Business Information System: Gaining And Sustaining
As the number of people who actively seek jobs are growing, with that companies who make professional and creative resume will be in demand. This report will first present a Resume, in the second part analysis of the business would be done using Porter’s five forces and generic strategy framework. Finally, a data dictionary has been proposed.
“I am seeking a dynamic organization where I enhance my professional skills and use my experience and education to achieve the organization objectives.”
Educational history:
Duration |
Degree |
Stream |
Name of institution |
1993-1997 |
Bachelor degree |
Marketing and Commerce |
1998- 2000 |
Masters Degree |
Marketing |
London University |
2001 |
Managers course |
Management |
University of Geelong |
Previous employment:
1. Lecturer of discipline of marketing in Victoria University during 2000 – 2002.
2. Lecturer of discipline of marketing in Monash University during 2002 – 2005.
3. Marketing, Media and Business Development Manager in Hudson Incorporated during 2006 – 2011.
4. Marketing and Development Coordinator in Jazz Company, Melbourne during 2012 -2014.
Publication record
- J Brown, M Hearne, S Lim, (2007) Knowing Your Customers: How Salesperson Perceptions Influence your profit. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 76, No. 3, pp. 34-56
- J Brown, X Lee, Z Fin, and J Asara (2013) Marketing Effectiveness and Price Discounts. American Journal of Marketing, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 120-141.
- J Brown, M Hane, B Long, (2000) Marketing and Communication. ANZ Journal of Marketing, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 22-33
- Got Scholarship for Research at Melbourne University in 1997
- Marketing Australia prize in 2008 by Marketing Association of Australia
- Marketing and management prize in 2009 by Marketing Association of Victoria
- Fishing
- Painting
- Woodwork
Porter’s competitive forces in relation to Resume writing
Threat of new entrants to the market: There are very few resume making organizations present in market. Barriers to entry like investment, licensing, infrastructure required are not very significant and with the option of eCommerce, threat of new entrant is quite high in this market. Therefore, large number of companies wants to entre in this segment and barriers to entry are also relatively low (Roy, 2011). If resume-making organization wants to overcome this threat organization shall maintain the cost advantage, specialist knowledge, new technology adoption and economy of scale. By adopting this organization can mitigate the hurdle for new entrants and get distinct position in the marketplace.
The substitute products: Sometime organization suffers big losses due to the substitute products. Customer chose substitute product when they found substitute is more lucrative such as when the cost of product of organization is higher than substitute product and they do not perceive any relative value in paying premium pricing. For resume making organizations, substitute products are various resume making software and mobile applications that are available in market with low cost. Therefore, Performance and quality of resume making origination is also influenced due to availability of its substitutes. This affects the market share and profitability of the resume writing organization.
Knowledge and bargaining power of the customer: Customer is the person who can affect the business of the organization. In present world, customers have a good knowledge about the market environment and products, so they can choose product that is best and cheaper. Price sensitivity is one of the major thing that customer gave focus on it. In resume making organization, the value of customer is very high because the number of customers is limited. As well, the option before the customer is available in form of other companies and switching cost is also insignificant (Koontz and Weihrich 2015). Organization cannot bear the switching of single customer to another organization. This affects the organization’s strategy and market share.
Supplier’s bargaining power: Sometime supplier can do changes in the prices and it affects adversely the organization in terms of increased production cost. Supplier does this when they have some uniqueness in their product and number of suppliers is less in the market. In resume writing organization, suppliers are the brokers that gave clients to the organization. So, the probability of number of suppliers is less in the market. This states that the bargaining power of supplier is high to resume writing organization. It affects pricing strategy of the resume writing organization.
Rivalry among the competitors: This thing happens when the number of business players is large in the market. In the concern of the given industry, the number of players is increasing however, quality and effective customer services are still key differentiators. Qualities of product, market price of product are same for close sompe. In this situation, the customers have large amount of options, if they do not find right quality and price, then the can switch the organization. In resume making organization, the product that organization offering are same. So, quality of product and the price of the product are the two things that differentiate their product. The quality is dependent on the efficient work done by the employees. So, resume making organizations have to give proper training to their employees to overcome this problem.
