Case Study For Scrum For Agile Methodology

Scrum Framework

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Scrum is the framework used in the Agile methodology that is used for completing the projects that are very complex. Scrum will get formalized initially for the programs that are having programming advancement; however this will admire the functions for any of the mind boggling, and work having imaginative extent. There is having huge potential outcomes. The structure of the Scrum will be misleadingly basic.

It has three parts: Item Owner, Master of Scrum, and Group.

Item Owner: The Owner of the Product ought to get the man with the accessibility, vision and power. The Owner of the Product is the charge of consistently conveying for the vision and requires the group improvement.

Master of Scrum: The Master of Scrum goes about as the facilitator for the Group and the Owner of the Product. The Master of Scrum does not deal with the group. The Master of Scrum additionally attempts for prompting the Owner of the Product on how to boost the group ROI.

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Group: As per the Scrum’s originator, “the group will get absolutely with the self dealing.” The improvement group is the self charge that will sort out for finishing the work. The Scrum improvement group will contains around seven of the completely committed singles, in the group having perfect world in single room shielded from the diversions of outside. (Philippe, 2014)

Scaled Agile Framework is the uninhibitedly uncovered information base for incorporated examples for big business scale Lean-Agile advancement. It is adaptable and particular, permitting an association to apply it in a way that suits its need. The SAFe site gives extensive direction to scaling improvement work over all levels of an endeavor. SAFe’s intuitive “Huge Picture” gives a visual diagram of the structure. Every symbol on the site is selectable, exploring the client to an article which gives broad direction on the point zone, alongside connections to related articles and additional data.

SAFe synchronizes arrangement, joint effort, and conveyance for expansive quantities of coordinated groups. It underpins both programming and frameworks improvement, from the humble size of under 100 experts to the biggest programming arrangements and complex digital physical frameworks; frameworks that require a great many individuals to make and keep up. SAFe was created in the field, in light of helping clients tackle their most difficult scaling issues. SAFe influences three essential groups of learning: Agile advancement, Lean item improvement, and frameworks considering.

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

SAFe incorporates Portfolio, Program and Team forms. At the level of the Team, the strategies delineated are those used as the part of scrum, prescribing sprint cycles having two-week. At the level of the Program, SAFe expands scrum will get used the same thoughts yet one of the up level. The level of Program will deals with the Release Train that will get made out of the five cycles of sprint. There’s likewise a 6th advancement arranging sprint that permits groups to develop, review, and adjust. Parts and procedures are characterized at the level of the Program, which takes into account coordinated and consistency effort over the task. SAFe likewise gives forms the higher one level, at the level of the Portfolio, utilizing includes standards, for example, advancing worth streams for the help officials and pioneers distinguish and organize sagas, and elements that will get separated at the level of the Program and planned on Release Trains.

SAFe depends on various permanent, basic Lean and Agile standards. These are the essential precepts, the fundamental truths and financial underpinnings that drive the parts and practices that make SAFe effective. The nine SAFe standards are:

  • Take the perspective that is monetary
  • Apply the considering frameworks
  • Expect variability; also save the choices
  • Assemble increasing with the quick, incorporated learning cycles
  • The base points of reference on the target assessment for the frameworks that are working
  • Imagine and restrain WIP, lessen bunch sizes, and the lengths for oversee line
  • Apply rhythm, synchronize with the arranging of cross-space
  • Open the inherent inspiration of learning specialists
  • Decentralize basic leadership (Brown, 2013)

Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) is the structure of the procedure choice that empowers the procedure of the streamlined choices around arrangement that are iterative and incremental conveyance. DAD will expands the various practices upheld by the promoters of the programming advancement that are light-footed, containing Scrum, incline the programming enhancement and agile demonstrating and others.

The essential reference for the delivery of disciplined agile book for the similar name, composed by Scott Ambler and Mark Lines.

Specifically, DAD will get distinguished as a method for moving past Scrum. As per Cutter Senior Consultant Bhuvan Unhelkar, “The DAD system gives a precisely developed component that streamlines IT work, as well as all the more essentially, empowers scaling.”. Paul Gorans and Philippe Kruchten call for more teach in the usage of Agile methodologies and demonstrate that DAD, for instance, structure, is “a half-breed deft way to deal with big business IT arrangement conveyance that gives a strong establishment from which to scale.”

There are five of the essential roles in the structure of DAD are regularly discovered paying little mind to scale.

Partner: Somebody who is really affected by the result of arrangement. More than only an end client, this is anybody possibly influenced by the improvement and organization of the product venture.

