Big Data Challenges In IoT And Cloud: An Analysis
1. Analysis of the task
Big data is an advanced information technology that provides a platform to analyse and control a large amount of data. Today, most organizations used this approach to handle consumer’s data or information because it has the ability to maintain both unstructured and structured data (Antonopoulos, & Gillam, 2010). The main aim of this paper is to analyse the important perception of big data and challenges or issues faced by big data in the cloud and IoT.
We have chosen “big data challenges in IoT and cloud” topic for this report and it will divide into main four sections such as analysis the task, literature review, introduce the problem or challenges and final report.
Problem statement: Discuss the issues and challenges faced by big data technology in IoT and cloud computing.
The title of this journal paper is Integration of IOT, Cloud and Big Data that was written by suchetha kumara and H.S. guruprasad. The main goal of this paper is to comprehend the idea of big data in IoT and cloud with their challenges. In which the author describes the overview of modern technologies used in cloud and IoT and security challenges faced by big data approach in IoT and cloud. According to the author, Iot is defined as a technique which is used to control and manage computer devices and mobile networks from any location. The main problem faced by this technology is security due to which many cyber-attacks occur such as ransom ware, DDOS attack and malware attack. To avoid such kind of issues researcher identify new approaches, for example, firewall, encryption and many more but the main drawback of this article is that the author did not provide a proper explanation of cyber-severity threats.
This article was written by four researchers such as Chaowei Yang, Qunying Huang, Zhenlong Li, and Kai Liu. According to author big data is an advanced technology that changed the way of data analysis and it also increases the decision making the process by which business industries can enhance their efficiency. The key aim of this paper is to describe innovation occasions and threats faced by big data technique and cloud. In this modern generation, big data faced different types of challenges, for example, storing data, process huge data, and transportation issues and data analyst problem. This journal article reviews the main 2 boundaries such as big data process and cloud and also analysis the benefit and drawbacks of these technologies with their security threats.
Annotated bibliography
The title of this journal paper is A SURVEY ON IoT PERFORMANCES IN BIG DATA that is completely based on security issues faced by IoT and big data. This paper was provided by Praveen Kumar, santhosh Kumar, gowdhaman and Syed shajahaan and the main importance of this journal is to evaluate the performance of IoT in large data. The IoT is distinct as a computer system that interconnects two or more peripheral devices by using internet connectivity and it plays a vital part in big data but it associated with some security issues like cyber-crimes and data breach. In which the author conducted a survey to gather relevant information about the research topic and also discussed the big data problems in Iot and cloud based technique.
The title of this paper is a education of big data analytics in the cloud technology with a safety viewpoint that was written by bhanu Sridhar and A. koushik. The main aim of this article is to enquiry the big data approach and the importance of cloud in big data method. According to M. bhanu big data is one of the best approaches that have the ability to analysis both unstructured and structured data. The main advantage of this technology is that small and large business can handle any kind of data and cloud computing is used to store these data sets. This paper provides a summary of big data and cloud innovation with their challenges and limitations but the main disadvantage of this journal is that the investigator did not explain the mitigation process to handle their problems.
This article was written by neha mathur and Rajesh purohit and it is completely based on issues and threats faced by large data technology in Iot and cloud. According to the author, big data is defined as a trend that includes different kinds of data sets and many organizations are using this approach to analysis consumer’s data. The chief purpose of this article is to define the importance of big data process and security related issues and challenges faced by this technology. To stock, analysis and process the huge quantity data people can adopt cloud-based services and big data is unimaginable without cloud computing. There are many advantages of this article, for example, the author described big data in detail, also evaluated key factors that increase security-threats and they used both quantitative and qualitative method to gather relevant data. According to a researcher there are various kinds of issues occur in this technology, for example, storage issues, data transportation problems, data management issues, processing issue and security-related issues which are described in this paper.
