Career Options In Hospitality Industry: Roles, Sectors And Emerging Technologies

Assessment of roles of departments

Food and beverage department of the hotel mainly plays the most vital part where the stuffs remain responsible for preparing tables for meal for the guests, take food orders from the customers, serve drinks and food, clean up before and after food services servings in the hotel. The front office of the hotels mainly performs the pre-registration or registration responsibilities for the incoming guests in their hotels (Fang, Ye and Law2016). This particular department performs the duties of the guests check in and out. Its tracts and reports room rates and status and makes the room reservations. The food production chiefly involves in the food preparation duties for the guests. The chefs in this department involve from purchasing the items to deciding the menu. They supervise the kitchen and maintain the food quality, sanitation standard and creating new signature dishes.

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The house keeping section of the hotels is in charge of the comfort for the guests hence the staffs of housekeeping make beds and change sheets in the guest rooms. The house keeping stuffs are responsible to stock the rooms with coffee supplies, clean cups, towels and other bathroom items. The gaming services serve the customers in the gambling establishments like racetracks and casinos. This service attracts the customers more effectively than other facilities. Banquets in the hotels are another attractive feature that make the hotels capable to arrange conferences, business meetings and other celebrations ( 2018).

Along with the hotels and resort which basically provide accommodation for the tourists in a place, there are some other sectors related to tourism. Three most important sector are travel and tourism which is a part of transportation, recreation that supports the country to build tourism and the food and beverages sector that plays one of the most important part in the tourism business of a place.

The importance of transportation sector in the tourism industry is unavoidable as this helps the countries to create more tourist spots, smoothens the process of communication thus expand the tourism sector of the countries (Hung, Lee and Huang 2016). Due to development of transportation, the international tourists are having choices to visit the distant lands in one hand and the national tourists are being able to visit the places within their lands by different types of vehicles. The tourism sector in current global situation therefore, is acknowledging the importance of air, sea and land modes to be an essential of the operations and taking care for availability for the support services such as fuel stations, motels, rest facilities and repair of the vehicles (Eid 2015). Due to effective transportation facilities, the travel agencies who mainly market the tourist spots, getting increasingly involved.

Researching other sectors related to tourism

Food and beverage in the tourism industry is one of the most essential factors that completes the overall experience of the destination. To Camisón et al. (2016) the recent tourists are more informed, cultured and look for new experience in which their choice of food and beverages plays important part. This sector offers the tourists a gateway into other cultures though food preparation, eating environment and taste. Food tourism has covered a huge part in the tourism industry of the places like western Europe and eastern Asia (Hung, Lee and Huang 2016). In addition to this, the wine routs of South Africa and California are creating new tourism markets. A part of enjoyment of travel is trying out unaccustomed cuisines for which the travel exhibitions are trying to market and providing ideal platforms for this food tourism.

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The concept of recreation in tourism is related with the pursuit of leisure activities during the visit of a tourist spot. This is the reason why the tourist spots in the national parks, mountainous regions and amusement sites are situated. This type of tourism can be either nature centric tourism that largely depend upon the natural places for recreation or the adventure centric tourism where the tourists mainly focus on the outdoor recreational activities. This is the reason why there are two types of recreation and tourism activities in the places which include land based and water-based recreation and tourism ( 2018). The mountain resorts arrange for snow sports such as ski, heliskiing, riding off road recreational vehicles, hunting, cycling, hiking, camping and wildlife viewing. In the water-based tourism, the resorts arrange for scuba diving, sport fishing and paddle sports which attract the international tourists.

In the growing international tourism market, some very attractive career options as there are numerous sections of tourism industry. This include hotel management, Casino Property General Management, Regional Chef, Restaurant Management, Event Coordination, head housekeeping, Chief Sommelier, Food and Beverage Direction and Catering Management (Zaitseva, Goncharova and Androsenko 2016).

