Behavior Of Team Members In Implementing Information System Projects

Situation 1: Good

The aim of the report is to discuss about the behavior of the team members assessed while implementing system information project within the organization. It is necessary to implement an information system within the organization ABC Pvt. Ltd. the main reason behind implementing information system within the organization is operational excellence. This improves the efficiency of the operations performed and helps in achieving higher profitability. The report will discuss the behaviors of the employees within the organization. This is important for every team member to work professionally and efficiently to achieve certain goal. However, while working with the team members of the organization ABC Pvt. Ltd. it is found that few members worked very hard for achieving the goal whereas some members lacked in developing good communication among the team members. This has led to failure of the implementation project. Thus it is necessary to understand the difference behavior of the employee and manage them accordingly. Implementation of information system is essential for every organization and thus needs more attention and care. There are several phases in which the information system is being developed, this includes planning, system analysis and requirements, system design, development, integration and testing, implementation and operations and maintenance.

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While developing the implementation project of information system, the project leader played a very crucial role. In this case, the role played by the project leader is taken as the example of a good behavior. He managed the team members very well and also distributed the works according to the expertise (Tushman 2017). This helped in starting the project well, each step was initiated well by the project leader. Apart from this, the project leader also communicated with each team members and discussed the problems faced by them while implementing the system information within the organization. The characteristics possess by the project leader includes:

Excellent leadership quality: the project leader worked with team members and the other stakeholders associated with the project cooperatively to achieve the goals and implement the system information within the organization successfully. The project leader was clear about the objective and gave clear instructions to each team members and with respect to the external influencers, the leader aimed at implementing the project successfully. He worked hard and extra ours to support the team members. Moreover, he was aware and was keeping an eye on every output generated from each phase of implementation.

Knowledgeable: team leader possess to have excellent knowledge about the implementation process. He was aware with each step and the outcomes that are expected for each steps. Moreover, this implementation project was introduced by him, as according to him this will bring profit into the organization. He was aware with the issues associated with technical levels and solved it before the problem affected the working of the employees.

Well planned project: there is a need to plan the project before starting. This is the responsibility of every team members and team leader’s responsibility. However, this role was successfully played by the project leader. He developed a project plan that aims at giving maximum benefits within least budget. Moreover, the project leader appreciated views and changes that can be implemented within the project for better results (Nicholas and Steyn 2017). The external information is also managed by the leader well. The project leader motivated each employee to complete the project within time.

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Situation 2: Bad

Proper communication: for developing a project efficiently it becomes necessary to have a good communication skill and a formal way of delivering the requirements to the team members. For this purpose it becomes necessary to communicate with each team members and stakeholders (Lee and Oh 2014). The project leader of the organization had a good communication skill that influenced the team members to work effectively.

Managing the resources: project leader influenced each employee to work effectively and also managed the resources needed to meet the projects requirement.

According to me, the project leader played an excellent role and also contributed a lot to make this implementation project successful (Laufer et al. 2017). He worked efficiently and effectively to achieve the goal. Moreover, with good communication and frank nature he managed to influence the team members to work efficiently. Apart from all this, he planned the project within the budget and monitored each steps individually. The lesson learnt from the project leader is that it is essential to develop a project efficiently and with maximum efforts. It is the responsibility of each team member to cooperate so that the organization can achieve their goal. In this case the project manager was intensely involved in the project and aimed at successfully completion of the project.

While developing the project, one of the team member’s behavior was found very bad and was not accepted while developing a project. As implementation of an information system is a huge project and needs efficient team members who will work effectively to achieve the goal. Ms. Lisa has a major role in the development team of this project (Ladegard and Gjerde 2014). However, she failed to work efficiently. The way she delivered her work was not accepted by any project leader. However, the project leader kept guiding her so that she can overcome the situation and can work efficiently. She failed to meet the expectations of the project leader, as a part of a development team it is necessary to aware of the responsibilities and work properly as these is the main phase of implementation. Apart from these, she lacks communication skills. The problems faced by her while developing the documents was not addressed by anyone as she failed to communicate with other team members, neither she asked for help from the team leaders. This lead to the situation where she failed to deliver the required outcomes. She failed to communicate and collaborate with other team members too (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017).

