Business Information Systems: Ola Bicycle Management System

System Requirements

Ola bicycle management system is an online application which supports the sales and services of the Ola bicycle. The application will also provide various features such as customer registration, online sale or purchase of the bicycle, payment gateway, spares and service. This document will provide the complete overview about the system requirements and their gathering approaches. This report will also provide the information related to the various system development tools and methods along with the use case diagram, context diagram, Data Flow Diagram, along with the basic ERD diagram.

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There are various type of system requirements that are focused during the development of the ola bicycle are discussed below:

  1. Functional Requirements:

The functional requirements related to the system functionalities or tasks which are qualitative. These functional requirements can be considered as the functionalities of the applications some of the functional requirements are listed below:

  1. Customer Registration:  The customers of Ola Bicycle can register using the online application. The customer registration activity will include a registration form which will contain various types of fields that a customer needs to provide with appropriate values.
  2.  Customer Sign in/ Login: This is another common functional requirement that each and every online application include. The registered customer need to login to their respective account prior to perform any operation. The operations include purchase of the product or spares, request for service etc.
  3. Sales: The proposed Ola Bicycle is intended to provide the sales window which will display the customer to view the product images in multiple directions and view the products and spares that are required.

These are some of the functional requirements that will provide the required features and functionalities for the application.

  1. Interface Requirements:

The Interface requirements include the requirements that are related to the user interface, as the proposed application is an online application the user interface requires a web application where the web pages need to be responsive and user friendly.

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  1. Design requirements:

The Design requirements are the constraints that are applied over the look and feel of the application. The design requirement consists of the requirements as well as the constraints that are related to the fields and values that are to be stored and represented in the application.

  1. Usability Requirements:

The Usability requirements are related to the measurable, efficiency and effectiveness of the application. The usability requirements include the application usability to promote sales, register customer, track delivery, schedule a service request etc. these above specified activities are performed automatically by the application when the user makes an request and these services are to be developed in simple and user friendly.

  1. Operational Requirements:

The Operational Requirements include the requirements that are required to perform the operations in the application. The Operational Requirements for the proposed online application include:

Availability: Products, spares and staff availability for providing the required service to the clients upon their requirements.

Security:  Ola Bicycle application need to completely secure from either physical security or software security. Anti-virus and other vulnerability predicting software must be incorporated in the network along with some Hardware devices such as luggage scanners, metal detectors.

  1. Cost and Schedule Requirements:

One of the most important activities that the application development include are related to the project deadlines and constraints the key factors that are considered for the development of the application are the Project Budget and the time frame or project completion time. The cost of the project will ensure the development team to choose the technology and time for developing the application and developing the other documents.

These are the few system requirements that would be considered for the development of the proposed application Ola Bicycle.

There are various methods, approaches and techniques to gather the requirements from the staff and stakeholders of Ola Bicycle. Some of the popular approaches those are suitable for the collecting the Ola Bicycle requirements are discussed below:

  1. Brainstorming:

Requirement Gathering Techniques

Brainstorming is one of the most popular requirements gathering technique that is suitable for all sorts of project sizes. Even though the project consists of Small, medium or huge group of stakeholders Brainstorming is the best suitable technique that can be used to find the facts. This technique can be suitable for the Ola Bicycle.

In this technique the stakeholders are gathered together and the group is primarily focused over to discuss about the facts that are related to the proposed application. The group consists of the primary stakeholders consist of the management, staff, customers and clients of the proposed application, along with the team of consulting firm. In this Brainstorming session the focused group will discuss over the certain topics related to the development of the application.  The consulting team will record the certain important facts and document all the points that are discussed during the session. After completion of the session the documented discussions and minutes of the discussion are shared to all the stakeholders or participants who are included in the storming session. This document need to be carried by the stakeholders for the next brainstorming session where based on the document the consulting team will discuss about certain facts that are un cleared or doubts will be clarified during the session along with the new requirements and this process is continued until all the requirements are cleared for the consulting team.

As each technique has certain benefits and disadvantages the Brainstorming session also consists of few advantages and cons which are discussed below:


  1. Brainstorming session will be initiated the application with huge amount of ideas.
  2. Abundant Information is obtained from the stakeholders within shorter time when compared to other requirements gathering techniques.
  3. Brainstorming session will provide many insights and information which is discovered which cannot be discovered with the other requirements gathering techniques.
  4. Brainstorming session will involve the users more when compared to any other techniques.
  5. Brainstorming session will motivate the users of the application.


  1. Brainstorming session requires a right format and a good facilitator to organize brainstorming sessions.
  2. Brainstorming sessions are easy to flood with Information.
  3. Brainstorming sessions are unable to check the information in the session.
  4. Brainstorming sessions are hard to manage especially for the large groups.
  5. Interviews:

Interviews are one of the most common techniques for gathering the requirements from the client. Interviews are considered as one of the strongest medium that is used for collecting the requirements. Interviews are of different types they are structured, open, oral and written some of the most common interviews are discussed below:

  1. Structured Interviews:

These interviews are also called as the closed interviews, where the entire information is gathered well in advance that are to be discussed firmly.

