Can Automation Lead To Unemployment In The Indian Labour Market?

The Impact of Automation on the Indian Labour Market

Discuss about the Automation and Unemployment.

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Digitalisation is completely changing the business landscape along with the world of work. It has helped in redefining the boundaries in relation to production and consumption in India. This has helped in the creation of new opportunities but it has also created threat to the employers along with the employees. The digital technology can be helpful in creating nation pertaining to micro-entrepreneurs. Automation can be defined as the technology with the help of which a procedure can be performed without any kind of human assistance. Automation is indicative of the control systems that can reduce the aspect of human intervention. The primary question that will be addressed during the course of the essay revolves around whether automation can lead to unemployment in the society. This concept is of great relevance in the present age as the fate of the youth in India depends on the innovations taking place in the world of technology. There are many jobs in India that cannot completely be automated but there are different kinds of activities related to it that is automable. Automation of these tasks will require a change in the manner in which the jobs are conducted. The digitalization of Indian labour market will make training necessary for the evolving sector and provide skill sets that can help in matching to that of the requirement in industry (Eberhard et al., 2017).  Training can help in making the labour market prone to technology that can significantly increase the organizational output.

Thesis Statement: Automation will create unemployment in the Indian labour market

The 19th century was witness to the fact that more and more workers were being replaced by the machines. The mechanical technological innovation that took place in the 19th century simply acted as a substitute for human strength along with dexterity. Currently the rapid increase in relation to technological capabilities in the arena of Artificial Intelligence will be able to carry out tasks which is complex. It will thus create ubiquitous unemployment within Indian labour market (Eichhorst et al., 2017) According to “The Economic Times” almost 20 crore middle class people would become jobless by the end of the year 2025 on account of the improvement in the arena of technology (, 2018). It has been found that around 52 percent of the population have been employed in the sector of agriculture and population that is dependent on this service is growing at 10 percent. The companies are developing the aspect of automation and developing the faculty of artificial intelligence within that of the machines (, 2018). The rule based jobs will be eliminated in the long run. Most of the middle class people are dependent on the rule based jobs. The rule based jobs are made with the help of algorithms.

The Threat of Automation to Employment in India

There are companies like Foxconn that have employed the robots within the arena of work and driverless cars are being made that can adversely impact the job market. The robots are taking up many places and the robots do not want any kind of appraisal. This helps in making them favourite among the employers. The robots do not want any kind of work life balance and hence they will be a favourite for the top heads of the companies. The metro sector in different places in India will be automated in the short run and the automobile industry that employs 1 out of 6 people will be automated ( ., 2018). According to Campa (2017), the banking sector too will see the number of jobs shrinking on account of automation pertaining to the payment system. Digital payment along with that of ATM’s will lead to unemployment. In the last 15 years in India the banks have grown at a rate of 10-15 times in the arena of assets along with liabilities. It has been stated by Nica (2016) that employment has however grown by a meagre amount of 5 %. India will bear witness to robo finance that will be capable of searching all the portals and giving back the bank loan within that of half an hour.

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Market volatility along with protectionism in countries like USA will see the revenue growth of the India’s IT industry growing at a slow pace. Software will be able to do routine IT support work along with repetitive back office task. These were the kinds of tasks that were initially outsourced to India. According to Strawn (2017) automation can be made use of for optimising the services that can increase unemployment within the Indian labour structure. The third largest IT firm within India Infosys has said that automation would shift 9000 workers from low skill jobs to more advanced project (McClure, 2017). The competitor Wipro had redeployed 3200 people in the year 2016 and it has predicted that it would move 4500 in this year (Verick, 2017). The IT Body of Nasscom has said that there would be a reduction of 20 % jobs within the Indian industry in the next three years.

Technological changes leads to destruction of jobs in different industries which is sometimes followed by job creation along with higher standard in relation to living. According to Ilavarasan (2017), it can be stated that in the long run whole economies will be able to benefit from greater technology integration by improving the productivity and thus can foster growth. Technology when added to the labour market can help in increasing the output. An assertion has been made that machines can never act in a creative manner and hence the people who are doing work that is creative will remain within the labour force (Agrawal, Rao & Venkatesh, 2016). It has been argued by a spokesperson of Cognizant that new technology will help in cutting the costs and thus improve the efficiencies pertaining to the company. Automation will increase the sophistication in relation to the services of Indian labour market. It has been stated by Kotwal (2018) that automation is not about replacement of the human element but rather about the elevation of the role that is played by the people. Automation can help in the aspect of value creation in relation to the roles. The shift in the arena of automation will require innovative skills. According to Kumar (2016), the employees can still stay relevant in the present age if they can find new roles. They should train themselves in the right direction so that they can stay relevant in the present era of technology.

Upskilling as an Anti-dote to Reducing Unemployment

Automation can displace one thing and the young population pertaining to India can move to another level. Up skilling can prove to be an anti-dote in relation to reducing unemployment within Indian labour market. The smart machines can help in analysing the performance of the students and can guide them through fast-moving terrain (Hill, 2017) It can help in combining data in relation to the skills with job opportunities. The skill profile is changing in every five years and the employees staying updated with the necessary skillset can help in dealing with the aspect of unemployment. The changes taking place in the world including that of automation will change the labour market in the coming years. There is a race taking place in the arena of skills and technology and India keeping pace with that of the new technology can lead to the improvement in the economy (Verick, 2017). Emphasis is laid on the aspect of education in India and up gradation of knowledge can help the Indian people in dealing with the aspect of unemployment in Indian labour market.

Advancements made in technology can create jobs but its negative impact on the Indian labour market will be far greater. There will be software that will be able to respond to the customer service inquiries. The robots will be able to check the store inventory. Damage done by technology will be far greater as compared to the positive aspects associated with job creation. Skill profile in relation to the employees is changing at a rapid pace and it is being said that training can help in dealing with unemployment in Indian economy (Hill, 2017). It can however be stated that it will not be possible to train such a large number of people. Government have to take steps of providing income support that can help the workers in transitioning to the new occupations. It will almost be impossible for the government to provide training to such a huge population and keep them updated regarding every new advancement made in the field of technology. It has been asserted that machines cannot act in a creative manner but it is being seen in the recent age that the marketers are making use of the creative content of the machines. They are making plans of automating the personalized delivery in relation to creative content. According to 64 % of the marketers, the machines will be able to deliver business in the arena of real-time personalized advertising by the end of the year 2020.

Automation and the Future of Employment in India


Artificial Intelligence can help in the implementation of complex tasks. It will create unemployment in the Indian labour force. Automation is being developed by the companies and artificial intelligence is being honed by the organizatons. The robots will take up many positions and they do not want appraisal that makes them a favourite among the management and the employers. The robots will not want any kind of work-life balance and hence they will be preferred by the organizations. The advancements made in the field of technology can help in creation of jobs but the negative impacts associated with it will far exceed that of the positive outcomes. Software can successfully respond to the customer service enquiries. The damage done at the hands of technology will be more than the merits in relation to the benefits brought about by automation. The skills of the employees can be updated from time to time with the active involvement of the government. Training can be of necessary help in dealing with unemployment in Indian labour market. It can however be said that it will not be possible to train the huge population of India and hence government will not be able to deal with the aspect called automation.


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