Business Ethics And Sustainability For Ethical Reflection

Selection of Two Campus and Online Cases

Discuss about the Business Ethics and Sustainability for Ethical Reflection.

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The paper capitalizes on the concept of reflection and its implication on the self-analysis of ethical practices on and off campus. By definition, ethical reflection means cultivation of respect for the concerns of others. It has been hailed as a significant facet of character education and assists in molding the behavior of the students ( 2016).  The concept of ethical reflection serves as the bedrock for the assignment and analyses the campus cases through its prism.

In the section, the assignment selects two of the specific cases (conducted on campus) and another two (directed to the online students). In the next segment, the paper chooses and discusses five ethical diagnostic tools related to issues such as classroom bullying, discrimination, academic fraud and campus violence. The main thrust of the assignment is to identify five ethical diagnostic tools such as righteousness, persistence, transparency, strong work ethic and self-advocacy (Chretien and Kind 2013).

These five ethical diagnostic tools help the students to reflect on their mistakes that they hitherto had committed on and off campus. In the last section, the paper explains the significance of the findings in relation to the case.  At the same time, the assignment includes a brief statement about how the content of the course has developed excellent insights into ethical practice as a future manager and leader.

The campus witnesses various unethical cases such as academic fraud, discrimination, classroom bullying, campus violence (mainly political protest and sloganeering) and sexual harassment. These unethical issues spawn pandemonium on and off campus. The assignment selects two such unethical cases, for an instance academic fraud (both campus and online students) and campus violence (on campus) and identity theft (directed to online students).

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The comprehensive studies underscore the case of ethics in the sphere of academics. Over the last fifty years, the studies on ‘moral behavior’ emphasizes the fact that the ‘abhorrent students’ category means that these pupils involuntarily departed from the particular standard. Bower’s study conducted over 5000 students in 99 higher learning institutions, claimed that three out of four students have confessed their academic fraud, such as plagiarism, cheating during examinations, giving false statements to their teachers (Altbach 2015). McCabe and Trevino deliberated research on a batch of 6000 students in 31 academic campuses. The findings of these scholars are similar to that Bower’s study. Such studies testify to the fact of the higher percentage of academic dishonesty (Gruber 2014). Scores of students (both campus and online students) perpetrate unethical issues. Academic fraud is one such case that has a bad influence on the pupils of the universities.

Academic Fraud (Both on Campus and Online Students)

Campus violence is one of the significant issues that create consternation on the college/university campuses. The recurrent protest movement and political sloganeering form the facets of the campus violence (Whitaker and Pollard 2014). Student activism forms a part of the campus violence that engender socio-political milieu within the campus. Students participate in a wide array of political movements centering the current national and International events (Van Brunt 2012). Many students concentrate on issues that encompass the precepts of national and international leaders. The stellar figures like Fidel Castro and Che Ernesto Guevara have set a quintessential mark in the domain of politics. Politics is a “leviathan force” (Thomas Hobbes) and the application of politics in the colleges/universities can gravely influence the character of moral education. Therefore, it is indispensable to curb the exploitative nature of campus protest movement.

Identity theft is one of the significant problems conducted by the students (mainly online pupils), in the hope of gaining certificates from the premier institutions. They conceal their information (inferior performance in the previous class) and seek advantages from the virtual facility. Due to the absence of authorities, the online students commit various mistakes such as concealing identity, information and many more (Marnell and Levy 2014).

At the same time, the online students commit the academic fraud of plagiarism, buying the assignments from other sources. These kinds of unethical issues are detrimental to the growth and prosperity of the career of the students.

In the section, the assignment selects five ethical diagnostic tools such as righteousness, persistence, transparency, strong work ethic and self-advocacy. With the help of these five ethical diagnostic tools, the assignment explores and analyzes the assumptions and approaches in relation to the cases. In the last segment, the paper explains the ‘changing position’ due to the diagnostic test result.

In various educational institutions, unethical issues are very much in vogue. Let us consider the case of a higher institution of Australia that has witnessed various unethical issues such as discrimination, classroom bullying or hyper-ragging, academic fraud and passing on misleading information (particularly conducted by online students). Out of these issues, the cases of academic fraud and campus violence assume the character of campus-oriented unethical issues. Again, identity theft and academic fraud (mainly plagiarism) are the cases of online students.

The case delineates that out of 2500 students in a class, 30 students engage in various unethical issues. Out of them, let me take into account two important unethical issues such as academic fraud and campus violence. The riddling question is how you would restrain yourself from conducting such unethical issues. With the help of the ethical diagnostic tools, you can control the perilous nature. The selected ethical codes are righteousness, persistence, transparency, strong work ethic and self-advocacy.

