Bank Of Cancer Research: Saving Lives Through Voluntary Funding

The High Cost of Cancer Research and Voluntary Funding


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Discuss about the Bank of Cancer Research for Clinical Oncology.

Bank of cancer research is an organization which deals with the drilling back of profits got back from bank deposits. In today’s world, international banks have sacrificed their profits to take care of the cancer research. This is because; cancer research is too expensive to be catered by donations which may be donated by well wishers. The donations are therefore not too helpful compared to the profits ploughed back by bank deposits. Since it is a family threat, cancer has threatened the lives of many people, all over the world. Cancer can therefore infect everybody, ranging from children to adults and therefore everybody is being affected by the world’s number owner life-threatening sickness. Doctors have faced challenges in conducting the cancer research, and have therefore found it easy to conduct a thorough research when the research is funded. From the doctor’s opinions, funding of the cancer research has encouraged the research thus giving the doctors a hope of finding a cure for the cancer. The world should therefore be sensitive enough to ensure that the cancer disease ha s been done away with, by making the research a success.

The aim of this report is to investigate the relationship between voluntary funding and cancer Banking. Being a form of business investment, is a form of marketing which has contributed much in the saving sector of banking for the sake of cancer research (Siddiqui, 2009 pg 1714). Different businesses are the key concepts which create contribute towards the research of cancer. However, the contribution towards the bank of cancer research is not narrowed to the richest families only. Anybody willing to join the system is welcome, since cancer does not only infect the wealthy, but also infects the poor and the middle class in the world. Apart from being part and parcel of the bank of cancer research, one can participate in the same through playing other different roles which may contribute towards the same issue of topic.

The bank of cancer research will operate in way that the issue will be important compared to the profits. This means that the aim of the investor will be to enable a successful research on the killer disease, but not on the amount he or she contributes in the bank (Solomon, 2008 pg 10303). The BCR will operate under the principle that one’s contributions today will save a life or two in the future. In addition, an investor will not invest in the bank for self benefit on the profits. He or she will do so from their own will, since it is a voluntary issue. However, everybody in the world looks forward to that particular time when one will be free from the killer diseases, such as cancer. Since no one loves to see a relative suffering, the BCR will save millions of lives in the future, since the scientist have a hope of finding a cure as soon as possible. Contribution towards the BCR therefore plays the role of making the research a success since a successful research cannot take place without being funded sufficiently.

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Joining the Bank of Cancer Research: A Way to Contribute Towards Fighting Cancer

The seriousness of cancer is a worldwide scandal that needs to be addressed even to the little ones who are being born. They need to know more about the killer disease, and the ways of providing a cure towards the same disease. This is because, the bank of cancer research will not stop after this generation ends, it will continue to exist and operate even in the generations to come. Offspring will not continue to fund the same bank since the BCR will be able to raise its own profits.

Families who lost their loved ones as a result of cancer undergo a difficult moment. These patients suffer without a hope of getting better in the future. Even if some of the patients survive, mostly of them die (DeSantis, 2015 pg 1502). Most of the patients are children and thus pre mature death. These children increase the mortality rate of a country, thus lowering the population. No one knows the destiny of these children, and therefore the country and the world at large loses important people who could be of great importance in the future. The BCR will therefore help in saving the lives of these young ones, who suffer without knowledge.

Everyone is better of

Everybody in the society is important, and no one is less important. Therefore everybody was born for a purpose, and should live to fulfill that particular purpose in life. Premature death therefore erodes the dreams of many people, since they never live to achieve their certain purposes in life (Galperin, 2012 pg 4). Some of the people who die have a lot of knowledge which could be of great help in the society. It is therefore important for everybody to take part in the bank of cancer research, since it will secure the lives o many in the future.

The bank of cancer research will therefore cater for the needs of both members and non members, since not everybody can afford to invest in a bank, without   getting interest or drilling back profits (Agar, 2010 pg 4735). People will however come to understand the importance of investing in the BCR, since the future will tell the fortune of the whole world. Everybody will be optimistic since all patients will be taken care of after the invention of the BCR. Children will live to achieve their dreams, and strong men and women will live to serve their purpose in life.

Saving Lives is the Primary Objective of the Bank of Cancer Research

 Old people are still important in life. They are wise enough to foretell the future since they have enough experience (Sullivan, 2010 pg 9940). The BCR will therefore safe this important life, since the population of the aged has been dropping day by day. They have the right to enjoy life and have a peaceful death, but not a death which is triggered by cancer.

Research shows that the largest percentages of people who die as a result of cancer are children. Worldwide, 60% of the total population is children (Rose, 2012 pg 480). 30% of the total population is the youth and the middle aged, who include the adults (Siddiqui, 2009 pg 1714). 10% of the total population is the old age, which is now reducing at a higher rate. The children are also reducing rapidly as a result of death caused by killer diseases such as cancer. These children face a difficult moment, since they lack the ability to endure suffering. Therefore, cancer and other sicknesses claim around 5% of the total percentage of children in the world (Venneri, 2009 pg 120). Only 5% remains but are also at a higher risk of contracting the same diseases in the future. This percentage therefore adds up to the percentage of adults who are infected by cancer. The world counts these patients as dead, since the chances of losing their lives are higher than the chances of living.