Disciplined Agile Development

Item Owner: The individual on the group who talks as “one voice of the client”, speaking to the requirements of the partner group to the coordinated conveyance group.

Colleague: The colleague concentrates on creating the real answer for partners, including however not constrained to testing, investigation, engineering, outline, programming, arranging, and estimation.

Leader: The group captain is the deft mentor, in charge of encouraging correspondence, enhancing forms, and guaranteeing the group has the assets it needs and this will be free of obstructions.

Engineering Owner: Settles on the engineering choices for the group and encourages the creation and development of the general arrangement outline. (Ambler, 2012)

Level of the Team:



SAFe 4.0


The Methodology

Agile Methodology

The teams take after agile improvement working in The Program sprints would increase

Dad utilizes lithe system for advancement. It can likewise utilize a wide range of sort of mythologies such as Kanban, Lean programming advancement and so on

Size of the Team

In this methodology the size of the users are mainly 3-10

The workers of the teams as the teams of the agile methodology and team will functionally cross all the function and it contain the size of the team which contain users of 3-9

Teams are typically 3-9 individuals

Teams fills in as light-footed groups and the group are cross useful and are generally 3-9 individuals

Small spry groups are between 2 to 15 individuals.

Medium disorderly groups that are not sorted out as groups of groups are anyplace between 25 to 35

Huge sloppy groups that are not sorted out as group of groups are more than 35 individuals

Extensive teams

Scrum is bad at managing substantial groups. Little number like 3 to 4 groups nimble groups can work in coordination to make programming. As the quantity of group’s increment, coordination among the groups gets to be mind boggling. Every group has their own item proprietor, scrum masters.

SAFe 4.0 strategies were made for handling the substantial number of groups. There can be various groups with around 50 to 125 individuals. Item administration group deals with these groups. In the event that there are more than 125 individuals in the group, another item administration group is made with the lithe groups. Each light-footed group has their own Product proprietor, scrum expert. Item administration group has an item director who coordinates with item proprietor in every group. Scrum expert in item administration group is the scrum of scrums.

In DAD, littler groups fills in as light-footed groups. Normally group captain alone is the designer. Group has a leader, item proprietor and colleagues.

Groups are sorted out in a comparative way to little deft groups yet with a couple of contrasts. In medium size groups, Architect and leader are distinctive. Groups additionally incorporate one or more experts, for example, business examiners to bolster the item proprietor.

Substantial Teams:

Substantial groups are partitioned into little DAD sub groups. Every sub group has a Team Lead, modeler, and Product proprietor and business investigators. Sub groups are overseen by a group that comprise of project chief, draftsman and conveyance supervisor.




SAFe 4.0


Owner of the Product

Every team will have the owner of the product

Every group has an item proprietor. Item proprietors are guided/ overseen by item supervisor at the system administration level.

Little and Medium size groups have one item proprietor. In Large groups, every sub groups has an item proprietor oversaw by Program supervisor

Master of the Scrum

The master of the scrum will have every team

Every group has a scrum expert. A scrum expert at the system administration level encourages scrum aces. He is the scrum of the scrums.

Every group has a foreman. He is tantamount to Scrum expert in scrum. Group leads from sub groups are guided by conveyance administration group

Manager of the Program

Scrum does not have the project director

Program chief oversees item proprietors in various groups

Program chief deals with the authority group

Scrums of the Scrum

Scrum does not have the scrum of the experts of the scrum

Scrum of the scrum bosses will encourage scrum aces in the groups

Conveyance administration group oversees the leads of the Team. Leads will be practically identical to Scrum expert in the scrum.

Processes in Methodology:

Item of processes


SAFe 4.0



Client stories will get changed over to excess things. Group has one arrangement of excess things to take a shot at.

An Epic layer has an epic excess thing. These are enormous huge thoughts. Epic accumulations are changed over to esteem stream build-up things. Esteem stream accumulations are the ventures. Tasks are changed over into item accumulation things at item administration level. These build-up things are spread to groups as PI goal. Groups make group build-up to chip away at in a PI.

Excess creation in DAD is like Scrum


In light of overabundance size, whole improvement time is isolated into the sprints. A group will runs sprint and thus discharge objectives are achieved a discharge will get made.

In the Work of SAFe will get partitioned among Project increases. Every venture addition is for 10 week term with the sprints that are 5. Every sprint will be of 2 week length.

DAD sprint approach is like Scrum


Arranging of improvement is done with the Sprint 0. In every sprint, a making and retrospection arrangement for another sprint happens.

