Business Research Proposal For The Tourism Industry In Australia
Tourism business in Australia
Describe about the Business Research Proposal for Business Economic Performing.
The recent times have shown Australia as an economic performing force with reasonably low-interest rates economically with low inflammation and a higher growth rate. This has resulted in a very professional and competitive business sector with a very flexible labour market with an efficient government sector as back up. Environmental tourism is a prime factor which drives the tourism component of the country. The great tourism sectors make substantial economic contributions which are an outcome of well laid out policies by the environmentally conscious government.
Tourism not only acts as the source of employment and income but also acts as one of the main factors in balancing the payment or the economic conditions of the different countries and hence gained increased attention of the government, local authorities, investors and the people interested in the economic development. According to Pierce, the tourist destinations are divided into five broad sectors which are mainly the transport, accommodation, attractions, infrastructure and the supporting facilities. He says that the attractions encourage the visits of the tourist in the location, the services of the transports helps the tourists to visit such places, the supporting and the accommodation facilities helps in the well-being of the tourist during their stay at the tourist places and the infrastructure helps in the proper functioning of all the sectors discussed above (Buchmann, 2014).
Almost 270,000 businesses make up the tourism industry which includes the retail trade and transport, accommodation, food services and it gives work to around 925,000 people. In Australia, tourism business has provided quality experiences to its customers including the indigenous tourism and the government is extending full support to help the tourism business so that it can flourish well (Bulle, 2014). Austrade has been able to support the tourism industry by bringing it together and by connecting it to the Australian business which has now become a major source of investment into Australia.
According to the World tourism organisation, tourism is defined as such set of the activities of individuals travelling from his native place to some other environment minimum for one night but less than one year, the main purpose f such travel is to exercise such activities which are remunerated from within the place visited.
According to the tourism economics literature, the rise in the demand for international tourism has given way to research work and demand for 4 domestic tourism industries have fallen drastically. Li, Song, and Witt (2005) in a review article have supported 80 empirical studies on econometric modelling and have made predictions for the rise in the demand for international tourism which has been published between 1980 and 2004. Song and Li (2008) have further examined 121 econometric and time series analysis of the rise in demand for international tourism during the period 2000- 2007 (Getz, 2011). In fact; a few publications have laid stress on domestic tourism (Amelung and Nicholls, 2014). However, there are a few exceptions to this including Kim and Ngo (2001), Newbould, and Watkins. Kim and Ngo (2001) reviewed the 3 domestic routes of air travel flow in Australia. Pyo directed an econometric insight analysis of demand of US domestic tourism industry. It was also reviewed the predicting act of some selected time series and econometric models on the people who reached Las Vegas as a domestic tourist (Assaf, Gil-Alana and Barros, 2011). The reason why people are more inclined towards international tourism as stated in the tourism demand literature related to the improved quality and availability of required data and their vision towards the international tourism industry.
Literature review
Researchers have found out that increase in demand for international tourism is greatly affected by the economic variables of income and price. The efficiency of a destination to attract the customers for a long time and to retain them is the ability of that specific destination to induce demand. A satisfied customer will attract hundred more customers which are the main criteria to retain the demand for that destination. The destination which understands the needs of the customers and is able to provide the facilities according to his needs will produce a satisfied customer. Customer satisfaction should be of utmost priority and various research articles have proved that information about what the customers need and their level of expectation will give a clear picture of what the customer thinks about the quality of a particular service. Approaches to customer research have been noted in the tourism marketing literature (Biggs, 2010). Reports provided by the Australian government agencies found out the effect of business strategies that work in the nation’s inbound package tour market and discovered that these strategies have a bad impact on the customer satisfaction.
Song and Li (2008) during 2007 -2008 further examined 121econometric and time series analysis of demand for international tourism. There are some publications that stress only on the domestic tourism (Biggs, 2010). The success of the domestic tourism industry and its economic contribution becomes a forceful playing and proving ground for the concept of destination tourism and its success and competitiveness. The success of tourism in the domestic market and competitive nature brings about an improvement, efficiency and creates innovative solutions.
The growth of the foreign demand increases many folds if the domestic tourism is set upon a firm foundation. The contribution of domestic tourism in terms of revenue towards tourism industry is much more than the inbound tourism .Money spent on Australian domestic tourist is 4 to 5 times greater than the spending of inbound tourist. Domestic tourism still dominates the tourism industry .Cultural tourism has also given remarkable inputs to the tourism growth. Heritage, visual arts, and Australian performances have imparted beautiful experiences worth remembering. Visitors take home a lot of memories from a destination — the heritage, the art, the people, their lifestyle all which is been provided by the cultural tourism. Because of the features of the Australian culture which are unique of one of its kind Australia attracts a lot of international customers. These customers are generally attracted towards gaining knowledge about their culture and customs (Kingston et al., 2001). They would love to go to a museum or a gallery or a building that is of heritage importance.
