Benefits Of Human Resource Development For Organizations: A Case Study Of Primark

Benefits of human resource development for Primark

Human resource development is one of the key aspects to be considered by the contemporary business organizations in gaining competitive advantages (Urbancova 2013). This is important for the business organizations due to the reason that, the current business scenario is much more challenging and competitive for them. Thus, contemporary business organizations are leveraging on the initiation of the human resource development in order to enhance the skill and effectiveness of the employees (Chinomona 2013). Thus, with having the employees with right skills, business organizations will be able to compete effectively in the market.

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However, initiation of the human resource development involves supports from various stakeholders including senior level management and the government. The more holistic with be the support system for the employee development, the more will be the effectiveness of the human resource development policies (Jehanzeb and Bashir 2013). In addition, initiation of the policies of human resource development is not only having benefits for the employees, but also for the society as well. This is due to the reason that, with the help of the human resource development, business organizations will have the advantages of having skilled employees along with the society with having more skilled populations. Thus, it will help in enhancement of the economy as a whole.

This report will discuss about the benefits of the human resource development for the Primark, employees and the society. In addition, the role to be played by the senior level management in supporting the learning process will also be discussed in this report. The role of the government in human resource development will also be discussed.

  • One of the key benefits to be gained by Primark is the adequate availability of the skilled and eligible man power. This is due to the reason that, with the initiation of the human resource development, the man power will be trained and skilled (Purce 2014). Thus, the availability of the talent pool for the Primark will be more and it will be easy for the business organizations to have right people at the right place in the right time.
  • Another advantage for the Primark will be the enhanced productivity. With the help of the human resource development, the average skill sets of the employees will be more along with their productivity (Cherian and Jacob 2013). Thus, the organizational performance will be more and organizational challenges can be dealt effectively.
  • Level of motivation for the employees will also be more with the help of the human resource development. This is due to the reason that, human resource development enables the existing and potential employees to increase their skill set, which will in turn help them to deal with the organizational challenges effectively (Lazaroiu 2015). Thus, more equipped the employees will be in dealing with the organizational challenges, the more will be their level of motivation. Motivated employees in the business organization will increase the organizational productivity and performance.
  • The rate of retention of the employees will also be higher with the help of the human resource development. This is due to the reason that, motivated employees with having proper and adequate opportunities of training and development programs will stay with their organizations (Terera and Ngirande 2014). Thus, Primark will incur less cost in providing training to the new employees along with retaining the competitiveness of the existing employees.
  • One of the key benefits to be gained by the employees from the initiation of the human resource development is the enhancement of their individual skill sets. As earlier discussed, initiation of the human resource development enhance the skill sets of the potential employees (Ellinger and Ellinger 2014). Thus, the employees will be more skilled and will have multiple talents in their workplace. It will help them to deal with multiple tasks in their workplace. Thus, the value of them in the organization will get increased.
  • Employment and career opportunities for the employees will get increased with the help of the human resource development. This is due to the reason that, with the enhanced skills of the employees, the job opportunities will be more for them.
  • The issue with the employees will be less in their workplace due to the initiation of the human resource development. This is due to the reason that, having proper training will help them to deal with the organizational challenges effectively and thus, they will face less issue in their workplace (Grohmann and Kauffeld 2013).
  • The productivity of them will also get increased with the help of the human resource development (Sung and Choi 2014). With having the required skills and training for the certain jobs, employees will be able to perform more effectively due to the initiation of the human resource development.
  • As discussed earlier, society as a whole will also get benefited from the initiation of the human resource development. One of the key benefits will be the social empowerment (Albrecht et al. 2015). This is due to the fact that, initiation of the human resource development will increase the average skill set and eligibility of the job seekers in the society. Thus, initiation of the human resource development will increase the number of skilled population in the society.
  • With the increase in the average skill set and eligibility of the job seekers in the society, the career opportunities will also get increased in the society (Esters and Retallick 2013). Thus, the job opportunities will be more for the entire society, which will in turn enhance the per capita income of the society.
  • Initiation of the human resource development helps in promoting the emergence of innovative thinking in the society. This is due to the reason that, providence of proper training and skill development programs will enable the potential candidates to think out of the box (Volberda, Van Den Bosch and Heij 2013). Thus, the generation of the innovative thinking will get increased in the society. It will lead to the initiation of different startups in the society. The self sufficiency of the society will get increased.
  • Investment will be more in the society if the majority of population is skilled and trained. Thus, with the initiation of the human resource development, majority of the population will be trained and equipped and it will attract more business investment (Wilson 2014). This is due to the reason that, business organizations will get attracted by the adequate number of skilled and equipped potential employees. This will in turn increase the per capita income and the economy of the society.

