Best Practices Of HR To Gain Employee Commitment In Context Of IBM In IT Service Industry
Background of the research
Title: Best Practices of HR to Gain Employee Commitment in Context of IBM in IT Service Industry
Background of the research
Employee commitment is considered as the significant tool that sustain the organizations for bringing improvement in their performance along with the attaining the competitive advantages. The concept of employee commitment is different in various organizations at each and every stage of the life of the organization. It is required for the IBM Company to keep focus on the employee commitment for the purpose of attaining the competitive advantages.
It has been found from the study of TJinsite that more than 40% of employees have strong belief that the role of the good bonding between the employee commitment and HR practices is necessary like employee orientation programs (TJinsite, 2012). It is necessary because with the help of the employee commitment, IBM Company would be able to amplify the loyalty of the employees which would be liable for increasing the attention of the employees towards accomplishing the tasks.
The main intend of this research study is to recognize the most excellent practices of HR for the purpose of gaining employee commitment in IBM organization. The research objectives are mentioned below:
- To decisively observe the aspects moving the level of the commitment of the employee to give in the organizational achievement.
- To analyze the best practices related to the gaining employee commitment in IBM Company.
- To evaluate the influence of the best practices of human resource to amplify the commitment of the employee.
- To provide the recommendation so that the issues of employee commitment can be reduced.
The research questions will be mentioned below which would be accomplished in order to attain the research objectives.
- What are the issues that influence the commitment level of employee?
- What are the practices of HR to attain the employee commitment?
- How HR practices can support the organization to increase the level of the employee’ commitment?
There are number of challenges faced by the organization regarding the working life because of amplifying the time pressure and low social bonding which can put adverse effect on the behaviour of the employees. It can be see that the commitment level of employees has increased towards their work. For this purpose, the best practices of HR are required for the management in order to increase the work life of the employee that constantly increases their commitment level within the organization. The role of employee commitment is significant for any kind of business but HR department of IT industry is not up to the level which increases the dissatisfaction among employees in their starting phase of job.
At the present time, it is complicated for the organizations and HR managers to keep hold of employees for the long period because of the competition, along with the providing various kinds of advantages and compensation that is given by the competitors organization to the employee. The role of the best practices of HR in such scene keeps huge importance as it helps employee to be with organization for the long run. The main factors of the research question are the employee commitment, role of the HR in the growth of the organization and to identify the concerns that impact the employee commitment level. These factors are justified as it can support to the IBM Company to develop the commitment level of the employee in the IT service industry.
Research objectives
This chapter seeks to reflect literature review related to the research questions which are addressed with the help of research. The literature review is conducted on the best practices of the HR which are essential to gain the commitment of the employees in related to the IBM organisation that deals in the IT service industry.
According to the Irefin and Mechanic (2014), commitment is the feeling of being loyal and oneness that an employee feels towards the organisation where they perform their work. Employee’s commitment is totally dependent on the experience that an employee has with an organisation with the support of the policies and procedure of the organisation. This reflects that the commitment of the employees gets affected due to different factors. The researcher believes that it is essential to talk about the issues that control the commitment level of employees that affect the performance of IBM organisation in IT service Industry.
Considering the views of Goetsch and Davis (2014), this has been found that employee empowerment is one of the factors that influence the commitment of the personnel within the IBM organisation. In the current era, it is essential to give employee’s a certain level of authority and responsibility. These responsibilities help them to develop skills and knowledge which helps them to contribute in achieving the goals of an organisation. Supporting the view,Choi, Goh, Adam and Tan, (2016), stated that empowerment of the employees work as the transformational leadership which helps them to contribute in accomplishing the goals of IBM organisation. The lack of employee’s empowerment will make the employees search for better opportunities in the market.
Contracting the above views, Armstrong and Taylor (2014) stated that apart from the empowerment of employees there are many other factors that affect the commitment of the employees. One of the emerging factors is the reward system that affects the employees. The reward system includes the different compensation, incentives and many other. The additional benefits to the employees in terms of the rewards will help the employees to stay with the company for the longer period of time because they are able to accomplish their personal as well as the professional needs. This leads to the employees of IBM to remain committed with the company to achieve the long-run success in the IT service industry. Contrasting this, Newman and Sheikh(2012)exhibit that sometimes the rewards in the form of attractive promotion and the compensation seems like the unfair practice that is conducted by the company to enforce their employees to remain committed. The rewards should be offered in such a way that it seems like that the IBM knows the value of their employees due to which they are offering the benefits to the employees.
