Benefits Of E-Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Strategies, And Digital Marketing Mix
Customer Value and Relationship
E-marketing has many benefits to a business. It adds customer value. Customer value is when a customer is satisfied with the experience that he or she gets during the process of purchasing a product(Mata & Quesada, 2014). E-marketing ensures customer satisfaction by communicating and ensuring that customers understand the value of products that they are about to purchase. By communicating well to the customers, enlightening on the products being sold for instance their manufacturing process, how best they are used. This increases the relationship with the customers.
It increases profits because it enhances the sale of products that are continuous. This means that no schedule is fixed for the time of working (Tiago & Veríssimo, 2014). The process of marketing products goes on at any time of the day, week as well as throughout the year without any limitation. This implies that the customers are reached at any time especially when they are free or even when they are working. They can access the products with ease at their own convenient time from wherever point they are in without physically visiting the stores that are selling the products. This increases the profits that are made by a firm.
Consumers are embracing making their purchases through the online platforms. Most of the consumers prefer doing their shopping online (Strauss & Frost, 2016). This is because of the advantages that come with shopping online. Some of the advantages of shopping online include privacy. Some customers prefer shopping for some products in private such as lingerie, adult toys or inner wears. With online shopping, they can shop these without fear as they are delivered in their doorstep.
Shopping online is cheap. Most of the online retailers sell their products at a low price. The consumer is able to compare the prices of their products with ease enabling them to shop with online stores that offer their products at low prices (Strauss & Frost, 2016). Products are cheap in online shopping because intermediaries are eliminated implying that no cost is passed on to the next level. Shopping online is also convenient as consumers can buy products at their own convenient time at any time without visiting the stores physically.
All thanks to the introduction of influencer marketing. Since its introduction, it has been successful in receiving the title of the strongest tool in the current digital market environment. This has been impacted by the fact that developers have been working throughout in the development of their various brand names and improving the awareness of their clients’ products. Once all this is enabled, a healthy symbiosis in the consumer market is initiated by the marketing influencers. According to research carried out by e-marketer, about 85% of the marketers apply at least one influencer marketing strategies in their campaigns.
Continuous Sale of Products
How this type of idea works is to a specified concept. It involves the advertising of a product by use of a direct word or by mouth to the specified client either by the use of social media or any other appropriate audience. However, thorough research on the consumer market is essential to be able to accomplish this. The research involves what kind of posts people like to see, when is the appropriate time to post them, what is the most influential social site you can use and much more.
In the growth of the business, influencer making has been significant. Many business owners are into using this type of marketing to their products. This is because on the benefits it offers where one does not necessarily have to be a marketer to do the marketing or monetize their contents. It is easier for one to focus on the growth of their business if all the time and essence is in the management of the business and not in the marketing of their services and products.
E-marketing strategies are the techniques that businesses need so that they can market their products well to the customers. Some of the e-marketing strategies include personal branding, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), conversion optimization, marketing through social media and email marketing(Ryan, 2016). For personal branding, a business can use entrepreneurs who have succeeded. These entrepreneurs will portray a good image for the business which will attract other people to the business. Content marketing can take many forms depending on how the strategy will fulfill a variety of objectives. SEO and conversion optimization helps in creating more traffic to the site of the businesses so they can check their products.
The digital marketing mix is also referred to as marketing mix. This is how a business adapts to price, product, promotion as well as product in the context of digital marketing (Charlesworth, 2014). The 4Ps are actions that organizations can use in promoting their brands. All the 4Ps depend on each other and are like a business plan for an organization. When handled well, they ensure that the business gains success. Digital marketing management is about the development, implementation and management of marketing campaigns that are aimed at promoting a business or its products.
Today, digital marketers are over-relying on social media as a platform for lead generation. They are focusing too much on page inquiries, follower growth and mentions. However, this is a cause for concern given recent trends in social media trends such as Facebook’s recent algorithm overhaul that affected the original reach of business social media pages.
Consumer Behavior in Online Environments
Relying too much on social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook puts your marketing strategy at the mercy of the company’s decisions. Remember these social media platforms make decisions based on their growth strategy and revenue streams.
As such, instead of gaining leads on social media, how about you leverage its influence to drive traffic off it to your website? On your website, you will collect legit leads that you own rights to.
How you can use social media to build your “lists.”
Using social media’s influence, you can effectively increase traffic on your website. The silver lining here is that you will not be controlled by social media platforms decisions on digital marketing. Also, you get to gain more objective leads; these are leads that are interested in your operational niche, meaning they are easier to convert.
The rule of the thump in today’s digital marketing space is to create a sizeable list of prospects and break free from social media bondage. Here’s how you can achieve this;
Your email list is gold! Social media platforms are a great way to start off the initial engagement, but the end game should be landing the prospect on your email list. Here are some strategies to help you achieve this;
Using social media campaigns: The campaigns on social media platforms are an avenue to engage people and drive your marketing narrative. When you start social media campaigns, integrate newsletter subscriptions as the first condition for entry. Requesting for email will boost your mailing list. Whenever individuals take part in your campaigns, give them a sign-up incentive and further information by email ( Doherty, N. F., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. E. ,2016). Ensure that the terms of the campaign state that you intend to use the email in future but they can opt out at will.
Next send out the first email, which is basically a welcome mail requesting your “list” to share your content with their network. After this email, you can expect to see some leads unsubscribing from the list but rest assured the remaining list will be of higher quality.
Using your existing email list, you can kick-start a social media campaign and subsequently grow your email list further. You can start by designing your campaign in such a way that the people already on your mailing list have an advantage over the participants. This will help you solidify their loyalty while affording yourself a chance to nab more leads. If you have an existing list, the participants should have an above average engagement with your brand. As such, using the mailing list helps you save more money that you could otherwise have used on advertising.
Remarketing is a big deal and rightly so; it is highly effective at converting leads into prospects. Facebook lead ads are presently the best performing ad units in the digital marketing space (Chaffey et al., 2014). Facebook launched a new feature recently that allows you to choose from 3 distinct engagement audiences when coming up with a custom audience. Businesses can choose from canvas, lead ad and video.
Charlesworth, A. (2014). Digital marketing: A practical approach. Routledge.
Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F., Mayer, R., & Johnston, K. (2009). Internet marketing: strategy,
implementation and practice. Pearson Education.
Doherty, N. F., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. E. (2016). New perspectives in internet retailing: a review
and strategic critique of the field. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 34(4/5), 411-428.
Mata, F. J., & Quesada, A. (2014). Web 2.0, social networks and e-commerce as marketing
tools. Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research, 9(1), 56-69.
Ryan, D. (2016). Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital
generation. Kogan Page Publishers.
Strauss, J., & Frost, R. D. (2016). E-marketing: Instructor’s Review Copy. Routledge.
Tiago, M. T. P. M. B., & Veríssimo, J. M. C. (2014). Digital marketing and social media: Why
bother?. Business Horizons, 57(6), 703-708. main.pdf