Business Research Methods For Globalization And Multiculturalism
As observed by Lalonde (2017), accommodating diverse cultures in the entrepreneurial team fosters innovation and progress. The author says that it is challenging to maintain an equilibrium between talents from diverse cultures. However, culture shock can help in attaining the required feat. Hofstede (2002) differs from Lalonde (2017) in regards to postulating ways to overcome the challenges faced by a culturally diverse team. Lemayet al. (2012) recognized mass retirements and non-renewal of the workforce as potential barriers to the formation of a linkage between learning organizations, organizational learning, and intelligent organizations. In this way, Lemayet al. (2012) disagreeto the fact as proposed by Parent, Roy&St-Jacques (2007) in the aforesaid section by identifying the barriers to the implementation of knowledge management models. Lemayet al. (2012) say that for an effective knowledge management in organizations, an effective utilization of talent is a key activity.
When talents are not utilized, but are rather spoiled such as that being highlighted by Lemayet al. (2012), it results in ineffective generation and transformation of knowledge in organizations. Instead, talents nearing their retirement should be promoted to higher positions, so that, their knowledge and experience is transferred to the inexperienced people. Additionally, renewal of workforce will allow seniors the opportunities to help their juniors with valuable experience and knowledge. Bloice& Burnett(2016)identifies a few possible ways to implement knowledge management strategies in organizations. These are technology and culture based approaches. Authors believed that a few organizations follow the culture-based approach whereas many others follow a technology-based approach. This article also agrees to the fact presented by Parent, Roy&St-Jacques (2007) by highlighting the possibility of an effective knowledge management in organizations. However, Bloice & Burnett (2016) differ from Parent, Roy&St-Jacques (2007) in regards to the implementation strategy for knowledge management.
Multiculturalism is increasingly becoming a part of global firms. This is a consequence of globalization, which encouraged professionals to move to foreign locations seeking better job opportunities. Globalization in this way is still helping people in getting potential jobs in abroad countries; however, it also has been troubling managers for diversity management in organizations. Now, the modern workplace is filled with people who are not necessarily from the locals, but rather from various other parts of the world. It means one uniform human resource system may not be applicable to all employees.From foods to lodging, everything needs to be designed in a way meeting the diverse needs of employees from different parts of world. These all communicate the existence of multiculturalism at modern-day workplace. There is bound to have issues concerning the working style and all. It is, therefore, necessary that contemporary managers have sufficient measures of existing and potential cultural issues, and also have remedial solution to sort these out. With regard to this fact, the author Chapman (1996) identifies the importance of anthropologist existing as professionals in organizations. An anthropologist is one who possess a sound knowledge on the study of socio-cultural anthropology. An anthropologist has an important existence in organizations because he or sheis capable in understanding human behaviors from diverse cultures, and societies. This is not less than an important prospect for organizations because cultural issues can never be resolved without practically dealing with it. Placing an anthropologist in organizations is one of such practicalities towards identifying, designing, and implementing the cultural management strategies.
Sabharwal (2014) agrees to the fact presented by Chapman (1996), which emphasized on recruiting and assigning job responsibilities to socio-cultural anthropologist. However, Sabharwal (2014)add more values to the strategyby highlighting the importance of including employees in diversity management. It indeed works.Sabharwal (2014) further elaborates what he meant from the inclusion of employees in diversity management by saying that employees’ opinions can be very valuable in serving the purpose. When employees are encouraged to share their opinions, they feel being involved into the process like never before.It also impact on the overall productivity of the workplace. Employees can help with some valuable insights of the teams, which is untouchable from any other people in the company. Aga, Noorderhaven & Vallejo (2016) support the views of includingemployees’ participation in decision-making for diversity management; however, add more values to it by raising the importance of managerial leadership. Aga, Noorderhaven &Vallejo (2016) says that managers with transformational leadership can help in team building.As per this article, transformational leadership does have direct and indirect influences on the projects’ outcomes. It means that employees’ participation in decision-making will find favorable grounds from transformational leaders. It, therefore, suggests that promoting employee participation will not alone work until and unless being implemented and supportedby transformational leaders. Transformational leaders will be able to work together with employees and answer their queries concerning any issue. Moreover, such leaders will be able to know the insights of employees and hence, will be able to provide valuable leads to a socio-anthropologist in organizations.