Research questions
According to the Dhar (2015), this has been found that the level of training and development is one of the emerging factors that are influencing the commitment of employees. The commitment of the employees comes when they will be able to enhance their knowledge and skills for which they need some training and personal development (Fugate, Prussia and Kinicki, 2012). This has been found that training and development will help them in upraising their knowledge through which they can contribute to the decisions of the IBM organisation.
In the current era, the HR of the IBM is adopting different practices through which they can make the employees remain committed to the company. According to the Bratton and Gold (2017), the HR of the company applies the high commitment management model. This model helps the IBM organisation in achieving the high commitment of employees. The model helps the HR in offering the flexible work practices with the effective and improved reward practices which enable the personnel of the company to remain committed. These practices help the HR informing the high trust and commitment of employees with the IBM organisation. This has been found that in the IT service industry there is the presence of the high labour fluctuating market due to which it is difficult for HR to make the employee committed towards IBM.
Agreeing to same, Marchington, Wilkinson, Donnelly and Kynighou (2016), stated that flexible working practice allow the employees of IBM organisation to make their employees committed. The flexible shift time, short working hours and the effective rotation helps the HR of IBM to make the employees remain committed. This commitment of the employees also contributes to the positive and effective performance of the company. This will help the IBM Company to achieve their goals and objectives in the competitive IT service industry.
On the other hand, contrasting this, Ahmad, Iqbal, Javed and Hamad (2014) stated that HR should adopt the practice of selective and sensitive hiring which works effectively for IBM organisation. The selective and sensitive hiring of the employees includes the ways through which the HR can pool the best candidate for their organisation. In which the recruitment and selection are done on the basis of job responsibilities. This practice of the HR will make the employees committed towards the operations of the company and ultimately leads to the effective performance of the IBM in the IT service industry. In addition to this, Hanaysha, (2016), stated that training is also an HR practice which can be adopted by the HR of the IBM organisation that contributes in gaining more commitment from the employees of the company. The training will help the employees to gain the knowledge which will be utilized by the employees to work effectively in the organisation.
Factors affecting employee commitment
It is essential to apply the HR practices as these practices offer the benefit to the employees as well as to the IBM organisation. Albrecht, et al (2015) presented that there is need to bring the changes in the policies of the organisation by HR which include the flexibilities that offer the comfort and meet the goals of the company. This will help the employees to remain committed towards the company and leads to productivity.
According to the Irefin and Mechanic (2014), HR practice can be applied which include the application of the changes in the policies of the HR for hiring and selecting the employees. IBM HR needs to bring the method of selective and sensitive hiring which will help them to bring the employees that can contribute effectively to the productivity of the employees. Agreeing to Bratton and Gold (2017), the author presented that HR is the one who remains responsible for hiring an employee within an organisation. The effective hiring and selection of the employees will help the organisation in less training and development of the activities.
Contrasting this, Armstrong and Taylor (2014) said HR can effectively develop the knowledge and skills of the employees by organizing the training and development programs. These programs need to be related to the Job responsibility of the IBM Company in the IT service Industry. In addition, the HR needs to appoint the trainer who can provide effective training and make the personnel expert in their subject. This is the way through which the employee remains committed to the work and organisation.
Technique for quantitative data in a research proposal
The role of the quantitative approach is effective as it helps in using the post positive claims for enhancing the knowledge that employs techniques of exploring the inquiry such as yield statistical data and experiments and surveys.
Data can be shown in tables, as texts, in graphs and charts. The research should not be put into text if there is no more than two or three numbers (Blumberg, Cooper and Schindler, 2014). Tables are considered as the best way to elaborate the numeric information in an efficient manner, on the other hand the graph or chart is used, and it is genera to involve the table to represent the data from which it was fetched. The quantitative research uses various statistical tables in order to elaborate the information on which the researcher will be able to apply different kinds of techniques within the border of the quantitative data
Techniques for qualitative data in a research proposal
Employee empowerment
Evaluation is refereed as the developed acquisitions and review of information which gives effective answers regarding the objectives. There are various kinds of research evaluation techniques which are taking by the researcher for the purpose of accomplishing the participant orientation technique and scientific experimental technique.
