Career Management Portfolio: Reflections, Analysis And Goals

Personal Reflection and Assessment

1.Personal Profiling

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Reflection on Psychometric test

            In my psychometric test, I have found that I am Protagonist in nature. I have qualities to be a leader. There are some sorts of natural instincts I have, which are inspiring and motivating for others. I love to take responsibilities, and I have that confidence that I will evaluate any diverse situation and provide the best possible solution for that situation. I am a firm believer. I can find out people’s strength and weakness and also very good at managing people. There are some cases where man management is important for the organization or in the business process. Genuine attempt and hardworking mentalities are not overlooked by me. I have a sharp eye on work, and all these works are examined by me. I am very careful about my possible chances and tried to implement my understanding of the situation. As a protagonist, I have found 61% extraverted in nature, and the major reason behind that is communication. I have to communicate with people for knowing them in right manner. If I will not talk to them, then man management is getting affected. On the other hand, initiatives are taken by me in most of the times, and that is the reason test has declared that I am 67% intuitive. I have a feeling for people who are not efficient enough, but they tried to overcome the situation, I love to hold those hands and provide better ideas to them so that they can improve their position. I have qualities to be mass leaders as management and personality understanding is the prime qualities in me. I can judge people in a right manner. The test evaluates my judgmental quality is 61% which is quite good in nature, and I understand that my judgment is quite perfect for organization selection. In most of the cases, I have to judge people according to their potential; rather I judge them on their inner belief, strength, and willingness. Their willingness and zeal power is the most influencing matter that vibrancies other employees too. Other employees also love to associate with them and try to motive their work for the betterment of production. I am very positive and optimistic person. I can take every challenge, and I have this faith that I can overcome the situation, and this belief is the ultimate assertive feeling that has grown within me in those adverse situations. In this psychometric test assertive percentage is 53% and my inner belief is the reason behind that.

Personal SWOT analysis


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Ø  My education and understanding ability is the key strength of my workplace.

Ø  I have good man management skill, and I can manage a whole group of people.

Ø  I have good communication skill, and through this skill, I manage some adverse situations.

Ø  I am a quick learner, and through these learning possibilities, I can improve my position.

Ø  I have a careful look over in all situations, and these situations are not overlooked by me.

Ø  I am a team worker. Thus team performance motivates me the most and this is the reason team bonding and work improvement is associated with me and my performance.


Ø  I have no experience in human resource management, and this is the ultimate drawback for me.

Ø  I am easily distracted by any emotional situation. So this is a feeble situation for me.

Ø  I am not practical enough in some situations. I have created within me, but there is some crucial situation where my creativity is not working and I have to take practical decisions to over the situation is my drawbacks.


Ø  Communication chances help me familiarize with people and to understand their feeling for organizational development.

Ø  My communication power has improved, and I can evaluate my communication skill for that reason.

Ø  Leader behaviour, approach, and culture are quite new to me, so I am waiting for those characters to indulge in.


Ø  I am not good in web designing like my other friends. This is an important skill, and I have to know this skill as well.

Ø  I am not a good decision maker. A decision is taken by anyone can be implemented by me in a successful way but most of the time decision making is the ultimate threat to me.

Ø  Time management is a threat to me, and I need specialized training from my supervisors for managing time.

 Personal brand statement

            I have some genuine qualities that differentiate my characteristics from others. I have a protagonist character, and that character signifies some natural brand values that opted only of this kind of people. I have leadership qualities, communication, man management, analyses employees’ motive, provide motivation to employees and express my suggestion over different issues, high intolerance level, team bonding, open-minded, impartial management, and cooperation all these skills are in me. I am good in those aspects and can play any role what organization needs me. I can implement any decision and understand the impact of the decision on the situation. A fair and effective conversation with managers can also be a brand statement for me. I like constructive criticism also and allow people to criticize my work so that I can improve my level towards the perfections. Extra burden or pressure is not allowed to me rather I will take the amount of pressure that I am used to.

2: Global and Commercial Awareness

Comparison between Banking and National Health Services

Main features, changes and future trends in banking sectors

            The main feature of the banking sector is to provide account security to their customers. Standard account maintenance, provide money to their customers in problem situation is the major factor for banks. They have particular payment module and processes, from them; they use to manage customer relationship process and data warehouse sections. The modular approach has been introduced by the management, and this is the reason one platform work has started (Wendelboe et al. 2017). Through this platform, customers can pay their money to their account on that other hand take a lump sum amount of loan from that particular bank where the person created that account long ago. This reason behind this change is to manage people attention and attracts more people to invest their money in banking sectors.

