Business Process Communication For Facilitating Feedback: Strategies And Processes

Strategies and Processes of Communication

Discuss about the Business Process Communication for facilitating Feedback.

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To communicate work responsibilities to my employees, I will use job description approach. This entails clearly outlining the responsibilities and functions of an individual at each docket. This method does not only indicate individual responsibilities, but it also defines the relationships between various positions within the organization. After providing the job description, I will then describe to them their different roles in the company. This will entail outlining to the employees their authority level, performance measurement criteria, responsibility matrix, training plans and task responsibilities. The job description will be a written document, while role description can be through written material and oral communication. This process enables the employees to operate in harmony towards attaining organization goals and objectives.

Consultation is a two-way process engaging both the employer and the employees. Therefore, when designing and executing this process, it is essential to develop and action plan highlighting what the employees wish to discuss and how they propose to make decisions. This must address regulations which are in existence affecting decision making. Hence, the first step is developing a conducive communication environment which allows for employees to express their problems. Then, clearly outlining the steps which will be followed when addressing an issue.  The steps entail problem definition, the suggestion of possible solution, assessment and selection of suitable solutions and implementing the selected solution. However, in the entire process, all the procedures selected must adhere to the company’s policies and address the welfare of the organization as a whole, not specific individuals. If the issue raised by an employee is personal, then it can be handled by the welfare department.

The employees have the right to know the results of a consultation. Provision of feedback can be through, a report, presentation, a newsletter, conducting a meeting or a seminar or even an email. Alternatively, feedback can be through one –on-one meeting. Regardless of the selected mode of providing the feedback, I will accompany the decision reached with detailed information on how it was achieved and provide supportive data. Furthermore, I will be very selective in the words that I use in the feedback. This is because the words used in the feedback can tell how seriously the organization considered the grievances from the employees. However, I will also consider that it is impossible to meet the requirement of everyone. Hence I will explain to them that the decision made was for the benefit of everyone in the organization.

Developing and Implementing Consultation Process

To make sure that the problems that are raised are dealt with promptly, the best process is setting procedure and policies which inform the workforce the sequence of steps that they need to undertake to solve an issue. There are four stages entailed in the process; these are problem definition, outlining alternative, assessment and alternative selections, and implementation of the decisions. However, each method selected should be in line with the organization’s policies and should foster progress. In directing employees to the relevant personnel in the organization, I will first need to establish who is responsible for the case presented. This can be achieved through searching database, using the firm’s website, assessing role and responsibilities of individuals within the organization or asking a colleague. This is to ensure that the issue is directed to the responsible people. After identifying the relevant personnel, it is important to write a referral letter or take the employee to that person.                                                             

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To make sure that CA city cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to, I will diversify the mode of recruitment of employees to accommodate all cultures. This will make sure that the workplace maintains its diverse labor force composition. Offering training to the existing employees is also vital in ensuring that they develop a positive attitude towards individuals’ from other cultural backgrounds. Since the business environment id dynamic and capped with rapid changes, I will progressively review CA City’s policies to align them with the changes in the market. Monitoring the effectiveness of these systems is possible through carrying a sociological assessment on the employees. If any form of discrimination is observed, then the necessary disciplinary measures should be taken on the offenders. However, the most efficient method of ensuring the effectiveness of the policies is through education the employees on the importance of having a culturally diverse working environment. This will make then appreciate each other as colleagues and forgo any culturally propelled hatred.

