B2B Business Model In Australia: Deloitte And PwC Case Study

B2B Business Model in Australia

There are three types of business model, namely B2B, B2C and P2P. This report follows the b2b business model. This model stresses on carrying out business with different businesses. This takes place by the interchange of accounting services (Laudon and Traver 2016). It has been found that firms collaborate with each other to interchange services such as accounting, auditing and book keeping. Smaller firms who don’t have the infrastructure to support their own accounting services, can use the services that are provided by accounting service providing firms (Quinn et al. 2018). This type of business is emerging at good rates in the Australian market. Services such as digital marketing, social media marketing, content marketing and mobile marketing are popular in the Australian market (Yu et al. 2016).ervices by taking benefits of services offered by each other business (Reijonen et al. 2015). Since the concept of b2b is booing across the world, various countries including Australia have become considerably reliable on this type of business model. The Australian market has seen the rise of consultation services that are being availed by businesses in the country. The industry has experienced a negligible fall in revenue generation even though the industry is one of the few industries that maintained its position during the period of large scale industrial financial crisis. 

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Deloitte has been using services offered by professional from the global as well as domestic domains. By carrying out this style of operation they have been able to formulate a pool of highly qualified professional who are ready to offer their services such as taxation, consultancy services, risk management and financial counselling. The company has been successful in merging the expertise of the professionals from smaller firms. All the professional associate with the business have their own firms thus this provides the company with additional chances of securing competitive advantage. Both the public and the private firms are catered to by the accounting services that are offered by Deloitte. This type of b2b model provides opportunities to many firms who are engaged to offer their service to the company. On a concluding note it can be said the e-commerce business used by Deloitte is a b2b.

PwC values qualities such as trust and integrity. They have visions to achieve and maintain the same. Along with the above mentioned factor, the also wish to maintain and abide by an ethical code of conduct and attain sustainability while doing the same. It has been opined by the company that the reason behind their success is the fact they have never violated any law and have always paid due attention to the regulation that have been put forward by government bodies. While carrying out the same they have not been seen to compromise on their innovative qualities (PwC 2019). In order to enhance the quality of the service that is provided at pwc, they keep on screening and applying emerging trends into their operations. Through this they indulge and engage with the customer, thus enhancing the level of cooperation that they have with their clients.  The company has established goals to deliver services that offer innovation, accountability and durability in their services and doing the same while providing services to the society. The company also ensures that the provide services that are not back dated. While providing service to its clients, they ensure that they are providing service to the communities (PwC 2019).


The company has started a program known as “Be well, work well” through which the company aims to provide service through which the company wants to offer services that empowers the society. They have ensure that they have services through which they can cater to the needs of people from varying to great degree. They have devised and dedicated services through which they can aid the community on the different problems that they come across in their life (PwC 2019). At PwC it an organizational goal to provide collaborative efforts. They are aware of the same and have recognized the importance of feedback and the diverse range of client needs that they can cater to. Promotion and facilitations of creativity is one of the organizational objectives at the company. The company deliver diverse services that cater to the accounting issues that are faced by organizations in the industry.

Three main goals have been identified in the company. The goals are to provide world class services, to be responsible while carrying out their activities and to encourage diversity. The company has differentiate themselves from other by providing parental leaves to fathers as well as mothers. They have set a new benchmark in diversity by operationalizing the above. Furthermore it has been recognized as one of the rarest activities that are performed in the global scenario. In the operations of the company, a high standard of intercultural diplomacy is maintained through which the company tends to carry out welfare activities of all its members. The company offers and edge to its clients and stakeholders through which they can gain profitability. The clients are also empowered by the technologies and technical competency that is provide by the company (Deloitte Australia 2019).

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The company is engaged with National Community Partnerships. They carry out such partnerships with world renowned organizations such as CanTeen, Many Rivers and Oxfam (Deloitte Australia 2019). By carrying out the above the company’s goals of providing support to organizations involved in social causes are realized. By utilizing their “Pro Bono Program” they aim to empower members of the community who possess various skills.  Deloitte have been also found to supply the community with services such as mentoring that is offered to people, who are considered needy (Deloitte Australia 2019).


URL 1 (Rating 1-5)

URL 2 (Rating 1-5)





The websites of both the companies have been rated similarly. The ratings are considered to be low. It is quite hasty and difficult for an individual to recognize the brand. Even though the name of the organization can be identified through the url, one cannot get a clear conception about their activities and operations.




In the department of tracking, both the websites fared well as both of the websites could be easily identified by providing keywords in the search engines.




It can be seen that both websites performed just above par. However the fact that the website of Deloitte was found to be much more interactive that the website of PwC. It was found out that both the websites did not offer much information regarding the services that they offer. However, the website of Deloitte fared slightly better than PwC in this regard.




 There is availability of a cluster of information in both the websites. However they are not organized in a proper way. It took more than normal time to find a desired piece of information in the websites as a result of the above mentioned problem.




There exists no threats of data loss since both the websites are registered government websites.   




Deloitte is seen to perform better than PwC in terms of the information that is provided to the viewers of the website. The website include information on services that they offer and the provide information regarding inclusion and diversity. Since Deloitte is one of the rare companies to have introduced parental leaves and thus the company has attracted a lot of attention. Such services help the company to gain trust of the community.