Research questions for the identified problem or opportunity
On the whole aim of this project is to explore the tourism business in Australia and the performance of the tourism business in Australia and its effect on the economy. More particularly, this study aim to respond to the following research questions:
The performance of the tourism Business related to customer satisfaction?
The growth of the industries related to the Tourism
How is Tourism related to the financial performance of the Australia?
How is tourism related to increasing Employment in Australia?
These questions will help out in answering the important aim of the project: the best process which will help in the growth of the tourism business in Australia (Stoeckl, 2007).
The methodology for the research gives the detail of the techniques and methods that are used for the collection of the different types of the data and also highlight the participants of the research project. The methodology used for the data collection in this research is the primary and quantities method. In this method of the data collection and approaches, the purposive sampling is carried out and taken into consideration for the concerned research studies. The research methodology or design that will use for the related study of the research should relate to the quantitative study of the research work and the research design should include the processes use for the development of the questionnaire (Lee et al., 2016). The responses of these types of the questionnaire will help to collect the data both in quantitative and qualitative manner. This type of method and approach is very useful because it provides the data in such a way that it can be easily converted into the numerical form or easy to measure numerically.
For the validation and development of the recommendation and the guidelines of the research model, for the measurement of the wants and the expectations of the business market that is the purpose of the case study, the research work will conduct the survey on the selected sample through the questionnaire. Lastly, the aim of the research is to provide the recommendation and guidelines to the business strategy for the development of the tourism in the Australia by taking into consideration that these business strategies are made at different levels such as functional/operational level, corporate level and business level for the assurance of the efficient implementation (Ruhanen, Whitford and McLennan, 2015).
Effective planning of the strategy and the management of the destination must be based on the data and information that is up to date and relevant. The person that is responsible for the destination management such as the manager must access the information and data on the product availability and supply, environmental trends, visitor markets, opportunities and challenges, resources and potential risks (Pham et al., 2015). The decision making of the Destination that is supported by the established research and the data and information collection is good to develop the effective plan and to make changes according to the market trends.
Methodologies and techniques used for the research
An effective research plan will provide the following information
The information and data that is required for the support of the decision making and the management of the destination. The tips for the destination management: the national and the state level organization of the tourism provides a number of the research publication at the regional and destination level that give the information that does not require the data collection. The existing information and the data that is easily accessible and the additional data collection that is required to fill the gap of the existing information (Rohlfing, 2013). The tools and methods of the research that are used for the collection and evaluation of the data
The procedures that are used for the data analysis
The requirement of the resources and the data collection frequency
The management of the data process involves the information management system use
The method of the communication for the distribution of the information and the data to the stakeholders that are the publication of the results from the TOMM (Tourism Optimized Management Model) (, 2016).
The process of the research must evaluate the health and the stability of the tourism industry in the changing business environment within the industries. The research process must also involve the business count through the employment size that includes the self-employed business that has no employee, a micro business that have 1 to 4 employees, small businesses that have 5 to 19 employees, medium businesses that have 20 to 199 employees, large businesses that have more than the 200 employees (Amelung and Nicholls, 2014). The research process also involves the business count through the industry location that is territory, state and tourism and through the financial performance. The count of the business drives and sourced from the ABSBR (Australian Bureau of Statistics, Business Registrar). The ABS also released the publication that gives the information about the business counts (, 2016).
Data collection and analysis methods:
A well-planned data analysis and the data collection method will help in the evaluation of the tourism business in Australia. Data analysis is essentially a discipline of probing raw data which is further necessary to wind up something and depict the results which are the desired ones. It is applied by many industries and also the tourism industries in the research so that the government and the concerned individuals may take a better decision regarding the tourist business in Australia and may result in the better outcomes of the business.
The Data will be collected in the form of the sampling; the samples of the data will be collected from the different individuals that are involved in the business of Tourism in Australia. These data will be collected from the different parts of the Australia. The collected samples of the data will help the researchers in understanding the exposure of the Tourism business in Australia. This will also help the researchers in understanding the increased employment size in the Industry.
In the data collection, the researchers will collect the data from the individuals involved in the tourism business. As per the research in the year 2015, almost 57 percent of the Australian population is involved in the tourist business and has given maximum employment of the staff which reflects the labour intensive nature of the tourism business (Pham et al., 2015).
The data collection and the data analysis methods of the tourism business in Australia will conclude with the key findings that the increased tourism in the Australia resulted in the increased employment and increased financial performance of the Australia. The data collected also cleared that 80% of the Australia tourism happen in the New South Wales and only 26 % in Victoria and 19 % in Queensland (Pan, 2003).
The tourist industry has contributed in the field of creating jobs for people, increased export earnings and development of that region. In 2001- 02, 4.5% of the Australia’s Gross Domestic Product was because of the tourism industry. And a total of A$ 70.8 billion was utilized by the tourist and generated employment of 5.9% for the working Australians. The total export figure accounted by the tourist industry was 11.2% which is considered to be the biggest revenue earner within the service sector (Pan, 2003).