The role of the Scientific experimental research technique in the research is huge which shows that the results are taken by the researcher or not. The systematically observation, experiment and measurements are used by the researcher. This part is effective to protect from the range of the biases of the research.
Qualitative techniques included the opinion of various kinds of authors to focus on the quality of the information. This technique is entirely based on the subjective manner that is why this is considered as the effective approach of the researcher to evaluate the research assessment procedure. Along with that the participants’ orientation technique is the part of this process that involves the opinion of the people in the evaluation procedure (Stanwick and Stanwick, 2015).
The use of summative evaluation is considered for this research as it is based on the involvement of the candidates for the purpose of accomplishing the results. Moreover, the data is collected from the qualitative research evaluation technique (Smith, 2015). This kind of evaluation techniques will be helpful for the researcher to evaluate the data in more efficient manner.
Research methodology is a significant section of the entire research that give huge contribution in the research as it entails the techniques, methods and procedures in order to accomplish the research.
Research Philosophy
Research philosophy develops the sympathetic and information of the researcher regarding the issues of the research. The research philosophy directs the researcher to make out the techniques of information collecting, evaluating and the utilization of the research process. The nature of the research philosophy is divided into three forms such as interpretivism, positivism and realism philosophy (Choy, 2014). The positivism philosophy shows the actual knowledge on the basis of the measurements, which helps the researcher to focus on the actual data basis on the statistical data. The role of the realism philosophy is great in the research paper as it helps in draw the information by taking consideration of the human beliefs. Simultaneously, interpretivism philosophy helps the researcher to bring better understanding regarding the research project by gathering the perceptions of the participants.
The use of interpretivism philosophy will be taken for conducting the research because this would be helpful for the researcher to get access the views and the perceptions of the participants (Mackey and Gass, 2015). It will facilitate the researcher to draw an effective conclusion regarding the effective services of HR to attain the employee commitment.
Research Approach
Reward system
The selection of the research approach keeps huge importance in the research study as it facilitates to justify the opted research methods and designs. With the help of this the researcher would be able to show the data in an appropriate manner. Inductive and deductive are two kinds of research method that aid researchers to rationalize the use of the specific data collection method for projects. Deductive approach is suitable with the positivism philosophy and the compatibility of inductive approach is suitable with the interpretivism philosophy (Matthews and Ross, 2014).
The use of inductive approach is considered for this research because it would help researcher to attain the subjective knowledge regarding the research concern. With the help of this, the researcher would be able to increase the validity as well as reliability of the research results. This approach will enable the researcher to collect the data regarding the effective services of human resource management in IBM Company to empower the employee commitment.
Questions of the research
The following questions will be answered to draw an effective conclusion regarding the proposed topic:
- What are the issues that influence the commitment level of employee?
- What are the practices of HR to attain the employee commitment?
- How HR practices can support the organization to increase the level of the employee’ commitment?
Research Design
The research designs entail three kinds of design such as exploratory, descriptive and casual. The role of the exploratory research design shows the preliminary research by which the researchers can achieve the objectives of the research design to compete the research questions with the help of the hypothesis. The role of the descriptive research design helps researcher to get effective and deep information regarding the proposed topic by elaborating the phenomena (Shaw, 2016).
The combination of both exploratory and descriptive research designs are opted for this research project. With the help of the exploratory research design, researcher would be able to get data regarding the research concern in depth way. On the other hand, by taking help of the descriptive research design the researcher would understand the characteristics of individual as well as group.
Research Strategy
Research strategy is vital process of this research that helps researcher to explore the issue of the research through responding the questions of the research in an appropriate manner. Researcher would gather background information and evaluate the data in order to develop the specific conclusion (Tarone, Gass and Cohen, 2013). There are various research strategies which can be used by the researcher to achieve the aims and objectives of the research.
In this research, the survey will be conducted in which questionnaire will be made to ask questions from the employees of IBM. These questions will be made regarding the employee commitment and the role of HR in it. With the help of this strategy, the researcher would be able to gather the information in less cost and time that would increase the reliability and validity of the research.