There exists no threats to the existence of both the websites. Both the websites are registered websites and are thus maintained by skilled professionals.




Both the websites include a lot of information. However they lack organization. The need of accessibility of the users are not met by either of the websites.




While addressing the cultural needs of the users, Deloitte is seen to perform better than the website of PwC. The visitors of the websites can range from casual visitors to prospective employees. The latter look for cultural aspects in the organization that they are willing to work for. If this factor is highlighted the might want to turn to the company at least once.  Deloitte are found to perform better as they explain their efforts of inter cultural diversity and sustainability in their website much more effectively. Deloitte are a company who work with lot of other companies across the globe. The fact that they are one of the most reputed companies in Australia help them manage their cultural endeavors much more effectively. This makes the company a clear winner.




Yes, all the requisite information can be found in the websites of the company. They are however very un-organized.  




Customization is not allowed or offered by the website.




No personalization is offered to the users. The users can only access un-organized information in huge chunks.




Yes. Both the companies offer a lot of information. They indicate methods of interaction with the members of the channel and methods of getting involved with the company. Deloitte achieve a higher score than PwC as they are fond to provide information about the aforementioned concepts.




It becomes very difficult for a visitor to identify required information from the websites of the companies. As a result of the information clutter in the websites, direct accessibility is hampered.




Websites of both companies offer a lot of information. However lack of organization makes it difficult for the lay man to navigate around and even the most basic information is in forms of clutter.




They websites of both the organizations are fill of information. They are also very easily navigable. It is however difficult to find desired information. Details of the products and services could have been also enumerated much easily.




 The effective ways of integration of the picture, fonts and layouts make the outward appearance of the website appealing. Customers can be engaged to the content and they design of the websites are one of the reasons that visitors come back over and again.  




The initiatives of both the companies are inclined towards intercultural activities. Thus their websites also offer a lot of information regarding the same. Deloitte offers parental leave to fathers and PwC is indulged in activities of inclusion and diversity.




All the features include in the website of the company loads fast. The newsletter are also quickly accessible. Moreover the website loads considerably fast.  




The websites of both the companies can be run through various internet platforms. The websites have smartphone accessibility and are also support a range of browsers such as Mozilla, Safari and Chrome.    




 The websites can be used by both the companies to gain the interest of the investors. Both the websites provide sufficient information to the visitors. Adequacy of information that is provided by the websites of the company are sufficient to sustain the information needs of the investors.



 Either of the websites are registered by the government. The official website of both the company don’t offer delivery services.

PwC and Deloitte are the companies whose websites are being compare in this paper. PwC is one of the most highly reputed consultancy firms of Australia. Deloitte on the other hand is one of the most trusted Australian accounting firms. Both the websites of the companies will be differentiated on the basis of the website contents, the website design and the outer appeal among others.


Deloitte outperforms PwC when compared on the basis of contents. It can be said that both the websites have made considerable efforts in providing contents that are necessary. It is however evident that the website of Deloitte is marginally better than its counterpart. The contents of the website of Deloitte has information regarding the operation that are performed by the professionals within the company’s networks. It was found that the professionals of the website are engaged in providing accounting services to clients throughout the world.

The important tabs are clearly differentiated in the website (Holland and Gutiérrez-Leefmans 2018). The tabs are clearly defined and secured in the header section and in the bottom of the websites. The information provided through these tabs are comprehensive. They are so easily accessible that even people with disabilities can access the website and locate the tabs without any sort of stutter. It has been however opined that the website can be improved. Even though a lot of information is readily available and can be found in the website. However it can be said inflation that is productive is lacked in the websites of both the companies. It has been found that information regarding the products and services offered by the company are not highlighted. It was found that users had to spend more time in the website of Deloitte and the website of PwC has found a considerable edge over that of the former in the field of informing the visitors about the company’s core elements (Möller and Parvinen 2015).

The language that is being used in the contents of the website is easy to understand and reflect upon (Holland and Gutiérrez-Leefmans 2018). It can be stated that disabled users can also access the website with ease as the tabs make navigation an easy task. Other users can easily search the information by using search engines and can look for basic information.

It can also be said that a considerable amount of importance has been paid by both the websites. They have carried out a considerable amount efforts in their websites. They are however found to not follow the traditional style of marketing. Still their tactics are supposedly working well. It has made considerable amends in creating an attractive outlook of the website.

The website of Deloitte mentions a lot about their efforts of maintaining global networks and the initiatives of the company. Through their website the company wishes to convey that their support is with all the people who wish to join them as long they have required accounting knowledge and skills. This can help the company gather a considerable amount of clients across the world (Mohtaramzadeh, Ramayah and Jun-Hwa 2018). Thus it can be said that the efforts of the company is well marketed. PwC on the other hand stress their marketing on the core matter of diversity and inclusion. The company aims to spread information regarding involving diversity in the workplace and the same has been reflected through their website. This is what separates a desirable employer form the others world (Mohtaramzadeh, Ramayah and Jun-Hwa 2018). This will leads to rise of reasons that skilled professional will stick to the company. This forms the basis of employee attraction.


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