Sustainable philanthropy means that, everybody, if explained, is able to understand the importance of BCR (Yu, 2010 pg 5). Everybody can therefore   see the sense of what people have sacrificed their lives for.   For example, investors who opt to invest in BCR know the importance of doing so, and others are learning through what they are doing. They are therefore influencing others who can see the sense of doing so in the present and the future time, so as to see the fruits of their efforts in the future days to come. Sustainable philanthropy therefore insists that people should be taught what to do, instead of spoon feeding them all through their live (Visintin, 2008 pg 1071). The importance of teaching them on the ways of finding their own meals in the future and in the present also is to avoid being depended all through. They must be show that they have the potential of being in depended, thus depending on their knowledge and ability to make a living. This is well associated with the BCR investment. People should be taught on the ways of investing in the BCR so that they can find a way out of saving their lives in the future (Bottomley, 2009 pg 1613). Some people may underrate themselves simply because they have low income or their business give less profit. However, they should compare and contrast the importance of pulling together and pulling apart. While investing the little profit or a certain percentage of what these local people get their local jobs, the same sacrifice can lead to a worldwide help, where these people will never believe whether they were getting such a favor or not (Hahn, 2010 pg 1040). The profit ploughed back k in a business cannot fund the BCR without the help of other people’s contributions. Team work is therefore important in as much as cancer research is concerned. However, funding bank of cancer research does not mean that people will fund it forever. It means that a time will reach where the bank will be able to raise its own profits, thus sustaining itself.

Cancer Research is a Worldwide Scandal That Needs to Be Addressed

Ideas are spread worldwide by sharing. Therefore, the idea of BCR can be made popular by staring with you and me. People have to spread the good news to other people (Spaventi, 2013 pg 419). Cancer is a disease that affects people, and not animals, and people are still the solution towards the same sickness. They should therefore find it easy to tell just two or three people about the BCR.  This may help a lot in the BCR, since well wishers may opt to fund the research up to the end. This is therefore an international call, where one is requested to tell a friend or just somebody about BCR.

 Life is so precious to let it go. However, letting it go does not pain much compared to losing it to a deadly disease, which has taken root as a result of human ignorance. Everybody knows that cancer is a killer disease, and everyone who contracts cancer in the long run cannot live long before they get t their creator (Mohanty, 2008 pg 91). This means that the ultimate goal of cancer is death. Many patients become hopeless once they are diagnosed with cancer. They spend the rest of their lives in fear of death, since they know that their final days are near, and may arrive any time. This people therefore become pessimistic and begin to worry about the live soft e people they are going to live behind. They therefore die a death of regrets, fear of the unknown and the future of the people left behind. When interviewed. Some cancer patients said that they were too afraid of the lives of their children. This is because, that had seen cancer being transmitted from parent to child, more so from mother to child. It is as if cancer has become a genetic disorder, and must be inherited

 However, not all patients or their families can afford to take care of a cancer patient (Haybittle, 2009 pg 1613). They find the palliative care needed too expensive since the drugs are not affordable by everybody. In addition, not all hospitals offer palliative care for the cancer patients, and so a lot of money is needed to visit advanced hospital where the disease will be addressed. However, once patients learn that they are suffering from cancer. They begin to have nightmares since they know that they will definitely die. Others commit suicide before their specific ay of death arrives.

Cancer Affects Everyone and Sustainable Philanthropy is the Key to Finding a Cure

Anybody can be a victim of cancer. People should therefore see the seriousness of the matter, and try to address the same without choosing who to tell. It is therefore the initiative of everybody to spread the gospel of BCR, until it reaches the youngest child, and the wealthiest man and woman at the end (Campos, 2012). Our mouths might be of great help in the future as we stand and say that we contributed towards BCR without investing in that particular bank.

Everything which lands in the ears of a human being must be rated and weighed. People have therefore weighed the issue of the BCR and come up with resolutions. First, some banks have been open to serve the purpose of saving profits for the funding of the BCR (Morrin, 2009). These banks have begun to give huge profits as an example of human being concern and interest. People have therefore started to see the seriousness of the matter, and others have also decided to join the contributions. A time has therefore come to stand together as the world and fight cancer once and for all. Cancer is just a disease like any other, and can be terminated buy getting remedy for curing it.

Team work has contributed to the success of starting and developing the BCR separation has never won and therefore people have chosen to partner in businesses and give their profits, or part of their profits to the BCR (Fujimura, 2007 pg 280). This has inspired other people to take place in the contributions of profits to the same, since they have known that the research will help many people, including their future generations to come. Today, cancer is not choosing whom to be a victim. Everybody young or old is contracting cancer. The BCR is therefore not limited to some groups of people. Everyone with an interest of funding the same is welcome, since everybody will also benefit from the investments.

Future generations will be secure since a cure of cancer will be determined. They will also hear about the contribution made by their fathers or fore fathers towards the termination of the killer disease. They will therefore follow this good example of starting a bank and invest for sake of a research, in case of the occurrence of another killer disease (Watson, 2006). Knowledge is power, and therefore these children will construct a strong base from the foundations laid by us, who are the founders of BCR.

Ideas are Spread Worldwide by Sharing

There will be a resolution for the diseases, which may threaten the lives of human beings in the future. The world will turn into a happy place to live since people will have better ways of dealing with soul seeking diseases

People might be t empted to fund for other super natural organisms, which might be the source of what we are suffering today (Ambrosone, 2006 pg 1576). Therefore, the success of the BCR may temp scientist t take a further step of crossbreeding dangerous animals and human beings, who may turn out to be harmful and dangerous to the lives of human beings. Therefore, there is no way we can limit the knowledge of their scientist, who are still taking advantage of the funds we are investing in the BCR.

Greedy individuals might be forced to start fake groups who might use false was to invest the money in the BCR. As people know, everything with an original make must have a photocopy. Therefore, some people might be tempted, and in this case are most likely to come up with ways of benefitting from the funds secretly


It is therefore the role of everybody to take care of their loved ones in the future, by investing I BCR. This will be the only way to a peaceful future, where children will not lose hope on their ailing parents, but instead have a bright future of staying together as a family. People should however get cautioned since research may lead to other disastrous findings, which may become worse compared to cancer itself.


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Life is Precious, Let’s Save it by Supporting Cancer Research

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