Case Study On Recruitment And Selection Process For WWF

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Personal human resource management is one of the vital activities for the non-profit organizations like WWF. The success of the business depends upon the effectiveness of the human resource planning. Recruitment process for non-profit making organization like WWF has to be designed and implemented in an effective manner. This will enable the organization to recruit the right number of candidates at the right time. The process for human resource management includes planning for the workforce, recruiting, selecting, training, introducing development plans, and defining the appraisal method. Such strategies require exclusive accuracy at the time of planning or executing the task. With the help of the experienced and qualified staffs, the organization would be able to provide the best possible services that are considered to be essential for the conduct of the task. This includes introducing the better methods for recruiting and retaining the staffs or employees for the company (Armstrong, 2009).

In order to retain ore recruit the best staff it is necessary to introduce step-by-step analysis for strategic planning. This is exclusively included for selection and recruitment process. In this report the importance of the recruitment and selection process for WWF has been presented in an elaborated manner. This report consists of literature work that highlights the benefits and challenges involved with the selection and recruitment process. Through planning, it is possible to adopt scientific selection method, which enables the organization to introduce the best recruitment process (Boxall. P & Purcell, 2003).

The process of recruitment and selection has been defined as a process through which the organization can conduct the search for the suitable candidate to work within the company. In this process, the management also works on finding different methods through which the potential candidates can be encouraged to apply for jobs with WWF. Recruitment and selection process are concurrent to each other. Thus, there has to be an effective strategy through which the task can be executed by the management of the organization. With the help of an effective strategy it is possible for the human resource department of the organization to discover the capable and potential candidate who can handle the challenging tasks within the organization. Thus, the process acts as a like between the job seekers and the available jobs with WWF (British Psychological Society, 2007).

Different theories on the human resource management mainly concentrate on adopting the best technique for recruiting and selecting the best candidate. For this, it is essential to introduce an effective method for interviewing and assessment. The assessment procedure includes psychometric examination which enables the company to select the best candidate for the organization. The selection method can be internal or externally associated with the business performance. The selection of the technique completely depends upon the requirement of the company, and the availability of the qualified staffs. In order to select the suitable candidate it is necessary for the management to advertise the details about the job requirements. For this, it is necessary to select the best advertisement procedure. The decision to choose the process completely depends upon the management decision, and the time available for recruiting and training the staffs (Dainty, 2000).

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Selection and recruitment process

WWF is a non-profit making organization. The organization is indulged into different activities through which the quality of lives of animals is improved. For this, it is necessary for the management to select the best procedure through which the deserving candidate can be selected for the organization. Through incisive analysis procedure, it is possible for the company to introduce the best and successful recruitment procedure. In this method, the market condition, interview procedure, and the types of test required for sleeting the deserving candidate has to be defined. The selection procedure again depends upon the job requirements for the company and the availability of the staffs. For this, it is essential to conduct job analysis, through which the emotional intelligence of the individual can be analyzed. This is one or prime important factors through which the challenging tasks involved with the selection and recruitment procedure can be followed (Fajan Sola, 2002).

The procedure required to be followed for recruiting and selecting the staffs depends upon different factors. It includes deciding upon the type of interview method, defining the relevance of the role play, and including group discussion. Through this process, the managers of the human resource department would be able to analyze the potentiality of the candidate selected for the job. An effort is made to introduce challenging methods for candidates who have been selected for the jobs. Through this method, it is possible to analyze the ability and potentiality of the individual to perform the task (Godard J. & Delaney, 2000)..

The role played by the management for introducing selection and recruitment process is quite crucial. In this process, the barriers and other limitations associated with the recruitment process has to be analyzed. Through this process, it would be possible for the management to introduce the best strategies through which the best candidate for the job can be selected.

Recruiting new candidates for the company is an expensive affair, and thus the process has to be followed in the best possible manner. In case of insufficient recruitment policy or methods, the organization might face huge challenges that can affect the successful business conduct. In order to overpower the hindrances, it is necessary for the management to analyze the challenges and introduce the best strategies through which the deserving candidate can be recruited (Guest, D. E and King, 2004).

It is quite important to define the recruitment and selection process through which the best application can be selected and put through the interview method. The process and the method that is intended to be followed is not a simple task. In this case, the process or the strategy has to be defined. This will help in implementing the best steps through which they require changes for recruiting the best candidate can be introduced. Through board planning method, the organization can plan for the recruitment process and fill in the required workforce. The strategies for the WWF have to be outlined as this will help in selecting the best candidate suitable for the organization (Hunger, T.D and Wheelen, 2003).

