Case Study For Personal And Professional Development: Strategies To Meet Deadlines And Personal Development Plan
Reasons for Missing Deadlines
Discuss about the Case Study for Personal and Professional Development.
Assignment 1 (Harry Case study)
There are various reasons for Harry not meet the deadline from the case study in which I will elaborate and provide strategies in which he can implement in order to meet the deadline always.
One of the reason could be he has a great capacity to over promise the managers, and on his case under deliver. (Nirkhe, Kraus, Miller, and Perlis, 1997)The individual may have said yes to the piece of work assigned without really understanding how much time and effort it is involved. Another reason that has made him miss the deadline could be he does not have a good clarity about what he was asked to do. Due to this lack of clarity, and busy week ahead, with many dozen of important things to do, you tend to do things that you are clear about. Another reason could be the information emailed by each of the department to incorporate to the newspaper could be delivered on the last minute. In this way he may have work load to cater for making him miss the deadline. (Marquardt, 1996) In addition, it could be impulse control. The resultant in the gratification which is acquired from something which is in front of you, can distract one from achieving a certain deadline. Lastly, it could be Harry could not be communicating well. Providing regular updates in regards to the work and proper management of the tasks for the individual waiting for that work could greatly help in meeting of the deadlines.
Strategies to implement to meet the deadline
The first strategy is to organize and prioritize. This entails having a wall planner, and a clock to plan backwards from the deadline and to use these tools to be able to organize, and keep track of the project assigned. Moreover, Harry may prioritize on the tasks, when one has deadline to meet, decide which tasks are the most urgent basing on the proximate of the deadline and thus be able to plan ahead.
Break the task down. This entails breaking the project into small tasks and allocate time in achieving each task. He may define the task and make them specific, realistic and then achievable. Moreover, he may give himself small deadline and stick on them to achieve the whole project.
Another strategy is to write it down. This aspect helps an individual to think about the project and be able to identify the steps which are involved in the completion of the project. It is important to write what you plan to achieve and when you will work on that specific task. Becoming a list person, is very important since you will cross the task achieved. Moreover, Harry could also negotiate on the deadline of the project with the department manager. They could be the problem who are making him miss the deadline. They could come up with a plan to make sure their information is delivered on time for Harry to compile and incorporate in the newspaper before the deadline.
Strategies for Meeting Deadlines
Assignment 2
Part A
Development plan is an effectively tool for the professional to accomplish excellent at their different fields. The plan entails use of different aspect of the reflection in order to help individuals to keep track of their steps in acquire the skills and the knowledge. (Marquardt, 1996) Nevertheless, the plan enables one to keep track of changes on their life more so improvement of the weak aspect. It also provides one to gauge their progress, and to determining on the skills they want to achieve in the future. It thus, aids on the achievement of the personal and the professional development for the goals. In this report it will show a development of a personal in which, highlight on the the evaluation of the current skills and the knowledge in which include the strength and the weaknesses.
Personal analysis
This is the first stage of the personal development plan that is designed to analyze on the strength and weaknesses. Strength
On the aspect of the personal administration at the enterprise and the various skills are good, more over I have a detailed knowledge at the various levels on my training. Nevertheless, have gained confidence after coping on situation of the pressure, even with deprivation of the sleep in all role I had with the previous employer as a sales agent. (Beausaert, Segers, Fouarge, and Gijselaers, 2013) I had the opportunity to be the leader of a team over a given period of time. I demonstrated ability to give direction and helped the team to achieve given tasks under pressure..
Areas to further develop
I have to take more time at planning a given tasks before briefing my subordinates, for example by providing a solution rather not to presenting the problem. In addition, I need to perform my task on time, rather than wait the last minutes. It is imperative therefore to have a management schedule to cater for this.
The social development is significant to my personal development plan. I discovered I did not have the soft skills to relate with other individuals. These skills are important at the work place so as to avoid the skill mismatch in the work place. Interaction well with other people was the main goal for my personal development plan, since it is significant to the role of the sales agent for the National BDM IT Hardware electronic company. A sales individual ought to have expertise and the skills to interact with other people in order to make the sales. This was possible to accomplish when given the role to be a team leader in the previous job. The post helped to effectively develop communication skills, since I had little issues to communicating effectively. It also helped me to be a good listener and a more focused individual. There is also the issue of threat on balancing work and personal commitment.
Personal Skills Analysis
Setting goals
1.0 What do I want to learn?
I need to learn a greater depth of the knowledge in order to lead to the external business activities. Moreover, it is important to widen on the leadership skills, achieve on the core business skills, and improve on the decision making skills.
- What I have to do?
On this aspect I need to identify the business need and be able to build on the confidence and the trust of the clients, since this is the first aspect of the business. Moreover, gain further experience on the business analysis processes.
- How will I measure on the success?
The success on the role will be measured through the formal and informal appraisal, prioritization of the goals which serve as part of my appraisal process. Moreover, mentoring on the performance appraisal and securing on the bonus benefit from the role.
Personal objectives
On this objectives are divided into 3 component the short term goal, the next twelve months, the medium term goal the next 3 years and the long term goals that is beyond three years.
Short term goal
On this is to improve on the time management, by having a time schedule to improve on the various aspect I undertake. To complete various programs to be able to engage to complex business project activities.
Medium goals
To be given more opportunity by allocation of responsibility to manage a small team in sales to support on the challenging business project of the company, and also engage in the supporting functions of a project.
To gain promotion to the middle of the management of the company and also to gain a support of the colleagues. Moreover, to be given responsibility for managing a large team of direct reports.
Part B Feedback
The trainer highlighted the personal development plan is good, but also pointed out there are some areas that needs to be changed in order to be achievable. This is so in that this role requires further learning activities to be gain the skills. (Beausaert, Segers, Fouarge, and Gijselaers, 213) This I did not include in the learning activities. He further highlighted development assignment for the role are the job rotation as learning style to gain the allows the employee to temporarily move information an established position in the current organization. Furthermore there should be experimental learning experience where I could learn from doing. On this I will put on the further development on personal development, since I ought to focus especially in the defining moments. In my development I put highlighted various changes, in that I need to listen, and improve my personal performance, in which I previously did not have the patience to hear other people’s ideas. On the short term goals I will add on the remaining flexible and observant especially in the communication process. I lacked this previous and am doing all I can to be able to fit in this role.
Part C
The current network am involved is reaching to my references. Am currently reaching to the individuals I know to be able to highlight them on the products we are offering. I am also describing my goals and seeking their assistance to be able to succeed in this role. The references is the best point of sale since these individuals already knows me, and they would be the first individuals to convince to get these electronic products. I am an aggressive career networking individuals this is evident, am going in person to see the clients references, friends and family in regards to the products. Further networks that I would venture are establishing client relationship to get referee from them through good service deliver provision.
Beausaert, S., Segers, M., Fouarge, D. and Gijselaers, W., 2013. Effect of using a personal development plan on learning and development. Journal of Workplace Learning, 25(3), pp.145-158.
Marquardt, M.J., 1996. Building the learning organization. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies.
Nirkhe, M., Kraus, S., Miller, M. and Perlis, D., 1997. How to (plan to) meet a deadline between now and then. Journal of Logic and Computation, 7(1), pp.109-156.