Ahammadet al. (2016) found that knowledge transfer is one of the factors to influence the cross-border acquisition (CBA). It was also being observed that cultural differences at workplace affect the CBA performance. Hence, it is important that cultural diversity in the wake of globalization is effectively managed. Additionally, an effective management of cultural diversity will help to facilitate knowledge transfer, which would not just repair the individual weaknesses on certain things but also create a network of knowledge. An improved knowledge transfer will also positively impact the workplace culture, which would create adequate knowledge resource in organizations. This can be utilized for improving the performance of existing employees, and for supporting the newly recruited professionals. Peltokorpi&Vaara (2014) supported the views of Ahammadet al. (2016) by stating that knowledge transfer is necessary to create an effective global workplace. However, Peltokorpi&Vaara (2014) identified that facilitating a smooth knowledge transfer is not an easy task to be done.
Knowledge Transfer
Zhao, Zuo & Deng (2015) supported the views of Peltokorpi&Vaara (2014) by stating that knowledge transfer is a critical process for many factors. These are transfer capabilities of project teams, relationship between project teams, project team context, and project task context. These underlying factors can have several sub-factors impacting the knowledge transfer between two culturally different countries. Filieriet al. (2014) supported the views of Zhao, Zuo & Deng (2015) and Peltokorpi&Vaara (2014) by elaborating the challenges being faced during knowledge transfer across cross-border countries. They are also being challenged for finding the possible way outs.Knowledge transfer can be hampered from communication gap between clients and the business as well as for language barriers. A project deal between companies representing different cultures will, therefore, face the challenge in communicating and dealing the projects related contents. This will be due to many reasons that also include the language barrier. Language barrier will require some additional activities to be performed by the clients. These include but not limited to like consistently-scheduled meetings, training for imparting tacit knowledge, safeguarding intellectual property, and using an online portal for the diffusion of knowledge.
Del Chiappa & Baggio (2015) identifies that Internet of Things. ICT, and Cloud Computing can help in knowledge transfer. However, this would require an appropriate understanding of these technologies, so that, language barriers are easily overcome. These technologies have good prospects in regards to reducing the language barrier, which affects knowledge transfer between culturally different companies. However, there is still very limited research works on the topic. This has somehow restricted a larger application of such potential technologies. With this, the possibility to overcome the language barrier and to promote the knowledge transfer between culturally distinct countries is also being put on hold. Arifusalam Shaikh & Rafiq (2018) supported the views of Del Chiappa & Baggio (2015) and have said that emerging ICTs are good prospects for knowledge transfer. According to the authors, these technologies will always play a major role in knowledge management; however, there is still a long way to go to make an impact with it. The current era demands a different approach towards knowing how to utilize these technologies in improving the knowledge transfer. An understanding of a real-time dynamic is, therefore, required. It is to be noted that ICT will keep evolving and will also be benefitting the businesses across the globe. However, the real challenge at this point in time is to have the sufficient data to understand how these technologies could be applied to the purpose in real-time. This can also be said that organizations seek intellectuals who are more efficient and creative in dealing with these ICTs. Utilization of these technologies will require implementing these to the systems. This will require a change to be imposed in the systems, and hence, needs to be managed effectively.
