Career Development Planning Program For An Electric Power Company

Background of the Company

The report will help in analysing the different kinds of analysis in identifying the information which is required to complete the learning plan of the employees along with identification of the information which is required to develop the needs assessment of the company.

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The processes are required to be analysed which will help in coordinating both the employees plan along with needs of employees in comprehensive development plan. The identification of the gaps has been done and explanation of the information in order to create roadmap for development of the career plan for the company is required to be done effectively. Proper identification of the various factors is required to be taken into consideration for the development of the program.

There are various kinds of information which are essential in nature and is required to be taken into consideration as this will help in preparation of the template in learning plan of the different employees. Furthermore, the different information are as follows:

  • Skills and Competencies of the different employees is required to be ascertained which along with the various strengths and weaknesses. The self-assessment tools are found on internet which will help in growth of the employees (Aruna & Anitha, 2015)
  • Proper assessment of the current position along with analysis of the work environment is essential to be done which will help in analysing performance expectations of the current job position.
  • Proper identification of the development activities as to identify and achieve the development goals along with the different usage of the resources effectively such as on or off the job training activities can be taken into consideration.

Proper identification of the information is essential in nature as to develop needs assessments of the company effectively. This has been seen and analysed that the several basic kinds of assessment techniques include:

  • Start with the bigger kind of organizational picture is essential to be identified as to develop assessment of needs of the company effectively. This will help in providing the different needs and the recommendations can be provided as per structure along with history of organization (Baruch, Szücs & Gunz, 2015).
  • Furthermore, understanding the current performance of the company in the entire competitive environment is essential in nature as this will assist in gaining knowledge on skills and knowledge which is essential for the participants to become successful.
  • Moreover, the analysis of the potential candidates is essential to be analysed and identified effectively as to identify the different key leaders along with analysis of the key characteristics of individual participants.

Proper coordination is required to be done while analyzing both the needs of the company and the employees plan in the organizations. This can be seen that there are various kinds of planning which is required to be done by the company in which the needs are required to be separated which will help in less overlapping or creating gaps in the comprehensive development.

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Moreover, the planning and coordination is required to be done along with evaluation is essential as this will help in directing the resources to fulfill both the requirements effectively. The performance and need assessment of the company is essential in nature in an overall manner in which this has been analyzed that the needs of the company is inclusive of the career development plans for the employees working in the organization to achieve the goals of the organization (Coetzee & Stoltz, 2015).

On the other hand, it can be seen from the scenario that all the employees were working with positive attitude, however due to advancement in technology, this has been seen that there is decrease in morale of employees in the organization. In order to reduce the same, the organization needs to include the career development programs in such a manner which will be efficient such as providing them with professional development goals along with personal development plan effectively.

Additionally, there should be proper match between organizational and employee goals in the organization and this is essential for the company to be more successful and gain more competitive advantage. Proper identification of the needs of the company is essential and important which helps in achieving greater return on investment from the training budget which is essential in nature.

The information is required to be used in an essential manner which will help in consistently cited by different employees as this is critical to the engagement level with the organization and the reasons are required to be analyze the different reasons for changing the jobs. Proper development opportunities are essential to be adopted along with analysis of the current performance of the tasks performed by employees is required to be done which will help in rating the different opportunities for learning and development (Bridgstock, 2018).

Mission and Values of the Company

  Furthermore, this is essential in nature for the path where the employees and company want to go as the mission and vision is essential to be analyzed effectively. Proper focus on the tools of learning is essential to be analyzed and identified which will help in pursuing the different skills and this will help in proper career performance as well. Finding a guide is essential in nature wherein networking with the individuals in immensely helpful in career planning activities in an effective manner (Cascio, 2014).

Lastly, open to changing the route is necessary in adopting to the different roadblocks which can occur in the future and the employees need to have the power to encounter such blocks effectively. The planning out the career path is essential in nature which will lead to dream jobs and which is flexible in nature to face the different roadblocks (Dik et al., 2015).

There are different other factors which are essential in nature to be considered in nature wherein the personality of the employee along with the work-related aptitudes is necessary.

  • Financial resources play a major role in which the certain career options can be costly in nature. There are different institutions in which they help in managing the different kinds of loans or the financial aids to the students or the employees working in organizations (Sharf, 2016).
  • The situation of the company is essential to be ascertained which will help in understanding the requirements which is necessary to be adopted for changing the performance of the employees (Leong & Leong, 2014).
  • There can be different evaluation of the superiors which is required to be considered effectively as this will help in understanding and analyzing the job performance of the employees effectively.

The proposed plan will help the managers in the organizations to support the mission and vision effectively. The proposed career development and need assessment plan and approach will be beneficial for the company to improve the overall morale of the employees effectively. This will help in reducing the turnover of the employees in the organizations by providing increased promotional avenues to the employees working in the respective organization (Gould, 2017). Furthermore, this will help employees in organization to be adoptable to the different changes which takes place in organization and this will be beneficial for the entire development of the organization as well effectively.

The proposed plan is beneficial in nature for providing the employees with career progression opportunities and this assist in fostering loyalty among the different employees successfully as well. This will retain the top talents in the organization and strengthen the succession pipeline as well. Moreover, this will boost the engagement along with productivity among the different individuals who are working in the organization (Patton & McMahon, 2014).


Aruna, M., & Anitha, J. (2015). Employee retention enablers: Generation Y employees. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 12(3), 94.

Baruch, Y., Szücs, N., & Gunz, H. (2015). What’s in the label: the rise and rise of careers’ concepts and the development of career theory’. Career Development International, 20(1), 3-20.

Bridgstock, R. S. (2018). Educational practices for employability and career development learning through social media: Exploring the potential of LinkedIn. In Practice Futures For the Common Good. Sense-Brill Publishers.

Cascio, W. F. (2014). Leveraging employer branding, performance management and human resource development to enhance employee retention.

Coetzee, M., & Stoltz, E. (2015). Employees’ satisfaction with retention factors: Exploring the role of career adaptability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 89, 83-91.

Dik, B. J., Duffy, R. D., Allan, B. A., O’Donnell, M. B., Shim, Y., & Steger, M. F. (2015). Purpose and meaning in career development applications. The Counseling Psychologist, 43(4), 558-585.

Gould, J. (2017). Career development: A plan for action. Nature, 548(7668), 489-490.

Leong, F. T., & Leong, F. (2014). Career development and vocational behavior of racial and ethnic minorities. Routledge.

Patton, W., & McMahon, M. (2014). Career development and systems theory: Connecting theory and practice (Vol. 2). Springer.

Sharf, R. S. (2016). Applying career development theory to counseling. Nelson Education.

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