Elfar & Golding: Sentencing Discretion And Parity Principle

Facts of the Case Discuss about the Accordance to Principle of Parity in Relation. In this the applicants had been convicted form importing cocaine into Australia. Cocaine is a border control drug and thus its importation is a crime under s 11.2A (1) and (2) and s 307.1(1) of the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth)[1]. The […]

Research And Statistical Method For Business: Sample Size, Sampling Method, And Measures Of Variables

Sample Size Discuss about the Research and Statistical Method for Business. Businesses need research and statistical methods to collect data, store, analyze and interpret data to make informed management decisions. Research is typically conducted to investigate hypothesis and establish truths about events (Hair, Wolfinbarger, Money, Samouel, & Page, 2015). Many business models have been developed […]

The Impact Of Perceptual Errors, Biases, And Attributes On Organizational Decision-Making

The Importance of Perceptual Errors, Biases, and Attributes on Decision-Making Discuss about the Managing Organizations for Educational Leadership Journal. The  background of the study is on the role played by  perception, and attributes on the decision-making procedure of the organization.  In accordance with Vázquez-Diez et al. (2016), the managers offer performance to other individuals based on […]

Motivational Theories In Starbucks

Maslow’s Motivational Theory Discuss About The Organizational Psychology European Journal. Human behaviour in an organization decides upon the interaction of the employees with their managers, supervisors, peers and subordinates (Mikkelsen et al., 2017). This study is concerned with the human behaviour of Starbucks. The former CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz always believed that the success […]

Community Policing: Building Trust And Legitimacy In Public Safety

The Emergence of Community Policing In what way has the community policing movement contributed toward public trust and police legitimacy? There is an urgent and compelling need to adopt innovative approaches to solutions to many pressing problems in society.  In the 21st century the military model of policing is shifting to community-based-policing where primary emphasis […]

Understanding HRM And Its Key Components

The Evolution and Importance of HRM Discuss about the Recent Developments in Theory and Research. Over the last one decade, as the business rivalry revolutionized to competition of the talents, the value of the people in a business is upgrade and has become important (Anheier, 2014). Given that individuals are thought to be the most […]

Environmental And Sustainability Priorities: Strategic Recommendations For Different Companies

Analysis of Alibaba SWOT Discuss About The Environmental And Sustainability Priorities. The following report is aimed at suggesting strategies to the CEO or the Board of Directors for a number of companies for the long term sustainability of the following companies. The report is based on the use of a number of different strategic tools […]

Opportunities And Challenges Of Big Data In Accounting

Introduction to Big Data Discuss about the Opportunities And Challenges Of Big Data In Accountancy. Big data is a term widely used in the business environment in the current years. The term is too broad that the professionals are keeping their minds and professionalism together to come up with a simplified comprehensible definition. Growth of […]

Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Of An Elderly Patient With Cerebrovascular Accident

Patient’s Current Health Condition Discuss about the Pharmacological Treatment of Insomnia. The assignment is the outcome of the long term care placement. The assignment is the assessment of the Mrs X an 88 year old patient currently residing in the long term care placement due to left sided cerebrovascular accident which caused right sided hemiplegia. […]

Discussing The Importance Of Social Welfare In Modern Businesses: A Case Study

The Importance of Social Welfare in Modern Businesses Discuss About The European Journal International Management. One of the most important things that the modern business houses must consider is social welfare. Though it is as true fact that profit maximization is one of the major goals for any business organization, they must never overlook the […]

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