Business Research For Business

Discuss about the Business Research For Business.

In order to draw the attention of tourists, the tourist market of Australia has been associated this arrangement of the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast which is a fruitful opportunity. Quantitative data would be increased in light of investigation of reports considering the recorded number of accommodation properties in Gold Coast furthermore on required improvements and developments of inn properties in the district (Wetcher-Hendricks, 2014). At the end of the day, the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast in Australia effect and impulse tourists to appreciate a particular service in an induced period. To execute this examination objectives, inquiries and exploration methodology will be talked about in this business research. All things considered, the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast in Australia sway bargains especially at the period of festivities. In addition, Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast and its accommodation properties redesign an opportunity to endeavour another service of a checked tourist market of Australia through prohibitive arrangements accommodation properties(Fink, 2012).

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In this research proposal, the criticalness of Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast and accommodation properties on the tour market of Australia will be examined. Consequently, the relationship between the need of visitor and service of tour industry of Australia will be portrayed in this research proposal. The qualitative data would be for the most part increased in light of interviewing the managers of Hilton Surfers Paradise. Furthermore, each and every part related to the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast in Australia and tour requirement in Australia will be analysed in this research proposal. In order to examine strategy, Hilton Surfers Paradise Hotel management have been utilized for meeting the exploration objectives would comprise of both gathering interviews furthermore the investigation of secondary data connected with the assessment of reports(Norris, 2016).

Overview of research study:

In this article essentially the unfavorable impact of the climatic change has been highlighted on Queensland and additionally on Gold Coast. However, the journal demonstrates the central difficulties that Gold Coast aspects and the proposals for enhancing the viability of the business in Gold Coast. Besides that, it has likewise been highlighted that the ascent in the ocean level has undermined the ways of life and properties of Queensland. At present, it has been found that the Gold Coast has a larger number of houses than some other part in Queensland. In other words, the specific article centers that the tourism business of Queensland is at danger because of climatic change. Along these lines, more than 3,500 private structures in the Gold Coast are at danger. Nevertheless, it has been noticed that a large portion of the houses in the Gold Coast exists in 100 meter of erodible coastline (Masny, D, 2016).

Overview of methodological approach:

These integrates the records of the management of Hilton Surfers Paradise Hotel and its arrangements and strategy that are identified with the monetary advancement, group arranging, urban outline and real framework ventures. Though, this specific research work has been done on the premise of the narrative research of the secondary materials. In other sense, this includes going by the field to the minor and real wellbeing and/or information hubs with regards to rural and urban. Moreover, the narrative research is supplemented by the spatial analysis.

Overview of research strategy:

In this article, the specific researcher has settled on one and only essential research procedure and that is analysis of the proper writing audit. In addition, research system accumulates data through specific data collection methods. In order to conduct a powerful research, a researcher may assemble basis data and can examine the gathered data and data to achieve a specific conclusion.  

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Overview of data collection methods:

Thus, in this research work, qualitative analysis has been achieved with a specific end goal to analysis the assembled data. In other words, to conduct specific research, the researcher has gathered data from the secondary assets. Moreover, this incorporates the contextual investigation on Gold Coast, books identified with the research subject, sites, past documents and articles.

Implications of research for the proposed research project:

Accordingly, this research study and its discoveries will equally help the researcher in the proposed research work, as the discoveries will accumulate data with respect to the open doors for Gold Coast that will broaden the appearance of the visitors in a productive way. In other words, the specific research work will contemplate alternate urban areas that are principally in view of travel and tourism reliance. Apart from that the discoveries of this research paper will help in viable application for the gathering of Gold Coast City by giving basic audit with respect to the reinforcing of ebb and flow projects and strategies of the Council on learning regions (Australia, 2006).

Overview of research study:

This research study has been performed in view of the survey of the universal visitors who visit Australia. Besides that, this particular journal quarterly concludes the universal guest survey for the month of June 2013. Moreover, this Journal primarily demonstrates the reasons furthermore prescribes a couple ventures by actualizing which the entry of the global visitors in Australia has expanded. In other sense, this will similarly help the researcher to anticipate the pattern of tourism industry or quantities of visitors who will visit Gold Coast in future. In this manner, this specific article comprehends the explanations behind expanded quantities of visitors in Australia (Grand, S. and Jonas, W. 2012).

Overview of methodological approach:

According to the specific article, it has been found that the International Visitor Survey (IVS) speaks to the most comprehensive wellspring of data with respect to the global visitors to the nation Australia. In addition, The IVS tests of 35,000 withdraw transient global voyagers who are matured 18 years and increasingly and who have been going by Australia. On the other hand, these incorporate the Melbourne, Darwin, Brisbane, Perth, Cairns, Adelaide, Sydney and Gold Coast and includes the survey of global visitors and for this an altered example size has been chosen. The survey of the predefined research work has been performed by Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing in the flight sprawls of eight noteworthy global air terminals. On the premise of the survey, quantitative analysis of the gathered data to conduct a successful research.

Overview of research strategy:

In this article, the specific researcher has settled on one and only research procedure and that is the survey analysis (Mann, T. 2005). Besides that, a research is considered as the viable method just if the technique contains research points and goals, research inquiries and data collection assets. Moreover, this survey methodology additionally helps the researcher to accumulate general perspectives of individuals. In addition, in a compelling research technique, a researcher may accumulate foundation data. In other words, the survey analysis procedure helps the researcher of the research study to accumulate quantitative data. Although, in this specific article, research inquiries are given and can analysis the gathered data to achieve a specific conclusion (Pei, J. 2013).

