Business Ethics For Stakeholder And Issues Management
Ethical issues from Wal-Mart Company’s point of view
Discuss about the Business Ethics for Stakeholder and Issues Management.
Wal-Mart Company is an American multinational retail corporation, which operates a chain of the hypermarket, grocery stores and discount department store. One of the aim of the company is to regulate and control what employee and network with the employees on purchase of products on their stores. It is also in charge of regulating how technology systems are used and the extent to which the employees use the organization’s assets. This organization is based in America and has other branches across the world. Some employees feel they are computer literate to an extent to which they end up risking misusing the organization’s networks and assets. It is for such activities that this organization tries to curb and halt to ensure that the organization’s managers are not dented into the panic for their responsibilities (Gill 2010). This, therefore, has resulted to some apprehensions that are related to the ethical issues of such acts. A detailed analysis on this matter has also been considered, and this article provides a debate over how managers try to regulate the behavior of the organization’s company.
Wal-Mart as earlier stated works to ensure that there is proper control and regulation of the assets that are used and operated by her employees. It ensures that managers do not struggle to regulate and control the degree to which the employees of the organization perform their activities and use assets of the organization. As a result Wal-Mart Company has categorized some of these ethical issues on their point of view as discussed below.
From Wal-Mart Company point of view, they see a need in bridging the gap that is created between its managers and employees. As a result, they feel it is important to set establish set code of ethics to control the degree to which organization’s employees burdens its managers. Moreover, when employees are hired during their orientation there are emphasized on ethics and if they see something that seems unethical, they should report it to the managers. This will ensure that the organization’s managers are able to contain the degree of how they are viewed by the employees.
Secondly, they regulate the degree to which its employees can access the information they dispose for access (Mahsud 2010). This will tend to regulate the expectations of the employees feeling there is privacy when they are accessing the organization’s information.
Ethical issues from the stakeholder’s points of view
Lastly, Wal-Mart Company views ethical issues as a set of codes that will help then in regulation, control, faster and effective management of the information provided by the organization. They view these issues as a relief to help them in reducing the shortcomings and challenges that they might face in managing its information.
The employee’s working condition is a major challenge that Wal-Mart Company faces. It view this as a major challenge that they need to address in order to maintain a good working condition between the employees and the managers to ensure that the organization is able to maintain the competitive environment.
However Wal-Mart Company also appreciates the set code of ethics that tries to control and regulates the conduct of employees and customers. Through these set of conduct the organization find it easy to manage their operational activities.
This however comes with certain limitations, as they too have to abide to the set codes of conduct that if not well observed will lead to questioning by the set court order and actions.
Stakeholder are those people are affected or can affect something directly. They are always interested in the organizations information and usually access the organization’s information. As a result, the stakeholders have their own view on the ethical issues that govern Wal-Mart Company. For instance, the stakeholders sees it as their right to use the technology system and the assets within Wal-Mart Company. They feel it their right to have a full access to the organization information without much control form the organization’s managers. Thus, it is their expectation to use this information in order to influence the customers to make purchase in the stores.
Secondly, the stakeholders, views the ethical issues that govern Wal-Mart Company as a protection that protect them against violation of their rights to access the full assets of the organization. For instance, they feel that the set code of ethical avenues wholly protect them even if they are the party on the wrong (Murphy 2010). This is not allowed in the ethical issues set codes that govern Wal-Mart Company.
It is for these reasons that Wal-Mart Company tend to abide to the set codes of conduct that govern the relationship between the employees and the managers. The stakeholders are aware that any fault will be treated equally and all of them are subjected to similar rules and policies. They are aware that they will have to sign a detailed document that caters for their rights in case of any misfortune that may arise between them and the organization.
The need to resolve these issues via ethical avenues rather than legal ones
In any organization, it is important to note that there are set rules and regulations that control and monitor the degree to which managers monitor their employees. As a result, various laws have been set to help in ensuring that both managers and employee abide to the set code of ethics (Sigurjonsson, Vaim & Arnardottir 2014). Through using ethical avenues, there is a feel of corporation and understanding between the managers and the employees as this will provide a sense of pledge to the set laws and regulations. Below are some of the need of using ethical avenues rather than legal ones to resolve this matter:
Ethical issues are designed to provide guidance within an organization. Wal-Mart Company has therefore opted to resolve this matter using ethical avenues to ensure that the relationship between the managers and the employees is maintained and even improved.