Data Collection Method
Training and development
Data collection presents the data in an accurate format from the various kinds of sources to complete the research objectives. The data collection helps researchers to encourage the knowledge regarding the research concerns, which can draw an expected conclusion regarding the research issues (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). There are two source of collecting the data which is primary and secondary. Primary data is being collected in fresh manner which entails the collected data on very first time. The secondary data is gathered by the other researchers to complete the requirements of the research project. The secondary information can be collected through published data (Wilson, 2016).
The research study of “the finest HR practices to expand employee commitment”, both data collection method will be considered by the researcher. The primary data will be helpful for the researcher to make effective interactions with selected people so that their views can be understood. The secondary research will enable researcher to get data from various sources such as articles, journals and books for the purpose of improving the outcomes of the research (Chakrabarti, 2010). Survey through questionnaire will be opted for this research to gather the definite information regarding the best HR practices.
Sampling Strategy
Sampling strategy considers the selection of effective participants for the research study for the purpose of responding the research questionnaire for completing the research. Probability and non-probability sampling strategies are two kinds which facilitate researchers to opt the definite observations from distinct population. Probability sampling strategy is taken in to consideration which is used in the way of random selection of people. This method of sampling gives equal chance to the people to bet selected in the research. Along with that non-probability sampling strategy is the strategy which is opposite from sampling where no-one get equal chance to get selected (Robertson and Barling, 2013).
Probability sampling strategy will be considered for this research proposal in which random sampling method is used to choose the participants for getting response regarding the questionnaire. For this, 50 employees from IT industry will be chosen for the survey through questionnaire.
Ethical consideration
Ethics are considered as the values which decide the decisions about the specific activity. It is the study that entails ethical considerations to present that the each step of the research is being done in well efficient manner. The section of the ethical consideration shows that the research is based on the genuine and honest (Bredeson, 2012). The confidentiality is maintained under this research in order to make sure participants that their data will be protected in an efficient manner (Clifton, 2012).
Data Analysis
The high commitment management model
The role of data analysis facilitates researcher to access the information and the data regarding the subject of the research in a valid and reliable manner. Statistical analysis, content analysis, thematic analysis and conversational analysis are the kinds of data analysis which helps to interpret the data in an effective manner (Flick, 2015). Statistical data analysis method is used for this research in order to meet the aims and objectives. To analyze the data, MS Excel is considered by the researcher to represent the gathered information in the tabular and graphical form. Simultaneously, it facilitates to interpret the meaning behind the answers of participants in a sophisticated manner. This software is appropriate to create effective information regarding the findings and responds of the employee commitment through HR practices.
The action plan is referred as the appropriate understanding of the performance which are required to be noticed in the development of the research. This is helpful in completing the research within timeframe and the action plan is showed in the graphical form to show how much time will be inspired by the researcher in order to complete the research.
S. No. |
Actions were taken in research |
Time duration |
Explanation of the steps |
A |
Planning of the research |
2 week |
According to this step, researcher do planning that entails the road map of the research. |
B |
Implementation of the plans |
1 week |
It is the continuation part of the first step where all plans are put into practice to continue the research ahead. |
C |
Data Collection |
3 weeks |
The data will be collected for analyzing into next level so that it can be evaluated and outcomes can be drawn in an efficient way. Primary and secondary both data will be taking into consideration in collecting the information. |
D |
Data analysis |
2 weeks |
After collecting data, the data will be managed in a systematic manner and after that it will be represented in the graphs and tables. |
E |
Discussion |
1 week |
It is the stage in which negotiations made on the data which is being answered to the questions of the research. |
F |
Conclusion and Recommendation |
2 weeks |
It is the stage where final conclusion regarding the chosen topic will be made. Recommendations will be made to carry out the further implications. |
Record findings
Research Questionnaires
- Gender
- Male [ ]
- Female [ ]
- Experience
- 0 to 1 years [ ]
- 2 to 3 years [ ]
- 4 to 5 years [ ]
- 6 years and above [ ]
- Is flexible working environment encourages you to work in more productive manner towards IBM organization?
- Strongly Agree [ ]
- Agree [ ]
- Neutral [ ]
- Disagree [ ]
- Strongly Disagree [ ]
- Are rewards and compensation practices liable to increase the efficiency of the employees?
- Strongly Agree [ ]
- Agree [ ]
- Neutral [ ]
- Disagree [ ]
- Strongly Disagree [ ]
- Does HR practices of IBM is engaged in the social activities to increase the employee commitment level?
