking, jogging and running. […]

Occupation Choices And Decision Making

Flight Attendants The purpose of this report is to elaborate the factors which are considered by individuals before selecting an occupation. Choosing an occupation is indeed a major decision of everyone’s life and it does give a shape to where he would be heading in the course if time. The report begins with a list […]

Effective Decision Making Processes For Organizations And Ethical Transformation

Ethical Decision Making in Organization assignment

Importance of decision-making for organizations Introduction The Decision making process has been an important criteria that has to be given due attention in case of the organizations. The complexity in the business processes and rapid enhancement across all the areas of the organization requires managers to not only make the sound decision, but also to […]

Tax Implications Of Printing And Designing Activities – Advice For John

Receipt of Income from Selling T-Shirts John was an architect and was employed by a small firm in the Melbourne CBD. He worked part-time. On his days off, he enjoyed designing and printing T-shirts. He started designing and printing T-shirts in August 2009, when his friend introduced him to the hobby. He printed T- shirts […]

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