Integration of IOT, Cloud and Big Data
The title of this research paper is the issues of the IoT and Big Data Integration which is based on the internet of thing and big data approach. It was developed by many writers like Zainab Alansari1, Nor Badrul Anuar, Amirrudin Kamsin, Safeeullah Soomro, Mohammad Riyaz Belgaum, Mahdi H. Miraz, and Jawdat Alshaer. According to this paper, the IoT is an appropriate process that connects two or more physical devices with each other by using the internet connection and it uses wireless networks to transfer data from one person to another. Big data use this approach to handle user’s data and put it into a computer system by which organization can easily analysis these data sets. Analysis of large data by using IoT is a very common process which is used by many government communities but they also faced the issue of security and privacy. In this article, the author used the qualitative method to analysis the concept of giant data and provides the compensations of IoT based on big data.
The title of this article is SECURITY ISSUES OF BIG DATA IN IOT BASED APPLICATIONS that was introduced by subrahmanya sarma and M. Raghupathi. Today more of consumers use computer devices and internet to share data or information and IoT using the cloud is a new approach in which information are transferred through the internet. Due to increment in electronics and communication technology the use of social media, emails and transportation services are also growing very fast for which users required big data technique to handle huge data. The main detached of this investigation paper is to describe the security related issues of big facts in IoT based applications. In which author used both qualitative and quantitative research method to collect the data or information and they also explained limitation of big data.
This article was published by two writers such as Nasser thabet and tariq Rahim soomro that provided their views on the topic of big data. The author identified that big data is the latest technology which is used by an organization to control data sets but it is very difficult to manage and process the huge data by current software that is a big problem. The main goal of this journal is to discuss the different types of challenges faced by big data and mitigation gears to control such issues. Researcher evaluated the data challenges into main three categorized for example data, management and process issues which are described in this paper. In which the author uses secondary data approach to understand the concept of big data and all information collected from various resources such as previous research, online websites and books. The main problem faced by the researcher is a collection of data due to which readers are not able to understand the main key factors that increase the security related problems. In future, they will address these drawbacks and also identify the security plans by which such kind of challenges can be addressed.
Big Data and cloud computing: innovation opportunities and challenges
This article was written by Zhi-Hua Zhou, Nitesh V. Chawla, Yaochu Jin, and Graham J. Williams and they provided their views in the area of large data. The main goal of this investigation is to analysis the big data opportunities and challenges and prevention methods to avoid these issues from big data technology. Big data is a very popular technology which is growing very quickly and it provides a way to handle data from many consumers which are collected from social media, emails and other sources. Through this investigation, readers can improve their knowledge and they can study the security related issues. It is observed that most individuals use third party applications to store their data due to which the issue of data breach occurs and big data faced such kinds of problems. The main advantage of this paper is that the researcher provided in depth analysis by which readers can easily understand the challenges and issues faced by big data.
The title of this paper is A Survey on Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Open Research Issues and Tools that was published by D.P. acharjya and Kauser ahmed P. According to writer a huge massive data is produced every day from various information systems and Iot and cloud both play a significant role to handle these data. It is very difficult to analysis these data for which a new approach has been developed that is big data and by using this technique organization can manage terabyte data. The main aim of this journal is to explore the potential threats and challenges faced by big data technique in Iot and cloud computing. This paper provides the best way to describe the importance of big data and prevention steps to avoid the issue of cyber-security. The main advantage of this paper is that the researcher uses both quantitative and qualitative methods by which the effectiveness of this investigation has increased. There are main two problem occur in big data for example analysis of data and processing the huge data due to which people can lose their personal data or information. The main drawback of this article is that the authors provided only theoretical information about the research topic and they did not involve any kind of statistical data or graph.