            Changes like the introduction of home accounts and payment options via mobile setting, RTGS system management all these are possible changes that revised by the banking sectors. In the operation management, there are several aspects that may be changed in a rapid form so that data management function is not hampered and people will be benefitted by the operation process. Payment option has changed, and customers now avail to deliver money from their phone or ATM. The transaction process is so fast that people love to use those for their benefit. It is a kind of transaction system that evaluated by the banking authorities so that people will not face any difficulty in processing the system (Riccardi, Old and Ekins 2017). The information control module is another way to organize the systematic data management function. The function signifies the warning issue and states the account holder about the trespasser’s entrance in this account. The process is entirely built up for the better security issues, and that function is very important in case of secure the account from any diverse situation. The settlement process and priority level of payment options are important in that case and that segmented level of opportunity in the transaction. Normal, urgent, highly urgent these are the three types of payment priorities and that newly introduced by baking sectors.

Career Management: Reflections and Mock Job Applications

            Proofing function through an operating machine or different payment options and urgent payment operation for old age people are the future trends that banking sector has introduced in their sectors (DeJesus 2015). Instant gratification is a real-time one-click shopping, same day delivery services, digital customers and instant fraud verification are the measured way of transformation that probably introduced by banking sector for fixing problems and mitigates them in an effective way. “Know Your Customers” is a kind of maintenance of relationship processes with customers that banking sectors have come up with. The basic understanding of that process is to know the customers and get them aware of any mishap situation (Abu El-Hajand Skilton2017). Automation process can change the dimension of banking process. Optical character recognition can make sense the customers’ identification through a certain barcode or number and for this reason better customers have not to wait for long in a queue for manual verification.

Main features, changes and future trends in NHS sectors

The main features of NHS are to provide inclusive service accessible to all and that is the reason physical and mental situation of a patient is changes at the time of their treatment starts. Equality in patient care and improvement in health is the basic motive of this sector. Features like services are based on clinical need and charge is not effective enough on that occasion rather overseas visitors want to access NHS (Young et al. 2015). The sector has maintained their highest standard excellence and provides effective professionalism, so that patient care and value has been maintained by NHS. The NHS works across governmental limitations and in co-operation with added organizations in case of providing attention to patients, limited communities, and wider inhabitants. This is a wide reach that NHS has extended their market and tried to reach in the global market so that better patients can be served through the process.

            Wellbeing Principle is underpinning the care and support situation. Developing care and support is the key principle that brings changes in NHS. Claiming patient right and personal budget management are key changes that NHS has implemented in their sector. Funding care and support system will be introduced from April 2020, and this is the cost that people will incur for their lifetime (Xie and Breen 2014). The transition between child and adult care and support system is a new provision that started to ensure the health of young people and to provide effective care to them.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis

            In future, better management facilities and technological enhancement will come in NHS so that better protection from the disease can be sustained. The fundamental care at the first stage needs to be changed, and better first treatment policy is introduced by NHS (Atkinson 2017). There are some medicines that not fully available in the market for that reason extra money has been paid by customers (Di Ceglie et al. 2014). On the other hand, these medicines can be available at a very affordable cost, and the reason behind the process is the delivery and supply of generic medicine.

Comparison between three organizations in banking sector

The three banking organizations are Barclays, HSBC and Focus Bank of UK. The first two banking sectors are renowned and have a good market position as these are operating their business for long. On the other hand, the third one is a start-up bank, and the bank has few branches it is not doing such remarkable business in the UK.

Values, aim, strategy, market shares, activities, performance and future plans of Barclays

The value of Barclays bank is to deliver respect on people contribution. The employees of the bank pay enough attention to their customers and take fair and ethical decision in the workplace. Energy and skill are the main resources of the employees and through this ethics; they served their service at the level best ( 2017). Implicit decision making and broadmindedness is the key value of the bank, and all the responses are very positive for customers. 

The aim of the Barclays is to define thinking of work and act which also ensure to achieve people ambition. This is the global aim of Barclays that initiated by their organization in a right way.

Barclays will become the leading bank in the UK during 2018. The transactional process, investment mannerism, and services will be delivered by the banking sector is a phenomenon and almost 24 million personas, wealth and business banking of customers are attached to them. The strategy of making transatlantic consumer is the biggest policy that introduced by Barclays.

