Brain Computer Interface In Coal Industry: Impact And Benefits
Regulations and Ethics
Discuss about the Brain Computer Interface in Coal Industry.
Human computer interface is one of the most prominent technical advancement of today’s era. However, the discussed technological advancement has been further enhanced to automate the process and developed to be known as BCI (Brain computer Interface). The discussed technology takes input from the brain directly and the computer associated system offers the desired output. The technology has proved to be of great vitality in the health care industry. It has enabled the individuals to visualise with low or no visualisation, enabled hearing for those who cannot hear and multiple other benefits. The discussed system has two core components the first being, a transmitter that amplifies and transmits the electrical pulses to transmit the necessary data to the system and the receiver system that collects the data and presents the desired output. The discussed communication is direct from brain to computer on the contrary in the computer to brain channel, the signal is transmitted from the system and received by the human brain. Another notable fact about the system is that the whole process takes place in real time and real world scenario. The discussed report has taken consideration of the impact that BCI will cite in the coal industry.
The discussed technology will have revolutionary impact on the coal industry and the author forecasts the following three ways.
- Impact on Coal Worker: BCI will have prominent impact on the lives of the cola workers. The undermine workers who are wearing a BCI enabled helmet, can be monitored by the admin for their health, safety and mental exhaustion. Hence, it can be stated that the adoption of technology in the coal industry will impact the lives of its stakeholders positively.
- Impact on other industry: The discussed technology will have prominent impact on the manufacturing industry where automation is being massively adopted. Adopting the discussed technology will enhance the enable a single entity to supervise and control several devises.
- Integration with IoT: Integration of BCI with the Internet of Things (IoT) will enable the user to control multiple equipment/ devices that are part of an IoT network.
The impact of the BCI on the human coal worker has been discussed according to the Lawrence Lessig’s regulation:
Market: The discussed trend has a prominent disadvantage and that is associated with its economics. The high cost involved with the technology which is further enhanced by the massive number of workers in Coal industry which acts as a constraint for the discussed technological impact.
Law: BCI is a disruptive technology and no appropriate law has been deduced for the technology. Though, collection of the data from the human brain may be called as a violation universal human rights.
Architecture: The architecture of the discussed impact that is integration of the BCI with coal worker’s wearable helmet has never been attempted and the robust nature of workers work also acts as a constraint for the BCI impact.
Norm: As stated above the BCI can be considered as a violation of human rights which is not just a legal constraint but also give birth to ethical disturbance.
The discussed section has discussed health management process of the undermining operation of the coal industry. The image produced below cites the process before and after application of the BCI.
Simplification of Health Management Process in Coal Mining with BCI
The actors of the discussed scene are the workers, supervisor and the admin system. The key processes are the development of the unwanted situation, if the situation is manageable then the operation will continue. While if the case is serious then the supervisor will be informed who then will take the initiative of calling for help. The message will be processed in the admin system before finally sending health assistance. The discussed process is elaborate and takes consideration of different actors such as the victim, the supervisor and the admin system. While the processes are development of unwanted scenario, informing the onsite supervisor, transmitting of data signal, processing of data and finally arrival of help. The key decision points are the decision over seriousness of the situation. The outcome of the scenario is that the help arrives but there are many steps in the process which consumes time and effort. Additionally, unavailability of the supervisor may also worsen the situation. Hence, it can be stated that the system needs upgradation to become more fast and efficient.
The discussion cites witness to the health management process after the implementation of BCI in the organisation as part of the wearable of the workers. In the deemed scenario if some undesirable situation arises the wearable connected with the BCI will detect the disruption in the electrical pulses of the brain and will send a message to the system which can send the help in minimum possible time and prevent any significant damage. The diagram attached below has made it evident that process of health managing within the coal industry have been simplified after the introduction of the BCI. The wait for the supervisor and his/her evaluation of the scenario to decide its seriousness and then signalling for help which would be processed in the server before sending help was a lengthy process. The discussed process gets more completed in absence of the supervisor. However, the scenario changes on implementation of BCI which omitted the role of supervisor and assisted in saving time and effort. The data of the discussed process will be more reliable because the transmission of data in the discussed process appears between the brain and system so no manipulation is made to it. Hence, it can be stated that the BCI implementation of the BCI in the coal industry simplifies its health management process. The actors of the scenario are the victim and the admin system while the events are the development of unwanted scenario, message flow, process of message and help delivery. There are no decision points in the deemed case. The outcome is fast and efficient result.
Video Plan
Hello Viewer this is [Name of the Student] and you are watching my channel [Name of the Channel]. Today’s topic of discussion is BCI (Brain Computer Interface).
We all are familiar power of “Professor X” aka Charles Xavier of “X men” and how he is capable of controlling everyone’s mind. All of us has fantasised that power and believe me that day is not far away when we can achieve the discussed feat. To attain the Professor X’s power all we have to do is wait for further development of BCI.
Whisper “Or we can personally assist in further development of BCI”.
BCI stands for Brain Computer interface which is a technology that enables interaction with the computing devices through electrical pulses produced by the brain. The contradicting action is also possible that is the computer can send electrical signals to brain making them sense, visualise, hear or any other actions.
The discussed technology has proved its efficiency in the healthcare industry where the persons with physical disability are using it prominently to mitigate the effect of disability.
Other industries are also attempting to leverage the technology and in time will succeed.
One of the major industry that can make use of the industry is the “Coal Industry.”
The technology can be used in the coal industry to monitor the health of the employees develop more advanced operation within the mines and multiple others.
However, the price and availability of the technology is making it difficult for the adoption of the BCI.
But we believe that in time the technology will get cheaper and available to the commoners.
So, till then let us wait for the BCI implementation.
The first thing I will do is integrate it with the IoT and will become Professor X of my own world.
What will you do write it down in comments.
Thank You.
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