  1. Non-Structured Interviews:

These are also called as open interviews, these interviews are not structured i.e. there is no information gathered well in advanced and these interviews are more flexible when compared with the structured interviews.

 Non-structured (open) interviews, where information to gather is not decided in advance, more flexible and less biased.

  1. Group Interviews:

Group Interviews are also called as focused interviews. These are also similar to the One to One Interviews but in group interviews more than one participant i.e. up to 4 people are involved in the meeting. The Group Interviews are similar to the focused group where the selected participants are involved in the interview.

The group interviews are most successful when the group interviews are conducted for same group or level of people. The group interviews are commonly used for uncovering the missing requirements if there are any. The group interviews are commonly conducted when there is more than one user for each and every role in the organization.


  1. Interview techniques are successful in obtaining quality information from the stakeholders.
  2. This technique allows the participants to discuss as most of the people fail to speak in groups.
  3. Interview techniques are well addressed when focused on the group.
  4. Group Interviews are quicker to obtain requirements from any other technique.


  1. Interviews are said to be time consuming as they may take long time or when the size is large.
  2. Interviews at times result to be unproductive when they are not focused.

These are some of the advantages and disadvantages related to the Interview elicitation technique.

  1. Questionnaires:


Questionnaires are also called as surveys, as they are considered as effective ways which are used to gather the data, collect information, analyze the data and understand the opinions and perceptions of the group. Questionnaires are generally prepared by the group well in advance. The questionnaires contain questions which will address the required requirements related to the application.  The questionnaires technique is generally suitable when the stakeholders are of large group and they are unable to spread across various geographical locations.


  1. Questionnaires are very fast as they address large amount of participants more effectively.
  2. Questionnaires will provide the facilitator to customize questions depending on the stakeholders.
  3. Questionnaires do not require any documentation as they are made from the participants only.  


  1. Questionnaires are time consuming as we need to prepare appropriate questionnaire.
  2. Questionnaires participants are limited and participants may not turn up more enthusiastically.
  3. Questionnaires are mono as they do not provide any opportunity for the participants to communicate.
  4. Questionnaires related questions need to understandable to the participants. If they do not possess any clarity it may lead to misunderstanding of the requirements.               

From the above three identified fact finding methods for Ola Bicycle Brainstorming and Interviews are the two techniques that can be considered for the requirements gathering for developing the online application for Ola Bicycle.

The Two system development tools and two development methods that can be used for the system development of Ola Bicycle are discussed below:

CASE- Computer Aided System Engineering tool is one of the most popular tools used for system development. CASE tools are the most popular tools which can be used analyzing the system and maintain the information system.  CASE tools include the certain tools such as Microsoft Project and Microsoft Visio.  Microsoft Project is a project management tool which can be used to perform the planning, budgeting, cost –benefit analysis etc. the tool is also useful for developing work break down structure.

Microsoft Visio is another tool which can be used to design and develop the use cases, E-R diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams, etc. these tools are useful for developing the system analysis and design.

There are various system development methods which are used for developing the Information systems they are listed below:

  1. Waterfall Model:

The Waterfall model is the most popular and oldest software development method which is also called as the traditional model. The Waterfall model follows the SDLC development life cycle methodology as shown in the figure below:

The Waterfall model beings with the requirements analysis which is used to gather the requirements and plan, system design is used to design the application and once the design is done then the system is developed in the Implementation phase. The Testing phase will test the application that is developed and in this stage the bugs are identified and the identified bugs are fixed in the maintenance phase.  One of the disadvantages of this application is that there is no feedback from one phase to another phase and the application bug or defect will continue from one phase to another phase.


The prototype model is one of the most popular models which are used for developing the application at a rapid phase. The prototype model is shown in the figure below:

The Prototype model is also a staged process which is used to develop the application at a rapid phase. The prototype model will develop a prototype for the application initially with basic requirements which will provide the end product instance and depending on it once the customer satisfies then the entire development can be processed. Once the development is completed then the application will be tested and then it will be sent to the Maintenance of the application.

One of the major disadvantages of this model is that the prototype iteration need to be simple and it must be accepted by the customer and this methodology will be suitable only when the requirements are changed then we need to develop the prototype again which is a time consuming process. This method is suitable when the requirements are frizzed or less in number.  

To develop the Ola Bicycle online application we can use the prototype model which will ensure the development at a quicker pace and efficient.  CASE tools such as MS Project and MS Visio are used for developing the Ola Bicycle more efficiently and effectively.

The use diagram will provide the complete information related to the user cases or stories. The use case diagrams for customer and Admin with certain functions are shown in the use case below:

The Context Level DFD is also called as the 0-Level DFD which will provide the high level data flow of the proposed application. The Level-0 Data Flow Diagram for Ola Bicycle is shown below:

The Entity Relationship Diagram is intended to provide the structured notation of the proposed online Ola Bicycle. The ERD notation of the proposed application shown below:


This report has provided the complete system analysis related to the design and development of the Ola Bicycle, the report discus about the entire system requirements which are required for the development of the application and this report will also discuss about the various methods techniques and approaches that are required for the development of the proposed application.

The second part of the report consists of design of the use case diagram for the user along with the context level Data Flow Diagram. The report will also provide the proposed ER diagram for the Ola Bicycle application.


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