The working condition in the hospitality industry has both positive and negative aspects. The positive aspects include wealth opportunities, tips and bonuses, opportunities for travel, stability and growth and creative designations. The negative aspects include, long hours of service, high standards and tight schedules. The employers in hospitality industry expects competency as the customer satisfaction is mainly dependent on the services of the employees. This allows the hotels to grow and gain competitive advantage.

Career options in hospitality industry

In different countries, there are different associations that take care of the tourism in that country. The four major travel associations that operate in the international level are The U.S. Travel Association, World Food Travel Association, The International Ecotourism Society and International Hotel & Restaurant Association.   In Australia there are various agencies that function on different sections of tourism industry like food, beverage, lodging and sustainability tourism. These include Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC), Restaurant and Catering Queensland, Australian Tropical Foods Group, Australian Beverages Council (ABCL) and Packaging Council of Australia (PCA). These associations operate in maintaining the perfect standard of food and beverage in the restaurants and hotels. Australian Hotels Associations and The Accommodation Association of Australia these associations ensure the national social, economic, legislative and commercial environment so that they can secure the continuing viability of the Australian hotels ( 2018).

In tourism sector, the Augmented and Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Social Media Driven Marketing are affecting the nature of tourism and changing the whole process starting from planning to completion of the tour (Murphy et al. 2018).

With the change in the technological developments, the event tourism has been increased. Therefore, the hotels and resorts have started to provide services perfectly matching products like pre-booking over internet, Wi-Fi for conferences, pick and drop services, events and entertainment packages.

In hospitality, the quality and food safety are important factor for which the quality assurance scheme has been used. The customer service teams of the hotels report any complaints relevant for the food safety based on which they bring changes to satisfy their customers (Abukhalifeh and Som 2015).

In the hospitality industry, the employees are being trained to cater the needs of the health and safety issues both for themselves as well as for the customers. New workplaces have become more technology aided and skill oriented so that the tourists get exactly what they want.

In the current context, the tourism industry of the world is facing mainly two types of issues. Firstly, the hotels and other associated tourism organizations are responsible to maintain sustainability through their activities by not hampering the natural elements of the environment (Morton 2018). Secondly, with the increasing number of tourists each year both national as well as international, the institutions are to enhance their abilities to meet all the demands in one hand and survive in the high competition on the other (Jovicic 2014). There are issues related to both natural as well as human made. For the perfect operation of the tourism industry in the world, the social, political, environmental, technological and legal balance is the necessity which many of the destinations do not get properly ( 2018).

Major hospitality industry associations

In order to restore the natural environment of the place as it was, the government of he places have initiated to make legislative decisions so that cultural, social and environmental resources can be built and maintained properly so that the destination can have more high-quality offerings (BW Businessworld. 2018). To Stone, Migacz and Wolf (2018), the association of tourism industry of the destination are responding to the increased interests in the long-term impacts of tourism in the global warming and climate change issues. in order to gain desired sustainability, the tourism industry is facing needs for increased, regional and national leadership in the strategic planning and tourism policies.

In order to meet the growing demands in the tourism industry, the need for skill and knowledge have been pointed out. As the industry operates starting from the planning to the successful completion of the tour, the issues like visa, passports fees and airline services are seen. In addition to this, the threat of terrorism or sudden political conflict have affected the global tourism for many destinations (, D. 2018). Moreover, the industry faces issues of natural or human-induced disasters and health issues in many places (Remeikis, Karp and Hutchens 2018). This are the reasons why maintaining quality experiences as well as positive balance at the tourist destinations have become really difficult in the global context.


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Murphy, K., Torres, E., Ingram, W. and Hutchinson, J., 2018. A review of high performance work practices (HPWPs) literature and recommendations for future research in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(1), pp.365-388. 2018. Chapter 5. Recreation – Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2018].

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Stone, M.J., Migacz, S. and Wolf, E., 2018. Beyond the journey: the lasting impact of culinary tourism activities. Current Issues in Tourism, pp.1-6.

Zaitseva, N.A., Goncharova, I.V. and Androsenko, M.E., 2016. Necessity of changes in the system of hospitality industry and tourism training in terms of import substitution. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(1), pp.288-293.

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