Building A Cloud-Based ASP.NET Application Using Amazon Web Services

Creating a Virtual Machine

When you want an ASP.NET application for customers to save their picture videos and other multimedia file, it needs a reliable, authenticate, more scalable and also it needs to be secure. To start it off one needs to sign up for AMAZON WEB SERVICE  Amazon web services to sign up to the website. By doing this one creates an account to be used in the and is able to deploy the web application by simply creating a virtual machine to be access remotely by the use of ip addresses. One will only be charged for the resources to be used. One also needs to install some command line tools for proper scaling for the development guide of the website, this minimize the usage for the available services. One will install this to the local computer

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We will use amazon to store static object and other will also make the image public for others to view what the system is entailed this is because the storage might be redundant it provides high level of durability. We will create a bucket to store every object in stored in the amazon s3. In this case will need to store. It enables login to hold application data. Region basically optimize latency and minimize the cost in which your data is stored.

Log files get created store application data and are stored in the application bucket. When i creates you. The bucket will then be created and will display a general analysis of your bucket for cloud storage into your designated location. After it has created the console will then create an empty bucket into the bucket list panel.

Amazon Cloud front is a content delivery service from the web that help to improve reliability accessibility. Amazon cloud front is a good choice for user who are globally distributed, stream high content of data and expect high volume of data at a time. Contents is then configured into the amazon S3 sever bucket list or custom origin server to the exact location that basically has the lowest latency for the user who requests the large volume of data. In this case we will need to create an Amazon Cloud Front distribution which we will integrate it with the s3 bucket create.

Elastic load balancer is an easy to use and cost effective to help you improve the availability and scalability of your application. Elastic load balancer is easy to send and to two or more amazon instances enabling availability through redundancy and support traffic growth of the application. It lets you automatic distribute and balance the incoming application traffic and among the instances that one running. It also, makes it easy to add more instances hence increasing the capacity of your app. One can dynamically register or dynamically deregister and instance from the load balance as the capacity request of your application. Application changes with time. In this stage we will create a load balance for an http service and will specify the load balance  

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Storing Static Objects and Files

Creating a key pair authentication you can create a key pair to connect to instance public aim instance use a public private key pair to login rather than using a password the key. The key is half set and embedded into the key pair is embedded into your instance allowing you to use the private key to log in securely without a password. After one has created your own. One can choose other mechanisms to securely login into the other instances in this step we will use the AMAZON WEB SERVICE  management council to create a key pair. The key pair passkey will be my key pair.

Launching server using auto scrolling, in this segment we basically set up an amazon EC2 application which will be able to load balanced and auto scaling with minimal number of one instance. However when you create an actual website you should follow the best practice of having the sufficient instances across the availability zone to service the loss of any availability zone. Additional increase the number of instance to be greater to make use of auto scaling features, we will define a single auto scaling to scale into one while there is a change in capacity later we will create a cloud launch alarm to take action of the policy when the average cpu usage exceeds a threshold of 60% within 10 min. auto scaling on Amazon Cloud watch the work together to watch and terminate instances based on the policy created

Cloud watch alarm for an auto slicing policy that scales out of the number of acts of instances. The cloud watch alarm alert the application when the threshold is reached. At the top of the amazon AMAZON WEB SERVICE  site click the cloud watch. The navigation plain select us Virginia. Click create alarm on the create alarm of the select act changed by the auto scrolling group. Type your group and click search.Next we will define alarm on the define alarm of the create wizard. Type mythic CPU alarm into the name box then type 60 for 60 % and 10 that represent 10%.

Cloud watch alarm for an auto scaling policy that scales out the number of ECT’s of instances. The cloud watch alarm alerts the application when the threshold is reached. At the top of the amazon web service click the cloud watch. On the navigation plain select US Virginia then click create alarm.

On the created alarm, select ECT by auto scaling group. Type your group and click search. Next we will define alarm, on the defined alarm create wizard. Type myhighalart CPU alarm in the name box then type 60 which represent the 60% on the alarm policy and 10 that represent the 10% on the policy.

You can also use simple email notification to send notification to yourself.