To successfully build and maintain the trust of shareholders, I will always ensure that I communicate clearly and promptly and working well with all the team members. This will cultivate cohesiveness and trust among individuals. I will also ask questions to understand the areas and areas which the team is interested in addressing. Having a precise understanding of group plans through asking questions and listening will foster team play. Furthermore, it is a sign of respect. Keeping promise is essential in building and maintaining trust from the stakeholders. Therefore, I will ensure that I keep all my promises and commitments to the team. Finally, will always consider and assess the impacts of actions on my work-mates. This eliminates unnecessary conflicts and promotes harmony and understanding. Trust is a fundamental component in warranting success. Therefore, effective communication and self-discipline is the key to getting, building and maintain this vital element

Facilitating Feedback

People from different background attach varying values on words, gestures tone and pitch of the voice. Therefore, understanding different cultures in a conscious and appreciative way is the basics in developing efficient communication skills. Hence, I will select my mode of communication depending on the person on my audience. In my communication, I will strive to eliminate any form of personal bias which can result in discrimination, conflicts or misunderstanding. I endeavor to achieve eloquence, confidence, and adaptability in my communication. In the case of extreme variations in communication modes, I will provide information in writing to complement my verbal explanations.

Internal networking is essential in helping organizations develop contact within the industry. Hence it is important in creating connections and building mutually beneficial relationships. It helps the team and organization learn more about the industry, provide profession openings, make business contacts, knowledge exchange and developing mutually rewarding relationships. Therefore, it provides a forum for information exchange and development to teams and the entire organization.

There can be individuals within the organization who are not conversant with the power of networking. I can encourage them by to start networking by offering short training. This encompasses activities such as presenting to them the benefits of networking and giving them factsheets with helpful forums to begin such as websites. Additionally, I can provide mentors to the staff members to guide them on networking. It is usually said that experience is the best teacher. Therefore, I can encourage them by hosting a networking event within the firm so that they can experience and learn.

The actions taken will depend on the nature of the networking. For internal networking, regular meetings, executing team building exercises, organizing events such as parties and forming activity days can ensure its development and maintenance.  On the other hand, for external networking hosting networking events, trade shows, charity functions, conferences and communicating through emails and telephones can enhance its development and maintenance. All these outlined approaches purpose to foster connectivity between individuals involved in networking.

There are several ways of identifying issues related to cultural diversity within the organization. It can be through management observation, disciplinary forms, complaint forms and feedback and references. For the cases of CA City, this issues was identified through customer complaint letter addressed to the managing director. This issue is of great implication to the firm’s performance and requires thoughtful approaches to reach a solution. Therefore, to solve this problem, involving discussion is essential. This provides a forum for different individuals within the organization to give their views on the matter. This can be facilitated through meetings, drop-in sessions or brainstorming sessions. Furthermore, conducting communication training can aid in solving the issue. This is because better communication eradicates misunderstandings which result in conflicts within the firm. This will make them respect and appreciate all people regardless of their backgrounds.

Workplace relations are vital in enhancing the productivity of a firm. Therefore when implementing new cultural diversity policies, it is crucial to employ strategies which improve and supports workplace relations. These methodologies include team building and coaching. Team building events play a vital role in creating bonds between team members and eradicating hostility. They help the staff grow together by developing collective skills, knowing each other and becoming more adaptable. Team coaching entails training people to understand how to work together as a team. It makes them worker to value and appreciate their colleagues. These two approaches improve workplace relations through the elimination of hostility and advocating for teamwork where individuals complement each other at the workplace.

When individuals work in a group, conflict is invertible. This is because people clash over personality issues or ideologies. Hence, good conflict management strategies are paramount in maintaining a conducive working environment. Therefore, I will first select the dispute resolution process which is advocated my organization. This approach involves listening keenly to both parties to understand the root of the conflict without favoring any side. After that, it will provide a forum for both sides to talk about their differences. Alternatively, I can develop an approach that documents the procedures and discussions for disputes. This will allow the opposing teams have a guideline for solving their differences.

The support that I can provide the manager is offering counseling sessions. These assemblies entail one-on-one communication where the managers have a chance to communicate all the issues troubling him. After expressing himself, we can then discuss several approaches to handling the situation. This entails briefing him on the importance of respecting and appreciating other peoples’ culture and their uniqueness. This is done in a friendly way to attract his concentration and conscience. However, if the approach is not effective, I would advise him to seek assistance from a professional counselor to help him out.




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