Challenges in Knowledge Transfer
As stated earlier, these technologies will create room for imposing changes to many of the existing systems. Hence, this will go through a systematic process, so that, the implementation outcomes are in the line of the change objectives. A change process being conducted this way will require a leadership assistance from project supervisors, middle managers, and line managers. As stated by Belias & Koustelios (2014), managerial leadership is essentially required to effectively handle and manage the complexity of a change process. According to the authors, effective leadership can potentially make an impact on the process. Leaders can help with communicating the change in an appropriate manner to the all stakeholders. Additionally, they could also try and make employees understand why the change is important at this point in time. Importantly, effective leaders will also be able to counter the resistance to change coming from within the organizations supposedly from employees largely.
Georgaliset al. (2015) supports the views of Belias & Koustelios (2014) in relation to employee acting as resistance to change management by stating thatemployee perception of a change is a potential barrier to change management. It means imposing changes in organizational systems is mostly a challenging task to be conducted. Hence, the favors to ICTsas given by Arifusalam Shaikh & Rafiq (2018) and Del Chiappa & Baggio (2015) can be called a complex process at this point in time considering that change is difficult to happen. Since, change is a complex process, hence, implementation of technologies to improve the knowledge transfer will also be challenging. Hornstein (2015) gone a step further than the so far discussed things on change management, and identified an integration between change management and project management. The fact is more specific with bigger changes when there are needs to form a team to take care of the change process. In all such change process, a project team will be employed and hence, project managers will be shortlisted for this specific role-play. Managers’ acquaintance with the change management strategies could also be a barrier to a successful change implementation.
The modern day organizations are observed to be subjected to significant amount of market competitions which forces them to think for innovative planning in order to make sure that they be able to survive. The market competition forces the organizations to think differently and try different measures. There exists concept of the organizational change. Several organizations are observed to apply different strategies like the acquisition or the mergers as the application of the organizational change management. Hence the importance of the management of the organizational change is significant for any organization.
Strategies for Diversity Management
The article of Stouten, Rousseau & De Cremer (2018) is significant for the concept of the organizational change as it provides the models which are mostly used by many modern organizations for managing the change inside their organization. The article specifies the change models which are Lewin’s three phase process, Beer’s six step change management model, Judson’s five step change management model, Appreciative Inquiry, Kanter, Stein and Jick’s ten commandments, Kotter’s eight step model and Hiatt’s ADKAR model. These are significant frameworks for the management of the change and are instrumental in portraying the real time situation of the organizations in cases of change.
The paper of the Stouten, Rousseau & De Cremer (2018) is able to claim that the organizational change management is significantly dependent on the employees’ expertise and their skills and communication. Several frameworks in the paper claimed that the management of the organizational change is significantly simple when the organizations are able to manage the skills and competencies of their employees in accordance to the needs or requirements of the change. The article of Palmer, Dunford & Akin (2016) agrees to the fact and also provides strong emphasis on the management of employees. According to Palmer, Dunford & Akin (2016), the speed and the scale of the change is a notable factor for the organizations in managing the change inside the organization and in that case the paper agrees to the point that the employees’ capability of managing the operations which are changed after the initiation of the change is significant for the organizations in achieving the desired and fruitful result of the change.
On the other hand, it is observed that the article of Stouten, Rousseau & De Cremer (2018) significantly lacks any sort of communication regarding the organizational behaviour that should be present among the employees during the change implementation. The paper is more concentrated regarding the planning or the mechanism of the change initiative and is more focused in preparing the organizations for the change. Several frameworks in the paper are able to comment on the fact that the needs or the requirements of the change are in need to be communicated to the employees and in addition to this, the vision and the mission of the organization during the change initiative needs to be incorporated among the employees. During the change initiative, the organization will face significant amount of changes in the behaviour of the employees and in order to manage that, the organizations will face the need to communicate regarding the organizational behaviour during the occurrence of the change. The paper of Huczynski, Buchanan & Huczynski (2013) portrays that gap in the literature and addresses with the effective communication regarding the requirements associated with the organizational behaviour during the change initiative. The paper elaborates the impact of the behaviour of the employees at the situation of the change and portrays the specific modifications that need to be done among the employees to effectively manage the change initiative.