While developing the project she never tried to communicate with other team members, as apart from having a formal relation it is necessary to develop a friendly environment among the team members. This would have helped her in gaining confidence while communicating with others. Communication not only helps in solving the problem but also helps in gaining confidence among themselves. However, apart from all these qualities Ms. Lisa has a hardworking nature. She worked hard to deliver the product efficiently however she lacked to deliver the requirements due to communicational barrier. She also avoids to take lead in the project. The project leader thinks that she possess some qualities that will be helpful while discussing the project with the stakeholders. However she avoids taking any responsibility and also tries not to come in a situation where she would be given responsibility to communicate with other stakeholders (He, Baruch and Lin 2014). According to me, each team members should have the confidence to represent themselves in front of other team members and the stakeholders. This are key ways to progress otherwise the growth will be stable and there will be no growth. She failed to take leadership and as a result received performance feedback. This is essential to develop a project in a matter that will challenge the employees and will force them to work in a way that will bring growth for their carriers.

Situation 3: Improvement Plan

It is being observed that in every project development team their lies a person who lacks project management behaviors. In the chosen organization and the case study, Mr. Mac team executive played a role that affected in implementation of the project. The role of a team executive is to manage the organizations operations well and also looks after financial department. Mr. Mac lacked in several areas such as he failed to prepare a proper budget that lead to challenge the financial condition. After a certain phase of implementation, it was observed that the team has already invested the money that was set for completing the whole project (Drake and Ring 2016). Thus, the project stopped at that phase and had to wait until higher management authority gives the permission to proceed. As team executive it is necessary to have good communication skills so that they he can communicate each problem at time. Moreover, the project executive did not took any preventive measures that will help them in maintaining the budget. By conducting meeting he could have easily avoided the situation. But neither he made any effort to inform the project leader neither he involved any management member in this matter.

It is important to finish a project within the given time and within the budget. This is not the only responsibility of the project leader, even the team executive plays a major role. Moreover, he failed to look after the operations and overlooked the technical requirements (Dharmasena and Wijayanayake 2017). This lead to failure of the project or it can be said the project was not able to be completed as there was not sufficient requirements. The reason behind the negligence is that his highly technical skills and this lead him to develop a behavior that was not good for the project. He never tried to communicate with other team members and nor he took any update from them. Moreover, he overlooked the problems faced by the team members while developing the project. There were several problems faced while implementing the information system and also the team members faced difficulty to handle the information (Chavez 2018). It was the responsibility of team executive to manage and sort the way data can be stored and provide a clear instruction. Moreover, this expected that the team executive should have a good control over the project deliverables and on the team members. This also means that the team executive needs to maintain transparency and should always try to handle each situation with calm. But, in this case Mr. Mac lacked this quality too he neither informed any team member about the problems that are being encountered while developing the project but also had a bad behavior and informal way of talking. This behavior lead to serious damages for the organization (Binder 2016). According to me in such cases it is necessary to contact higher authority so that they can change the team executive or permanently terminating such person. This kind of leadership will hamper the project as it did in this case. Implementation of information system is a beneficial aspect thus it was needed to be developed with good team members and also with better management team.


From the above case studies it can be stated it is very much essential for each member associated with the project to work efficiently so that the project goal can be achieved. The project deals with implementing information system within the organization ABC Pvt. Ltd…However, three types of people are being identified associated with the project and has played different role in the development of these project. Three cases were identified where people’s behavior are being described. From the case study it can be said that each member needs to have a supportive nature in order to implement the project successfully. The set of behaviors that are expected to be possessed by each member associated with the project includes respect for every member, should work with dignity, support and promote the activities of team, outlining the benefits of the project, developing a good communication standard, demonstrate a problem solving capability and understanding the requirements of the projects so that desired output can be delivered. However, it is necessary to hire a proper team executive with good and influencing communication skills. Moreover, each team member should look after the project budget and should execute the project accordingly. However, the team leader played a very crucial role that managed to organize a good team. The team leader was the one who effectively worked for the project in order to bring success. However, the project failed to meet the requirements moreover it ran out of budget. Proper planning and proper team management are necessary. Thus, from the cases learnt it indicates that with proper knowledge about project management every team member can successfully complete their project.


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