Business Organisations And Environments: Tasks And Analysis
Task 1
It has been analyzed that to form the business it is important to focus on the all the strategies so that it can be easy to achieve goals and objectives in the competitive market. The strategies can help the business to make the decisions and also it can help to cope up with the aging systems. There are various factors which emphasizes on development and sustainability of the company and the factors are related to social, economic, cultural, legal and technological. It can be seen that the environment in which the company manages all the activities focuses on achieving success. In task 1, focus will be given on the different types of the company. The second task also relates proper allotment of the resources in organization which impact the monetary and fiscal policy of the organization. The impact will be analyzed on the competition and pricing factor. There are many forces of marketing that focus on shaping the overall activities of the company. Also, the focus will be given on the significance of the international trade in the European market which will be shown in the third task. So, in this paper the discussion will be made on the four tasks.
Considering as an assistant of the local council and will focus on giving support which assist in development of various local business.
It can be stated that company is considered as the formal collection of the various duties, relations and also leadership that can assist in attaining the set objectives. There are various types of companies which are engaged in the overall business operations and can be classified as the private, public, voluntary and also government. The overall vision and mission of the organization can be listed as the primary objective of the organization. The organization strives to focus on satisfying the requirement of the organization all the time.
- Teach first: It can be stated that public sector companies are controlled and managed by the government. The public sector companies are responsible for the overall public. The company teaches to offer good training and qualification to the graduates. It can be seen that they are responsible for maintaining the changes in the life of teenagers or for young people (Roness, 2017).
- INEOS: It is considered as the private sector which is managed by the individuals on the private platform. It is not considered as the government company and it is run so that it can be easy to earn the profits for the shareholders. INEOS is one of the multi-national companies which focus on dealing in the chemicals and the company earns the profits (Ratcliffe and Heath, 2018).
- The child support agency: It is the government sector that focus on the people of country. This agency also focuses on giving support to the needs of the children.
Stakeholder of the company can be any person, company which impacts the action of the business. To manage the overall activities of the organization in a proper manner it is important to focus on fulfilling the requirements of the stakeholders. The demands can be maintained on time as it is important for the company to attain objectives. The main objective of the stakeholders can be states as:
- Owners: it can be seen that many stakeholders in the workplace are the owners. They can be considered as the one who focuses on the foundations of the organization and they also work successfully so that it can be easy to achieve growth. Owners are the one who put their best so that value of the company can be maintained.
- Customers: they are considered as the value for the company. They require good quality product from the company so that they can buy it.
- Employees: Without them it is not possible to manage the overall activities of the company. They need job safety, salary hike and also bonuses.
- Suppliers: It require bulk orders for the organization on the continuous basis.
- Government: they require to the organization to flourish in the country. There are many organizations who offer employment to the individuals and also assist collecting the taxes (Gonzalez-Zapata and Heeks, 2015).
It is important for the company to focus on communicating properly with the owners, employees, customers, suppliers and also with the can be seen that stakeholders have various expectation from the company which should be fulfilled. The employees of the company expect the company to pay them salary with proper hike. This helps them to grow on the personal level and also give reward for their best work. The expectation of the government is to pay the taxes on tome and also the management should consider positive and negative impact of the internal as well as external factor. The stability of the company is impacted due to the legal policies and also with the economic factors. It is the responsibility of the business to consider proper corporate social responsibility and ethics so that it can be easy to manage entire activities. The morality of the business is related with fair and also proper decisions which is considered by the management. The stakeholders of the organization focus on considering the responsibility for the overall acts and maintain records of every transactions. Also, the positive impact should be made on the society by considering the welfare of the society. If these all aspects are taken into consideration then it can be easy for the company to achieve growth in the competitive market and it will motivate the employees managing their work on the global platform (Habermas, 2015).
Task 2
In this task, the focus is given on supporting the new companies and the startups in UK. The discussion will be made on the potential clients, nature and environment of the new company in the business environment.
It can be stated that economic system is considered as the overall outcome of the interaction for the legal and social work which impact the economy between the individuals, groups and also the government. The important purpose of the company to resolve basic issues that are listed. For instance: no proper resources but the demand is high which can result in the overall exhaustion of the resources. It can also lead to overall imbalance in the system. The important economic system which is considered on the global platform can be also stated as the system of the free markets. In these systems the important function of the government is limited but it is one of the essential functions. In this it can be seen that government considers the authority and also the overall responsibility of the economic functions (Gilbert, 2017).
Also, the mixed economy considers the overall combination of the process and plans in a market which is free. The mixed economy, essential decisions are related to the allocation of the resources by the government and also public take the decisions related to the remaining one. The important role of the resource allocation is related with the business plan that can help to attain the overall aims of the organization (Bergstrom and Randall, 2016).
By considering these policies it can be seen that this focuses on the present and future strategies of the organization. Initially the company emphasizes on the competitors by considering their entire sales and then they search the economic and geographic framework. The strategies are also related with the finance and marketing.
