Boosting Motivation In The Workplace: A Report On Organizational Behaviour Management
Literature Review
It can be analyzed that motivation is one of the important aspect that helps to enhance the engagement level of the people towards activities. Without motivation it will not be possible for the people to give their best towards the activities of the company.
Engagement level can be only enhanced if there proper motivation among the people. It can be seen that engagement level in the people can assist in boosting the overall relations. So, in this paper the discussion will be made on boosting the overall motivation level in the people. If people are engaged in the operations then it is necessary to focus on motivation factor. There are various factors that can help to boost the overall motivation level of the people. Motivation is one of the reasons that drive all the actions of the people. It has been seen that positive mindset of the people is one of the motivation factors for them. If people have the positive mindset then it can be simple for them to work with dedication towards the assigned work. So, it is important that they should have positive mindset as it can help the people to be dedicated towards the overall act they are performing (Carneiro et al., 2014). For example: In the workplace, it can be seen that for motivation it is important for the employees to have positive mindset which can help in enhancing overall efficiency of the employees towards their work.
According to Hauser 2014, in the workplace the next factor that can help to boost the motivation level is related with incentives. There should be proper incentive policy which can help in generating the interest of the employees towards the overall activities which are assigned to them. Without motivation in the workplace it is not possible for the employees to be dedicated towards the activities of the company. It is considered as one of the aspect or need which is necessary for the employees. Incentive given to the employees is one of the factors which help them to satisfy their basic needs and wants. Also, to retain the employees in the workplace it is necessary for the company to focus on motivating the employees so that dedication and honesty factor can be boosted of the people.
According to Haff and Triplett 2015, Training is also one of the factors that can help the people to be motivated towards the activities. It can be seen that if proper training is given to the people then they can easily enhance their skills and knowledge towards the activities. So, to enhance the motivation level among the people it is important to give them knowledge and also to enhance their skills so that it can be easy to boost the confidence level of the people in the market (Massenberg, Spurk and Kauffeld, 2015). Training is considered as the best support that can be given to the people as it can help in boosting their confidence level towards the overall activities of the company.
Opinion and Suggestions
For example: in the workplace, it can be seen that training is one of the important aspect that can help in boosting the confidence level of the people and also it can assist in attaining goals and objectives. When young people join the workplace it can be seen that they want training so that it can be easy for them to grab the overall process of the management in the workplace.
According to Herzberg 2017, for young people, it can be seen that incentive is something which drive overall interest. It has been seen that in the present scenario, young people have the desire to earn more and it can be done only when the organization offer attractive incentive scheme to the people who are managing their routine work.
According to Ganta 2014, it is important to consider the motivation theory so that young people can be motivated at the time of doing any work. One of the best theories is related with Maslow theory which focuses on the basic needs of the people. The first step is related with physiological needs which emphasizes on the biological needs for the human survival. It has been seen that the basic needs should be fulfilled of the people so that they can generate their interest towards the activities.
The next factor is related with safety needs in which it has been seen that focus is given protecting the overall factors like there should be freedom given to the people and also there should be stability so that people can give their best and maintain the overall behavior of the people (Poch and Martin, 2015).
Love and belongingness needs are one of the basic physiological factors that should be fulfilled and also it emphasizes on the human needs which is related with social and feeling of belongingness. If the needs of the human are fulfilled then it can be easy to enhance the overall satisfaction level of the people. Also, if there are effective interpersonal relationships then it can be easy for the people to maintain their overall behavior towards the activities of the company. To boost the motivation factor of the employees it can be seen that friendship and trust should be maintained so that people can feel happy and good towards the overall activities (Kaur, 2013).
The next need is related with esteem needs in which the focus is on the dignity, achievement and also independence. There should be proper independence and also dignity which is given to the people as it can help in boosting the overall motivation level of the employees. Also, reputation and respect should be maintained of the people so that they can feel good and happy towards the overall activities of the company. Maslow theory also emphasizes on maintaining the need and respect of the young people as it can enhance the overall motivation. The last step is related with self-actualization need which emphasizes on realizing the personal potential and also boosts the personal growth of the people in the society. So, this is one of the best motivation theories which should be considered to motivate the young people and also it will help to obtain positive outcome towards the acts which are performed by them (Lepper and Greene, 2015).