Campus Violence (on Campus Students)

Let us take the first case, ‘academic fraud’ conducted by the students (campus-oriented and online students) at a premier Australian University.  Academic fraud is an instance of serious academic crime (Heyneman 2014). At the Canberra University, the example of academic fraud creates a negative influence on students like me, who could hardly focus on education.  During the time of examination, pupils like others and me always take the advantage of the malpractices such as accumulation of cheat papers, chicanery and others. If the teachers ask me to prepare an article at home, then I either plagiarize from sources or order assignment from private tutors. Due to the malpractice, my career is at stake. To my belief, it is essential to get over the mistake at the soonest. With the help of the tools such as persistence, self-advocacy and strong work ethic, one can ease the problem of academic fraud.

Persistence is a significant ethical diagnostic tool that helps the students to become perseverant and motivates them to increase their concentration power. If you develop the trait, then the incessant academic mishap such as plagiarism, cheating during examinations hardly occur (Andress and Winterfeld 2013).

The next tool is self-advocacy that is an essential one. If you are a self-advocating student, then you can build an ability to complete the graduate school program. A self-advocating student questions his/her abilities, forms a liaison with professors and takes regular class notes. With the help of the particular tool, one can change their indifferent attitude towards education and examinations (Chapman and Tilley 2013).

The tool strong work ethic explains that several successful students during the graduate level want to work assiduously. They should browse through the select readings and deliberate a thorough research on every subject. It is their responsibility to maintain a routine for the preparation and practice sample test papers. The preparation is time-consuming and energy-driven. In order to maximize the test scores and education level, the students should focus on the set syllabus (Quinn 2014).

The next case, ‘Campus Violence’ sets another example of unethical behavior on the campus. At the Canberra University, many students engage in various kinds of protest movements such as ‘student election movement’, ‘proceedings against rape culture’ and others. These variants of Campus demonstrations assume a negative hue and withstand the worst of university tragedy. At the Canberra University, many of my friends participate actively in students’ election movements during the fall of 2015. They created ruckus on the campus and engage in quixotic sloganeering.

Identity Theft (Online Students)

Before delving deep into the matter, it is important to understand the problem through an ethical code of righteousness. Righteousness is a significant ethical tool that makes the pupils reticent and honest (Mruthyunjaya 2013).

The next case, identity theft (related to online students) is a crucial example that creates a problematic situation. At the Canberra University, many pupils participate in distance learning program (MBA and MCA). The students have the tendency to conceal authentic information and pass on misleading data, as far as their identity, age and marks are concerned. With the help of the ethical codes of transparency and righteousness, one can get over the problem and make them aligned to the fair behavior.

After the ethical diagnostic test result, several students like me witness changes in the attitude towards education. The students inculcate the ethical codes such as transparency, strong work ethic culture and many more that help them to prosper as a strong leader in the managerial circles. 


The assignment explicates and analyzes two of the specific cases (conducted on campus) and by the online students through the lens of ethical reflective study. The paper selects two unethical issues (academic fraud and campus violence) that occurred at a particular university (Canberra University, Australia). A study is conducted on 1500 students of the particular university. With the help of the diagnostic tool samples, the paper elucidates how one can deal with the issues in the real life. The paper also mentions unethical issues, as far as the online students are concerned.  With the help of ethical sampling tools, the issues are explored properly. At the same time, the paper reflects on the ‘changing perspective’ of the students after the diagnostic test result. 


Altbach, P., 2015. Academic corruption: The continuing challenge. International Higher Education, (38).

Andress, J. and Winterfeld, S., 2013. Cyber warfare: techniques, tactics and tools for security practitioners. Elsevier.

Chapman, R. and Tilley, L., 2013. Exploring the ethical underpinnings of self-advocacy support for intellectually disabled adults. Ethics and Social Welfare, 7(3).

Chretien, K.C. and Kind, T., 2013. Social media and clinical care ethical, professional, and social implications. Circulation, 127(13).

Gruber, T., 2014. Academic sell-out: how an obsession with metrics and rankings is damaging academia. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 24(2).

Heyneman, S.P., 2014. How Corruption Puts Higher Education at Risk. International Higher Education, (75).

Marnell, J.W. and Levy, Y., 2014. Towards a Model of Factors Affecting Resistance to Using Multi-Method Authentication Systems in Higher-Education Environments. Information Security Education Journal, 1(1).

Mruthyunjaya, H.C., 2013. Business Ethics and Value Systems. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd..

Quinn, M.J., 2014. Ethics for the information age. Pearson.

Van Brunt, B., 2012. Ending campus violence: New approaches to prevention. Routledge.

Whitaker, L. and Pollard, J., 2014. Campus violence: Kinds, causes, and cures. Routledge. 2016.

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