Role of Anthropologists in Diversity Management
The article of the Jacobs, van Witteloostuijn & Christe-Zeyse (2013) also focuses on the mechanism of the change initiative where the article discusses regarding the preliminary steps of the change. The article specifies that the organizations which are likely to undergo the change are in need to identify the reasons behind the change, analyse the necessity of the change and then form the vision for the organization in leading the change. This will make sure that the organization be able to plan in accordance to the requirements of the change and the same time they be able to pass the vision to the employees so that it be easy for the employees to operate under the change initiative.
Similar to the article of Stouten, Rousseau & De Cremer (2018), the paper of the Schaffer, Sandau & Diedrick (2013) was also focused on the evaluation of the techniques of the change management process. The paper claimed that the importance of the steps like the communication of the message to the employees regarding the vision of the company during the change and the identification of any sort of conflict is significant for the organizations. This will be significantly helpful for the organizations in reducing the dissatisfaction or the employee unrest in a significant manner. The paper also claimed that the reduction of the barriers in the implementation of the change initiative will be much needed for the management. Apart from this, the paper also claimed that the identification of the issues faced by the employees will be significant for the management in introducing relevant training and skill development activities.
As mentioned earlier, the paper of Stouten, Rousseau & De Cremer (2018) was significantly concentrated on the different stages of the change management, the article significantly lacks any fruitful communication regarding the changing organizational culture inside the workplace during the change initiative. The paper of Alvesson & Sveningsson (2015) is able to produce effective communication to address the mentioned gap. The article discusses that the change initiative will also include several changes in the dynamics of the organization. The work environment, team dynamics and the team work will be significantly affected with the change initiative. Apart from this, the change initiative can include changes in the team members and the management and the acceptance of the fact along with the adjustment that needs to be done by the existing employees is of great significance and is elaborated in the paper. Hence the paper will be able to provide the mentioned aspects into the article of Stouten, Rousseau & De Cremer (2018).
Importance of Employee Participation in Diversity Management
According to Dixon, Lee & Ghaye (2016), leaders can contribute to a change process with their positive psychology. A positive psychology is a resource to numerous strengths, which leaders can apply at different stages in a change process to make a positive impact with it. The list of key strengths include but is not limited to like courage, humanity, justice, and wisdom & knowledge. These strengths are key to make decision for a change management, effectively handling the change process, and successfully promoting the cultural diversity. According to Shoshani & Steinmetz (2014), intervention programmes for positive psychology can help to raise the performance level. The authors were able to identifythe importance of positive psychology by examining an intervention program being organized and conducted in a big middle school in Israel. Students from different classes participated in this program.
A positive decrease in general distress, depression, and anxiety was noticed. It means that positive psychology can be applied to implement a change process such as the one being done in the case school. Additionally, positive psychology can also be used to motivate employees’ participation in change processes. Positive psychology is a resource to skills’ generation in leaders, which are required while dealing with few of the most complicated organizations processes. These are managing cultural diversity at workplace, facilitating an affective knowledge transfer, and imposing a change process. A change process for example requires managers to possess the leadership skills, so that, they are able to take care of the entire stages involved in a change process. Leadership skills here would be judged on their capabilities to uplift the moral of the teams, making a productive collaboration with them, and communicating and imposing the change process. Leaders with positive psychology are not just good for their personal skills but for all the stakeholders who have an influence of these leaders.
In the opinion of Curtis & Reddy (2015), positive psychology is an essential of operations management. It helps to regenerate and enrich some leadership skills in managers, which are rarely found across leadership in organizations. It is also rarelyfound in employees as because they have many other reasons to be away from the positive psychology. By highlighting these points, the authors have actually raised concerns for introducing intervention programs to help both leaders and employees generate positive psychology in them. Managers with positive psychology and set of relevant strengths will be able to read the mind of employees. This is essentially a job-role being played by socio-anthropologist who are hired to read and understand human behaviors of different employees. It means that anthropologist must also possess a positive psychology to be able to justify their hiring as a socio-anthropologist in organizations. Managers in particular need to have a good hold on positive psychology, so that, they are able to understand the potential barriers to operations and the possible way outs.