If this motivation theory is referred with the employees in the workplace in reference to the young people, it can be seen that the employee engagement level can be boosted in an effective manner.
According to Menges et al., 2017, if young people who are appointed at the workplace have no job security then it can be seen that impact will be on the overall employee engagement level. Also, job security should be given to the employees as it can be easy to motivate the employees in the competitive market. This can easily enhance the job satisfaction of the employees towards the work. They will try to give their best towards the overall activities of the company. Also, esteem need emphasize on the stability and value that should be given to the people so that it can be easy to boost motivation. The last factor is related with the self-actualization needs which emphasizes on the overall desires that should be developed so that positive outcome can be attained. It is important that desires and wants should be maintained so that the workers can give work with honesty towards the work. The theory of Maslow can help in maintaining the engagement level of the employees (Pinder, 2014).
It can be stated that to motivate the young people it is important to show trust and also it should be maintained so that they can feel motivated and happy. By inspiring the people and by showing them respect it can be easy to motivate the people. Without maintaining trust it can be difficult to boost the motivation factor of the people. People are only motivated when the trust is generated between the people and without trust it can be difficult to manage the actions with dedication (Reeve, 2014). Also, responsibility should be given to the people so that it can be easy to attain the positive results. By giving responsibility it can be easy to motivate the young people. It has been seen that factor of motivation is one of the important aspect that should be considered in relation to the people. When responsibility is given to the young people then they feel good and happy and also it can be easy for them to work with dedication towards the work (Miner, 2015).
Motivation to the young people can also be given if the positive culture is created. It can be seen that it is important to maintain the positive culture as it can help to achieve positive outcome. Without positive culture it can be difficult for the employees to feel good and happy towards the entire operations. Positivity is also the responsibility of the people who are living around them as it can help them to create positive mindset towards the entire activities. So, one of the essential factor related to motivating people is culture which should be positive as it can help in accomplishing the positive outcome (Leary and Baumeister, 2017).
For example: It can be seen that Nestle is one of the famous company which offers proper incentives to the employees. It can be seen that as the company emphasizes on giving reward people get motivated and happy. By enhancing the motivation it can be easy for them to give their best towards the overall activities in the workplace.
It has been seen that the main motive of the company is to work of the employee development and also on making the workers productive as it can help them to achieve the set goals and targets. The main focus of the company is on promoting the safety culture as it can help to attain the positive outcome. Nestle also launched the Nescare program for the workers in which they connect with the employees. It can be seen that various factors are considered like competitive pay, high quality healthcare and benefit program, financial assistance and also the life benefits. By considering the esteem needs it can be seen that Nestle assist the United Nations Global compacts which guide the basic human rights. The company also supports the overall international human rights as it can help to motivate the employees in the workplace. The main policy of Nestle is to consider the commitment level as it can maintain sustainability. The company also adhere the international chamber of commerce business for sustainable development. This charter also needs the establishment of the policies, programs and practices so that it can be easy to maintain the environmental factors in an effective manner. So, these are the factors which also relates with the overall Maslow theory and also it boost the overall motivation factor of the employees in the competitive market (Stoyanov, 2017).
Conclusion and recommendations
So, by analyzing the report it can be concluded that it is important to motivate the people so that they can give their best towards the assigned activities. If there is motivation level then it can be easy to achieve positive outcome in the competitive market. Also, it is recommended that to motivate the employees training is one of the factor on which the focus should be given so that it can be easy to achieve positive outcome in the competitive market. The Companies should also focus on motivating the employees as it can help them to compete with the competitors who are prevailing in the market. So, motivation in to the young people can be considered as the important aspect that can help to attain the set goals and objectives.
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