Café Manager Job Opening At CoffeeVille In Melbourne

A family-owned business based in Melbourne. CoffeeVille aims for serving quality food and fair trade coffee. CoffeeVille has been growing in the past two years and the owner wants to expand the business and open on Saturdays. Currently the business runs from Monday to Fridays with the present manager who works from Monday- Thursday A new manager is required for Monday-Saturday who is willing to work on all the weekdays and Saturdays of each week. Must be also open to work extra shift if required.

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The position offered by CoffeeVille is for the managerial position working on Mondays- Saturdays. Candidates must take up all the business management responsibilities and will be paid $24.50 an hour. Candidates must have strong communication skills along with excellent leadership abilities and great customer service knowledge. Candidates should be open to work extra hours and whatever it takes to achieve the company’s ultimate goal towards growth.

Milestone: Action and/or objective

Time required

Person responsible

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Budget and/or resources

Searching for matching candidates on online portals and shortlisting them

1 week

Computer with internet connection

Calling up candidates and doing basic interview

3 days


Going through job applications

3 days


Setting up appointment with the candidates

3 days


Informing candidates about interview process and documents required.

1 day

Telephone/computer with internet

Responsibilities and Duties

Job title: Café Manager

Salary:$24.50 an hour

Hours: Full/Part-Time (38 hours a week)


Reporting relationships:Emma Belcastran, Rufus Belcastran the owner of CoffeeVille and the manager Joe Belfone. Looking for a second cafe manager with:

  • Understanding the principles of fair trade.
  • Flawless communication skills with bilingual (preferably in Greek, Italian or Chinese)
  • Good understanding of the products related to coffee
  • Sales skills and approach to customers
  • Customer service skills
  • Inventory management and managing venders and resupply of raw materials
  • Organize staff meetings, training and performance appraisals

CoffeeVille is a family-owned business based in Melbourne, CoffeeVille is an expanding business and has shown a significant growth in the past two years, the owner’s aims to increase the growth of the business even more and run 6 days a week. Candidates of any age, gender, cultural background are welcome to apply for this post. CoffeeVille is looking for the person with the right skillset and not primarily based just on qualifications.

Being the Café manager, one must ensure stability in the work environment within the company and also maintain top notch customer service in order to maintain the high standards of CoffeeVille and help expand the business even more with steady flow of service 

Responsibilities and Duties  

  • To ensure sales and customer service
  • Managing staff meetings, training them and making sure a good working environment
  • Managing vendors and contacting them when it’s required by doing intensive inventory management to ensure smooth production and development of company policies and procedure to achieve customer and employee satisfaction.
  • Review inventory at the end of the week and contact vendors for re-supplies if necessary
  • Coordinating the café schedule, covering different shifts if necessary
  • Responsibility for keeping the café clean, neat and orderly and making sure stability in work place.
  • Must be able to answer customer quarries and receive feedbacks and make develop better service
  • Social media savvy especially on Facebook and Tweeter and should know how to use email clients to perform online advertisement.



Relevant certification in operating/managing business like MBA, BBA or other diploma in business  management and hospitality

Knowledge in coffee products, working                                                                                                        know-how on social media platform

like Facebook and twitter and understanding in fair trade principals

 Work Experience and Skills



3-5 years’ experience in :

o Managing of staff and training

o Appraisals based on performance

o Motivating staff

o Fair trade policies

o Business management

Experience in:

o Organizational skills

o Inventory management experience

o Barista training

 Personal Qualities and Behavioral Traits



o Leadership and motivational qualities

o Exceptional communicational skills

o Sales and customer service skills

o Good organizational skills

o Bilingual skills (Italian, Greek or Chinese)

o Excellent behavioral traits

o Issue resolving skills

o Willing to work on extra shifts

o Inventory management skills

o Understanding food and beverage operations

Selected advertising channel/s

ý Newspaper classifieds

þ Facebook

þ Café noticeboard

þ Classifieds online

þ Café windows

ý Industry newsletter  

Reasons for selected advertising channels:

According to one of the co-owners of CoffeeVille, Emma Belcastran advertising through word of mouth and on café windows and noticeboard is preferable. Also keeping in mind that the most effective way to advertising in this tech generation is through online.

  • Cafe Manager
  • Melbourne
  • $24.50 for an hour
  • (application closing date)

As a café manager one must ensure stability in the work environment which includes staff satisfaction, customer service and satisfaction and also maintaining top service and cleanliness in the café. Must have strong understanding in business management and must be fluent in communication and can resolve customer quarries and grievances    

Candidates of any age, gender can apply for this job position. Should have at least 5 years of experience in previous business management based companies. Must have a certification on business management. Must be hardworking and willing to work 5 days a week and extra hours if required, should have fluent communication skills and a good leadership and motivational qualities.

