Benefits And Drawbacks Of Partnership Agreements For Management

Partnership agreement in UK: case example

Produce a report for management which outlines:
1. The possible benefits and drawbacks of partnership agreements.
2. Identifies the implications for management, recommends whether or not they should pursue this and advises them on the key requirements for success in practice.

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The primary aim of the report is to recommend the management team of the food production sector to form policies that will increase the flexibility of employees, quality and productivity of the labors. The report includes the benefits and drawbacks of the partnership agreement between the employer and the union. The employability skills and the partnership agreement differ between the western countries and Singapore. The author gives recommendation to the management team specially the human resource department to improve the management skills in order to satisfy the employees and ensure employee flexibility. The report discusses the concept of partnership and how partnership can lead to achieve the required outcome for employee flexibility and productivity performance. It also gives ways as on how the organization can improve the relationship between employee and employer. It also gives long term suggestions on how the management team can improve the effective workplace partnership at workplace (Armstrong and Taylor 2014).

Partnership in the human resource context means the collaboration between the employees and the unions. It also means partnership of workers to form a trade union with particular demand that influences the collective bargaining. The management should be efficient enough to handle the employees demand in order to avoid trade union because partnership of employees often leads to fall in the quality and productivity of the products at the workplace.  Another term often used for partnership is trade union. Partnership of employees in United Kingdom is different from that of Singapore. The main aim is to highlight knowledge and skill framework of the partnership agreement in United Kingdom and how it is different from that in Singapore (Kersley et al. 2013).

KSF in UK means that the knowledge and skills that the employees in UK working in national health services posses should be applied in their work in order maintain the quality service. The policy is applied to all the staff in UK except the senior level managers and professionals and doctors. The main aim of KSF is to improvement the management of employees to give the quality service to its customers. It also aims at supporting the knowledge and skills that individuals or groups in organization should posses to develop a career. East Cheshire trust in UK is a National Health Service (NHS) that provides its services to the citizens of UK. The trust believes that maintaining the work quality and efficiency, it is essential to maintain a good ad healthy relationship between the employer and the employees and the employee to employee as well (Wachsen and Blind 2016). The management team and the staff work in partnership agreement in trust to achieve the common goals and objectives of the organization and for the benefit of all the people attached to the organization. The main key elements of partnership as defined by the trust include an obligation to functioning jointly at all levels in association to convey superior service. It also includes understanding a relationship between employment safety and worker elasticity. The partnership agreement also includes building a relationship within the association that maximizes worker involvement through dependable, healthy and appropriate communication. The main aim is to avoid the issues arising from the miscommunication between the employee and employer (Hague et al. 2015).

Benefits of the partnership agreement in UK

The trust recognizes the names of the trade unions and the staffs that have a formal relationship to the trust so that it ensures that the trade unions have the right to represent their member in the matters of recognition. It also recognizes so that each partner is well informed of the activities of the other partner. Partnership agreement has requires proper planning and implementation and the responsibility of the managers and the employee often vary though they work for with the same aim and for the same objective (Hirono et al. 2016).

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Partnership agreement between the employer and employee helps the organization accomplish the goals and objectives set by the firm. It also helps in delivering the quality service to its customers. It also leads to effective decision making at workplace and also leads to flexibility for better utilization of human resources and capital. It also helps in improving the employee satisfaction that in turn leads to fewer turnovers of the trusted employee and increase in productivity. Since the workers are happy the company can now produce an innovative product that adds value for the company (Johnstone 2016).

The full form of TUC is Trade Union Congress. Its main aim is to promote relationship between the managers and the staff members of the organization to achieve profitability, productivity and reduce staff turnover. The partnership agreement in TUC is known as the partnership works. Partnership work specifies that trade unions is a great help for the association as it helps the trust in solving the problems even before it is specified (TUC 2016).  It has mainly six key principles to describe a meaningful partnership agreement that are as follows:

  • The first principle is to specify a joint commitment for the success and accomplishment of the organizations.
  • The second principle is to specify and ensure that the partnership between unions and the employers recognize each other’s lawful wellbeing and determine the differences in an ambiance of trust.
  • Third principle of TUC is to show a commitment to employment security.
  • The fourth principle is to focus on the quality of working life.
  • The fifth principle of TUC is to show transparency and share information to the people and team concerned.
  • The sixth principle is to ensure that the employers and unions gain for mutual understanding to deliver concrete improvements to the business performance. It also includes ensuring terms and conditions are fulfilled and employee involvement is ensured in an organization (Johnstone and Ackers 2014).

