Budget Negotiation And Financial Reporting Procedure
Why You Need to Circulate a Draft of the Budget
Assessment Tool Instructions
This assessment tool is to be completed by the Assessor and the Student. The assessment tool has been developed to collect and record evidence to assess the Student’s understanding and application of the performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence. If there are multiple units listed above, they have been integrated and are co-assessed holistically. This assessment tool must be completed using a black or blue pen and all relevant sections are to be completed.
The assessor will provide the assessment tool to the Student and explain the assessment requirements, providing guidance to the Student as required. Verbal challenging may apply and the Assessor is required to record these notes in the Assessor’s comments section. Please ensure that all signatures and dates are accurately recorded, all sections have been marked and that comments have been included where necessary.
Instructions to the Student
You will be required to read through the assessment activities and prepare for the assessment. If the assessment involves written responses, you can write your answers in the spaces under the question. Please ensure that you complete all required sections of the assessment tool. All questions must be answered in full. Your assessor may verbally challenge your answer by asking you to clarify or further explain your answer. At the end of this assessment task, your assessor will provide you with feedback on areas for continuous professional development. Unless specified, answers should be approximately 100 word in length.
Before commencing the assessment, please complete the pre-assessment checklist below to confirm that you, the Student, are ready for assessment.
I have been given access to all of the resources for this assessment ¨YES ¨NO
I have had my rights and the appeal system fully explained to me ¨YES ¨NO
The assessor has discussed special needs assistance with me ¨YES ¨NO
I understand that I have to complete all tasks/questions myself ¨YES ¨NO
I acknowledge that I am ready for an assessment for the unit ¨YES ¨NO
I acknowledge that I have had the assessment process explained to me ¨YES ¨NO
I understand that plagiarism is not accepted ¨YES ¨NO
I agree to undertake assessment tasks in this assessment tool ¨YES ¨NO
Q # Questions Satisfactory
√ = Yes
X = No
- What staff records must be kept?
Staff records needs to be maintained at every time for any organization. Staff records that needs to be kept includes, the numbers of people working at any one time, the hours of work and the number of shifts required for a certain period of time.
- What are time sheets used for?
6 Steps for Negotiating Your Budget Submission
A timesheet is a physical or virtual tool that allows you to record and keep track of your worked time. That means that, as an employer, you will be able to see exactly how many hours each employee has worked for. A timesheet allows ease of calculation of staff hours and making payments for thereof. A timesheet appropriately maintains all time schedules for employees, including time of their arriving at work and time that they are leaving from work.
- What are the reasons that you monitor the effectiveness of a roster?
All organisational processes and procedures need to be monitored to ensure than they are achieving what they are intended to achieve. The roistering process also needs to be monitored and evaluated. A roster can provide detailed information regarding staff working and other details. This provides detailed information regarding an organization and in turn monitoring effectiveness of the roster is deemed to be appropriate. Effectiveness of a roster allows detailed and in-depth information which allows enhancing effectiveness of the organization.
In order to do this will be necessary to consult with colleagues and to collect information about how well the roistering system is working. Monitoring and evaluating procedures involve collecting and analysing data. Data might be qualitative—opinions and ideas and suggestions—or it might be quantitative data which is based on numbers—how many, how much, and how other, etc. Allocating an appropriate KPI (key performance indicator) score will allow a measure through which effectiveness of the system can be determined in an easy manner. A KPI indicator provides a benchmark which further allows ease of monitoring.
- How do you think you could improve on a traditional roistering system?
The roster can affect every part of an organisation. For this reason, it is necessary to regularly evaluate the system to determine whether it is meeting the needs of the organisation. When making major changes to a roistering system—as a result of the revelation process—it is necessary to involve those staff who will be affected and to consult appropriately with relevant personnel. A business attempting to change a roster without getting people involved can create a headache that could be bigger than the original issues.
It is a good idea to meet with all employees, on their shift, to identify their needs, discuss any issues, obtain valuable insights and eliminate rumors. Employees can actively participate in the development of problem solutions by providing information regarding sleep patterns, time off preferences, health habits, hours of work and fatigue. By doing this roster managers can design rosters that will ensure that employees are roistered at times and in ways that will encourage the greatest productivity.
- What are 5 Award conditions governing all full time employees must supervisors are aware of?
Employees and supervisors needs to be aware of 5 Award conditions while working within an organization. These conditions governing all full time employees and supervisors are Pay and general working conditions, Roistered days off, Overtime rates, Sick and holiday leave and Health and Safety at work.
- What are 6 ways you could minimize wage costs?
Wage cost comprises of a huge proportion of an organization expense. An organization needs to apply various steps and measures so as to eliminate wage cost or to maintain it at appropriate levels. The 6 ways by which wage cost could be minimized are by Rotating rosters, Self – roistering systems, Fixed rosters, Forecasting levels of demand, Customer service levels and Combine duties where appropriate to ensure effective use of staff. These measures when applied can allow minimization of wage costs.
- What does employee roistering software allow?
Employee roster software comes with various in-built features and applications. Some of the features of employee roster software includes building complex rosters for covering multiple shifts, create the most efficient schedule with auto roistering and improve productivity by meeting availability requests. These various features and functionalities allow ease of comprehending data and information to match employee needs.
- What do you need to do if there are changes made to the roster?
Provide employees with information about the change ( e.g.: what the change will be and when )
In case there are changes made to the roster system, then employees need to be invited to give their views about the impact of the change. Once employee feedback is soughed and obtained then changes can be made accordingly such as to accommodate views of employees. Once changes are accommodated within the scope of the roster then consideration of these views about the impact of the change needs to be determined.