The earlier sections discussed about the benefits of the human resource development for the society, business organizations and the employees. However, there are various factors that need to be determined effectively in order to have desired benefits from the human resource development. One of the key factors is the determination of the role of the key stakeholders in the human resource development. Thus, the following sections will discuss about the role played by different stakeholders in initiating human resource development and their importance.

  • Senior level management of Primark is being considered as one of the key stakeholders in the initiation of the human resource development due to the reason that, they are the one who will maintain the approach in their organization (Alfes et al. 2013). One of the key roles being played by them is the providence of the training and development programs for their employees. Providence of the training and development programs for the employees helps to equip them according to the market and business requirement.
  • Having the proper learning environment in the organization is important for the human resource development. Thus, it is the responsibility of the senior level management to initiate the effective and proper learning environment in the organization (Alegre and Chiva 2013). The internal environment should be interactive and free flow for the employees in order to promote them to indulge in the learning process.
  • It is also the key responsibility of the senior level management to implement the strategies related to the employee motivation and engagement in the organization. This is due to the reason that, if the employees are motivated and engaged in their workplace, then only they will be interested in participating in the learning process (Anitha 2014). Thus, senior level management should engage the employees in their workplace in order to effectively drive the human resource development program.
  • Senior level management should play the role of guide for their subordinates rather than just be their supervisors. This is due to the reason that, to have the effective process of human resource development in the organization, employees will require guidance from their superiors in due course of their work (Young and Poon 2013). Thus, providence of guidance by the senior level management will help the employees to effectively perform their jobs along with learning from their superiors.
  • Effective leadership is also being one of the key roles being played by the senior level management in the initiation of the human resource development. This is due to the reason that, the more effective will be the leadership roles, the more efficient will be the process of human resource development. Having the transformational leadership will help the employees to get motivated and inspired from their superiors (Braun et al. 2013). Moreover, initiation of the transformational leadership also helps to maintain the proper environment in the organization to initiate human resource development process.
  • Senior level management should also promote the diversity in the workforce. This is due to the reason that, having diversity among the employees will help to generate more and diverse ideas and information in the organization. In addition, having diversified workforce will also enable the employees to gather more information from their colleagues. Thus, the human resource development process will be more effective and fruitful.
  • Apart from the upper level management, government is also a key stakeholder in the process of human resource development. This is due to the reason that, for the empowerment of the society, government should play the role of initiating the human resource development. One of the key roles being played by them is the providence of the infrastructure for the initiation of the learning process. It is the government who will have the capability and resources to provide infrastructure for the entire society (Sodano and Hingley 2013). Thus, the more effective will be the infrastructure, the more effective will be the learning process in the society.
  • It is the responsibility of the government to motivate the business organizations to initiate the process of human resource development for their employees. Government should initiate legislations and regulations to promote the process of human resource development in the organizations.
  • Corporate social responsibilities are one of the key sources of initiating human resource development in the society. Thus, it is responsibility of the government to promote the business organizations to initiate extensive social activities and to cover different skill program for the society.
  • Government itself promotes various skill developments training program for the empowerment of the society. This helps to cover more population at once along with providing training in less cost.


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Thus, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that, initiation of human resource development helps Primark to gain competitive advantages in the market. This is due to the reason that, initiation of the human resource development will enhance the skill set of the employees and thus it will help them to enhance their talent pool. Moreover, it is being discussed in this report that, having the skilled employees enables the business organizations to compete in the market effectively. This report also discussed about the various benefits being gained by business organizations, employees and the society from the initiation of the human resource development. It is being concluded that, initiation of the process of human resource development is having holistic implications on the entire society. The key stakeholders involved in the process of human resource development are also being identified and discussed in this report.

Benefits of human resource development for the employees


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