Career Management In Aviation Operations: Impact Of Technology And Future Work

Section 1: Impact of Digitalization and Technology

Career management is integral for any individual who is aspiring to take up roles within an industry (Mavin & Roth, 2014). Prior to selecting a suitable industry to work in one has to ascertain the various factors that are prevailing in the industry. In the current scope of analysis career management in the Aviation sector has been selected and thereafter determined. The aviation sector is one of the major areas that have continued to make remarkable progress across the world. It is vital to note that the sector has contributed immensely in the job creation where a large percentage of people across the globe have benefited by simply working in the airports and also, as aircrew. Additionally, the airline business has contributed largely to the growth of the world economy by promoting commercial and industrial activities by providing carriers for cargos and business people across the world. The automation of processes has decentralized the system of service delivery which has purportedly resulted in the rapid growth and development of the sector (Kanki, 2017). In connection, the Canada Air being one of the iconic air carriers in the world has invested heavily in technological developments. The company has expanded its technological infrastructure with the primary objective of satisfying the clients and in the long run make numerous profits. The trend of technological developments in the aviation sector has spread across the board whereby each airline is in the race of adapting the new technology and innovations as it has been confirmed to be effective for the business. The current scope of career management deals with career management in the aviation sector in operations role opting for Canada Air as a future company (Darcy, McCarthy, Hill & Grady, 2012).     

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Technological and digital impacts have led to development across various sectors, especially in the aviation industry. The airline business has fuelled the rate at which international trade is taking place because of the invention of local carriers that have facilitated the rapid movement of people and goods from the production site to the market without delays (Degryse, 2016). The efficiency of the sector has however improved the rate at which the tourism sector is growing simply by providing a means of transport to those who are willing to explore the different parts of the world. In conjunction with the airlines, the tourism sector has developed appropriate means of hotels and events bookings due to the availability of transport services. The growth of other sectors in the world of business and industrialization has however been linked to the rapid growth and development of the aviation sector. However, the development of the digital age has further boosted the expansion of the airline industry simply by digitizing various systems with the primary objective of promoting its growth. Canada Air has invested heavily in the technology and recent report from the international airline association has confirmed that the company is making wide profit margins in contrast with other companies and this has been as a result of the company’s management decision to invest in the technological innovations immensely.

Impact of the use of technology and digitization

In the aviation sector, the digital migration has been effective such that the airlines have modernized their products and service delivery with digital functions by combining additional digital solutions in the existing portfolio a strategy that has been used to enhance competition in the industry (Lamb, 2018). Companies like Canada Air have adopted the system of digitization and they have made remarkable progress. The e-booking services have enhanced prior booking of flights when the clients are at home a factor that has reduced the possibility of having congestion in the airport. In connection to e-booking, the airlines have enhanced reliability to their clients by simply displaying possible flights and routes in their webpages a factor that has enhanced punctuality in departure because the clients are in full knowledge of the time they are expected in the airport. Nonetheless, the online booking of flights has enhanced client’s satisfaction by providing choices and options side by side with their required charges unlike before when the clients were unable to view the current carrier that in which they will travel with. In addition, online booking has reduced the stressful conditions that the clients and the airline personnel were experiencing in the airport trying to process the travel documents.  The digitized system has the potential to swiftly verify, identify and authorize travel documents of passengers simultaneously in a short period of time. Incorporation of information and technology in the aviation sector has led to its further growth and development. It has allowed tremendous reduction in costs allowing for catering to customers at cost effective rates. Reduction in costs for airlines has led to offering air tickets at low cost.

Aviation industry is dynamic in nature and accommodates various innovative processes. A key disruption that is reshaping the existing products and services in aviation sector is automation of the booking procedure (Telfer & Moore, 2017). Customer connectivity is getting enhanced by means of direct interaction of customers with the airline. Most airlines are developing their own portals where customers might place their bookings and conduct any types of changes thereof. Rapid customization of the booking system is transforming cost of products and is making services visible to customers. The entire supply chain processes within the industry is accommodating responsiveness and visibility in their services to enhance customer satisfaction.