The Australian Federal government is seriously taking actions on hindrances that come in the way of the growth of the tourism industry. It is taking steps to improve the product base of the industry, use different marketing strategies to develop the key market, helping the transport network to be work orientated so as to achieve efficiency, removing any kind of hindrance in the growth of financial and regulatory sectors. Trying to help in the growth of regional tourism, helping the industry in planning and decision-making by assisting them with the required data and research work, and trying to preserve and conserve Australia’s natural and cultural heritage.
From 2009-2013, the visitor’s number increased at the rate of 2.9% annually, on the other hand, the visitor’s night increased by 3.9%. The increased number of the visitors either domestic or international results into the increased consumption of the tourism goods that is about 12 billion dollars from the 98 billion dollars to 110 billion dollars. During the period of 2009-2013, the contribution of the tourism to the economy of the Australia is about 11.3 % increase from the 38 billion dollars to 42 billion dollars (, 2016). The 95% of the tourism businesses were small, self-employed and micro-size businesses. The changes in the tourism business are followed by the change in the overall economy. Few of the industries related to the tourism grow stronger in the business that occurred in the most of the employment categories such as restaurants, café and food takeout leading to the growth of the 10% of the tourism business. All auto-fuel related business has the increased growth of about 4.9% (, 2016). The travelling industries have the growth about 4.2% overall. Hence, all the industries that are related to the tourism have the growth in the period of 2009-2013.
In this research report, in spite of applying the ABS Tourism Satellite Account definition (TSA), the method applies the narrow tourism definition that is used in Australia. TRA eliminates the entities of the tourism that contributed not more than 5% GVA to the tourism that is Dwelling ownership that is the owner of the many small residential properties in the Australia; the Dwelling industry provides only 2.7% of the GVA to the services of the tourism (Michael, 2002). Training and the education that is more reliable on the non-tourist that includes the resident of the Australia and other overseas students that undertake the course longer than 1 year and provide 4.2% of their GVA to the tourism services. Another road transport that is especially the private freight services such as truckies that its 3.6% GVA related to the tourism services (Michael, 2002).
The samples and the questionnaire in the research indicate that the affiliation among the ageing and disability is visibly evident and both present a challenge for the Australian tourism industry. The tourism industry has been in search of ways to make sure that its and products and infrastructure are easily reached to everyone (Maksay, 2007). There is appreciation the tourism industry needs to accept worldwide design values as and underpinning to achieve the greater social sustainability as a part of the triple bottom line very important for tourism expansion.
The timeline for the project to be completed is shown with the help of Gantt chart
Tasks |
Start Date |
Duration |
Project Plan |
25-09-2016 |
6 |
Literature Review |
02-10-2016 |
15 |
Data Collection |
19-10-2016 |
12 |
Data Analysis |
01-11-2016 |
14 |
Final Report Submission |
15-11-2016 |
10 |
Amelung, B. and Nicholls, S. (2014). Implications of climate change for tourism in Australia. Tourism Management, 41, pp.228-244.
Assaf, A., Gil-Alana, L. and Barros, C. (2011). Persistence Characteristics of Tourism Arrivals to Australia. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14(2), pp.165-176.
Biggs, D. (2010). The Tourism Society’s Dictionary for the Tourism Industry. Tourism Management, 31(4), p.556.
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Lee, E., Jung, C. and Kwak, J. (2016). The Role of Trade Associations in Environmental Compliance Under Limited Enforcement: The case of small businesses. Env. Pol. Gov..
Maksay, A. (2007). Japanese Working Holiday Makers in Australia: Subculture and Resistance.Tourism Review International, 11(1), pp.33-43.
Michael, E. (2002). Antiques and tourism in Australia. Tourism Management, 23(2), pp.117-125.
Pan, G. (2003). A Theoretical Framework of Business Network Relationships Associated with the Chinese Outbound Tourism Market to Australia. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 14(2), pp.87-104.
Pham, T., Jago, L., Spurr, R. and Marshall, J. (2015). The Dutch Disease effects on tourism – The case of Australia. Tourism Management, 46, pp.610-622.
Rihova, I. (2013). Music Festivals and Regional Development in Australia. Tourism Management, 36, p.119.
Rohlfing, I. (2013). Comparative Hypothesis Testing Via Process Tracing. Sociological Methods & Research, 43(4), pp.606-642.
Ruhanen, L., Whitford, M. and McLennan, C. (2015). Indigenous tourism in Australia: Time for a reality check. Tourism Management, 48, pp.73-83.
Stoeckl, N. (2007). Using Surveys of Business Expenditure to Draw Inferences about the Size of Regional Multipliers: A Case-study of Tourism in Northern Australia. Regional Studies, 41(7), pp.917-931. (2016). Tourism Research Australia – Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2016].