Barclays is now the second best in account market share in London. 18% account market share is persisted in this bank ( 2017). The bank urbanized deeply over the instance. In 2016, it was ranked sixteenth in the middle of the chief banks internationally, asset’s value calculating to almost 1.82 trillion U.S. dollars. Its brand assessment was predictable to be 7.5 billion U.S. dollars in the United Kingdom only, insertion the bank in the middle of the leading ten British brands in 2015. It was considered as one of the most important credit card responsible bank in Europe in 2016. 

Activities like personal banking, wealth, entrepreneurs and business banking, corporate and investment banking, consumer banking, card and payment all this are probable activities of Barclays. Operational and technological strength is the prime competitive advantage that acquires by that bank to make them one of the leading banks in the world ( 2017). The performance level of the bank underlining easy payment issue and provide better customer satisfaction process so that customer can know about their opportunities in this bank and all those technologies deliver better productivity in case of accumulating more customer to invest.

Values, aim, strategy, market shares, activities, performance and future plans of HSBC

            The value of HSBC is to become resilient and trustworthy to customers. They try to be stand firm and deliver all the commitment and courageous. Personal accountability and using judgmental decision helps their infrastructure and empowering others to get attachedto this bank ( 2017). Communication with customers, honesty and transparent behaviour consider as their value.

            The aim of HSBC is to building connection and showing respect to their customers for being the world’s largest banking and financial service organization.

            Developing an international network to facilitate capital flow is the major strategy that HSBC has taken for the development of their market position. The company invested their asset in the local market and grew small enterprises into multinational one ( 2017). Increasing connectivity is the major aspect of their business, and that forecasted over GDP growth. Long-term demographic change is also considered as their strategy; through that strategy, they understand the priority market.

            HSBC Bank placed on 4th place with 12% account market share in the UK. As per the financial performance adjusted profit before tax is stable and the amount is US$19.3bn. As per the dividends per ordinary share in 2016 HSBC has got $0.51 which is not updated from 2015.

Activities like investor relations for better financial results and provide stock exchange and investor presentations for this bank. Better opportunities for customers and increase of network connection so that extent in international market can sustain. They have followed universal banking model and offers low-risk profile ( 2017). Probable growth opportunities will come if transformed version of future trend will be introduced by HSBC. HSBC aims to accomplish a revisit on equity of more than 10% in the average term. These future trends and services need to be implemented for developing business arena.

Values, aim, strategy, market shares, activities, performance and future plans of Focus Bank of UK

The value of the bank is to create a large number of customer bases by providing better facilities than other banks. New innovation and implement of those innovative aspects is the prime value of the bank, and that signifies that better action and better operating environment should be delivered.

The aim of the bank is to maintain a good relationship with the customer and at least acquire 6% of market share within a year.

The strategy of providing customers’ need and set up a customer complaint box and work over the customer satisfaction is the major perspective of this bank. Marketing is an important aspect of bank in so better marketing strategy needs to be introduced to this bank. Community build up is the core aspect of the bank, and this is the reason people will love to come to the place to create their account.

The market share of that bank is quite low as the bank has just started their business. The issues like better communication, leadership, promotion, packages, interest rates all these are an important aspect of gaining market share (Jimenez, Montoro and Luna 2017).

Connection with customers’, process regulation, supportive management, gain trust and believe over the banking prospect, different packages for different aged people all this are welcoming activities for the bank to grow their business market and revise their increasing culture. Focus Bank of UK s believing in new technologies, and that is the reason new technologies will be introduced in this bank so that better market position and place in a competitive market can sustain.

Employers brand, strengths, and weakness of employees

            Employees brand is deepening the possible qualities of an employee. Communication, motivation, management, trust, respect, efficient work culture, strategic implementation all these are valuable aspect for an employee (Farooq et al. 2015). Brand acquisition and maintenance is depending on culture, educational background of the employee.

Communication, leadership and understanding the objectives are the key strengths that needed to be in an employee to flourish in the speculated program. An employee needs to make some decision in quick time and for that reason; their evaluation is perfect from the organization end. 

Customer relationship and maintaining financial sector is kind of risk that most of the employees dare to take those challenges (Batehet al. 2015). The employee needs to be courageous enough so that this much of responsibilities can be persuaded. 

Values and goals

            All those values and goals of each company help me to find out my research objectives, and I know all those aspects of activities that all these banking sectors and their employees’ follows. The value of all those banking sectors always rely on the communication and customer satisfaction, and I have learned all this process as well for my workplace enhancement. The goals of all banking sectors are impacted by the evaluation of their marketplace and try to enhance their place by implementing strategic processes (Johnson 2017). I also learn the uses of strategy implementation and think over the possible challenges where I can put those strategies to make my organization safe and secure.

