Backup And Disaster Recovery Plan: Data Collection And Analysis
Tasks to be performed this week related to advance in research project
The paper is based on data collection and analysis phase of the research study. It provides the original information that is gathered, stored along with accessed during the course of the research study along with final report on the research findings. The selected data analysis for this study is “Mixed methods data analysis” which means it involves of analyzing data from quantitative and qualitative approaches. The strategy for analyzing the data and timing of its analysis are driven by entire rationale and purpose of the study.
In this week, we are going to do data collection and analysis for gathering information from primary and secondary sources to fill the research gap. Sometimes, there is data loss into the computer server, and then it affects the business which may result into shut down. Backup and disaster recovery plan helps to ensure that those catastrophic events are not destroying the organization. While collecting of data, the researcher learns many advantages of backup and disaster recovery plan to find out the best backup option against the data loss.
Mixed data collection method is used to collect data on selected research topic. The mixed approach is consisted of quantitative and qualitative information. Into the quantitative approach, the data are obtained using online survey of the populations. The recorded data are important to consist of detailed information to reduce the data loss issues in the organization. The researcher collected qualitative information from interview of the participants (Aldrich, 2016). The goal of collecting data is to capture proper research evidence which allows leading formulation of convinces and realistic answers to the research questions. After collection of the data using mixed methods, those are summarized and analyzed to draw the research findings. It is better to summarize the information for identifying the patterns.
The researcher tried to illustrate the data analysis of IT organization’s backup and disaster recovery plan. With help of mixed analysis, the data analysis helps the researcher to perform research process for increasing quality of the information and making of better analysis for the selected research topic. Mair, Ritchie and Walters (2016) pointed that the analyzed data helps to implement of theoretical knowledge into practical application. Hsu, Howitt and Miller (2015) stated that data analysis is involved of complexities along with limitations. The respondents those are considered for the data collection are employees and managers of IT organization such that detailed information are extracted from the research work.
Quantitative analysis: In this section, the data sources are retrieved from the employees of IT organization are considered such that the researcher can understand the influence of backup and disaster recovery plan on the organization to solve data loss issues (Chang, 2015). The total respondents involved into this section are 20 as others are not interested to provide their feedback. Therefore, the employees are sample of the study.
- Is the disaster recovery plan updated on regular basis?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Percentage of response |
Yes |
13 |
20 |
65% |
No |
7 |
20 |
35% |
Findings: From the chart, it is analyzed that the disaster recovery plan is tested on regular basis within the IT organization based on 65% of the respondents. The plan is also tested regularly to update the records of vendor, suppliers, operational requirements, contact details of client and employees. Have a schedule to update the disaster recovery as well as plan of business continuity is important as starting point. All the updates are taken as important piece of the audit evidences. The updating process is broken down into manageable bits.
- Is periodic inventory taken for verification of proper backup files being maintained?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Percentage of response |
Yes |
16 |
20 |
80% |
No |
4 |
20 |
20% |
Collection of data using mixed data analysis
Findings: From the above chart, 80% of the respondent’s response that there is periodic inventory which are taken for verification of proper backup of the files which are also maintained properly. Backup procedures are based on company’s requirements. When it is developed as per organizational requirement, then it is tested, documented and verified. Review of backup and restore process are key requirement to ensure the data security.
- How much time does it take to perform a full restore when the computer fails?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Percentage of response |
24 hours |
1 |
20 |
5% |
12 hours |
4 |
20 |
20% |
8 hours |
5 |
20 |
25% |
5 hours |
10 |
20 |
50% |
Findings: From the above chart, 50% of the respondent’s response that it takes 5 hours to perform a full restore when there is failing of computer as it tries to restore the point before the update. It takes time when more changes are made which is required to restore. The system restore can fix of problems and it does not work.
Qualitative analysis: The data sources are retrieved from qualitative description of the selected research topic as interviewed by the 2 managers of IT organizations across US. This section consists of managers as the sample to know about detailed backup and disaster recovery plan they are using in their organization.
