Bona Vista Tocal
The Bona Vista, in Tocal is approximately 40 hectares plot of land. The land’s paddocking area had a minimal input in utility from the early 1970s. This area of the Tocal property was set aside including the Bowker’s Paddock situated at the background from conventional administration to enhance ticking. The land includes some representative plots and pasture in the paddock area that was also use to grow species such as couch, paspalum and the carpet grass. These species were represented effectively to undertake role of sustainability during wet summer seasons. The grazing of sheep has been recorded to have a dominant existence in the Bona Vista. However, the previous years followed an extensive domination of cattle; these are fundamental changes to the distribution of grass species in the area.
The improvements observed in the Bona Vista include the inclusion of eighty-two kilometer fence, three sets of animal yards and thirty-six dams. Moreover, the shelterbelt shades and animal corridors are another improvement in the area due to the initial lack of trees. The Webber Creek is also being faced in order to limit the unrestricted access of stocks. The third section of improvement includes the African Olive, Lantana and the weeds control included in the property management program. The tracks of access and corresponding sub-division of fences and lanes are considered as future projects in the beef section. The future improvements also include:
- The influence of the federal government to enhancing the management of the Bona Vista affects the country’s economic status and the rate of exchange between the federal government and other nations. This will also include the lobbying to enhance the elimination of protectionism. The direct influence of the government to property is on the compliance concerns. The rate of completion and consumer interest in Australia is also a factor of influence in the dairy industry since it enhances profitability; however, this power has not been exercise yet.
- Enhancing the trends of innovation, social licensing of industries and firms to be management. This is a factor of consumer-base, which has a fundamental impact on the productivity, and management of Bona Vista.
The Bona vista located in Tocal is a heritage-based agricultural property along the 815 Tocal Rd, Paterson NSW 242. Generally, the Tocal College is situates in Tocal, in the city of Maitland, Australia. Ian McKay and Philip Cox designed the property in the early 1960s. The establishers of the property added it to the South Wales Heritage Register in 2013. The property listed number 00147 as at April 1999 and gazette 27 Page 1546 according to the heritage act ‘Permanent Conservation Order’.
Geographically, Bona Vista is situated in a section of land initially owned by the Tocal estate colonies, which is found around Paterson river valley in NSW. It is measured that Bona Vista covers around 40ha in the NSW County around the intersection of Webbers creek and Paterson River respectively. Earlier before the Paterson River valley had been settled by the Wanaruah a clan of the Gringai who were the native people of the region. Initially their survival was harbored due to the availability of assorted bionetwork which was widespread within the river valley. The main ecological units that were found in this region include the lagoons, the rainforest, wetlands, and the neighboring paper bark forest that endowed the settlers which profusion of water, food and minerals.
On the contrary, the grounds harboring the college and Tocal homestead comprised of people who came from the Gringai clan correspondingly. Moreover, Tocal is situated at the low Paterson valley in New South Wales around the Hunters vale. Paterson River is among the streams of the Hunter Rivers which empties its water in the Pacific Ocean in Newcastle. Therefore the main core activities carried out within the farmland are mainly free egg production (68ha), dairy production (300ha), horse breeding, and beef cattle rearing (2000ha), with an additional cropping and small sheep flock exhibition.
The prospective commodity is specifically comprised of entire composite of structures that are situated at CB Alexander Campus of Tocal College in Paterson. The structures majorly comprise of employee and student’s suburban housing, the diner halls, teaching and administrative units, the Tocal chapel, and the EA hunt hall. Edward Knapp analyzed comprehensive evaluations of Patterson valley belongings inclusive of that of Tocal’s in the 18th century. Thus, it was found out that they exhibit vital records about the initial Tocal farm (Shown in figure 10). However, this survey is in from of annotation and sketches according to Knapp’s records composed in numerous pages unlike the use of one merged representation. Amid the vast number of structure evidenced in Webber’s drawings it also shows Webber does homestead and the linkage exist with each particular structure. Some additional important annotations pointed out are in relation to the estates composition:
- Vines, which are depicted in the east and northeast of the Homestead – most probably transversely the undulation beyond the present homestead post hedge.
- Presence of a stone wall in the top north of the rounded and curvy entrance starting the Tocal road
- Proof of untimely bridges known as the “Pumby Creeks” and a stream
In assessing the total value over rate per hectare, the property value was written in reference to every description of Bona Vista’s legal description of properties. However, the zoning of all the portion of land are dissimilar, the zoning of Lot 47 is almost similar to that of Lot 7. The report also considers that all the property includes native agricultural covers and their application in Bona Vista is the same.