The internet of thing is a kind of technology that connects physical devices with each other by using internet connectivity. This is a very modern technique that can be used for communication purpose and many organization uses this process to control and monitor peripheral devices. Big data is distinct as a data base that handles the huge amount of data and it has the skill to analysis both unstructured and structured data sets (Biswas, & Giaffreda, 2014). There are many authors and researcher that provided their views on this topic and they identified that big data technology faced the issue of analysis and data processing because it is very difficult to collect human data from various resources. Botta, De Donato, Persico, & Pescapé, (2016) identified that security of big data is one of the serious concern in this modern generation due to which consumers and business industries can lose their personal information. Today many users use different types of computer and mobile networks by which the use of information technologies ate growing very fast that also increased cyber-threats and vulnerabilities. According to Bughin, Chui, & Manyika, (2010) without using big data analytic approach the volume of data produced by IoT and cloud can increase the overhead and traffic for any organization. The primary challenge for big data on the internet of thing is to analyse the consumer’s data due to which most of the organization are not able to handle the data comes from various social media sites and emails (Chen, et al., 2015). To avoid such kind of issues Chiang, & Zhang, 2016) has been developed three strategies which are described below:
- Design interface for software and applications that generated before
- Request help from experts that can provide the useable data sets
- Produce statistics with the command of the bodily setting about the commercial
With the help of all these strategies, any organization can solve the issue of data analysis but they require IT specialists that understand the key factors that increase the issue of data processing and data management. Díaz, Martín, & Rubio, (2016) investigated that today the use of internet of thing is growing very rapidly because it provides a platform to connect any physical object to the network and big data use this concept of control the consumer data. In the last few years, information and technology changed the way of communication and many organization uses IoT in big data approach to collect, store, analyse and process users data by using sensors and electronic devices (Fang, et al., 2015). Overseeing huge and quickly increasing volumes of info is a challenging issue. Flexibility has three angles: Hardware Size and Concurrency, and Data Volume data rate is increasing at an exponential rate (Yang, Huang, Li, Liu, & Hu, 2017). The logical preparation of huge info must assistance current and upcoming database. The descriptive control necessities have the volume to practice gradually growing more confusing datasets (Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic, & Palaniswami, 2013). A Dispersed and multipurpose manufacturing need to stock, procedure and divide enormous info. The abnormal state of simultaneousness required and broad parallel processing is expected to deal with information. According to Hashem, et al., (2015) security and privacy, both are also a very serious problem for big data because many consumers use third party application for communication purpose due to which hackers collect their private details and block their all documents and data files. Due to lack of security big data faced many cyber-attacks and data breach problems, for example, denial of services attack, malware, and sniffers. Jiang, et al., (2014) discussed the security related issues faced by big data and IoT and they observed that hackers produce large traffic signals and transfer to the big data networks by which they can easily enter into user’s computing devices. Therefore, to avoid such kind of problem author provide advanced security tools like encryption, firewall, and cryptography by which such kind of issues can be addressed (Lee, & Lee, 2015).
Big data and IoT both are advanced technologies that provide a platform to control and monitor a large number of data sets. Big data has the ability to analyse the structured and unstructured data sets and IoT provides a way to collect data or information from social media, emails and other sources (Perera, Ranjan, Wang, Khan, & Zomaya, 2015). Analysis of data is one of the common challenges occurs in big data due to which users can lose their personal data or information. This section of the research paper will introduce the problem statement in which the challenges and problems faced by big data in IoT and cloud will be discussed. It is observed that data analysis is a very crucial problem for big data because it is very difficult to manage the huge amount of data in a computer network (Ranjan, 2014). There are many problems and challenges occur in big data technologies which are described below:
A study of big data analytics in the cloud with a security perspective
In big data technology, the various kinds of data are generated from many resources such as sensors, IOT, smart devices, social media, emails and many more that may be structured or unstructured. Few levels of heterogeneity prevail in type, semantics, structure, and accessibility of the data due to all these kinds of data sets big data process faced the significant challenges that effect on their performance (Sajid, Abbas, & Saleem, 2016).
It is one of the common problems occurs in big data because it handles the large amount of users data which is control by IoT. In the last few years the modern storage system has been used for storing consumer’s data by structured RDBMS and they are very limited due to which big data approach cannot store more the 1 terabyte data. To store and control the huge data sets s storage architecture is required that can be accessed in a highly efficient manner which is a more costly process due to which big data is suffering from the storage issues.