The Role of Transformational Leaders in Diversity Management
Salanova, Llorens & Martínez (2016) supported the views of Curtis & Reddy (2015) and Shoshani & Steinmetz (2014) by stating that positive psychology is an essential element of operations. The authors say that positive organizations possess certain elements of which positive psychology is one of the parts. A positive psychology as according to the authors is a must for its leaders and so also for employees. A positive psychology into leaders and employees can be created and developed by making an organized arrangement as such of intervention programs. The task will not only be to design and conduct such programs but also to encourage both employees and leaders be a part of it. Authors have found intervention programs an effective way for developing a positive psychology at the organizational level. Such intervention programs will need supports of relevant models of operations and theories as well. One of such models is Healthy and Resilient Organization (HERO) Model. The model comprises of useful methodologies and intervention strategies. The application of the model will involve evaluating its various associated agents on the basis of set parameters of evaluation. The validity and appropriateness of the chosen model will only ensure that the intervention program will be a success.
The stakeholders are a massive part of any business and in the modern business context, the importance of the stakeholders is increasing in a significant manner. The stakeholders of any business are the community, the shareholders, the customers, the employees of the organization and suppliers along with the logistics managers. The proper synchronization of all the parties or the stakeholders helps in the formation of a fruitful business opportunity. With the effective business conduction among all the groups mentioned above, the business is observed to grow in a significant manner. Along with this, the modern business market is facing the significant necessity of introducing social help towards the various elements of the society in order to attract the customers and their preferences towards themselves. In the modern business context, the approach is observed to be significant and with the rise in the practices of the corporate social responsibility by several organizations, the importance of the concept in the stakeholder approach is getting increased. The corporate social responsibility in the modern business cases are proving to be significantly beneficial as it enabled the business organizations to have many important benefits like the land lease, tax relaxation and above all, an improved workplace for the employees of the organization.
Technology’s Role in Knowledge Transfer
The paper of Jamali (2008) is observed to have two significant base in the form of the A three-dimensional conceptual model of corporate performance of Carroll (1979) and Corporate social performance revisited of Wood (1991). The article of Jamali (2008) was able to portray the essential aspects of the corporate social responsibility where it was significantly focused in describing the corporate performance into three dimensional model. The paper discussed the various aspects of the corporate social responsibility and the necessity of it in the business surroundings. Apart from this, the paper also claimed that the necessity of introducing the corporate social responsibility is having the base on the organization’s need of addressing the major social issues and in addition to that the paper specified that the organization’s philosophy or the sense of responsiveness in this case is significantly crucial. On the other hand the paper also produced significant amount of content for the academic purpose as the influence of the article of Wood (1991) is able to portray the definition of the social responsiveness and the corporate social responsibility. Along with that it also provided the fundamental principles for the corporate social responsibility.
The article of Costa & Menichini (2013) acknowledges the impact of the article in the aspects like the social responsibility and the philanthropic responsibility. The article claimed that the modern organizations are significantly focused in the business conduction, the growth of the organization and in conducting that the necessity of introducing the various effective policies which will be able to attract the attention of the customers need to be aligned with the requirements of the customers. The paper added to the contribution of Jamali (2018) by stating that the business organizations came a long way from the old school mind set of only generating profit and are much more focused in the creation of a good image as a business organization.
