Business Presentation Plan : HR Guide
A business presentation structure depends on the subject for presentation, organizational size, and message to be relayed. In this case, I would start with the introduction. In the introduction, the focus would be on: what the company does, the products and services the company offers, the size of the company and the cause of the meeting. The introduction is supposed to be clear, and should be stated succinctly (Khan, 2012. P. 1). Emphasis should quickly on what has prompted the meeting, and how the company has always anticipated expansion. However, this introduction should take the shortest time possible, approximately a minute.
On this step, the presentation shall focus on the brief history of the organization. The history shall mention the roles the company has played in its market niche. After that, it should specify why companies today are seeking expansion in the competitive business environment, perhaps through product diversification. Further, the contents of the contract signed, and the advantages of the big client coming to the company to make it competitive should be mentioned. Ideally, this purpose should discuss the purpose of the presentation (Du, 2008. P.23).
In this scenario, it would be important to know the audience and build empathy among them. Remember, the two 200 employees for the company would still be crucial to this company even after extending the product line. Therefore, the level of communication should be formal and persuasive so that the employees can understand the importance of the new big client to the growth of the company (Duarte, 2012. P. 21). Perhaps, the big client should be viewed as a solution or opportunity to the firm.
Moreover, the approach would help the audience have a broader perspective on the contract and extension of the company’s product line. As a result, the employees would be in anticipation of being part and parcel of a growing firm. Also, using a persuasive language when addressing the audience would quickly convince the audience into buying the idea of extending the company’s product line.
In the solution section, the presentation shall take its focus on how the range of tablet cases will aid the company to realize its mission and vision. A visual aid would be substantial in this case. For a visual aid to succeed, then the firm should employ a power point presentation. Visual aids would address the following: easy read and understanding of the tablet cases, tying the point the presenter is trying to communicate, and helping the audience to see everything (Sengupta, 2011. P.45).
For graphics to be presented, whiteboards can be installed on the boardroom where the presentation is taking place. In this case, superior graphics of the tablet cases should be well-labelled, and followed with the explanation. This would help the audience comprehend the concept of the new tablet cases easily. Besides, the benefits of the value proposition of the customer should also be addressed in this case. Yes, in the need/opportunity/problem section, the problem the tablet cases would solve must have been mentioned. Therefore, this section should try to address the problems outlined in the above, by stating the cost saving, reliability, convenience, and value addition the new product line shall bring into the firm’s existing market.
Most importantly, when an organization introduces new products, they must seek to solve the problems it has been facing. A small-sized firm like this one, may be was not given much attention by its clients due to its low output. You know, there is no way a small-medium sized firm like this would offer the market a large output with the small resources it has. In this situation, the firm risks rendered non-competitive by the giant businesses that are enjoying economies of scale. As a result, the new product should seek to address how it is going to increase the competitiveness of the firm (Nabben, 2014. P.21).
This section should also address the barriers to entry that a new product is going to create. For example, there is a need to acquire patent, or a license for the new product line. Businesses run in a regulated legal environment, and there is no way a firm can start the production of such a new product without the authorization of the government or relevant authority. Also, the manufacturing process of the new product should also be explained. In essence, visual aid would help the employees have the understanding of what the new product would look like, and visualize it before the firm starts producing it.
This section aims at building the confidence of the investors. In this case, there is need to establish a good relationship with the big client, and their entire human resource. The presentation would concentrate on the expertise of management and staff. The management team’s role in the new product line should be discussed thoroughly, and their competencies should be related to the quality products the firm is supplying to the market. You know, the decision making of the company lies in the hands of the management team, and if the firm has competent management the big client of the firm received would have confidence in the agreement signed and how their working relationship would be a win-win situation.
The customer relations should also be an issue of concern. A firm that fosters good customer relations is likely to benefit from it. Therefore, the presentation would explain how the firm is committed to serving all clients, at least to meet their satisfaction. Further, the strategic partnership established with the big client should explain in a such a way the employees feel that the partnership is for their interest as well. Consequently, the employees would feel that they are the ones that most matter to the organization. However, the product development status should also be presented to prove to the audience and other potential investors that indeed the company has the capacity produce a high-quality brand for its clients as it seeks to grow further (Schaefer & Brashear, 1992. P.2). All in all, the speaker should know that building a good working relationship with the investors or clients would attract, more investment to them, and increase the firm’s market share.
