BOB Business Service – Computer Installation And Maintenance Services In Yangon

Characteristics of BOB’s work


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BOB business service is computer installation and maintenance services located in Yangon. BOB will provide computer setup, installation and maintenance services. The address is SeikKan Thar Street, Kyauk Ta Da Township, Yangon. Business annual turnover of…..MMK end of 2018. It will establish early in 2018 to provide best computer installation and maintenance services in Yangon.


The characteristics of the figuring work, with its exceptional speed of imaginative movement, make a predictable necessity for associations skilled in modernizing and provoking clients on PC related issues. In Yangon, by far most of potential customers are frustrated with certified prospects, making engaging isolated advancing for an inventive start-up. Free wander PC customers will give the greater part of BOB business pay.

Measurable over looking portrays the enlisting business to create at a rate of astonishing and the processor keeps continuing working for an impressive period of time to come, giving a profitable resource for bargains. Weave has revolved essentially around the private wander promote, as this customer usually don’t have an IT individual who is hired for full time, however have the IT needs are usually full time. Weave offers a direct, on-ask for advantage for this type of customers. We can in like manner give upkeep understandings that make additional month to month compensation. For our private customers, we will give an astoundingly direct and strong organization with an amazingly versatile timetable to address their issues. The firm’s target market is focussed on Yangon and the neighboring zones. Measurable looking over exhibits there is a great deal of business for a private wander, for instance, BOBS.

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To get PC foundation and upkeep started BOB proprietor requires giving cash and assets. Bob is moreover searching for a passing development, which is to be made safe with the use of proprietor’s home estimation, and paid back within three years. Our traditionalist arrangements measures, from the view point of the industry investigate inside the area, strong provisions in year one, constantly growing inside the year two. To accomplish these destinations, BOB will use antagonistic publicizing errands to abuse BOB contenders’ inadequacies. With extraordinary cost control, BOB will see a humble, yet pleasing, net advantage the essential year, even in the situation of moving to a new place with rent and making use of more specialists.


BOB objectives are separatedinto primary and secondary goals. BOB primary objective is to getting profit in the first year. Secondary objectives are one of the top 10 computer installation and maintenance services in Myanmar and reduce marketing cost to the lowest rate in the 4th quarter.

Measurement of BOB’s growth


We will probably set the right standard for on area PC game plans inside speedy, on area organization and response. Weave clients will reliably build one-on-one individual thought at a to a great degree sensible cost. Weave clients will get the fascinating idea of customer advantage open. Bob agents will keep up broad setting up, an uncommon workplace, sensible pay and favorable circumstances, and helpers to use their right comprehension to deal with customers’ issues.


The aim is “To become largest computer installation and maintenance services in Myanmar”.

7).Products & Services

BOB provides retail services in the form of full sized PC’s, repairments required, professional services and network cables. BOB will market to the Yangon’s small, medium and large businesses. BOB will be selling its products to the Yangon’s small, medium and large enterprises. BOB will get authorised partnership license from supplier’s companies like Lenovo, Dell, Asus, Acer and so forth.



BOB offer repair service of PC software and hardware, replacement, hardware upgrade, software upgrade and so forth. In early of business entry, BOB can only operate services in downtown area and expand repair services regionally in Yangon. BOB also provide customers memberships. These will benefit to customers because membership provide low-cost maintaining by premium. Membership are not only for existing of customers but also for new customers who met the packages.



BOB provide the best quality and lower price products our clients business. BOB will offer like installation services like restaurant order management, retail cashier, inventory management, delivery & logistics management and so forth with thin five years. BOB will also expand services in Mandalay, Taunggyi, Mawlamyine, and every major city of Myanmar with thinten years.


Myanmar lacks a brand enlistment act and there is no trademark enrollment office that exists there. Because of the prevalence of the scenario the assurance of trademarks isn’t yet accessible in Myanmar. In this manner, the advantages of setting up match cases to responsibility for mark dictated by the standards of precedent-based law. The enrollment of a brand is a significant factor for deciding the date from which a gathering had anticipated that would guarantee the imprints as his own. Then again, an assurance between two contenders who are each craving of embracing an objective which is interesting is altogether an issue of who enters into the market before any other firm. The present condition existing in Myanmar regarding this issue is:

  1. registration of the brand ownership with the Register of Deeds and Assurances;
  2. The issue of a Caution Notice in the local newspapers, which is possible to be oublished prior to the expiry of the system in three years;
  • The Renewal of Registration as well as the  re-publication after every three years.

BOB’s objectives

Trademark Act and Regulations for Myanmar

In Myanmar, enlistment of trademarks/benefit marks goes with the Registration Act Direction No.13 of the Inspector General of Registration which expressly gives that, BOB trademarks may enlist under segment 18 (f) of the Registration Act. Weave trademarks/benefit imprints can record as words, pictures, gadgets or logos in any shading or any blend of hues, with the Office of the Registrar of Deeds and Assurances utilizing an “Affirmation of Ownership of Trademark” for the sake of an individual or business association. To enlist a trademark application in Myanmar, a Statement of Ownership of Trademark, Power of Attorney and ten individual prints of the stamp are vital. A Declaration of Ownership of Trademark can petition for just a single trademark. An example of the objective is to be fastened or reflected consequently, both of products or administrations, yet without impediment to the number or class secured. To go for enlistment, frames must document inside four months from the date of satisfying of the Declaration as indicated by the Registration Act, segment 23.