- Strongly Agree [ ]
- Agree [ ]
- Neutral [ ]
- Disagree [ ]
- Strongly Disagree [ ]
The above mentioned questions will be asked by the researcher to the participants. It shows that the survey through questionnaire would be able to gather the information regarding the proposed topic in an efficient manner by which one can get better understanding regarding the requirements.
Methods that will be used under the research
Inductive and deductive are two kinds of research method that aid researchers to rationalize the use of the specific data collection method for projects. Deductive approach is suitable with the positivism philosophy and the compatibility of inductive approach is suitable with the interpretivism philosophy. The use of inductive approach is considered for this research because it would help researcher to attain the subjective knowledge regarding the research concern (Saunders and Lewis, 2012). With the help of this, the researcher would be able to increase the validity as well as reliability of the research results. This approach will enable the researcher to collect the data regarding the effective services of human resource management in IBM Company to empower the employee commitment. The inductive approach will be used which is connected with the quantitative approach.
Excel is suitable method to analyze the data in an effective manner. It is the method which would be helpful for the researcher to collect the data in an effective manner. The below mentioned analysis is the way of describing the data in an efficient manner. The collected data will be analyzed as similar as below mentioned graph. The collected data by the researcher will be calculated in percentage form and the description will be given by the researcher in the research as below mentioned format.
Flexible working practices
According to the above chart it is cleared that the 25 candidates are male and 25 are females in the survey through questionnaire process.
The above mentioned chart shows that the employees in IBM are working for 4-5 years.
The above mentioned chart shows that 20% out of 50 people are strongly agreed with the statement that flexible working environment encourages working in more productive manner towards IBM organization.
The table shows that only 15% people are agreed with the statement of the rewards and compensation practices liable to increase the efficiency of the employees.
It shows that 20% are fully agreed with the statement of the HR practices of IBM is engaged in the social activities to increase the employee commitment level.
The findings will be analyzed by considering the following questions of the study to complete the objectives of the research.
What are the issues that influence the commitment level of employee?
The employee commitment keeps huge importance in the organization but there are many issues which can be affected by the HR to the employee. These issues are reward system, incentives, compensation, flexible working environment and many others. The rewards and recognition program can lead the business into the supreme heights as it encourages employee to work more towards completing the goals (Brink, 2011). The employee of IBM gets rewards and recognition as per their performance but it has been found from the literature review section that this practice can become unfair because it is conducted by the company to enforce their employees to remain committed. The rewards should be offered in such a way that it seems like that the IBM knows the value of their employees due to which they are offering the benefits to the employees.
What are the practices of HR to attain the employee commitment?
There is a high commitment model which will be helpful for the company to attain the objectives within time frame. The model will help in improving the practices of IBM by encouraging the HR to offer the flexible work practices with the effective and improved reward practices which enable the personnel of the company to remain committed. These practices help the HR informing the high trust and commitment of employees with the IBM organisation. It is necessary for the welfare of the employees of IBM to adopt the practices of sensitive hiring which give hidden support to the IBM organization. Along with that the HR should focus on the training process as the training will help the employees to gain the knowledge which will be utilized by the employees to work effectively in the organisation (Enlarge and Iran, 2013).
Selective and sensitive hiring
How HR practices can support the organization to increase the level of the employee’ commitment?
There are various processes which can be applied by the HR of the organization to remove the management issues of IBM. HR practice can be applied which include the application of the changes in the policies of the HR for hiring and selecting the employees. IBM HR needs to bring the method of selective and sensitive hiring which will help them to bring the employees that can contribute effectively to the productivity of the employees (Sani, 2013). Moreover, it is needed by HR to focus on the appointment of the trainer who can give an effective training to the employees and make the personnel expert in their subject. This is the process by which the employee should be committed to the work and company.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that there are number of aspects of the business that are implemented by the company to improve the productivity of the business. This paper has examined the different approaches and features of relevance to address the research questions in an effective manner. The research has divided into five chapters which have given a clear understanding about the chosen topic step by step in which first chapter described introduction, second chapter is described literature review, third chapter is related to the methodology, fourth chapter is related to the data collection method and last chapter is described the format of the research and findings. Various approaches and strategies are discussed under this research paper.
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