Job description

Job description has to be provided as this will be useful for the potential candidates. After checking on the type of job intended to be performed and the qualification required for executing the same, the potential candidate can apply for the task. Through such process, it is possible to recruit the best candidate who will be suitable for the work. It is also necessary to highlight the features associated with the ethical factors. This would enable the candidate to understand the work atmosphere, and the challenges that is expected to be faced at the time of executing the task. This is one of the reasons, the management of the human resource department introduce psychometric test. Through this process, the management analyzes the ability of the individual to perform different challenging tasks that exists at the workplace. The selection tests is drafted and implemented with an intention of promoting the factors through which the best candidate suitable for the job can be selected and recruited. Through job description process, it is possible for the management to discuss about the requirements for the job, and discuss the same with the candidates. This would help in the implement one of the corrective measures through which the right steps can be implemented for recruiting the suitable candidate for the company (International Test Commission, 2005)

The selection and the recruitment process are associated with the value added or the non value activities. Both the factors are considered to be essential for the recruitment and selection process. In thus case it is necessary to draft an effective strategy through which the best candidate for the job can be recruited. This is done through strategies manpower planning, which is considered to be necessary for the selection of the deserving candidate for the job. In order to cater the needs of the organization, it is essential for the organization to concentrate on the demand factor, rather than supply system. This is related to the recruitment and the selection procedure that is followed by the organization. Thus, it is necessary to include the below mentioned factors –


Supervision factors

Control system

Through such procedure it is possible for the management of the organization to add value to the recruitment system. The price involved at the time of recruiting the suitable candidate has to be analyzed. The prime objective of the organization is to select the best candidate without spending much on the recruitment process. Selection of the process impacts the decision or the tasks that has been decided by the organization. With the help of the skilled and experienced workforce, the management can easily understand different types of challenging works. Through the research work, an attempt is made to analyze the waiting time or the inspection time required for filling in the non-value added tasks. In this process, the expenses associated with the process for advertisement has to be evaluated (Legge, 2001).

Companies and organizations don’t prefer to spend huge funds on advertising for the recruitment process. For esteemed and highly responsible jobs, the selection process has to be evaluated. Through this process, the time required for recruiting and selection is minimized. This is one of the most important factors, as it would help the management to introduce the corrective steps through which the right type of candidate can be selected for the job. Through effective planning and implementation process, it is possible to reduce on the recruitment costs, which is basically incurred in terms of advertisements. In the similar manner, it is essential to minimize the repetitive work, which impacts the recruitment process and the time required for recruiting and training the quid staffs. Such factors have to be analyzed, as the management cannot afford to waste time and efforts on the recruitment process for the workforce (  Menezes, et al., 2010).

Approaches adopted by the human development department for the organization is an important factor. In this process, the objectives or the materialization of the strategies prepared by the management has to be defined. This includes training and different developmental program. Through this process, the management of the organization can introduce the best selection process through which the performance can be improved. At the time of planning for the recruitment process, the labor market and other factors has to be taken into consideration. Thus, the models are developed and implemented to identify the different process for recognizing the applicants through which the selection process can be introduced. Through the process, the organization introduces the best strategies through which the recruitment process can be simplified. It is necessary to develop and implement the best methods for developing the employee relationship. The method selected for developing the social relationship has to be identified and implemented in the right manner. This is done to introduce high quality job applicants that are required for handling the job. In this process the process followed for describing the job and other factors are considered to be an essential factor. Through this method, it is possible for the authorities to attract the attention of the job applicants for different levels (Morris, S., & Snell, 2010).

In this case, the expectations and the values have to be developed. This will help in interacting with the applicants and highlighting the details of the tasks that is intended to be performed. In this case, the opportunity has to be identified the tasks intended to be followed has to be communicated with the members or the staffs. In this case, the expectations of the staffs and others associated with the execution of the task have to be analyzed. This will help in analyzing the challenges that are associated with the execution of the tasks related to the recruitment and selection method. The procedure followed by various companies varies and it depends upon the process that is intended to be adopted by the management. In this case, the challenges involved with the process of selection and recruitment has to be followed. Through this process, the authorities can adopt the best strategies through which the right type of candidate for the job can be selected. The model has to be selected after analyzing the expectations or the objectives of the company. In this method the barriers or the limitations involved in the process has to be analyzed. Through the method an attempt is made to recruit the best staffs that are required for the company (Newill S & Schackleton, 2000).

The selection and the recruitment process is considered to be quite complex and it depends upon various factors. This is one of the reasons; the authorities undertake different strategies and methods through which the tasks can be accomplished. At the time of selecting the suitable candidate, it is necessary to analyze the objectives of the organization. Through this process, the management would be able to determine the best staff that will be suitable for the task. The selection and the recruitment process have to be planned and the corrective steps needs to be introduced by the authorities. Through this process, it is possible for the management or the authorities to adopt the best methods through which the right type of candidate can be selected for the company. The challenges and the barriers involved in the process of recruitment and selection has to be analyzed. Through this process, it is possible for the authorities to introduce the corrective steps through which the best staffs can be recruited for the position. In this case, the authorities has to draft the best strategies through which the selection process can be done without spending much time on the same.

At the time of selecting candidate for nonprofit making organization, it is necessary to analyze the challenges involved with the process. Through this process, it is possible for the management to introduce the best strategies that will help in recruiting the suitable candidate for the post. In this case, the strategies prepared by the management for selection and recruitment process have to be developed and implemented in the right manner. This will help in implementing the best step through which the challenges involved with the selection and recruitment process can be easily handled. Through the decided strategy the company or the organization can prepare the plan for recruiting the suitable candidate. In this process, it is necessary to analyze the job and describe the job. This will help in selecting the suitable candidate who can handle the challenging tasks. The works has to be descried, as this will improve the possible of recruiting the best staff for the company. Policy adopted by the company from recruitment and selection would be introduced. The strategies have to be analyzed, and the corrective steps have to be introduced in order to recruit the right type of candidate.


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