The three competitive advantages of porter are cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. These three strategies are the heart of business management. The cost leadership is the strategy in which organization focuses to cut down the cost of production to sell the product at cheaper rate in comparison to its competitors. Cost leadership increases the earning of the organization but sometimes it affects on the quality of production. While reducing the cost of product organization sometime reduce quality measure (Young and Burgess 2010). Under cost leadership, organization’s focus on quantity and earning rather than quality and efficiency.
Differentiation is also one of the major competitive strategies to get success in business. Under differentiation, organization makes some innovations in the product and makes them unique and different (Magretta, 2013). Differentiation strategy create distinct image of the company in the market. If organization has differentiation in their product, then they can sell the product on high cost also. Apple is the live example that is using differentiation strategy.
Focus is the competitive strategy in that organization focuses on particular things. These things are targeting to particular market, age group customers. Under this competitive strategy, organization is trying to find out the need and desires of the particular group and area (Barney, 1997). Basically, in these strategy, organizations main focus is to maintain the brand loyalty in the market, so they capture good market share and maintain their image in the market.
Resume making organization can use differentiation strategy to get growth. In market, there are very low number of resume making organizations are there. So, there is possibility of coming of new entrants in the market. The consumers of resume making organization are also well educated they have a great ability to analyze the product. So, organization should make some innovation, differentiation in the product to get some uniqueness in the product. Along with this there are also various tools of resume making are available in market such as various software that are available free of cost or at lesser cost (Rothaermel, 2015). Hence, customer can make ordinary resume easily. He only goes to organization if he thinks or found something unique or different in their product. The competitors are also trying to grape the customers by providing the various options and designs to attract them. Therefore, to overcome the problem of competitors and maintain a good cliental, it is very necessary for resume making organization to adopt the porter’s differentiation competitive strategy.
Data dictionary is a dictionary about data, which is stored in a database. It is a collection of a description of data objects. It contains all the information about the data object like tables, columns, functions, constraints, views, triggers etc (Ooi et al, 2014). It also contains how much space is allocated to data objects and how much space is use by them, so data dictionary provides physical information like where the data is stored in a database table. Below is the sample data dictionary view of the client table.
Table name |
Field name |
Data type |
Data size |
Client |
Client_id |
int |
10 |
Client |
Firstname |
varchar |
10 |
Client |
Middlename |
varchar |
10 |
Client |
Lastnmae |
varchar |
10 |
Client |
Gender |
char |
10 |
Client |
Email_id |
varchar |
25 |
Client |
Address |
varchar |
40 |
Client |
date |
8 |
Client |
Careereobjective |
varchar |
50 |
Client |
Collegename |
varchar |
25 |
Client |
Year_of_graduation |
date |
8 |
Client |
Schoolname |
varchar |
25 |
Client |
Year_of_schooling |
date |
8 |
Client |
Stream |
varchar |
25 |
Client |
Mobilenumber |
bigint |
10 |
Client |
Nationality |
varchar |
15 |
Client |
Year_of_first_job |
date |
8 |
Client |
Previous_company |
varchar |
30 |
Client |
Department |
varchar |
25 |
Client |
Workexperience |
varchar |
200 |
Client |
Awards |
varchar |
100 |
50MINUTES.COM (2015) Porter’s Five Forces: Stay ahead of the competition. USA: 50 Minutes .
Barney, J.(1997). Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage (pp. 134-175). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Koontz,H. and Weihrich,H. (2015) Essentials of Management: An International, Innovation, and Leadership Perspective. USA: McGraw-Hill Education.
Ooi, Li, F., Özsu, B.C., and Wu, S. (2014) Distributed data management using MapReduce. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 46(3), p.31.
Magretta, J. (2013) Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy. USA: Harvard Business Press.
Rothaermel, F.( 2015). Strategic management. USA: McGraw-Hill.
Roy, D. (2011) Strategic Foresight and Porter’s Five Forces. Germany: GRIN Verlag.
Young,L. and Burgess, B. (2010) Marketing Technology as a Service: Proven Techniques that Create Value. USA: John Wiley & Sons.