Partnership between employer and employee helps in increasing the profitability and productivity of both the organization and the employee. It also helps the firms build a trust amongst its customers and stakeholders. For the partnership agreement to be effective in nature it is responsible for the employers and employee to communicate well in the organization. The managers and employee has many responsibilities and roles to be fulfilled in order to maintain employee flexibility and productivity and efficiency of employees and workers in an organization. Partnership agreement is the management and collaboration between employee and employee and employer and employee. If the workers and the management team work in collaboration in each other then ethical dilemma and issues do not arise in the workplace that helps the firm maintain quality service and profitability (Sparrow and Cooper 2012). The main role of the managers to ensure that the partnership working works are as follows:

  • Managers should be aware of the importance of good announcement and discussion practice.
  • The responsibility of the manager is also to understand the roles and responsibilities of the managers as communicators.
  • It also includes supporting and motivating the employees who are less spoken in order to improve their ability.  
  • It also involves ensuring that the managers have good professional and leadership skills in order to maintain supportive skills (Delahaye 2015).

TUC principles of Partnership

The main role of the employees is as follows:

  • Employees should also be aware of the importance of good communication.
  • It is essential for the employees to communicate effectively with the managers.
  • The employees should also ensure that they maintain the skills that are required for effective production of goods.
  • The role of the employee is also to support the other members of the organization and work with them as an effective team (Ulrich 2013).

Maintaining partnership work and agreement and ensuring that the workers in an organization are efficient and effective is the responsibility of the human resource management department. The characteristics of HR management is maintaining organizational skill and behavior, multitasking, dealing with the issues that arise at workplace, negotiating with employees and employers, communicating with employees, solving ethical dilemma and maintaining corporate culture. It also focuses on change management and focusing on professionals and other department (Herriot 2013).

Partnership agreement has both benefits and drawbacks that are stated as follows:

Pros and benefits:

The benefits of partnership agreement are as follows:

  • Partnership agreement helps the firm maintain productivity and profitability and also helps the organization maintain the quality service that it provides to its customers. Partnership impacts productivity of both the employees and the organization in two ways. It helps employee and firms earn credit and also helps in acknowledging the differences in the shared interests of both the managers and the employees.
  • Partnership agreement also helps the firm in making decision that keeps and preserves the interests of both the employers and employees (Bratton and Gold 2012).
  • Partnership agreement also helps the organization maintain employee flexibility. Maintaining flexibility at workplace means that being flexible with the leave and working hours and creating a balance between personal life and career. A partnership leads to a co-operative and non-adversarial approach to the employment relationship. Partnership provides positive flexibility and a work-life balance. If an employment flexibility is established it will be a win-win situation for the employees as well as the firms.
  • Flexible working is more than just working from home. It is about working from wherever an individual need to be, whether that is from a café with a patron, a customer’s HQ or during your convert. By making best use of expertise such as audio and video-conferencing, immediate messenger and mobile internet this can be attained while intensification partnership and enhancing a sense of community between colleagues – even if employees are not physically in the same place.
  • Partnership agreement also helps in maintain ethical support and business culture in organization. It also helps in maintain the core value of the organization helping the firm create a unique brand among its competitors.
  • A balance in work life and employer and employee creates a positive environment at work place that helps the firms to create an innovative product as the employee is satisfied working in the organization. A satisfied employee gives hundred percent in its work and thus it helps in innovation (Shields et al. 2015).