Toward begin of advancement, Product administration group conceptualizes with improvement groups. Arranging is done in the sessions. Every group is given by the objective of PI. Every PI will be of 10 week span with the 5 sprints. In each of the sprint 5 PI, retrospection and arranging is accomplished for next PI

Every stage discharge cycle has a devoted stage called origin. All the arranging







Useful for little venture with under 3 to 4 groups

Useful for enormous tasks with numerous groups and group size greater than 50 individuals

Useful for any size of the venture. Process scales as needed for the size.


Just groups acts as agile methodology

Entire association talks the same dialect of agile methodology

Entire undertaking takes after dexterous


Dangers are not uniquely considered

No restrictive gatherings for danger alleviations

Huge center and turning point gatherings for danger alleviation.

In my organization I have used DAD methodology.  DAD is a procedure choice system, not a strategy. It is a cross breed of driving deft and incline techniques with direction on the most proficient method to settle on better decisions while applying methodologies for circumstance that will end up in. The DAD will get summed up as “even minded nimble”, providing you the adaptability to adjust your methodology for your one of a kind connection.

We have not used Safe because SAFe gives the approach that is largely prescriptive for decomposing huge initiatives into the work with smaller streams that will get executed by the various teams that are in parallel with the integrations that are periodic for the stakeholder’s delivery and work.  SAFe will fill the requirement as the industry had been lacking for the pattern for large initiatives scaling.  In the opinion, this will be appropriate for the large teams of the agile with all the situations (say 100+) and they will be working ideally on the products that are cohesive and are based on the architecture that are shared.  The teams would be very well competent and they can get depended on the functionality that is delivering for reliable on the cadences that are common with the release train having other teams for the organization.  SAFe will be good and definitely not fit for the teams from new to the agile methodology.

In the most recent couple of weeks I contacted two or three our clients at huge associations to discover in the words why then chose DAD over the SAFe. In principal organization, in spite of the fact that they had been doing some spry in pockets throughout the last eight or so years, they were inadequate with regards to consistency in their methodology and attempting to accomplish the guaranteed advantages of deft. They at first decided to rollout SAFe. Be that as it may, in the wake of preparing 120+ specialists they halted the preparation and rotated to DAD.  It was understood that SAFe will be poorly fit for the association for the reasons that are accompanying:

  • There are level of disturbance needed to take off SAFe over the association was not agreeable
  • The interest in preparing and overhead connected with the SAFe system that would be too high and running.
  • SAFe would not get material to a wide range of undertakings so it would require another structure in any case.

Association picked DAD for the accompanying reasons:

  • Endeavor common sense
  • A decision of the four lifecycles that are supporting all kinds of coordinated yet it is having some of the consistency that the system gives
  • Worked in, lightweight light-footed administration
  • The vast majority of their advancement groups are geologically scattered that would made the unreasonable that was SAFe
  • Support for ventures utilizing more conventional methodologies (Note: In the lion’s share of extensive undertakings spry groups need to work together with customary groups)

Below are the DAD’s Value propositions:

  1. Do you truly need expansive undertakings? An expansive association does not inexorably liken to substantial improvement groups.
  2. DAD gives the establishment to scaling. Without the base that was strong for the big business spry ability it will be very hard for effectively receive the systems that are scaling, for instance, SAFe or LeSS.
  3. Spry administration worked in. Your patrons couldn’t care less what light-footed “religion” you take after. They might however want to see predictable perspectives on the wellbeing and status of your tasks paying little heed to the execution approach.
  4. DAD is practical light-footed. The system gives adaptable and rich direction to the unimaginable exhibit of the circumstances that the association faces. DAD does this with all the procedure objective driven methodology. Decision is great.
  5. One procedure does not fit all. Be careful the buildup. There is no silver-projectile procedure. Regardless of the fact that you discover a spot to use SAFe, you will require different methodologies. So be careful with hitting all undertakings with the SAFe heavy hammer. It essentially doesn’t fit with numerous if not generally circumstances.


Ambler, Scott; Lines, Mark (2012), Disciplined Agile Delivery: A Practitioner’s Guide to Agile Software Delivery in the Enterprise, ISBN 978-0132810135

Philippe Kruchten; Paul Gorans (2014), A Guide to Critical Success Factors in Agile Delivery (Report). IBM Center for the Business of Government, p. 14, A hybrid agile approach to enterprise IT solution delivery that provides a solid foundation from which to scale”

Brown, Alan W. (2013). “Toward the Agile Organization: Accelerating Innovation in Software Delivery”. Cutter IT Journal

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