On this step, the presentation should focus on how the market for the firm is. It would describe the size of the market, trends, and maturity. The presenter, in this case, must have detailed data that represent the current market for the products of the company. The analysis of the trends would help employees know how the firm is performing in the market. If the performance of the market is steady, it suggests that the firm still has the possibility of making more fortunes from its market. The market maturity for the firm, also confirms has it has gained a competitive advantage in the market (Schaefer & Brashear, 1992. P.2). Further, the market trends shall discuss how customers are changing their taste and preference for the laptops whose cases the firm produces. Also, the market trend shall focus on the types of laptop cases the customers are developing their interests in. You know, when buying a laptop one does not just consider the software features, one has to find its hardware features as well, and if the cases are poorly designed potential clients would consider not purchasing them.
Most fundamentally, the tablet cases should be able to meet the market trends, have room for innovation and improve the employees’ welfare. The firm should also discuss its market challenges and how it seeks to solve these problems, for instance by becoming more innovative so that laptop manufacturing companies can see the firm as having the ability to offer them the better premium laptop and tablet cases.
You know, in this section, the presentation should show that the company can meet all the needs of tablet and laptop manufacturing companies. Therefore, using visual aids, where a power point presentation and a projector would be used shall make the presentation easier (American Society For Training & Development, 2008. P. 45). Employing this simple technology in the presentation is easy to use. It cannot breakdown, and in the case of any fault, it can easily be corrected.
This section would focus on the arrangements the firm is putting in place to make the launch a celebratory and impactful. The employees should be fully engaged in this process because they are the people who are going to make the contract with the big client and the new product line of the range of tablet cases succeed. Further, the employees should be informed that the firm is fully committed to taking care of their welfare, and ensure that their rights are fully observed, and thus they should support the launch and implementation of the new product line (Dew,1997. P.3).
This would be an imperative aspect of my presentation. It is a stage that would allow me to summarize all that I have been presenting, right from the introduction to the preparations of the launch of the new product line. Therefore, I would briefly revisit the purpose of the presentation, and how the firm the most important points to standing out in designing and manufacturing laptop and tablet cases. Also, the summary would address: the impact of the new product line, the competitive advantage of the firm, intellectual property of the firm’s products, marketing approach, customers, employees’ roles on making the new product line strength to the firm, and finally the firm’s mission.
With the above structure, it is important to consider some significant details which are likely to make the presentation succeed. First and foremost, building the story is paramount, and that shall start from the introduction (Khan, 2012. P. 1). Making the presentation would give the employees the context of the presentation. This would mean that in every step, I should ensure that my audience understands its relevance. Also, when the audience gets the context of the presentation, they are likely to ask questions where necessary. You know, this is a presentation that seeks the input of the employees. Therefore, they should be allowed to ask questions, rather than imposing things on them.
Simplification of graphics- the presentation will employ graphics to help the employees understand some trends, but it should be noted that not all employees can understand the complex market trends and other graphics (Gallo, 2005. P. 28). Therefore, taking an initiative of simplifying the graphics would enable employees to understand my presentation. Hence.
Logical sequence- This is a convincing and informing presentation. Hence the presentation should follow a logical sequence that would allow the audience capture every step of the presentation (Khan, 2012. P. 1). This presentation is not a matter of comedy, it should be handled professionally, and every point should be argued out logically so that the employees, can grasp the message being delivered, and encode the same way the presenter is doing. Further, when informing an audience, there is the need to engage them and hook their attention to the presentation. This would again demand that the presenter reasons logically, and not just read directly from the slides which have been projected on a whiteboard. Further, the duration per each section of the presentation should take a short time. The more the speakers concentrates on one aspect, the more employees get bored and stop reasoning.
Choosing a proper channel-
In a context like this one, as the manager face-to-face delivery is more convincing, engaging and informing (Gallo, 2005. P. 24). Having employees meet at the boardroom where the management team of the firm usually meet, would make employees feel valued and recognized by the firm. Also, presentation like this one would enable the speaker to maintain eye contact with the audience as they exchange ideas about this new product line. When employees engage in a conversational level with me- the manager, they would feel the need to make this project a success.
All in all, the business presentation plan has an introduction, body, and conclusion (Silk, 1995. P. 3). The body would discuss the main points of the presentation. The content must be right and delivered in the most logical sequence. The speakers should, therefore, make sure that he understands the substance of the presentation properly to avoid reading directly from the slides what the audience can see and read on their own. The level of communication should be formal, but the language used should not be too technical because it can bore the audience and finally they would not understand the message being delivered (Schaefer & Brashear, 1992. P.32). However, there is no standard structure for a business presentation plan, since managers adopt presentation structures that would enable them to deliver conveniently, easily, and effectively. Therefore, I believe that the above outlined structure would allow to me deliver the message of my presentation most efficiently, hence employees will support the launch and implementation of the new product line.
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