Buyer Behavior For Demographic Variables

Internal Influences

Describe about the Buyer Behavior for Demographic Variables.

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Consumer buying behavior is related to mixture of preferences, attitude and decision making process when consumers take an initiation of purchasing a particular product (Chatterjee 2013). Various external and internal factors influence the buying behavior of the customers. The study is chosen car product in which consumer buying behavior will be explained. This analysis will be based on reality and household customers having sustainable job is chosen on which the research will be made. In this study, different internal factors will be discussed that influence the purchasing decision of customers in case of car product. On the other hand, the study will also analyze some external factors, whConsumer buying behavior is related to mixture of preferences, attitude and decision making process when consumers take an initiation of purchasing a particular product (Chatterjee 2013). Various external and internal factors influence the buying behavior of the customers. The study is chosen car product in which consumer buying behavior will be explained.ich have major impact on the car purchase decision making of the customers.

Various types of internal factors may affect buying behavior of consumers. Internal factors of consumer behavior are something that drives mind of consumers internally through their own thinking and experiences (Shekhar and Raveendran 2013). Car is one of the most important major purchases made by the household consumers. Various types of internal factors influences the buying behavior of household who want to purchase car and these factors are explained below:

Perception is the way the consumers understand, regard and interpret something to be purchased. Perception is related to prejudging the attributes of the products to be purchased by the consumers. Through the process of pre-judging, the consumers categorize the car product based on information gathered about the products. Selective attention of perception defines that consumers will be more like to attend to those stimuli that are related to their needs. In case of car purchase, the household customers will pay attention to car manufacturing advertisement (Hasan and Nasreen 2012). In case of car product, two different people may not interpret the same stimulus in same way. Every individual have different perception based on their attitude, belief, state of mind and experience. It is called perception distortion in which consumers of car product usually tend to select branded cars. According to Sakkthivel and Porkodi (2013), consumers do not hold all the information in their mind they have been exposed to by the organizations. Selective retention in car perspective, means that consumer tend to keep only those information in mind that meets their needs. On the other hand, Holland and Mandry (2013) opined that in order to rationalize the concept of brand retention, the car organizations usually use repetitive advertisement by exploring the benefits of the cars.  Perception of car consumers is also affected by the previous experiences of the consumers in using the cars that is in terms price and comfortableness.


According to Prakash and Pathak (2014), learning in consumer buying behavior is related to the changes in the mind of consumers that is arose from the experience of the product. On the other hand, Malik et al. (2013) opined that learning process in car product purchase is related to acquiring new knowledge and modifying the existing knowledge through synthesizing various type of information in terms of experiences. According to Wu, Liao and Chatwuthikrai (2014), operant theory of learning describes that the customers buying behavior of the customers purchase is depended on positive and negative reinforcement of the products. In case of car purchasing, the household customers become interested in buying car repeatedly, if they have positive reinforcement with car experience. On the other hand, the customers will not be interested in repeating their car buying, if they feel uncomfortable like in term of sitting arrangement and the mileage that the car provide. Increasing demand and good image of car products are always related to positive reinforcement of the customers.

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According to Modi and Jhulka (2012), motivation is one of the important internal influences that drive the mind of the customer in purchasing something. On the other hand, Menon (2012) opined that a need tend to become a motive of the customers when it reaches to a certain level of intensity. In case of purchasing a car, the motivation of the household customers is related to creation of such kinds of needs by the organizations that drive them towards purchasing car. In order to buy a car the psychological needs of the customer has to be fulfilled properly. These psychological needs are related to core wants and secondary wants of the customers to be fulfilled. When these household customers see that a particular car would meet these two kinds of needs, then they would be motivated for buying that car. Therefore, many car manufacturer organizations tend to incorporate protection in car and less fuel consumption technology for saving the income of the household customers (Spurling et al. 2013). These features of cars meets the core needs of the customers from car manufacturer organizations, which drive the customers take buying decision. On the other hand, as secondary needs of the customers, the car manufacturer organizations usually incorporate the features like elegance in style and standard in looking.

According to Chavan and Changan (2016), personality and attitude are the specific characteristic and behavior within each people that make them different from others. On the other hand, Rezvani et al. (2012) opined that personality and attitude of people are the mix of physiological and psychological characteristics that results in constant behavior of the individuals. Personality and attitude changes from individual to individual, place to place and time to time, which is dependent on self-confidence, aggressiveness and dominance of individuals. According to Prakash and Pathak (2014), in case of car purchasing, the personality of customers may be different form one customer to another in terms of having low price, empathy, great value and indulgences. In order to meet the demand of getting low priced car, many organizations launched low priced car through compromising some other features of cars. On the other hand, there are many customers in car industry, who believe in standardization of life and getting innovative quality feature from cars. Therefore, the car manufacturing organization like Honda and BMW series have started to incorporate some unique features in their cars that are in terms of improved audio systems within car, push-button starting and keyless entry.


External factors in consumer purchasing decision making is related to the factors that influence the buying decision of consumers externally. Some of external factors that influence the buying decision of customers in case of car purchasing are explained below:

The act of taking decision in purchasing of something is not only related to psychological factors and life style of the customers, but also it is influenced by people around the customer to which they interacts in daily basis and the people in which the customers belongs to. According to Modi and Jhulka (2012), the reference group is that group with which the customers interact in daily basis. The power of reference group in on the purchasing decision of customers is extremely powerful. In case of car purchasing, primary reference group of the customers are related to family members, office colleges and neighbors of the customers. When a person want to take a decision of purchasing a car, then the opinion of these primary reference groups become very important through showing their preferences over the features of the car. On the other hand, people may sometimes take the decision of purchasing a car using secondary reference group.  These groups are the people, to which the people interacts occasionally but their opinion is very important in buying decision (Chavan and Changan 2016). In case of car purchasing, sometimes customers want to buy car by seeing the example of celebrities, who is a role model to the customers.

According to Menon (2012), cultural factors are the comprised set of ideologies and values of a particular group of community. Culture of individual decides the ways in which a particular person behaves. On the other hand, Hasan and Nasreen (2012) opined that individual learn from his/her parent and community from the childhood that become the culture of the person ultimately. Therefore, the purchasing decision of the customers is also affected by the particular culture in which they belong to. In case of car, purchasing cultural factors has also a crucial affect in terms of buying various sizes and standard car. Economic development leads to various cultures in the countries. In this culture, traditional people will like to buy traditional cars and modern people will love to adopt new types of car with innovative quality. Apart from that, the purchasing decision of customers is also affected by the size of the families. In case of eastern culture, the household customers are tending to buy big sized car, as they have a tendency of joint family (Shekhar and Raveendran 2013). On the other hand, in western culture, due to single-family trend, household customers are tending to buy small and modern looking cars.



While concluding the study, it can be said that various external and internal factors affects the purchasing behavior of the customers. In case of car purchasing, the customers are highly affected by the perception they made from their previous experience in case of comfortableness. On the other hand, the features like price and fuel efficiencies of cars motivate the customers in purchasing a particular car. Personality and attitude of the customers highly effects the purchasing decision of cars. The people having standard personality tend to buy quality and standard car even if it is expensive. Among the external influences of purchasing decision, referent groups are highly influential to the customers in purchasing a car, where a customer buys his or her car through seeing a role model.

Reference List

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