Wal-Mart Company need to use ethical avenues to prohibit inappropriate behavior. Misbehavior such as giving false information to managers are controlled through the use of ethical avenues. Such code of ethics will help the employees to understand the reason as to why such actions are inappropriate and the need to avoid the.
Through using ethical avenues over legal ones, their room for accounting for any loss or a blames made. Literally Archive Limited need to use ethical avenues over legal ones to ensure that accountability during time of loss or doubt is made appropriately and through a friendly manner.
An obligation can be defined as a course of any action that someone should do. Whether moral or legal, it virtually important for stakeholders to observe the moral code of ethics that governs the Wal-Mart Company. Since Wal-Mart Company is an organization that works on controlling the degree to which managers control the employees, it is important for the employees to realize that there are set code of ethics that governs this act. A legal action will be taken to those employees who tend to exploit the degree to which managers of the Wal-Mart Company control the degree to which they use the organization’s assets and networks.
It is worth noting that to some extent it will be wrong for Wal-Mart Company to grant their managers a chance of uncontrolled supervision of the employees information. As a result, to an extent Wal-Mart Company will face the legal actions that are shortlisted in the ethical code of conduct in America. Appropriate changes also need to be brought in the management of the Wal-Mart Company to ensure that the employees are contented with how the control and regulation is conducted in the organization
At the Wal-Mart company it is committed to providing the employees safe and safe working place. The company aims at continues improvement on their welfare in order to perform optimally on their work to offer the customers the best experiences as they shop (Tuan 2012). In this article, this organ will assist in activities like:
Promotion of development between Wal-Mart Company and her highly esteemed employees will be done in regards to the set guidelines and policies. This will ensure that there is mutual understanding between these two parties to ensure that the organization runs well without the managers struggling to keep the organization employees at feet and close supervision.
The guideline practices in this matter will tend to ensure the professional code of conduct is adhered to. The issue of control of the degree to which the managers in this company monitors the employees will be guided and closely observed by the managers to ensure that the mode of ethics are maintained . It is important for the employees to conduct themselves morally under the professional acts to ensure that legal actions that may affect them are not taken against them.
This important aspect is vital towards development in any organization. For any successful organization, honesty plays a significant role in defining the corporation within the management. The guidelines and policies establishes an honest environment between the employees and the management of the Wal-Mart Company (Weiss 2014). Choosing to provide an honest environment to employees creates a good relationship between these two parties.
Throughout the discussion, we have realized that Wal-Mart Company have the mandate to monitor what her employees do and how the services they offer are used by her employees. Secondly, we have also realized that managers spend a lot of time to control the degree to which the organization uses the resources and the assets of the organization. Wal-Mart Company has also strived in controlling the extent to which managers struggle to control such activities of the employees and the stakeholders. This, however, does not come on a silver plate as the organization faces key challenges to ensure that they control the activities that are carried by the employees. It is also important to note that, responsible employees should not expect privacy when using the organization’s assets and services provided and there is no need to notify them that monitoring activities are taking place. Wal-Mart Company have the obligation to inform her employees the extent of monitoring if required. We realize that it is an ethical violation if Wal-Mart Company says there is no expectation of control, yet they are using the information they acquire to violate the employees’ personal information. They need to assure their employee’s legal service. Otherwise, they might face an action from the relevant bodies.
Gill, J. and Johnson, P., 2010. Research methods for managers. Sage.
Mahsud, R., Yukl, G. and Prussia, G., 2010. Leader empathy, ethical leadership, and relations-oriented behaviors as antecedents of leader-member exchange quality. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(6), pp.561-577.
Murphy, P.E., 2010. Technology, Ethics of. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management.
Sigurjonsson, T.O., Vaiman, V. and Arnardottir, A.A., 2014. The role of business schools in ethics education in Iceland: The managers’ perspective.Journal of business ethics, 122(1), pp.25-38.
Trong Tuan, L., 2012. Corporate social responsibility, ethics, and corporate governance. Social Responsibility Journal, 8(4), pp.547-560.
Weiss, J.W., 2014. Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.