Job title

Café manager

Date and time of interview

Selection panel


  • Each of the panelists should maintain their notes individually on separate sheets of paper to score each and every candidate for the interview. The scores can then be collated to reach to a decision about which applicant to be selected.
  • The questions that would be asked during the interview needs to be decided upon by the panelists


No answer given or answer completely irrelevant. No examples given


Some points covered, not all relevant. Some examples given.


Good answer. Relevant information. All or most points covered. Good examples.


A few good points but main issues missing. No examples/irrelevant examples given


Some points covered. Relevant information given. Some examples given.



Perfect answer. All points addressed. All points relevant. Good examples.

Reference check

Subject: Reference verification for Leila Hussein

Dear [Reference]

The individual mentioned herewith have applied for employment in our organization and have indicated that he/she had a prior work experience in your organization. As a part of the interview proceeding and background verification of the applicant, we earnestly request you to validate the background information of the employee. Permission was taken from Leila Hussein to contact you for the background verification and reference check process and the background and reference verification form is attached below.

Kindly share with us the following information regarding Leila:

Dates of employment:

Positions held:


Last total salary and bonus while employed:

Reasons given for terminated/leaving:

How would you rate employee’s performance in:

  • Supervision
  • Conflict handling

Kindly let us know briefly what you feel was her greatest strengths and weaknesses (if applicable):

Work Experience and Skills

I hereby assure you that all the information you share with us regarding the applicant shall be kept in the strictest confidential standards. If there is any possibility for me to reciprocate the same favor, I shall be more than obliged to do so. We eagerly await your response and thank you in advance for your time and kind consideration.


[HR Manager name]

HR Department


Subject: Selection report for applicants

Dear Emma,

After rigorous search on online portal and shortlisting candidate application these following candidates are suitable for the managerial position of CoffeeVille. Kenneth Baldwin, Jenny Dubb, Jane Fonda, Raj Mukherjee and Leila Hussain. Please review their attached CV and revert back as soon as possible so that I can set up interview with the above mentioned candidates

Please note that the above mentioned candidates are shortlisted based on their qualifications and experience mentioned on their Resume. 




The document below outlines the terms and conditions of employment in CoffyVille.

Name: Leila Hussein

Position: Café manager  

Commencementdate: <Insert commencement date >

Location You will be employed at: CoffeeVille, Melbourne

Hours of Work: 38 hours a week

You are entitled to a single 30 minute break for meal or two breaks of 15 minute each every day.

Responsibilities/duties: As a café manager you must ensure stability in working environment and also make sure the café standards are met. Conduct training and meetings with the staff to plan and develop better services. Must have strong leadership skills and also must be motivational individual.

Supervision:The owners of CoffeeVille, Emma Belcastran and Rufus Belcastran and the manager Joe Belfone. Hiring a second cafe manager with: Understanding the principles of fair trade, excellent communication skills) strong understanding of coffee related products. Managing venders, resupply of materials

Remuneration$24.50 an hours

Additionally, the minimum superannuation needed as per the current legislative policies shall be added to the superannuation fund of your own choosing.

Salaries are paid in the form of arrears on the last Saturday of every month into the back account of your choice. The shop is operational on many public holidays and you may be required to work on these holidays for which you shall be compensated with a compensatory leave or 150% pay for that day.


  • Annual leave– As a full time café manager, you are entitled to pro rata annual leave based on four weeks’ annual leave per annum.
  • Sick leave– As a full-time café manager, you are entitled to 10 days paid personal leave per year (pro rata) in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.
  • other leave– You are entitled to unpaid parental leave and compassionate leave entitlements in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.

The notice period required for terminating your work with CoffyVille would depend on your tenurity with the organization, which is outlined in the table below:

Period of continuous service

Notice Period

Not more than 6 months

2 week

6 months to less than 1 year

4 weeks

1 year to less than 3 years

6 weeks

More than 3 years

8 weeks

You cannot disclose any sensitive information related to the business and proprietary information, its clients, and any business secrets or use them for your personal benefit except under proper discourse and for your regular duties, while working with CoffeVille.

 After termination of your employment status, you shall return any company property, such as laptops or business documents that represents the company or its interests which might be in you possession during you term of employment and required for your day to day duties at CoffyVille.

If you have any concerns or questions kindly contact the managing directors or any of the owners (Emma or Rufus). To complete the contract, please provide you signage below and return it with your offer letter within the next 15 days (from the date of the offer letter).

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Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), 67.

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