- Does your disaster recovery team have defined roles and responsibilities?
Into disaster recovery plan, the team has defined their roles and responsibilities as the key significant requirement. At the time of defining individual roles, their limit of authority is also considered. There is establishment of communication plan to interact with each other. Have a defined roles and communication plan help to carry out disaster recovery plan easier.
- Do you know about biggest vulnerabilities of your data are?
At the time of implementing disaster recovery plan, there is awareness of the wrong thing and vulnerabilities so that it is easier to plan as possible. Mostly, there are data vulnerabilities in the organization consists of deployment failure, inconsistency into database and leakage of data. The organization takes holistic view of the IT infrastructure based on disaster recovery plan.
- Is your organizational system up-to-date?
The organization consists of up-to-date system which is required to have stronger disaster recovery plan. There is modern backup as well as recovery solution for backup of data to prevent from data loss. Most of the organization consists of new technology like copy data visualization which manage the disaster recovery plan towards next level. Using the new and advanced technology, the risks such as data loss, unforeseen expense, losing of customer’s trust are removed during the planning. Recovery plan minimizes the downtime as well as expenses to make live of the IT team easier and efficient.
Apple: The three local backup services for Apple are allowed to provide greater control as well as flexibility to manage the disaster recovery plan. Time machine of Apple is used in network nodes for backup of data. Mozy is developed into paid service model which backup the services into the cloud over internet. Crashplan is used for unlimited storage for backup the user data.
Amazon: The organization is used of AWS storage solutions for delivering secured and durable storage of their business data. The scalability into their backup system needs on-premises infrastructures. ASW storage gateway is used to backup the data from one location to other for faster recovery.
BestBuy: The organization started store visits for standard operating procedures of their business. They have evacuation plan to set the disasters.
Into this particular study, include and exclude are focused on the research questions. When specific sample of population are taken to conduct the study, include criteria are required to be more proper. Include is used to set the characteristics of the research to identify the research course (Palinkas, 2015). Both include and exclude are selected to rule out the sample population. Include means there is pick up of those files needed to backup using identified file type. Exclude method are used by the user to include set of backup by default. There are no files types are needed into exclude.
Before doing research on the topic, the researcher gains some knowledge from their lecture notes, experiences, peer review journal articles and reading of textbooks. The mixed method approaches help to gather data from qualitative and quantitative approaches using survey and interview methods (Schabenberger & Gotway, 2017).
In the literature review paper, there are improvements into the critical analysis as the paper has lack of critical factors to analyze the selected research topic. Supportive statements are added to the literature review. In research methodology, there are improvements into the data collection methods such as there is addition to in-depth details on selected data collection approaches. Into the research methodology paper, there is missing of research limitations, which are further added. Some of the sections have lack of clarity and lack of logical details which are improved later.
Aldrich, D. P. (2015). Social capital in post disaster recovery: strong networks and communities create a resilient east asian community. In Resilience and Recovery in Asian Disasters(pp. 19-34). Springer, Tokyo.
Chang, V. (2015). Towards a Big Data system disaster recovery in a Private Cloud. Ad Hoc Networks, 35, 65-82.
Hsu, M., Howitt, R., & Miller, F. (2015). Procedural vulnerability and institutional capacity deficits in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction: Insights from Wutai Rukai experiences of Typhoon Morakot. Human Organization, (2015), 308-318.
Mair, J., Ritchie, B. W., & Walters, G. (2016). Towards a research agenda for post-disaster and post-crisis recovery strategies for tourist destinations: A narrative review. Current Issues in Tourism, 19(1), 1-26.
Palinkas, L. A., Horwitz, S. M., Green, C. A., Wisdom, J. P., Duan, N., & Hoagwood, K. (2015). Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(5), 533-544.
Schabenberger, O., & Gotway, C. A. (2017). Statistical methods for spatial data analysis. CRC press.