Business Study Skills And Methods For Sustainable Water Resource Management

BA1050 Business Study Skills and Methods

Critical Review

In the research paper authorsWang et al. (2016) have stated that water resources are being affected by various factors like population, economy and climate change that has resulted in bringing imbalance in water resources. Climate change due to globalisation has serious impacts on water resources as rising temperatures have initiated change in magnitude, frequency and intensity of rainfall along with seasonal and variability with geographic distributions of water resources which altogether have impacted water supply and demand thus enhancing the condition of water scarcity. The paper has stated that as climate change is inescapable so there is immediate need to consider climate change concerns while planning for water resource management, so as to adapt to varying environment interpretation of water demand in response to changes in environment is a vital element for effective water resource management planning and development. The paper also states that there have been various research works to understand impact of climate change on rainfall, river distribution and availability of water resources but research has been limited on understanding impact of climate change on water demand. As such inadequacy of these interpretations has enhanced instability in terms of impact evaluation and in management of water resources globally. The present water management approaches are inappropriate in reducing negative implications of climate change on water resources to ensue a continued water supply in future. As such the paper highlights the need for sustainable water management methods that can deal with implication of climate change on water resources. The paper has proposed a water management approach that is combination of both water demand and water supply management strategy so that these can adequately deal with changing scenarios in environment. The authors have presented adaptive management strategy that stresses the need to improve management policies and practices through learning form the results of management strategies. This adaptive management approach would include five stages i.e. pre assessment, goal formulation, policy development, implementation and monitoring. The paper states that the mentioned approach will be effective as it will interpret possible future scenarios in terms of environment change during formulation and execution essential adaptive management strategies.

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In another research paper O’connell (2017) reviewed that existing water resource researches have been too deviated towards climate change implication assessment and adaptation at cost of focusing on several challenges related to closing the water disparity that has developed in different nations irrespective of impact over climate.  As climate change is observed as major risk to security of water supply in future and as the impact assessment is mostly dominated by climate estimation from general circulation models (GCM) so the research has stated that indication for anthropogenic change in precipitation and streamflow has continued to be subtle combined with larger instability in GCM collaborative estimations that has resulted to development of risk valuation methods that are not led solely by GCM. These risk evaluation are based on modelling of viewed interannual changes as leading process in determining water resource management systems dependability. The research has recommended more focus over adaptation to socio economic change that is more foreseeable than climate change based on what is recognised about population and economic development, lifestyle change and human options. The research states that more focus on economic evaluation can inform more investment in water use efficaciousness measures that can promote water conservation which is essential to prevent widespread water scarcity. To evaluate potential effectiveness the researchers have stated that water resource modelling system needs to be developed so as to integrate human dimension more clearly through Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS) modelling which is an archetype that incorporates agent based modelling to signify individual options with human systems and has potential for evaluating the effectiveness of efficacy measures involved with individual human responses.

Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources

In another research paper authors Basco-carrera, van Beek, Jonoski, Benítez-Ávila and PjGuntoro (2017) have stated that confirming availability and proper management of water and sanitation for everyone is one of the primary priorities for sustainable development. As such Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) is considered to be most suitable process for securing water for everyone. The research nonetheless stated that executing integrated resource management has been a challenge for numerous decision makers and practitioners so in this paper the researchers have demonstrated a use of collaborative modelling to improve and inform decision and assure an inclusive process. The advantages of collaborative modelling approach had been evaluated in this study against traditional planning methods and outcome of research have stated significance of adaptive structure of collaborative modelling approach. Moreover the approach also demonstrated advantages of applying system dynamics in combination with River Basinsimulation model (RIBASIM). The paper stated that both analytical archetypes were advantageous for characterising and evaluating the socio physical systems and their inter-dependency. Also research study has demonstrated use of water security framework in developing structure and guide for formulation of prospective measures that have led to integrated planning approach needed for sustainable IWRM. Nonetheless the researchers have stated that future evaluation is required to change the outcomes from IWRM planning process into specific contributions for assessing water security.