The financial position of organization is compared with the competitors in the comparative analysis of the finance. Main focus of the overall evaluation is to search exact position of the organization and also the competitors prevailing in the market. The overall comparison of the stock assist in understanding the productivity of the organization. This is also related with the international trading in which the goods are purchased and sold (Tanzi, 2015). It can be stated that the benefit of the international trade is to reduce the expenditure in the developing countries. In developing countries, wages of the worker are low and this is one of the benefits for the company. There is also the difference in the overall cost of manufacturing of the product which reduces the labor cost and also the company now focuses on selling the products at low price which help to consider the competitive advantage. With the help of this it can be easy for the company to enhance the sale of the products in the international market as it is one of the steps related with international marketing (Hockley, 2017).
Task 3
The organizations focus on the overall goal of the company. It can be stated that fair trading was established by the UK government which emphasizes on securing the customers and regulations of the overall policies of the economy. The main aim of the company is to manage the work with proper engagement of the customers, employees and shareholders. They take into consideration that no unfair practices take place in the market. There are also many laws for managing the overall competition level of the country. It helps to maintain healthy competition between the different companies. The government can also interfere in the overall activities of the business so tat it can be easy to maintain national security and financial instability (Morgan, 2017). So, the focus is given by the competition authority to take care of the overall competition prevailing in the sector.
Pricing and output decisions of businesses
It can be stated that price of the commodity in the business focuses on the overall competition level. To evaluate the overall price and output of the products there are various market structure which focuses on maintaining the competition on the basis of monopoly, duopoly, oligopoly and also the competition. It can be analyzed that the structure of the market is the one which emphasizes on maintaining the number of the sellers and buyers in the market. The type of the market structure is related to :
- Monopoly: it is one of the structures in which the single organization has a complete monopoly. The company can also change the overall price to maintain hold on the market (Hawley, 2015).
- Perfect competition: It is the structure of the market in which there are many sellers of the products and then price and output is decided according to the demand of the product in the market.
- Oligopoly: In this there are many sellers and some of them can be small one also. In this the big sellers control the price and advertise the products in a proper manner (Hanna and Dodge, 2017).
There are many market forces that company need to consider the overall factors that dominate the business in the competitive market. The three issues are related to participation of the customers, availability of information and also demand of the information. There are companies who are emphasizing on gathering the payment of the overall purchase of the company. Also, many times returns of the product take place which can create confusion in the activities of the business. Also, the decisions made by the company impact the overall performance and it enhances the stability in the present scenario. This can assist in making proper decisions which can help the leaders to achieve success (Thompson, 2017).
The various types of business environment are economic and non-economic. In economic environment the emphasis is given on considering various economic system, policies and also economic conditions. The non-economic environment focuses on various social, geographical, demographic, natural, political and technological environment. The funds of the company focus on the cultural and business environment of the country. It can be seen that per capita of the company can differ and also there are various policies related to fiscal, economic, monetary and also industrial policies of the country. The technological environment can impact the design and the infrastructure of the company. The natural factors also impact the overall operations of the company in relation with climate, weather and also the location of the organization (Kew and Stredwick, 2017).
In this, I am working as an employee of the company which support the other startups which are focusing on expanding in the market of the UK.
International trade is one of the essential factors for the UK companies as now days no companies can produce products. In the absence of trade, the company can flourish and it can be limited to the region. International trading can also remove the overall boundaries of the nation. So, the importance of international is related to
- Widens the overall market: If the organizations have to utilize the overall products within the country then the exposure of the organization can be limited. By enhancing the market share of the company to international market the impact can be seen on the profits.
- Reduce the production cost: by emphasizing on trading in the other countries it can be seen that the opportunity can be reduced. So, it helps in reducing the cost of production.
There are various global factors which can impact the UK market. The factors are related to:
- Social factors: these factors emphasize on the overall change in the social structure and also it is familiar with the taste and lifestyle of the individuals.
- Legal factors: In this the governmental regulations are considered which is important to be considered to achieve success and to abide the rules.
- Economic factor: In this the income of the people can be enhanced with the increase in the living standards and spending power. There can be increase in the demand of the products which enhances the production. The changes in the economy which can impact the UK market are interest rate, inflation and wages of the employees.
- Technological factor: This can also impact the overall cost of production (Dudovskiy, 2013).
- Political factors: European laws are important to be considered by the UK companies.
The major policies can be related to
- Employment policy: the government is focusing on funding the business in the UK so that competition can be maintained. The government also created the new policy so that job can be find easily as the policy is named by “New deal” (Keukeleire and Delreux, 2014).
- Inflation policy: It is important to focus on ensuring that no sudden hike in the price of commodities can take place. This can be attained with the help of the bank of England through the monetary policy of the country (Pollack, 2015).
So, it can be concluded that focus should be given on considering the policies so that goals and objectives can be attained.
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