The drawback of partnership agreement is as follows:

  • The most important issue that the organization and the trusts face regarding the partnership agreement is disagreement. The most vital drawback of a partnership includes the threat of disagreement or disparity. Both the partners are likely to have diverse ideas on how to operate the trade. However, in order to avoid this it is always advisable that before entering the partnership agreement both the partners that is the management organization as well as the FDAWU should be aware of the measures that might occur in case if disagreement takes place (Di Paola and Pons-Vignon 2013).
  • In case of the acts of the partnership, the partners are exposed to limitless legal responsibility. This means that if the trade completely becomes beholden and bankrupt, the personal possessions of the partners might be exposed to wrap the amount overdue. This can be however covered by forming a limited liability or legal responsibility.
  • Profits are shared equally among the partners who in turn can lead to discrepancy. This is because; in most of the scenario the partners do not get the fair share of the endeavor they put in for running the trade and the management.
  • The stability issue takes place when the frame of mind of a partner changes that is he is no longer interested in continuing with the partnership. However, this might take place due to the occurrence of death, economic failure or retirement and resignation (Storey 2014).

Flexible wage and competitive wage system is an approach where the employees are paid the wages according to the skills, knowledge, and professional development that they hold. The employees with higher professional degree should be paid higher while the employees with lower skills and development are paid lower (Dickens 2015).  The wages of people depend on the qualification that they hold. Increase in competition and globalization also leads to flexible and competitive wage system. The impact of globalization and increased competition and volatile business environment should help the organization need more flexible and competitive wage structure. The wages should depend on the performance of individual (Porter 2015).

The Tripartite Task force on wage restructuring:

The Tripartite work force was formed in the year 2003 that addresses the concerns of wage competitiveness in Singapore.  For this five working groups were set up by the trust that is as follows:

  • A wage model working group and
  • Sectoral working groups that include electronics, hotels, chemicals, and land transport (Wilton 2013).

A recommendation was released in the year 2004 where the main key recommendations were that the salaries of individuals should reflect the job value and it should depend on the nature of job, Learning curve, and level of responsibilities and importance of experience. Companies should also use monthly variable component for increasing the wages in the future. It also helps the firms adjust its cost monthly.  It is essential for the companies to share the relevant information in order to support the flexible wage and employability (Tailby 2012).

Flexible wage system has many advantages and it benefits the economy as a whole and not only employers and employees. Economy becomes more competitive in nature and also promotes high productivity. It also helps in reducing unemployment rate giving the economy new opportunities for the growth. It also helps in motivating employer’s flexibility to adjust the cost and timely wage. Employees also stay motivated because of the reward and recognition award that they get form higher authorities. IT also helps in improving the employability skill and knowledge (Townsend et al. 2014).

Characteristics of partnership

Skill redevelopment program is an approach where the trainees are given an allowance that depends on the number of hours they attend the seminars or training. This is known as absentee payroll. The eligibility criteria for SRP are that the company should be registered in Singapore and trainees must be sponsored by companies. It also requires the trainees to achieve 75 % of the attendance and they are also required to sit for the exam that is required by the course. The primary aim of the program is to redevelop the skills that the students already has through proper training and development by the human resource department of the organization. The other reason to develop the program was to solve the problem of unemployment that was hindering the growth of the economy. The main reason for the unemployment was not lack of job opportunities but it was mismatch in skills and requirements. For this proper training of employees was essential. The primary objective was to solve the problem of structural unemployment ( 2016).

The management team has the responsibility of maintaining a relationship between employees. The management team at organization should be highly efficient and knowledgeable. A good leadership skill produces good employees. Managers should be such that it is able to motivate the employees to accomplish the goals of the company and increase the productivity. Managers should realize the fact that communication is the best formal way to improve efficiency and listen to the grievances of employees. It should not only listen to the grievances and problems but also try to solve them using the leadership and professional skills and knowledge. The implication of management involves that the authority as well as reliability deal with one another. The implication of management will help the organization to grow. So, the organization should pursue this. A successful organization depends on the implication of the management. The implication of management will help the organization to preserve a remarkable focus on the operations (Sanya 2016).


At last it can be concluded that partnership agreement helps the organization grow as well it hinders some growth. Maintain a god relationship at work place with its team mates and the higher authorities not only helps in spreading positivity and also improve and increase the efficiency and productivity of the organization. It is the duty of the human resource department in organizations to maintain employee relationship and work flexibility. Managing employment relationship in organization is essential to create a unique brand name and develop the organization. This also has its influence in the economy and the growth process.

Pros and Cons of partnership agreement

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