In my future work role, I am to work in the Aviation sector in the Operations department. I am to take up a job role in back office operations in the management division, where all services for the organization is integrated (Cappellen & Janssens, 2010). Back office operations are integral in the aviation sector as currently there are multiple booking avenues from where a client can book tickets. With multiple partners in the supply chain of the aviation sector, there needs to be present an integrated management of inventory or ERP (Enterprise Resource Manager) who will coordinate with the bookings and supply of tickets procedures. This will entail smooth flow of operations without hindrance. In order to take up such a role, I would require possessing a degree in Management. A degree in Management with Professional Competency related to task management within specific timeline is crucial (Savickas & Porfeli, 2011). Moreover, I will need to possess skills relative to managing diversified tasks from varied department. With knowledge in management and development of skills of the industry, I will be easily able to become an efficient person in the industry.

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Reflection of Current Skills

Key trends of Aviation Industry

Analysis of self-reflection is crucial to be able to undertake roles within industry. Self-reflection allows opportunities to learn and improvise any areas that might require attention. Evaluation of skills and competencies can be best analysed through a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat analysis) (Colquitt, Lepine, Wesson & Gellatly, 2011). In order to evaluate current skill set a SWOT has been conducted so as to find a match with competency in the aviation industry.   

My key strengths include my Professional Skills. I possess decision making capabilities which are integral in the aviation sector. As the management needs to undertake various decisions related to bookings that they will hold, sale period, supplier prioritization and many more. Self-motivated is an integral skill in most jobs. Especially in the aviation sector with less opportunities and more competition, there has to be present motivation for remaining committed to the job role. Adaptability is crucial in aviation industry as there are frequent job transfers. I am able to cope up to new situations well, with my adaptability skills (Littlepage, Hein, Moffett III, Craig & Georgiou, 2016). I have excellent communicating skills. As personnel in management in the aviation sector, an individual need to possess good verbal as well as non-verbal skills. I feel I possess good verbal communication skills.

My Capabilities includes that I am good at management, as I am able to undertake lot of tasks and give equal attention to each of them. Management is an integral skill while in the aviation sector as it allows handling work pressure from multi-tasking well. Uniqueness of Capabilities includes that I am very hard working and determined. I can take up challenges and then make efforts to accomplish the same. I feel others of my age or capabilities cannot be so much determined as I am. Such determination often leads to an organization’s success and is integral for its future.

My Personalities is that I possess a societal personality. I am easily able to interact with people and make friends. My pleasing personality is an added advantage in the aviation sector as it is attached to the tourism sector. My unique resources consist of my psychological strength and determination in undertaking my self-directed career goal. I am extremely ambitious and will undertake any measures to achieve my career goal.

My current skill evaluation reveals that I do not possess leadership skills. While taking up tasks during my University course, I was unable to demonstrate leadership skill, which is very crucial in the aviation industry. A good decision can be taken but applied well only in the presence of a capable leader. I feel that I need to work upon my leadership skill such that I am able to become an effective leader within my team in my career (Rottinghaus, Buelow, Matyja & Schneider, 2012). I am equally bad at time management. While handling difficult and crucial tasks, I am unable to undertake effective management of time; this often creates challenge for me. I often remain burdened with lots of tasks and am unable to complete them within a designated time frame. Importance of time management is crucial for any career related performance. I will need to work on time management skills such that I am able to take up projects and complete them within the designated time frame.

Future Work in Aviation

Though I have a few weaknesses, I am afraid that I will not be able to overcome them easily. Lack of self-confidence has often deterred my efforts to take up challenging tasks which remains to be a big blockage in my career. I have a wrong mindset that if once I believe I will not be able to accomplish a task then I generally leave working on that task. This deters my success and is a major weakness in my mind set.           

The University in which I am enrolled offers various short term courses alongside professional courses. These courses offer opportunities for fresher within an industry to pursue new skill and become an effective person in the industry.  I feel I can easily opt for such short duration courses and enhance my professional capabilities. I also aim to pursue post-graduation degree after 5 years of experience. This education combined with my professional knowledge and skills will allow me to become an efficient person in the industry. I plan to get enrolled for any short duration courses or trainings that are offered in the aviation industry as well, which will provide an enhancement of my career. These short term trainings will benefit me immensely to become industry ready and cater to bets practices to the organization. I am sure with these skills; I will find a suitable placement in Canada Air.