It would take additional period to transfer the material from an accretion or capacity opinion that it would to actually process it. Current plate innovation limits are about four terabytes per bowl. Thus, 1 Exabyte would need 25,000 circles. Irrespective of whether an Exabyte of info could be touched on a private PC agenda, it cannot exactly connect the authoritative amount of plates (Xiaofeng, & Xiang, 2013).
Information the executives comprises the build-up and volume of data, in addition to its treatment and transportation. Evidence the executive’s shelters numerous info disciplines, counting material warehousing, data mixture, material excellence, gen management, satisfied management, time handling, and file association (Stergiou, Psannis, Kim, & Gupta, 2018). Customary information and new enormous information can vary as far as substance, structure, expected utilizes, and every classification has numerous varieties inside it. Due to this issue, big data technologies cannot manage huge data and many organizations faced this problem.
Speed is a noteworthy interest while controlling an inquiry in large data. In any case; this may cost a considerable measure of time since it can’t navigate all the related information in the entire database in a short time (Sun, Song, Jara, & Bie, 2016). For this situation, the list will be an ideal decision. An attractive arrangement will be the mix of the fitting list for huge information and up and coming pre-processing innovation.
This is a very common issue faced by IoT and big data which is increasing very fast due to the lack of security. Big data deals with different types of data sets and networks for which they used many software and computer devices to handle big data sets and hackers send traffic signals to their wireless networks. There are many security threats occur in big data, for example, sniffer, data breach, ransom ware, and malicious attack (Wolfert, Ge, Verdouw, & Bogaardt, 2017). To avoid such kind of problem information technology produced encryption and firewall techniques that provide a platform to detect the security threats and issues and block unauthentic servers.
Issues and challenges in the convergence of big data, cloud and data science
In the last few years use of electronics devices and equipment are growing very fast and most the consumers use the internet to communicate with another person due to which data management issue also occur. To control and manage consumer’s data information technology developed a new method which is called as big data that can handle any kind of data sets. IoT and cloud computing both technologies are used big data to collect data and store into other peripheral device and big data analysis these data sets as per requirements. This report is completely based on big data issues and challenges in IoT and cloud and it will be categorized into four sections such as annotated bibliography, literature review, problem or challenges and final report. In which both primary and secondary research methods will be used to improve the effectiveness of research and a literature review will be conducted to collect the views of other experts. There are main three issues faced by big data, for example, analysis issue, data management issue and security-related issues that will be discussed in this report.
Security of data is one of the serious problems in this modern generation and use of information and communication technology is growing very fast. Internet of thing refers to a technique that controls and monitors computer and mobile devices and it uses an internet connection to share data or information (Wang, & Ranjan, 2015). Big data is a new approach that handles the large quantity data sets and it uses IoT technology to manage and collect data from various resources such as social media, emails and many more. The main aim of this report is to discuss the large data challenges in cloud and IoT and methods to improve the security of big data. It is observed that lack of security is a very common issue due to which many organizations lost their personal data or information and big data also faced such kind of problem. This report is explaining the concept of big data, IoT and cloud with their advantages and limitation and also evaluating the challenges faced by these technologies (Wang, & Ranjan, 2015).
This research paper is completely based on big data and IoT technology and through this research reader can improve their awareness in the era of information technology. It is estimated that in the year 2017 the use of big data has increased by 30% and most of the organization in the world use this approach to analysis and manage the huge amount of data. The main problem occurs during analysis of data is that it requires more efforts to collect consumers data and classify into different data sets. This report described the threats and problems of big data innovation in cloud computing and IoT and the role of the internet of thing in the area of big data. To avoid the issue of security information technology implemented new approaches, for example, firewall, encryption and cryptography by which people can improve the privacy of their data sets. Consumers should ensure that they use only authentic servers and upgrade security tools on a regular basis by which the issue of analysis and data management can be addressed.
Challenges of the Internet of Things and Big Data Integration
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