It offers secure assurance for the check. Enrollment is stood to present an activity against an outsider which has gone off comparative products bearing the culpable stamp and misdirecting people in general. Moreover, the record gives an evidential incentive if there should arise an occurrence of a legitimate question. After enrollment, there for the most part takes after distribution of a Trademark Cautionary Notice in the neighborhood daily papers, ideally for worldwide stamps in English-dialect diaries, for example, the Government-possessed The New Light of Myanmar and Myanmar Times which is a private joint wander. Before-said, an assertion would contain the name or an individual and particulars of the trademark, the name and address of BOB, the products or administrations included and a short cautioning against encroachment of the check. The Cautionary Notice additionally assumes a huge part if there should arise an occurrence of trademark struggle. It is neither necessary nor stipulated by any law, however it is a built up training in Myanmar. Nonetheless, it is additionally an acknowledged practice to make known to general society the responsibility for trademark. The Cautionary Notice expects to raise open mindfulness and caution any potential infringer. Production of a Cautionary Notice generally rehashed like clockwork. Furthermore, such a discharge has a constrained exchange publicizing and business esteem. In Myanmar, there is no necessity in the Registration Act for the legitimacy or reestablishment periods. In this manner enlistment once made it is until the end of time. In spite of, in the event of any kind of alterations in the proprietor’s name, gadget, address or products/administrations met in the enlisted assertion, it ought to be re-enrolled. All things considered, BOB can keep up the most punctual enrollment date of the stamp over after enlistment dates. For example, the greater part of the IP proprietors reestablish the enlistment of their trademarks/benefit checks once at regular intervals albeit any law does not declare recharging of enrollment. Restoration of affirmation like clockwork demonstrates the duration of earlier possession rights. If there should be an occurrence of current prosecution utilization of the enrolled trademark is one of the primary actualities the Court considers ordinarily into confirm in its choice.

BOB’s products and services



BOB main competition includes Technoland who is located downtown of Yangon. Their selection is exclusive and considerable. Listing of price and advertising techniques is updating. Technoland strategies offer best prices along with a large variety of monitors, computer hardware, mobiles phone and accessories. Others part of the personal computer and IT accessories.

BOB another competitor is KMD, which also located in downtown of Yangon. KMD is also a significant computer store. Though they offer laptop, desktop, mobile phones and other IT accessories. BOB indirect competitor is Unique, who is selling MacBook, mobiles phones and other IT accessories.

Competitive Edge  

BOB offers the following services to clients.   

  • Quality Service. BOB provides its clients with the most kind and personalized state of the art services
  • Quality Products. BOB proposes best-notch used computer appliances that make the work of the customers simplified and user friendly.
  • Competitive rates. BOB presents cheap prices for its clients because it has weak-cost facts.    

Hardworking and dedicated workers will assist in BOB overall benefit. By forming a business based on sustained-standing connections with happy clients, BOB will together develop protection against future competition. The spread the link reaches; the new BOB accommodates its clients know what they give them and why they require it.


SWOT analysis is one of business analysis’ most essential tools. Through looking at the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a business, it can be quite easy to gain asignificant outlook on their strategy, and how well it is bound to work. The following table show BOB SWOT Analysis:


1. Professional and well-trained worker

2. Follow-up BOB customers services

3. Variety of products packages

4. Office location is in downtown

5. Membership low-costmaintenance services

6. Quick and light installation in the downtown area


1. Hard to access outside of Yangon metro area

2. Competitive location office

3. Hard to expand nation widely

4. New technology advancement


1. Government is a grant to computers and IT development

2. Market share is vast

3. Expansion chances in near cities


1. Global brand companies also servicing their products

2. The exchange rate can damage business

3. New technology for information technology


BOB current market is nearby and incorporates the whole populace of individuals in the Yangon zone and in addition the entire Yangon district, which need moderate innovation gear, embellishments and repair administrations. On the off chance that the BOB can productively strike the objective market section of people needing their administrations and give them with the quality and accommodations that are most compelling to clients, riches should build yearly as is anticipated. Sway does not have any regularity that influences it. By and large, BOB has the administrations and polished skill important to flourish inside its market. By conveying fantastic client benefit, contributing quality items and in addition establishment administrations, BOB potential is incredible.


BOB target market tactics based on growing a target for businesses who are seeking to buy Personal Computers, PC hardware, accessories; as well as those in demand of set-up and maintenance services. BOB marketing plan based on outstanding accomplishment in the following areas:   


Top-notch products

Quality repair services

Excellent customer service

Knowledgeable and professional staff

Excellent customer service

Clients within the computer hardware and technology industry top products, outstanding client service and affordability. BOB clients will acknowledge the excellent service and products that the BOB proposes, also the trained and skilled staff. Although these clients will ought the opportunity to receive products elsewhere, clients will rely on BOB to carry the commitment and dependability that client aspire


BOB target market segments contain clients within the computer hardware and technology industry. BOB understands that content clients support the BOB by suggesting its business to different clients who require BO services. BOB abilities and capabilities will provide BOB to effectively emulate and grow on to its status in its field.  Hence, securing funding as well as promoting a sales strategy will enhance the BOB profitability and support them in developing the solid client base.  BOB will appropriate the following selling composition to enter its target market:

  • yellow pages
  • online listings
  • trade directory/ trade shows
  • Gather as much demographic data as likely on potential area service
  • BOB will utilise the techniques below to enter its target market:   
  • Users to help management in performing both critical and long-term strategies for leading out to this market segment.
  • Construct a modern website that expresses the benefits of choosing BOB and its services.
  • Express and adopt enhancements and improvements to the selling strategies
  • Management must retain in remembrance that making the extents aware of BOB is considerably more complicated and costly than operating with a client base. The administration must take appropriate responsibility in making sure marketing money carefully used since funds are insufficient.

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