Thus, it is accepted that there is no contrasting issues pertaining the sales evidence, although a wide series of support has been provided in order to substantiate the unsurpassed cross section used in the valuation processes. Therefore, a cross-section of the proofs existing in the marketplace is shown below:
Class 2
Sales Price – Improvements
102,000 – ($45,000+$15,000)
= 102,000 – 60,000
= 42,000/40
= 1050 Land Price Per ha
Class 4
Sales Price – Improvements
$276,000 – ($115,000+$18,000)
= 276,000 – 133,000
= 143,000/40 ha
= 3575 Land Price Per Ha
Gross Land Price ($1050 + $3575) = $4625/ha
Dry Sheep Equivalents (DSE)
The inclusive holding size is 40 hectares (Usable Pasture Only)
The value of DSE per Hectares is calculated as:
Total DSE/Usable Area
= 216.4/40
= 5.41 DSE/ha
Valuation Approaches: The most effective method of valuating the property is direct comparison in reference to the rates in every hectare. This valuation approach utilizes the comparable sales that are analytical on the price per hectare of the Bona Vista plot area. The valuation figure establishes the current value of the property in the market. This approach is however subjection.
Economically, Australia is the fourth largest producer of milk in the world with about 2% of the milk produced and 11% exported in other countries. In the global marketplace, Australian rivalries are reducing manufacturing costs while other export dairy product, subsequently other countries use tariffs with the aim of shielding their domestic firms. Due to this, it implies that for Australia to achieve a positive competitive advantage they should institute low production prices, which comply with other upcoming dairy trading countries in South America. Transition shown within the global trade of dairy products may exhibit staged impact on the Australian milk prices incorporating additional prospects for individual farmers regulate the production processes, comparable to the outcome of the international changes mentioned above.
Actually, the ability of market these products are extremely recommended. Sourcing the availability of enough funds is conventional with the eminence of these properties; it is thus supposed that the time required in achieving essential valuation goals in the marketplace occurs about 4-8 months respectively. Hence, the trade value is the approximate amount in which the assets are required for trading upon the date stated in the valuation process during a meeting set by the buyer and the seller following effective marketing involving proper working in of the partner’s acknowledgement, which is cautiously without any pressure.
In relation to the hypothesis and various credentials included within the report segment, we thus deem the evaluated Market Value limited of the GST, as at July 12th, 2012 as: The present valuation is on the valuation data specifically. Therefore the reviewed value thus can be adjusted considerably and without prior notice within a petite duration counting the effect of the overall market activities or else several aspects explicit to the specified asset.
Property Value $4625/Ha
Property Management Structure
Figure 1: Topographical Map
Location Considerations
The topographic map of Bona Vista reveals considerable measure about the property. On this guide of Tocal, the orange lines are streets and access tracks through and around the property. The dark-colored limit line is the area of the Bona Vista’s Homestead. Imperatively, topographic maps show the incline of a territory by form lines. On the map, the shape lines are dim. Shapes keep running along lines of ‘comparative rise’ and are separated uniformly all over the slope. Each shape line on this map shows an ascent or fall of one meter. Therefore, the more extreme the incline is, the closer the shape lines are to one another.
Bona Vista’s soil along the Paterson River is a case of a Rudosol soil sample and is an absolute best soil on Tocal in light of the fact that it is profound, holds dampness effectively and easy to operate on. This is an alluvial Rudosol. Alluvial soils are framed from silt saved ashore by waterways and streams. Notice the uniform profile with little change in shading or surface with profundity. As such, you cannot locate the unmistakable A, B and C skylines. This kind of soil is alluded to as a youthful soil and it has not yet had room schedule-wise to create particular skylines.
The NSW slopes have more than 450 types of introduced and native species of grass. They are of real significance to cultivating and brushing enterprises, local biodiversity and give nourishment and territory to numerous local creatures. Grasses of the NSW slants and neighboring fields gives a simple reference manual for the basic grasses, so they can be perceived and overseen fittingly. The book does not look to cover all grasses in the territory yet focuses on the more far reaching and basic species, which were recorded amid overviews of the region.
The Bona Vista was enclosed in approximately 13 km of fencing by 1830. This was previously the times of fencing wire, so every bit of it was built with timber posts and rails. Making timber wall was diligent work for Tocal’s convicts. They needed to fell the trees, expel the bark, cut the trunks into reasonable lengths called billets, split the posts and rails from the billets utilizing a mallet and wedges, and generally shape them with an adze and broadaxe. At last, they burrowed the post-openings and raised the fence.
Dependable and excellent stock water is needed for every enclosure at the Bona Vista, Tocal. The area is enclosed in regions of wetland, tidal ponds, streams and the Paterson River as common water assets. These water bodies, nevertheless, can be corrupted by poor administration, and the consequences of past water pollution, which may be clear. Water system water is an essential part of the Tocal dairy. Water is siphoned from the Paterson River, which is tidal at Tocal. Water quality for the water system is normally acceptable, despite the fact that in the midst of the dry season, saltiness readings may ascend to unsatisfactory levels.