I have made various plans in order to accomplish my career goals; however there are certain obstacles in the same. My mentality of low self-confidence will deter me from undertaking a successful career role and pursue success (Greenhaus, Callanan & Godshalk, 2010). My competitors are my classmates and other experienced personnel within the industry, who plans to take Operations role in the aviation sector. I need to enhance my knowledge and skill set such that I am able to become a more effective personnel compared to the competitions. I have not yet mastered the several Statistical Software such as SPSS and Rapid Minor and many more that are currently used in the industry. This software would allow me to become more efficient in the sector. 

The above description of skills and competencies reveal various current skills set evaluation. However, in the future career set, there will be needed more skills for the purpose finding a suitable position in the aviation sector. The most integral skill set that needs to be possessed by me is working in team’s capability. While working within organisations it becomes crucial to be able to work in teams and assists one another. Learning from several case studies I found this to be an integral future skill that I need to develop. Moreover, I will need to find my position within team roles such that I am able to contribute in a sportive manner. Secondly most crucial role is of conflict resolution (Patton & McMahon, 2014). A most integral soft skill is presence of conflict resolution procedure. While employees work within teams in organisation, they often face vast amounts of conflicts within teams that need to be resolved. I will need to diagnose my role in the conflict resolution process such that I am able to negotiate the process well and apply the best possible outcome for a conflict. I can even devise my role to act as a mediator in my future organisation. This crucial skill is integral in the aviation sector which deals with large number of varied skilled employees. I will also need to work towards my low self-esteem such that I am able to become more confident in my future career role. Enhancement of self-confidence is integral as in absence of confidence, I will not be able to take up challenging roles and gain success in the same.

Section 2: Personal Reflection on Skills and Career Action Plan

Other integral skills needed for the aviation industry includes critical thinking capability. Along with conflict resolution, one needs to be able to think critically such that they can resolve problems. As the industry is dynamic in nature and gradually revolutionizing, one needs to resolve various challenges that might appear day to day. In order to do so thinking critically is needed. I feel that honesty is another personal attribute that have capabilities to take a person to great heights. A future skill within the industry is honestly pursuing career goals and skills; it will allow becoming a capable leader or manager someday. Good people skill or customer handling skills are also required for anyone in the aviation industry. Though I will take up roles in the operations segment yet sometime or the other I will need to handle customer. So, along with communication capabilities, one needs to possess skills in people handling. I will also need to become a good team player such that I can contribute to my team in an effective manner.

Analysis through personal SWOT reveals prevalent of various weaknesses (Strauss, Griffin & Parker, 2012). Through identification of these weaknesses it is possible to design an action plan to overcome them. I will undertake short term courses in leadership and time management. The short term courses will help me gain necessary knowledge regarding leadership and time management. These skills are integral to become efficient person in the aviation industry. Through leadership, I will manage my team members and undertake various projects for my team. It will also provide me ways to undertake coordinate team efforts, by directing towards a specific goal. Time management is extremely crucial in the aviation industry as slightest amount of discrepancy in time might lead to huge losses for the organization. Therefore, I will need to acquire this skill for contributing to my organization.     

I will overcome of short temperament by way of practicing meditation. Short temperament can harm my career in the Operations role and can lead me into taking wrong decisions. Hence, I feel that through meditation I will be easily able to get control over my mood swings and direct the energy in a positive way. Along with meditation, I will practice yoga which will help me maintain a good balance of the body and mind. I will undertake interaction with people that I do not know such that I develop people handling skills. I will also practice accomplishing small goals in personal life so as to enhance my self-confidence.      

I will undertake guidance from my professor to understand easiest ways through which I can attain to these defined goals in my career plan (Ripoll-Bosch et al, 2012). I feel as an Undergraduate, my professor will be the best person who will be able to assist me in an appropriate manner. I will also take assistance from self-help books in the library, which will help me to gain knowledge from case study examples. These practical real life examples will help me to acquire more knowledge regarding the industry.   


The above reflective discourse reveals tremendous opportunities prevalent in the aviation industry. Technological development and digitalization have impacted the aviation industry tremendously and have also impacted job loss in certain sectors. However, there still remain high demands for operation related managerial jobs. At Canada Air, there are vacancies and opportunities for the right candidate with capabilities, who can contribute to the effective functioning of the organization. In case an individual is able to enhance own skills and personal expertise then he or she will easily be able to find an appropriate fit in the sector.


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