The article of Brown & Forster (2013) also highlights the same need for the introduction of the corporate social responsibility where it connects with the literature of Jamali (2018) by commenting the fact that the modern business organizations have much more in hand than just looking at the financial statement. It also mentioned that the generation of the profit and the business growth are significantly important for the organizations till today, yet the concern has a much wider bandwidth. The paper showed that the modern business organizations are significantly influenced in the creation of such a corporate image which will help the organizations to gain the market limelight. The paper portrayed the fact that many of the modern business organizations are significantly trying to resolve the social concerns of their existing and probable customers. It is considered that the preferences of the customers in purchasing the products are significantly influenced by the organization’s stands in their favour. The customer’s purchasing preferences is significantly inclined towards the organizations which consider the customer’s concerns.
The article of O’Riordan & Fairbrass (2014)is able to state the benefits for the organizations in practising the corporate social responsibility. Similar to the article of Jamali (2008), the paper is able to portray the influential factors for the organizations in implementing the corporate social responsibility. But the article of O’Riordan & Fairbrass (2014) is able to focus more on the modern day situations compared to the article of Jamali (2018). The article of O’Riordan & Fairbrass (2014) portrays the fact that the modern day organizations which are involved in the effective practise of the corporate social responsibility is observed to have the much needed breathing space in the intense competitive market. The organizations experience the benefits like the land lease from the governments so that they be able to expand their businesses, the tax relaxation which provides the much needed monetary back up for their future projects, the improvement of their corporate image which triggers the purchasing intention of the customers. Apart from that, the paper also showed that the corporate social responsibility helps the organizations internally as well. The authors of the paper argued that the application of the corporate social responsibility helps the organizations to have the employees motivated. In addition to this, the employees are observed to be more inclined in the ethical operations.
The article of Freeman & Moutchnik (2013) claimed that the formation of the ethical and social responsibility among the organizations and the employees of the organizations are getting significant importance in the modern business context. The paper also claimed that the organization’s capabilities in the identification of the concerns of the customers are significantly profitable for the organizations. The paper also contributed by discussing the fact that the identification of the concerns help the organizations in the formation of their products or the services in accordance to the customer requirements. Hence it becomes much needed for the various stakeholders of the organization to identify the factors responsible for the concern of the customers and in other case the factors responsible for the repetitive purchase of customers. Thus the profit margin for the organization gets increased along with the growth rate of the concerned organization.
Hofstede (2002) provides a various cultural dimensions across which two different countries can be compared. It, moreover, helps to understand the different cultures existing at global places. The needs to understand the different cultures across various countries is an influence of globalization. Multinational firms had wanted to know the cultural variance to be able to control the barriers to global business. Parent, Roy & St-Jacques (2007) found knowledge transfer as an integral part of globalization. In a globalized workplace, it is essential that knowledge is both generated and transferred to others. If this does not happen there will be an incapable formation of creative thoughts, which will affect the competency of the business. Despite being a very important part of a globalized workplace, knowledge management is a tough task to be done. Parent, Roy & St-Jacques (2007) have found the Dynamic Knowledge Transfer Capacity model (DKTC) as suitable to create and transfer knowledge across people. However, an implementation of the model might be challenged from several issues such as those being highlighted by Muqadaset al. (2017). Muqadaset al. (2017) found promotion opportunities, influence, authority, and employee favoritism as to be a few issues affecting the implementation of knowledge management strategies.
Knowledge transfer faces the language barrier while accessing to knowledge from cross-border countries. Multinational corporations (MNCs) are generally being troubled from language barriers. They are needed to think and design additional strategy to deal with language barriers. The language barriers affect knowledge transfer within and outside of the organization. So, in a globalized workplace, MNEs are not just responsible for taking care of operations but more other tasks as well. These tasks include but not limited to like establishing a platform to support a synchronization of different languages and the cultures, understanding ways to conduct and implement the change management, taking care of knowledge transfer in and across the organizations, and so on.