3: Professionalism & Relationship Management

Goal in preferred sector

As stated in the Human Resources cover letter, my future goal is to become an HR manager preferably. I have been handling different work responsibilities in different organizations in the past; however, in most of such occasions, I have been the HR related works. Such experiences have helped me to develop some skills, which justify my desire to be an HR manager. As stated earlier, I am good at delivering results and enjoy being part of the progressive team. This just speaks my potentials for the HR manager post as I enjoy my work and enjoy working with innovative companies. One more thing, I am also very good at taking up challenges, which is evident in all my previous participation with the different firms. Such skills will add values to the employer when they face challenges to effectively conduct the recruitment and selection process (Arendset al. 2014). I am expertise in the HR selection process, which is one of the core functions of an organization. I am comfortable with screening the applicant’s CVs. Adding to this; I can also efficiently help the advertising team in writing the job advertisements and other activities as well. I am also equipped with the database knowledge through which I can easily manage the records of employees and the confidential information. Moreover, I am also an expert in processing the filing systems. All the skills that I have included do very well support my application for the post of HR manager.

Analysis of Job application

According to Haseltine (2013), the scenarios surrounding the making application for a job has changed. A few decades back, CVs happen to be an effective way of attracting the employers. However, the contemporary age is more in support of competency-based applications. The Curriculum Vitae (CVs) fails to fulfil the required competency. Resume, on the other hand, is a much safer option today and will help to get better preferences from the employers. It is interesting to note what the differences between a CV and a resume are. A professional CV is a long list of points that cover the work-related experience in more detail. Nevertheless, it misses on drawing to the core skills because the recruitment panel has to go through hundreds of CVs that may vary depending on the size of the company (Wallwork 2014). On the other side, the resume is a much narrower description of the skills and the experiences. It tries to communicate only those skills and the experiences that are relevant to the target employer (Bolles 2014).

            Going by the facts that have been presented about a CV and a resume, this can be said that the job application of the learner has details of his or her skills and the experiences, but it lacks in delivering the core skills and the experiences, which should be both precise and relevant to the target employer.

Refection on Interview

An interview can be defined as a process, which not only influence the interviewee but it also influences the interviewer and the observer. An interviewee is full of perception on the interviewer like the nature of interview or the interview process that the interviewer will follow. The perception gets build up when the interviewee is at the interview venue. It becomes more intense when the interview process gets close. Very few interviewees are able to hold their nerve during such situation (Eriksson, Johansson and Langenskiöld 2017).

            I had the chance to experience the roles of the interviewee, interviewer and the observer when I was in a bank interview for the post of HR assistant. I was one of the interviewees who turned up for the interview. Though I had agood set of skills and the previous experiences with still, I was nervous and had doubts about the result. I had realized from the experience that it is necessary to hold the nerve and be confident as it may effectively help to deliver what I am supposed to (Paulhuset al. 2013). The interviewer was full of confidence and was looking fearless. The interviewer is not the one who is going to lose anything at the end of the day. It is the other interviewee who will be a loss if we do not get selected in the interview process (Kluemper et al. 2015) and me. Observers are the interviewees who have not been called for their round of interview. They will sit like observers and will observe things happening around them. They might see some sad faces, which is evident on the faces of those who have been rejected. They will also see some happy faces of those who have been selected. Moreover, the observer will have a mixed feeling of confidence and nervous in different situations. Their feeling will also influence their performance in the interview (Feiler and Powell 2016).

Reflection on networking events

Recently, I attended a networking event, which is popularly known as Career Fairs. Such fairs provide a good opportunity to interact with the different employers and their HR representatives. The different participating companies had offered chances to get recruited to specified positions. I had personally found the concept interesting as it helped me to observe the recruitment policies of the different companies. Moreover, I was able to understand the few points like what most recruiters had looked for while searching the right match for the vacancies. This will enhance my preparation level for my future interviews.

SMART future plans


Specific (S)

Measurable (M)

Achievable (A)

Relevant (R)

Time-bound (T)

To become an HR manager

I will learn from experiences that I had gained from my previous experiences while doing jobs with different organizations

I am already equipped with wide varieties of HR-related skills by working with different organizations.

I can prepare a database including the entire experiences like the job skills in different companies I have worked so far and the interviews experiences

I can become an HR manager as I have the relevant skills in me

Jun 2018

Table 1: SMART Future Plans

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