Configuration monitoring and auto scaling. In this example we will create a cloud alarm for an auto scaling policy that scales up a nobler of act of instances. The cloud launch alarms alerts the application when the threshold is reached. At the top of the Amazon Web Services management click the amazon cloud watch tab. The navigation plane select US Virginia on the dropdown menu.

Setting Up a Load Balancer

Click create alarm on the select metric mpage on the create alarm wizard. Select EC2 aggregate by auto scaling group. Type in the auto scaling group, myautoscaling group then click search. We will then select the row where it will say the auto scaling and see the utilization click continue, next we will define the alarm. On the defined alarm create alarm wizard then type myhighcpualrm. Then type the description select greater than type 60 for 60% and 10 for 10 min. this means when cpu performances exceeded 60% for more than 10 min it will trigger and alarm . Click continue in the configure action select your autos align group and policy then add action. Review your alarm setting then click create alarm  

Creating a MY SQL Database. In this step we will launch a multi RDS instances. We will create and modify the database instance run as a multi A2 deployment. Amazon RDP provision and maintain a sych status by replacing in a different availability zone. Update to database are sych replicated across availability zone to the stand by. In order to keep both in sych and protect your latest database update against database instance failing.

During certain type of plan maintain ace or and unlikely event of database instance failure or availability zone failure. Amazon RDS will automatic fall over to the standby so that you can resume database right and read as soon as the database standby is promoted. Since the name record of database instance remains the same your application can resume database operation without the need for manual administrative intervention. With multi A2 deployment you application is transparent. You don’t interact directly and cannot be used to support read traffic to setup an amazon database. Some following criteria need to be meet

  • create a database security group
  • authorize your database instance
  • launch your database instance

On creating the database click security group and you will see a list of the database security groups then click the Database Security Group. Type the name of your new security group and database security group textbox.

Once your ect instance is running you can connect to it and deploy your application in this step you will connect to an a amazon ec2 instance deploy a as ample application then update the application to use amazon cloud front, amazon simple storage and amazon relational database service. To connect to a relation window instance service you must retrieve the initial administrator password first then use it to connect to the remote desktop. You will need the content of the private key file when you clear your key pair. To connect to your amazon instance click on the amazon ECT tab

Configure the sample application in this step we will download a sample of application and configure it to point the application on your amazon ECT instance. This application helps to upload and brown photos to download the sample application.  

If you have customized your amazon ECT instance, you can save your amazon machine image so that you can launch future environment with safe configuration using AMAZON WEB SERVICE  cloud formation. To create an AMI from a running Ebs backed instance, go to AMAZON WEB SERVICE  management council and click on amazon EC2 tab in the navigation page then select US East from the drop down menu. Click instance in the navigation plain. On the instance page select image EBS AMI. Create image dialogue box open. Fill in a unique image name and option a description of the image. Click create image.

Launching Auto-Scaling Servers

Amazon EC2 powers down the instance, takes images of any volume that were attached, creates and registers the AMI and then reboots the instance. Go to AMI page and view the status. While the new AMI is being created, its status is pending. It takes a few minutes for the process to finish. Once your new AMI is complete go to snapshot that was created in the new AMI.

Cloud former is a prototype tool that helps to create AMAZON WEB SERVICE  cloud formation template existing AMAZON WEB SERVICE  resources in your account. After you create your template you will customize it to launch a new environment with multiple instances spanning multiple availability zone to enable a fault power architecture. To launch the cloud former tool navigate to the cloud formation website. URL is located at the top east side of the website screen. From this site one ca directly setup a cloud format on the website in the create new stack window enter a stack. The cloud former will take to every availability template that they have. You will need to select one that they have created in this website

Another way to create a web application architecture is by the use of template in this case as we will use a cloud formation template that exactly mirrors the resources that were created in the state guide.

In conclusion were have successfully been able to create and set a running cloud server with the help of Amazon Web Service and been able to integrate it with a running application to be launched in a server machine. My SQL is the integrated database application that stores required data and information for the given organization by the remote database we bite being allocated to us. I can hereby say that the website is up and running and the cloud server is able to perform any kind of operation and storage required facility that is need.

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