Overview of data collection methods:

The survey was comprised of 100 inquiries that were bolstered by ‘show postcards’ so as to guide the members of the survey to react to the answer in some particular zones. On the other hand, the researcher of the specific research work has led a survey. In addition, this survey the researcher has gathered different data and data with respect to the research point and these particular ranges incorporate rehash appearance, common spot of home, gathering visits, demographics, exercises, use, travel gathering, transportation and convenience, motivations behind visit. In terms of hotspots for accomplishing data in regards to Australia can be said that the data and data were gathered by directing a survey and these data were broke down by the researcher quantitatively.

Implications of research for the proposed research project

Accordingly, this research study and its discoveries will help the researcher in the proposed research work, as the discoveries will assemble data in regards to the main difficulties that Gold Coast faces. It will also suggest the progressions for enhancing the adequacy of the business in Gold Coast (Phillips, P. and Stawarski, C. 2008).

Overview of research study:

According to the article, with the quick development of Gold Coast into a vacationer utilization city of a large portion of a million people and to enhance the way of life, economy and way of the city. In addition, the journal principally demonstrates the open doors for Gold Coast that will broaden the appearance of the visitors in a proficient way. In terms of approaches that emerge from the vision of Gold Coast City Council with respect to a sound city that advantages from learning based urban improvement. In addition, open doors in the advancement of the developing cosmopolitan city as a solid and information city. Although, this additionally analyzes the potential for the advancement of a system comprising of littler hubs with dynamic transport. Besides that, this research work for the most part highlights on bigger wellbeing and learning hubs alongside principle expressways. In this way, it can likewise be said that this research work gives a more coordinated (Svarcas, A. and Cass, B. 2008).

Overview of methodological approach:

These integrates the archives of the management preparations and approach that is identified with the economic improvement, group positioning, and constructed location, farming and human wellbeing. Moreover, this specific research work has been done on the premise of the narrative research of the secondary materials. Although this, the narrative research is supplemented by the longitudinal analysis.

Overview of research strategy:

In this article, the specific researcher has settled on two vital research methodologies analysis of the writing audit and contextual analysis. In addition, research technique is considered as the powerful method just if the methodology contains research points and goals, research inquiries and data collection assets. Afterward, it can be said that research methodology is a general arrangement that helps the researcher to answer the research questions in a precise and orderly way. In addition, it can also be said that in a compelling research system, a researcher may accumulate foundation data and can examine the gathered data and data to achieve a specific conclusion (Gionis, A. 2013).

Overview of data collection methods:

This incorporates books identified with the research theme, sites, past diaries and articles. In this way, in this research work, qualitative analysis has been performed so as to dissect the assembled data. In the specific research concentrate on, the researcher has gathered data from the secondary data.

Implications of research for the proposed research project

This will also help the researcher to foresee the pattern of tourism industry or quantities of visitors who will visit Gold Coast in future. Thusly, this research study and its discoveries will likewise help the researcher in the proposed research work, as the discoveries will assemble data with respect to the foundations for expanded quantities of visitors in Australia. In addition, the specific article will comprehend the statistical data points and on the premise of these the proposed research should be possible effectively.


The significance of executing different research methodologies in view of various angles can likewise be considered as an accommodating component for the researcher to finish the proposed research study. Moreover, the methodology for directing survey furthermore to collect data and data through secondary assets can likewise be better comprehended from the above articles. Additionally, the different methods of data collection will likewise give the researcher distinctive suppositions with a specific end goal to direct the specific proposed research concentrate effectively. However, it can be presumed that each of the three articles gives different data, data, raw numbers will help the researcher to play out the proposed research work.


Commonwealth Games, 2016. Gold Coast 2018 I 4 – 15 April 2018. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 July 2016].

Fink, A., 2012. How to Conduct Surveys: A Step-by-Step Guide: A Step-by-Step Guide. United Kingdom: SAGE.

Norris, G., 2016. Commonwealth Games set to boost tourist strip. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 July 2016].

Silverman, D., 2015. Interpreting Qualitative Data. United Kingdom : SAGE.

Wetcher-Hendricks, D., 2014. Analyzing Quantitative Data: An Introduction for Social Researchers. United Kingdom : John Wiley and Sons.

Alshenqeeti, H. (2014). Interviewing as a Data Collection Method: A Critical Review. ELR, 3(1).

Gionis, A. (2013). Data Analysis. Data Science Journal, 12(0), pp.GRDI13-GRDI18.

Masny, D. (2016). Problematizing Qualitative Research: Reading a Data Assemblage With Rhizoanalysis. Qualitative Inquiry.

Australia. (2006). Madrid: World Tourism Organization.

Brasch, N. (2005). The Commonwealth. Port Melbourne, Vic: Heinemann Library.

Grand, S. and Jonas, W. (2012). Mapping design research. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Mann, T. (2005). The Oxford guide to library research. New York: Oxford University Press.

Pei, J. (2013). Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Berlin: Springer.

Peile, E. (2010). Multi-method research; Multi-source feedback: pauci-impact data. Education for Primary Care, 21(3), pp.139-140.

Phillips, P. and Stawarski, C. (2008). Data collection. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

Svarcas, A. and Cass, B. (2008). Tourism Australia. Canberra, A.C.T.: Australian National Audit Office.

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