Beta University Annual Fund: Fundraising And Donation Management
Entities |
Attributes |
Award |
DonorCircle, DPhoneNumber, PDonorPhone, AmountPaid |
Donor |
DPhoneNumber, DonorName, DonorAddress, Donor Email, Category, YearOfGraduation, PledgingID, EventID, IsPotentialDonor |
PledgingDetails |
PleadgingID, DateOfPledging, AmountPledged, AmountEnclosed, NumberOfPaymets, PaymentMethod, CCN_NUM, CorporationName, CorprationAddress, SpouseName |
Events |
EventID, TypeOfEvent, Organized Date |
VolunteerDetails |
VID, Volunteername, VolunteerAddress, VPhoneNum, VEmail |
ClassCoordinator |
CoordinatorID, CoordinatorName, CordinatorAddress, Email, PhoneNumber, YearOfGraduation |
PhonathonDonor |
PDonorPhone, VID, PDonorName, PDonorAddress, DonorCategory, GraduationYear, LastYearPledge, CurrentPledge |
Table1: Defining Entities and Attributes
Relation In Between |
Relationship Type |
Donor has a relation with PledgingDetails |
One to one relationship |
Donor has a relationship between Award |
One to one relationship |
Award has a relationship with PhonathonDonor |
One to many relationship |
ClassCoordinator has a relationship with Donor |
One to many relationship |
Event has a relationship with Donor |
One to many relationship |
Event has a relationship with VolunteerDetails |
One to many relationship |
Event has a relationship with ClassCoordinator |
One to many relationship |
Figure 1: Showing ERD of BETA UNIVERSITY
Data Dictionary and assumptions
Underline is denotes primary key whereas, italics denotes foreign key
Attribute |
Data type |
type |
Value |
DonorCircle |
varchar |
Not null |
30 |
DPhoneNumber |
int |
Not null |
10 |
PDonorPhone |
int |
Not null |
10 |
AmountPaid |
int |
Not null |
10 |
DPhoneNumber |
int |
Not null |
10 |
DonorName |
varchar |
Not null |
30 |
DonorAddress |
varchar |
Not null |
50 |
Donor Email |
varchar |
30 |
Category |
varchar |
Not null |
30 |
YearOfGraduation |
date as (mm/dd/yyyy) |
PledgingID |
int |
Not null |
10 |
EventID, |
int |
Not null |
10 |
IsPotentialDonor |
varchar as Y or N |
Not null |
1 |
EventID |
int |
Not null |
10 |
TypeOfEvent |
varchar |
Not null |
30 |
Organized Date |
date as (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Not null |
int |
Not null |
10 |
Volunteername |
varchar |
Not null |
30 |
VolunteerAddress |
varchar |
Not null |
50 |
VPhoneNum |
int |
Not null |
10 |
VEmail |
varchar |
30 |
CoordinatorID |
int |
Not null |
10 |
CoordinatorName |
varchar |
Not null |
30 |
CordinatorAddress |
varchar |
Not null |
50 |
varchar |
30 |
PhoneNumber |
int |
Not null |
10 |
YearOfGraduation |
date as (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Not null |
PDonorPhone |
int |
Not null |
10 |
int |
Not null |
10 |
PDonorName |
varchar |
Not null |
30 |
PDonorAddress |
varchar |
Not null |
50 |
DonorCategory |
varchar |
Not null |
15 |
GraduationYear |
date as (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Not null |
LastYearPledge |
int |
10 |
CurrentPledge |
int |
10 |
PleadgingID |
int |
Not null |
10 |
DateOfPledging |
date as (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Not null |
AmountPledged |
int |
Not null |
10 |
AmountEnclosed |
int |
Not null |
10 |
NumberOfPaymets |
int |
Not null |
10 |
PaymentMethod |
varchar |
Not null |
15 |
int |
Not null |
16 |
CorporationName |
varchar |
30 |
CorprationAddress |
varchar |
50 |
SpouseName |
varchar |
30 |
Table 2: Showing Data Dictionary and Data Assumption
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