According to another research paper the author Simonovic (2017) have stated that global climate has changed and altered hydrologic cycle that has resulted in minimisation of water supply, rise in frequency and intensity of flood and drought incidences and has damaged shoreline regions. These have even declined quality of freshwater sources and have resulted in rise of functional and operational needs for existing water infrastructure. The researchers used a generic approach to give detailed guidance on climate change implication in water management studies because these had prospect of practical execution. The researchers have stated that water resource practitioners have identified that climate change would rise different water related concerns and overload existing water management infrastructure so risk management that was associated with changing water routines had made officials of government identify the need for adaptation to changing situations. Further researchers identified that absence of standard method for distributing global climate change information can be resolved with generic method which can include four steps i.e. usage of global climate models and their future estimations, correction of bias, downscaling of global information to watershed scale and by performing hydrologic and hydraulic evaluations through application of downscaled climate data. These tools would help in implementing a strong procedure that can be tested on numerous water resource studies.

Further in research study done by Grigg (2015) it was stated that as water resource management is a wider area of study so this broadness sometime blurred focus resulting into research studies without mechanism to coordinate viewpoints of water resource management regulations and sectors.  So researcher has recommended that if this can be synchronised then outcome would be more clearly explained and studies would give better results. In this research work the researcher has attempted to investigate whether recognition of common problem methods can assist to harmonise viewpoints and improvise awareness through consistent treatment of recurring problems in water resource management studies. The researcher has presented evaluation of variables to develop categorised system to explain architecture of water resource management issues with emphasis on scale and management functions. The suitability of applying these systems has been explored through evaluation of different cases that have been focused on Global water Partnership. The researcher has further stated that from evaluations it was apparent that more importance was given on policy and management than on technical tools. The researcher further stated that most of the policies had developed focus and have addressed water resource management issue while management cases have resolved effectiveness, productiveness, reforms and problem solving at different case levels. While technical discussion included in evaluation methods were mostly divided by disciplines which showed that most cases on water resource management have been recognised mainly through management functions with secondary classification like scale, sector, number of authorities included etc. And a set of problem method was combined form basic classification system and were made available to educational experimentation to resolve cross sector issues through explanation of wider picture while keeping the field of evaluation orderly. The researcher has clearly stated that use problem system methods has been limited in fragmented field of water resource management education because of focus on disciplinary tools and most of the usage was made in capacity building programs with a focus on problem solving.

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In research paper presented by Gallego-Ayala (2013) a wide literature was reviewed on integrated water resource management (IWRM) research trends and the results stated that IWRM research field though lacked common agreement on who should be integrated and by 1whom but they gained attention of research community and outcomes from these studies highlighted significance of water management for community. Also these studies on IWRM encouraged multi-disciplinary approach to resolve issues in water resource management demand that needed a high level of cooperation. The IWRM multi-disciplinary approach helped to consider real problems combined with socio economic and environmental dimension that brought various research teams together to integrate perspectives and enrich knowledge on IWRM.


Basco-carrera, L., van Beek, E., Jonoski, A., Benítez-Ávila, C., and PjGuntoro, F. (2017). Collaborative modelling for informed decision making and inclusive water development. Water Resources Management,[Online]31(9), 2611-2625.Available:doi:[Accessed on 11 Nov. 2018]

Gallego-Ayala, J. (2013). Trends in integrated water resources management research: A literature review. Water Policy, [Online] 15(4), 628-647.Available:   doi:[Accessed on 11 Nov. 2018]

Grigg, N. S. (2015). Problem archetypes as common ground for water resources management education. Water Resources Management, [Online] 29(10), 3535-3550.Available:   doi:[Accessed on 11 Nov. 2018]

O’connell, E. (2017). Towards adaptation of water resource systems to climatic and socio-economic change. Water Resources Management,[Online] 31(10), 2965-2984. Available: doi:[Accessed on 11 Nov. 2018]

Simonovic, S. P. (2017). Bringing future climatic change into water resources management practice today. Water Resources Management, [Online] 31(10), 2933-2950.Available:  doi:[Accessed on 11 Nov. 2018]

Wang, X., Zhang, J., Shahid, S., Guan, E., Wu, Y., Gao, J., and He, R. (2016). Adaptation to climate change impacts on water demand. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, [Online] 21(1), 81-99. Available: doi:     [Accessed on 11 Nov. 2018]

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