Firms that intend to undergo a change to take the leverage of market opportunities must have its managers possessing skills like courage, humanity, justice, and wisdom & knowledge. Courage in leaders will fill them with dare to think of operating at the global level, accessing to cross-border knowledge, and so on. The skill will motivate them to go for a change process when it is required. Wisdom & knowledge will help them explore their knowledge with the cross-border nations. A knowledge of how to facilitate the knowledge transfer will help them making a utilization of tools and technologies needed to communicate or transfer the knowledge. Knowledge transfer requires a great deal of leadership approach for its various related processes. Since, knowledge transfer can be conveyed effectively with emerging ICTs, it is necessary to possess a positive psychology to deal with numerous attached complexities. An implementation of various ICTs will require imposing a change process. A change process requires leaders to possess capabilities to identify the required change and ways to implement it. These leaders must also know how to reduce internal resistance to a change process. These all are time consuming and complicated processes. Hence, a change process as according to the authors requires leaders to possess a set of different skills being derived from positive psychology. For intervention to be a success, leaders in the form of managers must provide adequate support to it. This will help to create an environment of change where employees will be encouraged to participate in the change process. Managers will also have motivation to work towards ensuring a successful implementation of the change. Hence, this can be aid that intervention programs are a helping guide for both managers and employees towards facilitating an environment of knowledge transfer.
The concept of the organizational change is present in the modern day business environment with significant link with the other aspects of the business. The change of the organizations become significant for the organizations when the mentioned link is strong enough. The modern day business conduction is observed to be significantly affected with the concept of the globalization where the globalization plays a significant role in the organizations thought of business expansion. In addition to this, the business expansions create such a situation where the employees of different cultures are exposed in front of each other. This has the potential to create significant amount of issues for the employees in getting integrated each other at the preliminary stages but at the same time this will have the capability to influence knowledge transfer among the employees of the those organizations. In addition to this, the employees with the positive mentality and thought process will get the maximum chances to get the knowledge and adopt to the recommended changes of the organization. Hence these are significantly important aspects of the organizational change management. Apart from that, the implementation and the planning of the change initiative is significantly associated with the stakeholder groups as the shareholders section of the group conveys the need of the change, the community and the customers are able to provide the need and the different levels of the management and the employees are responsible for the planning and the execution of the change.
The globalization has a great significance for the stakeholders as it enables the community, customers or the business entrepreneurs to share their views or the opinions regarding the events, the business opportunities along with the identification of the content for the business. The concept of the multiculturism is observed to be pretty evident among the stakeholder sections of the modern day business environment where the community and the customers sections are significantly associated. The choices of the items for the business or the promotional activities for the new businesses, each and every such activities are considered with the point of view of the variation of the cultures. The stakeholders section are also significantly affected with the transfer of the knowledge. The different sections of the stakeholders like the upper level management of an organization are significantly dependent on the exchange of the knowledge of the organization’s operations from the different lower levels of management and on the other hand the managers are responsible to get the information regarding the identification of the market trends from the community. Hence this is the format in which the link up for the achievement of the knowledge is to be established. On the other hand, the stakeholders group, may that be the suppliers or the employees of the organization are in need to have the positive mentality to improve and adopt the diverse conditions. Apart from this, the change management inside the organization has great impact on the organizations’ stakeholder group. It is observed that many of the organizations face significant issues from the part of the internal section of the stakeholder in the form of the employees that are operating in the organization as the employees have the potential to be the barriers for the change.
Therefore, the five topics, which have been discussed in this report shows evident links with each other in some sense. All those topics cannot exist alone but together. If globalization is being talked about, one cannot deny discussing the change management, knowledge transfer, stakeholders’ management, and positive psychology of leaders. Notably, globalization has an influence on organizations in various forms such as those being discussed in the preceding line. Change is required to be managed while implementing new technologies, and services. Knowledge transfer became a topic of discussion more so after it was found to have an influence of globalization. Stakeholders have an influence of everything that happens with the firms. Hence, there existence is also linked to globalization. Positive psychology of leaders is required to deal with different phenomena that are the results of globalization. It means any new activity in the influence of globalization will require a positivity in leaders to be able to understand and deal with the situation.
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